Aeroplane and Commercial Aviation News, 110. kötet1965 |
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1 - 3 találat összesen 25 találatból.
26. oldal
... flight representation will be added after the basic installation is complete . while the other set will duplicate the airline's Boeing 727s on order . The two training cockpits of each simulator complex can be driven singly or simul ...
... flight representation will be added after the basic installation is complete . while the other set will duplicate the airline's Boeing 727s on order . The two training cockpits of each simulator complex can be driven singly or simul ...
8. oldal
... 727s for internal services and then go for the Boeing 737 as a replacement for the Viscount . Now that the five 727s which formed the initial order have all been delivered , DC - 4s which have been used on internal Skycoach services ...
... 727s for internal services and then go for the Boeing 737 as a replacement for the Viscount . Now that the five 727s which formed the initial order have all been delivered , DC - 4s which have been used on internal Skycoach services ...
33. oldal
Another new Boeing profit - maker ... the new long - body 727-200 ៛ ០០០០០៨០០០០០០០០០០០០០ ... 727s . The standard 727 has proved it- self the most economical and the most profitable airplane now flying short - to ...
Another new Boeing profit - maker ... the new long - body 727-200 ៛ ០០០០០៨០០០០០០០០០០០០០ ... 727s . The standard 727 has proved it- self the most economical and the most profitable airplane now flying short - to ...
VOL 110 | 3 |
Letters Touchdown Wren | 3 |
John Seekings | 3 |
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Aero Aeroflot AEROPLANE AND COMMERCIAL Air Lines Air Traffic Control Air Transport aircraft airline Airport Airways Alitalia American applications Australia BAC One-Eleven BOAC Boeing Boeing 727s Bristol Siddeley Britannia British Eagle British United Airways Caledonian Airways Capt Captain Caravelle cargo carrier cent centre Cessna chairman Channel Airways charter chief Civil Aviation COMMERCIAL AVIATION Committee Convair Convair 440 costs crew electronic engine equipment executive experience FLEET flight flying Formed freight Gatwick Government Hawker Siddeley helicopter IATA IATA's industry instrument International landing licence Limited Lockheed London Lufthansa managing director manufacturers ment miles Ministry of Aviation National navigation One-Eleven Operates domestic passengers Phone pilots president problems production programme Qantas radar radio Rolls-Royce routes runway safety salary scheduled services seats standard take-off technical Telephone tion turboprop vice-president Viscount