
On Tuesday, the 4th inst., the members were occupied in visiting the Art Treasures Exhibition.

as we felt now, that the mental resources of the people of this country required to be developed, and, therefore, On Wednesday, the 5th, upwards of 80 members and they came among us spreading intelligence, and enfriends of the Society left Manchester, at a quarter before couraging us to proceed with all the energy in our power nine o'clock, and proceeded by the Lancashire and York-in promoting the common instruction of the people at shire Railway to Bradford, and thence to Saltaire, where large, and also the superior instruction, by means they were received by Mr. Titus Salt and his son, and of art, of the higher classes of the community. From courteously shown over the whole of their extensive and 1754 to 1857, the career of the Society of Arts had magnificent works. A luncheon was then served in the been one of continuous and uninterrupted applicadining-room adjoining the counting-house of the works. tion to the great and solid interests of the people The party next proceeded to Leeds, where some of the of this country, and it was only doing them an act of jusmembers visited the works of Messrs. Marshall, flax- tice to acknowledge the services they had rendered. spinners, and others went to see the machine works of In 1851 they promoted, most successfully, the Great Mr. Peter Fairbairn. A special train, leaving Leeds at Exhibition, which shone like a beacon through the civilfour o'clock, brought the party back to Manchester. At ised world, and attracted alike the people of Europe, eight o'clock, a soirée was held in the rooms of the Asia, Africa, and America. And the material interests Royal Institution, to which the members and their of Lancashire had not been overlooked by the Society of friends had been invited. The time occupied in the Arts. After the Exhibition of 1851, the Prince Consort above visits and the arrangements on the railway did not suggested, and the Society of Arts adopted the sugges permit an inspection of Messrs. Akroyd's worsted mills. tion, that comments should be given, in the shape of On Thursday, the majority of the members occupied lectures, on the branches of industry that were displayed themselves in visiting the mills, &c., in Manchester in the Exhibition, and that called forth some remarks conand the neighbouring towns. At 8.40 a.m., a train nected with the industry that employed the people of Lanstarted for Rochdale, where the party visited the cashire. The subject of cotton had not been neglected, but Carpet-works of Messrs. Bright and Co., the Flannel- the Society had been the constant friend of the promotion works of Messrs. Kelsall and Kemp, and the spacious of an increased supply. He was glad to see his friend Mr. Cotton-shed of Messrs. Radcliffe and Sons. From Roch- Clegg present, who had done so much to promote the dale one portion proceeded to Oldham, to inspect the growth of cotton in Africa, and he believed that they Machine-shops of Messrs. Platt, Brothers, whilst the other owed Mr. Clegg's presence amongst them to the services portion proceeded to Middleton, and went over the Dye- of the Society of Arts, especially in reference to an inworks and Silk-reeling establishment of Mr. Thos. creased supply of cotton. He hoped that, as this was a parDickins. The party was hospitably entertained by this ticularly practical age in which we were privileged to gentleman. Another train, at 9.45, conveyed a number of live, that the labours of the Society of Arts would be the members to Bolton, for the purpose of visiting the directed to everything that could tend to develop the factory of Messrs. Gardner and Bazley, cotton-spinners, mechanical, moral, social, and mental progress of the in that neighbourhood. Mr. Bazley accompanied the people of this country. The Chairman then alluded to party over his works, and afterwards entertained them at the certificates of merit granted by the Society of Arts, luncheon. The schools in connexion with these mills end expressed a hope that the Society would have the excited much interest. In the evening, Mr. William co-operation of the people of Manchester and of the Fairbairn entertained the Vice-Presidents, members of United Kingdom, in the great objects it had in view, the Council, and the Secretary at dinner. the promotion of the arts, science, and manufactures. The toast having been drunk,

On Friday, the 7th, the Society's Dinner took place at the Art Treasures Exhibition Building. The chair was occupied by Thomas Bazley, Esq., president of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, and he was supported by the Bishop of Manchester; Sir John Richardson, F.R.S.; the Mayors of Salford, Bolton, Stockport, Preston, Oldham, and Ashton; Mr. William Fairbairn, F.R.S.; Mr. Thomas Fairbairn, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Art Treasures Exhibition; Messrs. Joseph Glynn, F.R.S., George F. Wilson, F.R.S.; Rev. Dr. Booth, Chairman of the Council of the Society of Arts, and Mrs. Booth; Messrs. Matthew Marshall, Thomas Winkworth, and Miss Winkworth; Messrs. Roger Fenton, Edmund Potter, Joshua Radcliffe, Alger, R. L. Chance, J. Leighton, F.S.A., S. Sterne (Ashton), D. Chadwick, R. T. Fauntleroy, Thomas Clegg, J. Dillon, J. Vavasour, H. Newall, T. Dickins, P. Palmer, W. B. Simpson, W. Muir, J. Hambleton, John Wilson, Dr. Watts, &c. Grace having been said by the Bishop of Manchester,

The CHAIRMAN proposed "The Queen," which was drunk with the usual honours. He next proposed "The Prince Consort, the President of the Society of Arts, and the rest of the Royal Family."

The CHAIRMAN then proposed "The Society of Arts." He said this Society deserved the thanks of the community in that great district. They came here as the pioneers of progress, on a pilgrimage to this palace of the treasures of art, and he ventured, on behalf of the inhabitants of Manchester, to thank them for their presence on this occasion. The Society had had a youthful existence of more than a century, and yet he believed its career was only in reality beginning. But a century ago the Society indicated what we still felt the need of, a national and general education. The Society felt then,

The Rev. Dr. BooтH responded. He said it was true the Society of Arts was a very old Society, and he might perhaps illustrate what the chairman had said by calling to mind one or two of those matters in which the Society might be said to have done the state some service. It was peculiarly proper he should first call their attention to the fact that the first exhibition of paintings in this country was held in 1760, in the rooms of the Society of Arts, the artists of London having resolved to raise a sum for purposes of charity by the annual exhibition of their works. This was followed by another of a similar character in the next year. The consequence was, that two years afterwards the foundation of the Royal Academy of Painting was laid. A charter was subsequently granted, in which it was expressly stated that while it should cultivate the art of painting, it should not infringe on the arts connected with manufacture or commerce. The Society of Arts was the first to stimulate the production of wine in Australia, having offered a prize for the first specimen which was brought to this country. The Society also introduced gutta percha, after specimens originally sent from Singapore had been declared valueless, and returned. He might mention many other matters, but he must refrain. He might say, however, that the true province of the Society was not to work out details, but to be the expounder of new principles, and leave the application of those principles to others. The Society was the first to acknowledge the principle of international competition and comparison, first exhibited in that great display of the industry of nations which, as it was the most original in its conception, so it was the most successful in its results. The Society was the first to show the country an educational exhibition, such as was now being shown at South Kensing

ton. The Society had also established the Trade Museum. It was in that way that the Society was calculated to do the greatest service. The Society had in former times encouraged the arts, manufactures, and commerce of this city of Manchester; but the day had long gone by when any society, any voluntary association, or even the Government could encourage either the manufactures, the arts, or the commerce of this locality. It would be impertinence in the Society of Arts to presume to do so. Was not the glorious display by which they were surrounded a proof of the promotion of art in this locality? Did not these forests of chimneys display the manufactures of Manchester? And did not the railways which run from this centre towards every point of the compass bear witness to the extent of her commerce? Dr. Booth then referred to the interesting meetings he had attended at Huddersfield, in connection with the certificates of merit presented to the deserving members of the Mechanics' Institutions, and said that he did not see why the Society of Arts should be any longer exclusively a metropolitan institution; he did not see why it might not visit annually, in succession, the large towns in the kingdom in the same way as the British Association did. There were men of great originality of thought and of patient research residing in the country, who, at the Society's provincial discussions, might throw new light on many of the subjects, in the consideration of which the Society of Arts were now engaged. These men could not be expected to spend their time and money in attending the usual weekly meetings of the Society. The Society might be divided into sections, have papers read, reports made, and discussions held, on questions of commerce, the colonies, inventions, education, sanitary im provements, and the like. Thus a week in autumn might be passed pleasantly, and not without instruction. But as he was now speaking only his own individual sentiments, he would not enlarge on this, which, in his opinion, would be a second era in the progress of the Society. He concluded by remarking that Manchester, besides its pre-eminence in the arts, manufactures, and commerce, had claims upon the respectful attention of the Society of Arts, because there the first provincial literary and philosophical society in the kingdom was establishedand because it was a city equally pre-eminent in literature and science, as in manufactures and commerce. He had to propose "The literature and science of Manchester," coupling with the toast the name of the Bishop of Manchester.

The LORD BISHOP acknowledged the toast, and called the attention of the meeting to the paucity of the attendance of the working classes at the Exhibition. It was not that they were not interested in it, but because they had not been properly educated to appreciate its treasures. He would impress upon the Society the necessity of giving greater instruction in art, and providing some means for making the schools of art more intellectual, and furnishing the students with some acquaintance with the records of the past, which would enable them to enter more fully into the spirit of the scene which they attempted to pourtray on canvas. After passing a panegyric upon the late Bishop Blomfield, his fordship said he referred to his deceased friend now, because he had occupied an office which had been for a sinecure, and with respect to which the Society of Arts should earnestly urge upon the attention of those who elected to it, the necessity of making it efficient. Why were the professors of the Royal Academy never permitted to lecture, except on painting and sculpture? It was true there had been the discourses of Reynolds, Phillips, Opie, and Flaxman, on subjects connected with art, and why should not the highest branch of historical art be duly developed by the person appointed to teach history in the Royal Academy of England? He hoped this subject would receive the attention which it deserved.


Mr. JOSEPH GLYNN proposed the health of "The mem

bers of the Executive Committee of the Art Treasures Exhibition," which was responded to by

Mr. THOMAS FAIRBAIRN, the chairman, who said the committee had done all in their power to ensure the success of the Exhibition, but there must be still half a million of people brought to Manchester before the Exhibition closed and he hoped the railway companies would bring the people from all parts of the country at as low a rate as would be remunerative. Mr. Fairbairn concluded by proposing "The Mayors of Manchester and Salford, and the neighbouring municipalities." The MAYOR OF SALFORD acknowledged the toast. Mr. WINKWORTH said that as one of the vice-presidents, he rose to propose the health of the chairman, who as President of the Chamber of Commerce of Manchester, emphatically represented in that great city the special objects of the Society, namely, arts, manufactures, and commerce. The interests of humanity were powerfully subserved by the correct working of those true principles of political economy which were professed by that important association, for it was upon their greater or less adoption that the moral, social, and intellectual welfare of the community at large mainly depended. The claims of Mr. Bazley to the esteem of that assembly were too well-known and appreciated, as well by his fellow-citizens as by the members of the Society of Arts then present, to render a more extended notice of them necessary; they had to thank him for the readiness with which he had consented to preside on this occasion, and for the intelligent and agreeable manner in which he had discharged the duties of that position. Mr. Winkworth concluded by proposing the health of the chairman.

Mr. BAZLEY, in replying, proposed "The Ladies," and called upon the Mayor of Ashton to respond.

The MAYOR OF ASHTON returned thanks. Mr. WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN then proposed "Mr. Foster, Secretary of the Society of Arts," and Mr. Foster acknowledged the compliment.

Saturday, the 8th, the members visited Peel Park and Museum, the Salford Free Library, and various mills and establishments in Manchester, and thus terminated the Society's visit.

Those members of the Society who were present during the visit to Manchester, and who availed themselves of the opportunity of visiting the various mills and manufactories, so liberally thrown open for their inspection, cannot fail to have been impressed with the advantages which would result from periodical visits of a similar character, to the various manufacturing districts of the kingdom. The opportunities thus afforded to the Society of witnessing the progressive development of the industries of the country, the introduction of new raw products, and the modification in the treatment of those already known,-opening up new sources of employment,-would enable the Society more effectually to promote the great objects for which it was established.

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joints are sound only so long as they remain undisturbed, in figure 1, and to enclose the gasket, as shown in figure 2. and the lead being neither compressible nor adhesive, in The following is the process of fastening together the the event of the earth settling and the consequent sink- pipes:-Place the ends of the pipes together, as at figure ing of the pipes, it becomes loosened in the socket, and 1, either straight or on the bevil, as may be required, leakage ensues. In the method with turned and bored and so as to rest steadily in their places. Measure a joints, when the ground settles, the pipes in many instances piece of gasket from the roll just sufficient to go round break, and if this does not take place, there is always a the pipe twice; spread on one side freely with a mixture great amount of leakage; the pipes must also be laid of red and white lead; draw it tightly over the space in a very perfectly straight line, which is in itself a great marked b, b, between the collars in figure 1, as shown in disadvantage. figure 2, and finish in the second fold exactly at the point where the gasket commenced, as at e, e, in figure 2, so that there may be no overlapping. This is of the utmost importance, in order to maintain a uniform pressure all round. Having covered the interior sur

In this invention, all these disadvantages are stated to be remedied by a very simple process. The pipes are all cast with both ends alike, that is, with two spigot ends (see figure 1). Where the ends of Fig. 1.

[blocks in formation]

face of the clip freely with the mixture of red and white lead, lace the lower clip on first, following the folding of the gasket, and then apply the upper clip in the same way, so as to secure the end of the gasket; the bolts may then be worked alternately until they are quite home; the joint is now complete and fit for immediate use.

The simplicity of the plan is at once obvious; it is said to have been successfully tried under every possible contingency. Leakage, if not altogether removed, is greatly diminished. The pipes may be laid at a greater inclination than under the old system, for the material of which the joint is made will yield to the sinking of the pipe. There is no necessity for a large excavation for repairing, and a fire is not required. In the event of fracture, instead of having to cut away the part with a chisel, a work of labour and time, a new length of pipe can be easily inserted and fastened. This effects a saving in the number of workmen employed. By the substitution of this connecting joint for the old lead and yarn, a saving of at least 75 per cent. is said to be effected. This plan is suitable for gas works, for locomotive purposes and large manufactories, for builders and contractors, for conservatories, breweries, and distilleries, and for all other purposes whatsoever, wherever a pipe is required.

In the early part of 1856, about six miles of pipes, of various sizes, were laid down in the town of Halifax under the direction of the borough engineer. After a trial of twelve months, the pipes were laid bare for examination, and in every instance the joints were found as sound as when first laid down. Numerous other trials have been made, with the same satisfactory results. The pipes have also been subjected to a severe test above ground, with a pressure varying from 150 to 160 feet head of water, the joints remaining firm under the trial.


two pipes are placed ready for being joined they may be either straight or on the bevil. A short distance from the end of the pipe a ring or collar is cast round the outside, as at a, a. A space between the collars, b, b, is to be covered with gasket, as shown in figure 2. This flat-wove gasket is manufactured especially for this purpose, so as to fit the space at b, b, which varies in width with the diameter of the pipe; this, when applied, is to be covered freely on one side with a mixture of red and white lead. Figure 3 shows the construction of the clips for containing the gasket and fastening the ends of the pipes together; c, c, are two grooves on either side, to fit on the collars, which are on the outer surface of the pipes, as at a, a, figure 1. d, d, is the cavity between, to correspond with the space b, b, as


That the very great advantages which the telegraph
is capable of conferring may be extensively diffused, and
not shut out from any class, it is necessary that tele-
graphic communication be cheap. The great obstacle
to this cheapness is the time its operations require, caused
by the number of words necessary, and the number of
distinct characters in each word. To reduce the number
of words requisite to convey a thought, and to reduce
the number of letters necessary to form a word, are the
great desiderata for extending widely the uses and ap-
plications of the telegraph. In endeavouring to make a
move in this direction, I have aimed at a system which
does not depart much from the existing forms of our
words and arrangements of sounds in their leading fea-

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Not only do the demands of the telegraph call for a condensation of our language-the literary man and the 6. Thirdly-having exhausted the combinations of man of business find that the mechanical process of writ-two letters, we could proceed to those of three letters. ing occupies too much of their time, and cry out for By the rule of combinations, we could command 20,000 some quicker method of putting their thoughts upon such combinations with the twenty-eight letters, and paper. The mind is restrained by the mechanical drag deducting several thousands for combinations flowing of the pen. The simplification and shortening that will from the preceding, and for words of three letters, there suit the telegraph, may also be available for the pen-be expressed by only three letters; and three could almost would remain ten or twelve thousand words, which could man; and some short method that will reduce very greatly both the words in the sentence and the letters in the word, seems one of the wants of the age. Having little time and but scanty space, I proceed without further preface, to explain my plan. It presents two principal features.

1. A system of abbreviations.

always be chosen, the combined sounds of which would be a guide to the word they represent.

7. In par. 21, I have given a list of words, which, it appears to me, would be suitable for selection, to be expressed by one letter each; and in par. 2 a few specimens of the words which might be expressed by two letters each. But I have not entered on this further than offer

2. Dispensing altogether with certain words or graming these as examples, as I do not think that any one matical forms not really required.


1. Notwithstanding the immense number of words in the English language, it will be found that the greater part of ordinary discourse is composed of a few words frequently repeated, representing common things and common ideas relating to them. Let us suppose that the telegraph can easily supply separate signs for twentyeight letters.* Then, let each of the twenty-eight words most in use be represented by one of these twenty-eight letters; the letters selected for each being, if possible, its initial letter, or some leading letter in it. Thus, would stand for buy; s for send; m for make; t for tell; h for have; and so on as in paragraph 21.

2. The second abbreviation which I propose, is, for the next class of words in point of frequency of use, to substitute two letters each-these two letters being, if possible, the initial, and another leading letter, so that the sound of the two letters shall be a guide to the word they represent; as gu for give, br for bring, en for cannot, ql for quality. qn for quantity, qs for question, and so on. Each of the 28 letters may thus be combined with 27 others, giving 756 combinations, which, lessened considerably for words of not more than two letters and for combinations of two letters arising from the development of the first abbreviation (1.) will leave about six hundred words in very frequent use to be represented in the telegraph by only two letters each. This, with the preceding and the derivatives, would give us short simple

signs for about fifteen hundred of the words most commonly employed.

3. The days of the week and the months are of importance and frequent occurrence, and will be expressed by combinations of only two letters each.

4. For the days, the first and last letters of each are taken-except for Sunday, which having the same initial letter as Saturday, (Lord's day) is substituted.

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individual, nor that any number of individuals, laying their heads together, can do this so well as the experience of the existing telegraph companies. I should therefore propose that a careful examination be made of the words employed in the telegraphic messsages, say for a whole year, and that the number of times each word is used be ascertained. The product of that number by the number of letters which can be saved by abbreviating the word, would show the proportionate importance of its abbreviation. Thus, if a word from which four letters can be cut off is used 100 times; and another from which only 3 letters can be saved is used 200 times, the greater saving will be effected by abbreviating the latter.

8. An examination should also be made of the comparative frequency of use of the different letters, that those most used may be represented by the simplest telegraphic signs. These investigations must be considered as at the foundation of any effective system for a shorthand for the telegraph.

9. Besides the preceding, the following abbreviations should be made: leaving out

All silent letters.

One of all double letters.

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10. Besides abbreviations, the English language may be considerably simplified by the entire rejection of certain words and inflections, which, though convenient, perhaps, in spoken language, are not at all essential; so that they may be entirely omitted in telegraphie communications without any loss of force or precision. I propose then, that the short-hand for the telegraph should at once dispense with the following:

11. (1.) The ARTICLES, a, an, and the. These can be spared. The Romans did without them; and the Russians do without them; and so may we in telegraphic discourse.

12. (2.) The signs of the plural, s, es, ies, and ves, whenever any accompanying word denotes plurality, as occurs in almost every case.-Thus, we should say ten box, not ten boxes. We have words in the language which take no plural form, as deer, sheep, without material inconvenience.

13. (3.) The to or for before a place to which some

one has gone as He has gone London- They set out l'aris -She went Germany.

14. (5.) Distinctions of person and number in the same tense, as am, is, art, are, in the present-was and were in the past of the verb "to be"-employing only one word or sign for all parts of the same tense-dispensing with the s at the end of the 3rd person singular of the present tense in all verbs. These distinctions are unnecessary. In the present tense of any ordinary verb, as "to write," we say I, you, we, they write; adding 8 for the 3d person, he writes. He write would do equally well; and in the 3d person of other tenses, there is no such difference-as I, you, he, she, they wrote.-This change, then, would cut off an s in every 3d pers. sing. of the present tense-a part of the verb in very frequent use, and would simplify greatly the verb "to be," that means of assertion and expression of simple existence in such constant request; retaining one sign for am, art, is, are, and be; and one sign for both was and were. is proposed also that one form should suffice for both past tense and past participle, as is the case in all the regular verbs. This would simplify the signs for the irregular verbs, which abound among our words in common use. See par. 21.


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o, on.

P, pay, pays; (p d, paid; p n, paying.)

7, write, writes; (rd, wrote, written; rn, writing.)
s, send, sends; (s d, sent; s n, sending.)
t, tell, tells; (t d, told; t n, telling.)
u, you; (us, your, yours.)
w, we, us,; (w s, our, ours.)
x, box, boxes.

y, yes.

th, they, them; (ths, their, theirs.)
sh, she, her.

Thus, at once, we provide the shortest possible symbol for each of twenty-eight of the words in most frequent use; and, as many of these have two or more words derived from them (as, write, wrote, written, writing,) which are also abbreviated, being expressed by one ad

most common words reduced so that they may be expressed by extremely simple telegraphic signs. Should the telegraph, making allowance for numerals, &c., be able to supply more than twenty-eight of the simplest class of signs, we can employ these to extend the list of words of the first series, represented by only one sign.

22. It is difficult to find suitable words to be expressed by the letters j, q, v, z. Telegraphic returns, as suggested above, would soon show.

15. (5.) The OBJECTIVE CASES OF THE PRONOUNS-ditional letter or sign, we have about seventy of the me, us, him, her, them, whom; the nominative case to be used instead. This is already done in our language with you, it, and which, without inconvenience; these are used indifferently for the objective or nominative case; the position before or after the verb indicating with sufficient distinctness whether they are to be regarded as subject or object. The sound of he saw she, is a little strange to the ear; but it is quite analogous to he saw you or he saw it; and if by dispensing with the objective forms of these pronouns, we can make a single and simple character suffice for twice the number of words in common use, an important end is gained for the telegraph. That there is in reality no necessity for a separate form for the objective case, is shown by the English and French nouns, which answer their purposes well without this inflection; while the common mistakes made by children and ill-educated persons as to the cases of the pronouns, unattended by any confusion as to meaning, attest the little real importance of the objective inflection. Two well known lines in Dibdin's popular songs illustrate this:

"Sha'nt us go visit the island ?"—and
"If you loves I as I loves you."

16. (6.) The NOUN FORMS of the POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS may also be rejected-mine, ours, yours, hers, theirs -using my, our, your, her, and their, instead. This is already done with his, which supplies the place of both the adjective and noun forms of the possessive pronoun. 17. The possessive case will be indicated by the simple addition of an 8. Thus, if w be the sign for we or us, ws will denote the possessive forms, our and ours.

18. (7.) The sign of the infinitive to, may also be omitted in almost every case.

23. Further, there may be certain simple and easy telegraphic signs, which may be employed to express common inflections, such as those for the participles, or the possesssive case, those which transform an adjective into a noun or into an abverb, or common prefixes, affixes, as ment, tion, &c. By an analysis of our derivative words, methods of condensation would be found depen dent on general principles in the formation of such classes of words.

24. In short, it appears to me that the conductors of the telegraphs might advantageously enter on a combined system of action for gradually simplifying and shortening their work by such abbreviations and modifications of the language as from time to time may appear to be practicable. If this were made a business and a study by one having access to the experience already acquired, the telegraph might extend its advantages so as to be within the means of all; and instead of conveying only a few dry words in urgent cases, might be made cheap enough, and simple enough, to undertake the mission of the letter, and to be employed in thousands of cases from which it is now excluded by its high cost.

25. It is not proposed that these changes should be introduced all at once. They could be taken up one by 19. These seven modifications may not, viewed separ- one. After two or three months' preparation telegraph ately, appear to be capable of effecting a great saving-operators could commence on a given day with the subbut taking them all into account, there can be little stitution of the single letter for the selected words, with doubt that they would diminish very greatly the work the derivatives from those represented by double letters; to be done by the telegraph. next, after an interval, they might adopt the change in the pronouns; then the dispensing with the articles; and so on, taking up only a little at a time, and becoming expert at one series of abbreviations before going to another; printed sheets, showing every symbol, and offices. the word it represents, to be provided for the telegraph

20. If there are a few simple signs within the reach of the telegraph, they might be used for such combinations as br, tr, cr, sl, sm, sn, st, &c., which are of very frequent Occurrence, and might be treated as simple sounds.

21. WORDS IN FREQUENT USE TO BE REPRESENTED BY one letter each, WITH THEIR LEADING DerivaTIVES, formed by the addition D, N, or s.

a, am, is, are, be; (ad, was, were, been; a n, being.) b, buy, buys; (b d, bought; bn, buying.)

c, can; (c d, could.)

d, do, does; (d d, did, done; dn, doing.) e, he, him; (es, his.)

26. To recapitulate shortly, the following changes are recommended.

1. About thirty words, those ascertained to be in most frequent use-to be represented by one letter cach; their immediate derivatives, as participles, or possessive forms, to be represented by two letters each.

2. About six hundred of the words which stand next in

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