
Remarks by Representative Wharton

Of New York

Mr. Speaker, CLARENCE CANNON's passing brought great sorrow to this Chamber and I doubt that these eulogies will render any less painful the great personal loss which his family knows and must bear. Nonetheless, it is indeed fitting that we pause to reflect on this great American's contributions to the Nation and the Congress.

His vacancy may be dimmed by time, but those who grew to respect and love him for his steadfast integrity will find, as I have, that there is a void in this body. A giant in every measurable way, CLARENCE CANNON was a friend to all who revered sound government. There was no in between.

Whether or not you agreed with him, you had to admire him for his was greatness of the first order. I feel that the finest tribute which we could bestow on his memory would be to adopt his cause of fiscal integrity and sound government in these troubled times. My sympathy likewise goes out to the bereaved wife and daughters.

Remarks by Representative Apres

Of Ohio

Mr. Speaker, the Nation should mourn the passing of CLARENCE CANNON. Every man, woman, and child in the 50 States of this country were his constituents. We, of later generations than the distinguished Member from the State of Missouri, have profited from his early devotion to the establishment of a sound economy.

We could very well say that generations yet unborn were also his constituents for he had as great concern for them as he did for those of us who acted as his contemporaries.

The United States has been blessed with many dedicated individuals. CLARENCE CANNON was in the foremost ranks of these. When you consider his high degree of intelligence, his great sense of historical values, his great courage in the face of great pressures and add these to his dedication, then one can see how fortunate we, as a nation, have been to have had CLARENCE CANNON as a Member of this most important legislative body.

I will leave the listing of his attainments, in the 21 Congresses in which he served, to those Members who were privileged in having served with him over a longer period of time than was my fortune.

The great thoughts that came from the mind of CLARENCE CANNON will perpetutate his name for all time. Future parliamentarians will gain added knowledge from his authoritative writings on that complex subject.

The great example that he set in the House of Representatives will spur many of us on to ever-increasing efforts in guarding our economy.

Yes, we mourn the passing of this great American. We have lost a great leader.

The United States of America gives thanks unto God for having pointed CLARENCE CANNON'S steps toward service in the Congress.

in the

United States Senate

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