
fellow man. His greatness will live forever in the hearts of his countrymen.

I have written these stanzas to his memory:

Many dreams are lost in sleep

Others kept in memory deep

Spur ambition to the fore

To reach heights of history's lore.

E'er working toward this goal

Gleamed from life a leader's role,

Thus he slowly bent his way

Toward the glories of his day.

So he lived and so he died
Harnessed to a greater pride,
Crowned by effort trained and true
To the ethics of the few.

In his greatness none can muse
That he faltered in his views,

For he kept his trust in laws

To protect his Nation's cause.

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Remarks by Representative Jonas

Of North Carolina

Mr. Speaker, of one thing I believe we can all be sure—that if the distinguished person whose memory we honor today and for whom these eulogies are being spoken could be present, he would be very embarrassed.

Of all the great men I have had the privilege of knowing during my nearly 12 years here in the Congress, I do not believe I have had the privilege of knowing a more modest or unassuming man than the late CLARENCE CANNON.

Frequently men who are in position to exert great power and influence become arrogant and dictatorial and begin to develop a sense or a feeling of greatness. In some segments of the press Mr. CANNON was referred to on occasion as being harsh and irascible, but, speaking as one who served under his direction and leadership and who was rather close to him, strange as it may seem, I never found him anything other than gentle, kind, and considerate. He was a man who had strong beliefs and was of an independent mind. To his glory it should be said that he had the courage of his convictions and he never hesitated to give voice to them. With it all I always found him to be fair, considerate, and gentle and kind in his personal relationships with the members of his committee and his relationships with his colleagues on the floor.

The eloquent and comprehensive tributes that have been delivered in his memory today need not be repeated by me. I associate myself with all that has been said about this great man. I rate him in the top group of all of the greats I have known since coming to Congress. In my judgment, when the history of the record of his service is written, he will occupy one of the most prominent places in it. I was taught in my youth that there is virtue in thrift, but I think I had begun to lose some of my faith in that virtue until I came to Con

gress. Then I came under the influence of this towering figure. Of course, I do not speak literally, because he was small of stature, but he was indeed towering of mind. When I heard him on so many occasions implore this committee which he served so effectively as chairman, and implore his colleagues in the House, not to spend money that we do not have for things that we can do without, I was encouraged to renew my own faith in the virtues of thrift and frugality.

If Mr. CANNON will not be remembered for anything else, he will be long remembered for the strong and relentless fight that he made throughout his career here to develop a sense of fiscal responsibility on the part of the leaders of our Government in the executive branch as well as in the legislative branch.

I had occasion just a few days ago for my own purposes to have the clerks of the committee make a compilation of the amount of money by which our committee-that is, the House Committee on Appropriations—has reduced budget requests of three Presidents during the last decade or since I have been a member of the committee. I was amazed to find that this committee, under the leadership of Mr. CANNON, with the exception of 2 years under the leadership of another great chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, Mr. Taber, had reduced budget requests by more than $40 billion. Those budget reductions did not all stand up. Some were increased in this body. And, of course, there is another body which has an equal say on the amount of appropriations. But I think at this point it would not be inappropriate to have the record show that if the budget cuts recommended by our committee during these years had stood up in the final analysis, the national debt of the United States would be about $40 billion less than it is today, and we would not be spending nearly $1 billion a month in carrying charges on the national debt.

One of the greatest contributions that has been made to the financial stability of this country in my generation was made by the man we honor today. I am very proud to have had the honor to serve under his leadership and to have had

the experience of serving with him in what I consider to be one of the most important missions of the House.

Mr. Speaker, I join my colleagues in extending to his bereaved wife and daughters and other members of his family my most sincere and deepest sympathy over their great loss. I can only add that I hope it may be helpful to them to know that this departed statesman had a host of friends who join them in mourning his passing.

Remarks by Representative Ostertag

Of New York

Mr. Speaker, I rise to join in tribute today to our departed chairman of our Appropriations Committee, the honorable gentleman from Missouri, the late CLARENCE CANNON. It was a genuine privilege and a highly rewarding experience to serve under the leadership of Chairman CANNON during my 12 years as a member of the Appropriations Committee. He possessed great spirit, toughness, determination, and keenness; and he also was a principled, dedicated, honest, and kindly man. He was a pillar in the House of Representatives, and the House will not be the same without him.

The chairman was a figure of unusual contrasts. While he was at times sharply critical, he was also generous and kindhearted. I recall with cherished reflection our many warm conversations and the kind and thoughtful letter he wrote to me earlier this year when I announced my intended retirement from Congress. I know, too, of the time and assistance he gave recently to a young college professor from my congressional district who is currently writing a book on our system of appropriations. Chairman CANNON was well known for his knowledge of parliamentary law and his great contributions in this field, but it may not be commonly known that he was a student and authority on the history of Congress and our system of government.

It was widely recognized that the chairman held the firm conviction that there never was an executive budget that could not be cut, and he consistently proved this point year after year. He was known as a man who was tightfisted with the public purse strings; this stemmed from his dedication to fiscal integrity and responsibility. The chairman was greatly disturbed by the folly of the Federal Government spending year after year more money than our revenues produce, and many of us share this concern.

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