
Remarks by Senator Parborough

Of Texas

Mr. President, I thank the Senator from Missouri for yielding to me for a moment of tribute to the late Representative CLARENCE CANNON.

He was a man of great power in the House, who wielded it so modestly and self-effacingly that one had to be told he was chairman of the most powerful committee in the Congress.

He never wore his honors on his sleeve. He never assumed ostentatious airs. He was a very modest man.

I became acquainted with him through the late beloved Speaker Sam Rayburn, during the years that he was alive. I knew CLARENCE CANNON far better then than since, but I never went to an occasion where Sam Rayburn was present that CLARENCE CANNON was not there also. They were close friends. They worked in harmony for many years.

We shall all miss CLARENCE CANNON. The second ranking member of that committee is from my State, Representative George H. Mahon, and he spoke many times how wonderful a chairman CLARECE CANNON was to work with.

Those who worked with him closest will miss him the most. We shall all miss him from the Halls of the Congress of the United States.

Remarks by Senator Allott

Of Colorado

Mr. President, it was never my privilege to know CLARENCE CANNON Socially, or outside the Halls of Congress, but for the past 6 years I had occasion within the field of appropriations to sit with him across the table on many conference committees. So what I say about him I say as the attitude of one legislator toward another.

It would be impossible for anyone to sit at a conference table with a man like CLARENCE CANNON and not be impressed over and over again, not only with the seriousness and acuity of his mind but also with the great integrity and sense of fairness and reasonableness which characterized his every action.

He was also a great adherent to principles. When he felt strongly about a particular question, it was most unlikely that he would yield upon that question. But one would also find that he had behind his own position very strong and logical reasons for the conclusions which he had reached.

Mr. President, as a younger member of that committee, I wish to pay this tribute to him. He was a gentleman. In his activities in this area, he was one of the finest legislators I shall ever meet. The Congress and the Nation, as well as all the citizens, will miss his services and his devotion to our country.

Remarks by Senator Humphrey

Of Minnesota

Mr. President, I shall take only a moment to pay my tribute and respects to the late Representative from Missouri, CLARENCE CANNON, whom we lost today. We have lost a very powerful force and voice in the Halls of Congress.

As I recall, he came to Congress and served for about 60 years, first as an aid to a distinguished Member of the Senate, and then in his own right as a Representative from the State of Missouri.

He has exercised tremendous influence in the development of public policies and, of course, has been a powerful force and voice in governmental appropriations. He was always frugal and responsible, and one who sought to serve the public interest as he saw the public interest.

To the Senators from Missouri and the people of Missouri I extend my heartfelt sympathy and condolences. I know that I speak not only for myself in my capacity, but inasmuch as the majority leader is engrossed with other business, I know I speak also his sentiments.


Clarence Andrew Cannon

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