
Remarks by Senator Talmadge

Of Georgia

Mr. President, I, too, wish to associate myself with the expressions of the distinguished senior Senator from Missouri [Mr. Symington] as well as other Senators, who have expressed their deep regret at the passing of the Honorable CLARENCE CANNON.

Our country has lost an outstanding statesman. Our country has lost a fearless fighter for economy in Government.

He will be sorely missed in the Congress and in the Nation.

Remarks by Senator Young

Of North Dakota

Mr. President, I join in a well-deserved tribute to the late Representative CLARENCE CANNON, who served long, and honorably in the Congress of the United States.

He was one of the most distinguished Members, and the able chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. I do not know of any single Member of Congress who made a greater contribution toward economy in Government than CLARENCE CANNON.

He was one of the closest Members to rural America now serving in Congress. I do not know of any Members of Congress who knew rural America as well as he did, or who was more sympathetic to its problems.

I, too, wish to extend my sympathy to his good wife and very fine family.

Remarks by Senator Javits

Of New York

Mr. President, I served with CLARENCE CANNON in the House for many years and learned to respect and admire him. I wish, on behalf of myself and Mrs. Javits, to extend sincerest condolences to Mrs. Cannon-who my distinguished colleague has described in such beautiful terms-and to the family.

A signal attitude of Representative CANNON, who lived to such a beautiful, ripe age, full of years, full of honors, and full of service, was what I heard described in Israel as a "sabra❞—sometimes a prickly exterior, but always a sweet


I hope that his family will think of him as we think of him, in those terms.

Remarks by Senator Holland
Of Florida

Mr. President, I thank the Senator from Missouri. I wish to join in the expressions of sorrow and of appreciation to the late CLARENCE CANNON.

On two different occasions I had to appear on the platform in rather heated arguments during Democratic conventions when CLARENCE Cannon's advice to the presiding officer was, of course, controlling on very serious questions as to what rules were in effect at the time, and how those rules should be applied.

I found him to be so completely fair and so completely thorough in his understanding of the rules that, in spite of the heated nature of the arguments, everyone who participated came down from the platform giving praise to him for his sense of fairness and for his great knowledge of parliamentary procedure.

Mr. President, I wish to speak on another point, if I may, which is well known to my distinguished friend, the senior Senator from Louisiana [Mr. Ellender].

There was one matter affecting a public project from the State which I represent in part, in which there was serious disagreement between the distinguished late chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the other body and myself, and other members of the Senate Appropriations Committee. We had all felt, when those matters came to a rather heated climax in 1962, that it was quite likely there would be some carrying over of that rough fight into the procedures of the committee in 1963.

I should like to say that not only was there no carrying over of any sense of resentment or hostility, or anything of the kind, either toward me or toward my State, or toward any member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, or the Senate conferees in the field of public works, but on

the contrary we all felt that our distinguished late friend was even more understanding in the conference of last year than had been the case before that time, if such were possible.

I believe he was the essence of fairness and impartiality, and of distinct devotion to duty when it came to trying to save the taxpayers' money.

I am deeply grieved at his passing. Mrs. Holland and I wish to extend our affectionate sympathy to "Miss Ida," for whom we have the greatest affection and esteem.

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