

Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poque-

lin de, Fr. dramatist, th. man-
ager, and actor (1712-1763):


"Money" (comedy): 96; 120.
Eng.-Am. actor (1844-1878):
sketch of, 143-147; birth, 143;
first appearance-joins Wal-
lack's company, 144; char-
acter and acting of, consid-
ered, 144-146; a product of
his time, 145; premature
death of, 147.
"Monte-Cristo" (play): 235.
Moore, John, prompter
Daly's: 270.


Moore, Thomas, the poet (1779-
1852): on alleged decadence
of the Stage, 43; 253.
Morant, Fanny, Am. actress:

MORRIS, CLARA (Clara Morrison,

Mrs. Frederick C. Harriott),
Can.-Am. actress and writer
(1848-19-): 228; 239; her
representative performances,
239; her life, character, and
acting, considered, 237-240;

Mortimer, John K., actor (died,
1878): 228.

Morton, Thomas, dramatist
(1764-1838): 84.

Mosenthal, Solomon Hermann
Ritter von, Ger. dramatist:

Moulton, Mrs. Louise Chandler,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

O'Brien, Fitz-James, Irish-Am.
poet, journalist, dramatist,
&c. (cir. 1828-1862): 88; 89;
90; 91; 92; Poems and
Stories of, edited, &c., by
author, 98.

O'Connell, Daniel: 253.
"Old and Young" (farce): 61.
Oldfield, Anne ("Nance"), Eng.
actress (1683-1730): 450.
"Old Heads and Young Hearts"
(comedy): 57.

"Oliver Twist" (play): 120.
"Olivia" (play): 499.

Olympic Theatre, London: 50.
"One Hundred

Years Old"

(play): 134.
O'Neill, James, Irish-Am. actor
(1849-19-): 415.
Osgood, James Ripley, Am.
publisher: 98; 176.

Osgood, Rev. Samuel R.: 257.
"Othello": 151; 153.

"Our American Cousin" (play):
54; 57; 427.

"Ours" (comedy): 84; 346.
Owens, John Edmond, Am.
actor and th. manager (1823-
1886): 415; 428.

Oxberry, William, Eng. actor
and biographer (1784-1824):



Palmer, Albert Marshall, Am.

th. manager (1839-1905): 240.
Palmer's Theatre, N. Y.: 85.
Park Theatre, Abbey's, N. Y.:

Park Theatre, old, N. Y.: 62;

Parker, Louis Napoleon, Eng.
dramatist, poet, musician, &c.
(1852-19-): 356; 395.
Parr, Rev. Dr. Samuel, Eng.
scholar, &c. (1747-1825): an-
ecdote of, and Dr. Porson, 32.

[blocks in formation]

Phelps, Samuel, Eng. actor and
th. manager (1804-1878): 343;
his style and precepts, 345;
413; 414.

"Pickwick" (play): 302.
"Pinafore" (comic opera): 451.
Pincott, Mrs. (Elizabeth Wal-
lack): 77.

Pinero, Sir Arthur Wing, Eng.
dramatist, kt. (cr. 1909),

(1855-19-): 499.

"Pique" (play): 244.
"Pizarro" (play): 118.

Placide, Caroline (Mrs. William
Rufus Blake), Am. actress
(died, 1881): 119.

Placide, Henry, Am. actor
(1799-1870): 44; 128; 136;
431; 415.

Placide, Thomas, Am. actor:
characterization of - and
anecdotes of, and "Jim"
Wallack, 123; quality of, as
an actor-suicide of, 125.
Planché, James Robinson, Eng.
dramatist, th. manager, anti-
quarian, &c. (1796-1880): 50;

"Play" (comedy): 223.
Players, The (club), of N. Y.:
38; founded by Booth, 155.


on E. Terry and Irving, 330;
331; 353.
Harkins, Major Daniel H., Am.
soldier, actor, and th. man-
ager (1835-1902): 227; 228.
Harlem Opera House, N. Y.:


[blocks in formation]

singer: 61; 62; 63; 64.


Heron, Fanny, actress
singer: 61; 62; 63; 64.
Heron, Mrs. Mary, Eng. act-
ress (died, 1736): 60; 61.
Heron, Family, the: 61.
Herbert Byrne, Mrs. Robert
Stoepel), Am. actress (1830- |
1877): benefit for, 47; 48;
sketch of, 59-72; author's last
meeting with, 59; death of,
60; birth of-conflicting
accounts of, 61; Henry
Edwards on first appear-
ance of, 63; under Hamblin's
management-in California-
first marriage, 64; sees "La
Dame aux Camélias," &c.-
acts Camille in N. Y., 65;
second marriage-readings of
"Hiawatha"-acts in London,
66; repertory of, not large,


[blocks in formation]

Hill, Mrs. (Mary Wallack),
Eng. actress: 77.
Hodgkinson, John, Eng.-Am.
actor (1762-1805): 62.
Hoey, Mrs. John, actress: 133.
Holland, George, Sr., Eng.-Am.
actor (1791-1870): 231.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, the
poet, &c. (1809-1894): 255.
Home, Rev. John, dramatist:

Honey, George, Eng. actor
(1822-1880): anecdote of, 23;

Honeymoon," "The (comedy):
67; 120.

Horden, Hildebrand, old Eng.
actor: 43.

Howard Athenæum, Boston: 27.
Howard, Bronson, Am. dram-
atist (1843-1908): 433.

old Scotch actor:

Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward, Am.
novelist, &c. (1819-19-): 67.
Hunchback," "The (comedy):
67; 139; 451; 457.

"Hunted Down" (play): 55.
Hunt, Leigh, Eng. dramatic
critic and poet (1784-1859):


Hutton, Laurence, Am. th.
annalist, journalist, &c.
(1844-1904): 76; 81; 176.


Ibsen, Henrik, Norwegian poet,
"dramatist," and social agi-
tator (1826-1906): 307; 497.

"If I Were King" (play): 425.
Illinois Theatre, Chicago: 426.
Inchbald, Elizabeth, Eng. act-
ress and dramatist (1753-
1821): 97.

Ingersoll, Robert Green, Am.
lawyer, &c. (1833-1899):
prophecy about J. Marlowe,
455, 456.

Inglis, "Tom": 36.
"Ingomar" (play): 452.
Inness, George, Am. painter:

Ireland, Joseph Norton, Am. th.

historian (1817-1898): 49; 62.
Irish Tutor," "The (farce): 62.
Iron Chest," "The (tragedy):


Henry Brodribb), kt., Eng.
actor and th. manager (1838-
1905): 104; acts Hamlet 200
consecutive times, 157; 187;
210; 214; Daly on produc-
tions by, 270; sketch of, 280-
339; basis of his success, 282;
hard struggle of his views
as to life, 283; change of
name legalized childhood
environment-his remarkable
aunt-anecdotes, &c., 284, et
seq.; not educated, 287; first
appearance of his unparal-
leled influence, 288; his
range of characters-best
loved parts, 289; a favorite
quotation of estimate of his
own acting, 290; his estimate
of his Lear-his opinion
of "Cymbeline" and of
"Coriolanus," 292; author's
first meeting with, 294;
princely quality of, 295; his
acting theme of controversy,
296; acts Landry Barbeau,
297; his liking for Bateman
-acts Jingle, 302; his confi-

dence in "The Bells," 303;
success as Mathias, 304; as
an elocutionist-and elocu-
tionary test and demonstra-
tion by, 305, et seq.; nature
of his service to the Stage,
306; effect of his influence as
a manager, 308; his attitude
toward the Stage misrepre-
sented by a clergyman, &c.,
310, et seq.; quoted, regard-
ing Stage, 312; rebukes Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, 313;
accident to, 317; disasters to,
318; dreadful experience of,
319, et seq.; festival in his
honor, 321; author's poetic
tribute to, 322; his marvel-
lous faculty of observation—
and memory, 326; censure of,
by E. Terry and H. Labou-
chere, 327; the same by E. T.,
328, et seq.; not an egotist-
his admiration of others, 329;
offers to play Sir Anthony
Absolute to Jefferson's Acres,
331; forgery about, exposed,
332, et seq.; his Farewell
speech in America delivered
-and how prepared, 334; his
feeling toward the American
People, 335; American tours
by, and gross earnings of,
336; his
reverence for the
Christ spirit-on death of
Yates, 337; on death-esti-
mate of, 338; 355; 356; 357;
403; 414; 430; 431; reason of
his success, 443; as Mephis-
topheles, 445; 465.

Irving, Laurence (SidneyBrod-
ribb) (1871-1914): 270; 439.


James the First, King of Eng-
land: 493; 495.

James, David, Eng. actor and



th. manager (1837-1893): 144;


Mme. Fanny
(Francesca Romana Magda-
lena Janauschek, Mrs. Fred-
erick Pilot), Bohemian-Am.
actress (1834-1904): 67; 228;


"Jeanne d'Arc" (play): 427.
Jefferson, Joseph, the first,
Eng.-Am. actor and th. man-
ager (1774-1832): 28.
Jefferson, Joseph, the third,
Am. actor (Rip Van Win-
kle), (1829-1905): 25; 30;
Warren's comment on his
version of "The Rivals," 33;
36; 37; 38; quality and influ-
ence of, 41; 44; 53; on Laura
Keene, 58; 104; 176; 183;
214; 228; 233; Irving's opin-
ion of his Acres, 330; invited
to produce "The Rivals" in
London, 331; 415; 428; 459.
Jerome, Jerome Klapka, Eng.
dramatist and novelist (1859-
19-): 360.

Jewett, Sara, Am. actress
(1848-1899): 228; 230.
Johannot, Mary: 76.
Johannot, Richard: 76.
"John the Baptist"

427; 458; 461.


Johnson, Dr. Samuel, the critic,
&c. (1709-1784): 475.
Johnstone, John, Irish singing

comedian (1759-1828): 78; 81.
Jones, Henry Arthur, Eng.
dramatist (1851-19-): 85,
356; on standard of theatri-
cal morality, &c., 491; 492;

Jordan, "Mrs." Dora (Doro-

thea Bland), Eng. actress
(1762-1816): 24; 51.
Jordan, George, Eng.-Am. actor
(1831-1874): 53.

"Julius Cæsar": 120; 153; 291.


Keach, Edward, Am. actor:

Kean, Charles John, Eng. actor
and th. manager (1811-1868):
198; 413.

Kean, Mrs. Charles John (Ellen

Tree), Eng. actress (1806-
1880): 202.

Kean, Edmund, Eng. tragedian
(1787-1833): anecdote of, and
his servant, 162; 181; 189;
197; 198; 199; 366.
KEENE, LAURA (Lee [?], Mrs.
John Taylor, Mrs. John
Lutz), Am. actress and th.
manager (1820-1873): sketch
of, 46-59; personal appear-
ance of quality, 46; partici-
pation in benefit for M.
Heron, 47; characteristic let-
ter from, 48; birth of-the-
atrical influence on, 48; first
appearance in America, 51;
career-acts Marco, 52; spirit
of present at assassination
of Lincoln, 54; decline and
death of personal appear-
ance, 55; estimate of-range
of, 56, et seq.; 67.
Kemble, Charles, Eng. actor
(1787-1833): 82; 107.
Kemble, Fanny (Francis Anne
Kemble, Mrs. Pierce But-
ler), Eng. actress, writer,
&c. (1810-1893): Irving on
her reading of "Hamlet,"

Kemble, John Philip, Eng.
actor, th. manager, and dram-
atist (1757-1823): 414.
"Kerry" (play): 428.
Kester, Paul, Am. dramatist:

"King Arthur" (play): 354.
King of the Commons," "The
(play): 117; 120.

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