
range of chemical actions, can be given of its imparting with two puff-adders of the deadliest reputation, procured oxygen to another element. Between the two sets of from the Zoological-gardens. For more than ten minutes actions-those of this hydrated protoxide upon oil, and the snakes endured the presence of the intruder, but at those with the oxides of nitrogen in sulphuric acid-length they flew fiercely at him, and one of them bit making there exists not the most remote analogy. him in the mouth. On being taken from the cage the The doctor's reasoning and his illustrations are, both of same infusion was again administered, and the wound them, equally and most singularly at fault. The doctor was fomented; but the hind legs became rapidly paralysed, also utterly mistakes his (Mr. Binks's) explanation re- tetanic convulsions supervened, and the animal lanspecting the peculiar action exercised upon the oils. Mr. guished and died in thirty-five minutes from the time it Binks distinctly stated, that the hydrated protoxide unites was bitten. Owing to the contraction of the jaws but both with the colouring matter of the oil and with its oleic little of the second dose of the infusion reached the acid, forming a reddish matter with the former, and stomach of the rabbit, and Mr. Temple was of opinion an oleate of the oxide of manganese with the latter. that the tincture would have afforded a fairer test, inasMr. Binks did not need to be reminded by Dr. Longstaff much as it had been prepared from the herb in a comthat both these actions must be accomplished under the paratively fresh state, whereas the infusion was made operation of the inevitable law of combination in from the dry root, which may possibly be of inferior equivalents. What Mr. Binks had distinctly stated and strength. meant, and obviously so, in his description of the oil's ultimate solidification, was that these actions initiated those changes, but did not issue through the transformation of the whole of the oleic acid of the oil, into an oleate of manganese.

The Secretary announced that Messrs. Wilson, of Liverpool, had promised to deposit at the Society's House, for inspection of the members, a series of samples of oils prepared by Mr. Binks'


The Secretary further announced that on Wednesday, the 10th instant, a paper, by Mr. "On the W. Fothergill Cooke, would be read, Utilisation of the Sewage of Towns by the Deodorising Process established at Leicester, and the Economical Application of it to the Metropolis." On this evening Dr. Lyon Playfair, C.B., F.R.S., will preside.

EXAMINATIONS PRIZE FUND. The following additions have been made the Prize Fund :—


10 10 0

J. W. Gilbart, F.R.S............. £10 10
Chas. Wye Williams..
Thomas Martin

The following letter has been received from Mr. Temple :

SIR, I have received the following most interesting letter from Dr. Chambers, relating to the late experiment which was made at the Society of Arts for the purpose of testing the reputed virtue of the snake-root in curing snake-bites. With the doctor's permission I forward it to you for publication:

1, Hill-street, Berkeley-square, Nov. 29, 1856. MY DEAR SIR,-I must not delay to thank you for the opportunity of seeing your experiments on the effect of snake poison yesterday. Though unsuccessful in proof of the antidote possessing any preservative power, I think what we saw was not without instruction. From what I heard and saw, I became satisfied that a

repetition of such experiments must always be inconclusive,
whether successful or not-that is to say, whether the rabbit to
(First.) That the rabbit dies; then a fallacy may exist-
which the antidote was given recovered or not. Suppose
(A.) In the possibility of the antidote being itself a poison to
the animal-

(B.) In the small size of the animal selected not giving sufficient natural reaction

(C.) In its powers of vomiting up the nauseous drug. (Secondly.) Suppose, on the other hand, that after taking the antidote, and being bitten, the rabbit recovers, or does not to suffer; then a fallacy may exist

EXPERIMENTS WITH SNAKE ROOT.* Some experiments were made at the Society's House, on Friday last, with the view of testing the efficacy, as an antidote to the bite of venomous snakes, of a root recently brought to this country by Mr. Temple, Chief Justice of Honduras, and which, if not the veritable guaco so famed among the Indian tribes for its medicinal properties, resembles it closely in appearance, belonging to the same class of serpentaria, and which is universally reputed throughout Central America to possess similar virtues. Whether the powers ascribed to this herb by the snakecharmers and natives of Central America were real or imaginary, and whether the efficacy of the plant was universal, or limited to the bites of the reptiles indigenous to that part of the world, were problems which yet remained to be solved. and which assuredly deserved the attention of pathologists. Unfortunately, the experiments were not so successful as might have been anticipated. It was determined to test the potency of the plant, and for this purpose some eight or nine drachms of the infusion were given by Dr. Chambers to a healthy rabbit, which was then put into the same box

* See Journal of the Society of Arts, Vol. III., page 161.

(D.) In the fact that animals bitten are not always wounded. We ourselves saw the second rabbit bitten in the back, where the fur is thick, and not hurt. And pigs never suffer from snake bites, because of their dense skin

(E.) In the fact stated by the keeper, that an animal, even if wounded so as to absorb some of the poison, does not always die. The symptoms may commence and not prove fatal. This must be still more frequently the case in the larger animals than in the smaller, because of their greater powers of resistance; and probably depends on the quantity of poison injected. Fallacy A might be counteracted by trying the effect of the antidote alone; Fallacies B and C by experimenting on horses, which are as large as men, and cannot vomit what they are drenched with. A knacker's yard would afford ample facilities. Fallacy D cannot be avoided in using living snakes; the best way would be to get imported a sufficient store of snake-fangs to impregnate a lancet at will, and wound the animal at one's leisure. Mr. Waterton says that the Macoushi Indians of Demerara always have a store of the poison from the Labarri Wourara. (See "Waterton's Wanderings: First Journey," and Counacouchi snakes, to be used in the preparation of p. 55.) It might be preserved either by using the preeautions employed for keeping vaccine virus, or by mixing it with vegetable matter (as is done in preparing the Wourara, of which the main activity lies, doubtless, in the snake venom). The greater command we should have over the experiment would much reduce Fallacy E.

All this will take time, and money, and trouble, but anything short of it can only lead to fallacy. You see the question we ask Nature is this: "Do the recoveries after the snake-bites arise from the employment of antidote, or from uncertain operation of the venom?" The question, so far, has purely a say, that the plant grows universally, and is universally used scientific interest, not a practical one; for I understood you to as an antidote-so that our belief will not extend the belief of the parties mainly concerned. But some truly practical ques

tions might be solved by the opportunity of trying experiments more accurately. First, "Will artificial respiration, carried on for a sufficient period, restore a bitten animal in the same way as it will one wounded by Wourara?" (I refer to Lord Derby's donkey, experimented on by Mr. Waterton.) Secondly, “Is a person once bitten equally liable to be again infected, or is the snake poison like that of small-pox, vaccinia, scarlatina, &c., incapable of acting twice in the same individual?" This inquiry is suggested to me by the fact that persons much bitten by fleas, bugs, lice, and I believe by bees, do not suffer the same amount of inflammation as we do. A flea-bite in the denizen of a low lodging-house is simply a little puncture, barely visible, without any halo of redness. If such is the fact, inoculation with the venom of some of the milder snakes might preserve against the more deadly, as vaccine virus preserves against small-pox; or snake-venom might be a preservative against hydrophobia. Again, "Is the venom of different animals of a different nature, or is it merely the degree of concentration or the quantity injected which makes the effects various ?" What leads to this suspicion is, that the local effects of wasp or hornet stings on the neighbouring nerves (viz. numbness and paralysis) and the erysipilatous inflammation they cause is identical with the more extensive results of snake-bites. If the suspicion were true, we should have in our own wasps and hornets a diffused agent, which might be concentrated into a most powerful one by artificial preparation.

Numerous other questions, whose solution would benefit humanity, or at least give us that power which springs from knowledge, might arise in the course of a series of experiments on deadly venoms such as I suggest.

The failure of plants of this sort to prevent the effects of snake poison on animals, is further confirmed by some experiments made (on rabbits, bitten by the whip snake) by Mr. Cæ sar Hawkins, in 1830. These rabbits were thoroughly dosed and rubbed over with guaco, yet they died. just as yours did: nor did the reputed antidote seem to have the slightest effect on the symptoms, nor to have any influence in repelling the snake from the animal. The guaco was also tried in five cases of hydrophobia, without any effect on the symptoms, or at least with an effect very inferior to the palliation which hydrocyanic acid affords. Two of these cases were in dogs, and three in the human subject. (See London Medical Gazette, Vol. VI., p. 507; Vol. VII., p. 594; and Vol. VIII., p. 237.) So that, the true guaco" seems as little to be trusted as "false guaco," if, indeed, they are not the same plant.

The doubts thus thrown on the efficacy of reputed antidotes should lead us to look in other directions for protection of the lives of our countrymen, whom it may be necessary to send out in large gangs, to clear the forests of the Isthmus for an interoceanic railway or canal. And I think, even the short opportunity we had of observation on Friday may teach us something towards it.

1st. The snake could not bite through the skin of the rabbit's back. Stout boots, hedgers' gloves, and leather breeches, would, therefore, be a complete guard to the parts covered by them. A short fang would not penetrate even a woollen jersey. 2nd. It often took a bad shot at the part intended to be wounded. If the snake is seen first, I am sure a moderately active man may keep it from biting his face, and destroy it with the well-known weapon, a carter's whip.

3rd. The snake would not bite, so long as he was warm and comfortable. When he had his blanket, or the rabbit's fur, to lie against, he was quite placid. Flannel bags, then, would be most efficient traps. The principle of making a comfortable place for a trap is that of the wicker-work bug-traps.

It would not be necessary that the whole population should be equally protected. One or two patrols, with a few pigs, trained, as they easily may be, to obey the voice, could clear the diggings of snakes every morning. The sleeping camp might be guarded with wire net, or perhaps by a ditch, filled with the broken bottles which always accumulate in an AngloSaxon encampment.

Any man who moves timber, or anything likely to be a hiding-place, without gloves on, should be fined, and a reward given for snakes' heads.

[blocks in formation]

I quite agree with Dr. Chambers in thinking that the experiment which we tried the other day was inconclusive, and that even several experiments might be so; but it must be admitted that it is by experiments alone that we can arrive at facts. We are desirous of ascertaining whether there is any ground for the supposition, so generally entertained, that the snake-root is a remedy for snakebites. We can only do that by making experiments upon animals which have been subjected to the envenomed tooth of those reptiles, and the means within our reach are extremely limited. It will not be denied that such experiments should be confined to animals in a healthy state; for, if tried upon condemned cattle, either on account of disease, or old age, it would be impossible to say, if the creature died, whether death was the result of the disorder, or of the poison. We are then compelled to have recourse to rabbits, Guinea pigs, dogs, cats, "rats and mice and such small deer," in order to try the efficacy of the real, or imaginary remedy. It would be a hopel ess request to ask for a fine healthy racehorse, or hunter, or even a respectable cob, from Tattersall's; and I fear that our country friends would have a strong objection to "linding us the loan" of their milch cows and pigs. It might, however, be a matter for consideration whether a few ticket-of-leave men, and others of that genus, might not in this way be made subservient to science and the welfare of man. I merely suggest this as a hint, which, as parliament will ere long reassemble, I have no doubt will be acted upon.


Dr. Chambers is of opinion that the experiments must be inconclusive, whether they be successful or not. First, if the rabbit dies, there may be a fallacy. (A.) "In the possibility of the antidote being itself a poison to the not, a poison. Almost every plant may be said to be It is very difficult to say what is, and what is poisonous, if a sufficient quantity be taken. In this sense, probably, a strong dose of the tincture of the snake-root might be poisonous to the rabbit, inasmuch as it is a powerful stimulant. In the ordinary acceptation of the term, I do not think that the herb would be poisonous to a rabbit, or any other animal. It grows wild in the woods, and every animal, large and small, has ready access to it. I have heard it stated by intelligent and observant men, who had long been companions of nature in her wildest forms, that if the snake-root, or guaco were very abundant in any place, that circumstance amounted to a notice of "beware of the snakes;" for most assuredly in that favoured spot those ancient enemies of the human race, like the merchants on the Rialto, "most did congregate." If this be true-and I must admit that it sounds very romantic-it would seem that nature, whilst she sent the poison, beneficently placed the antidote near at hand. There are certain birds in Central America which feed upon snakes and lizards, without being at all particular whether they are poisonous or not. These birds are frequently observed to partake of the leaves and bark of the guaco. Does the instinct of these animals-a quality in the inferior orders of the creation so much superior for self-preservation, to human reason-direct them to this plant as a remedy for the poison of the snakes which they may swallow? It is not a violent presumption.

(B). "In the small size of the animal selected not giving sufficient natural reaction." That is unquestionI feel sure, that further observation of the serpents' habits, ably a difficulty which we have to contend against. But would lead to such further means of safety, that fear would be although, from that circumstance, a failure in proridiculous. At present, the danger arising from snakes concealed on branches of trees level with the face, seems a formid-ducing a cure would not be a fact conclusive against the able one, and suggestions on this point would be valuable. supposed remedy, one successful experiment would be very If many Englishmen go out as navvies to South America, I powerful evidence in its favour. expect that the proportion of deaths from snake bites, to that of deaths from jungle fever, will be as 1 to 10,000. That in

"(C.) In its powers of vomiting up the nauseous drug." If the stomach of the animal did reject

the tincture, or infusion, that fact would, of course, snake, died within an hour-he was a confirmed drunkard. be observed, and the dose might be repeated. In In a healthy person the venom would be much slower in the case of the rabbit on which we experimented its operation. Very much also will de pend upon the a few days ago, I certainly thought that the fluid part which is bitten. A wound inflicted on the ancle, or which proceeded from it, after it was put into the snake's the calf of the leg, will not be so rapid in its effects as one den, came from the stomach, and that it was the infusion on the thigh, or the throat. Dr. Chambers advises perwhich had been previously administered to it. After sons who are called by their duties to be much in places the rabbit had been bitten, very little, if any, of the which are infested by snakes to wear thick, high boots, infusion which was given to it went, down its throat. and hedgers' gloves. This would, undoubtedly, be a Dr. Chambers thinks, on the other hand, that, supposing very wise precaution. But a thick leather boot will not ' after taking the antidote and being bitten, the rabbit re- always protect a person from the bite of a snake. A very covers, or does not suffer, that a fallacy may exist." singular example of this was related to me. A man This is, no doubt, true; but still, I think, the question wearing a pair of stout boots, which came up to the would be decided by a number of experiments. If the knees, shouldered his axe one fine morning, and proskin of an animal like that of the pig, or the rhinoceros, ceeded to the forest to cut wood. After he had aimed a few or the armadillo, is so thick that the tooth of a snake strokes, a snake, not approving of his proceedings, bit him would not penetrate to the blood-vessels, there is no in the calf of the leg. Our woodman, however, thinking question that a bite would be harmless, for the poison, that his boot had sufficiently protected him, laughed at to take effect, must come in contact with the blood. In the snake, and went on with his work. But after a little such a case, therefore, if the tincture were administered, time a feeling of sickness and stupor came over him, and the non-dying of the animal would be productive of a he thought it advisable to wend his way home, which fallacy, if it led to the belief that its life had been pre- he did, and died in about an hour after he had got there. served by the drug. Again, it is not difficult to believe The boots-they were capital boots-were sold. The that the most poisonous snake may not at all times be fortunate possessor, as he thought himself, carried them able to inflict a deadly wound. But this may be ac- home, and then put them on to see if they would fit. In counted for. It is an ascertained fact that the poison of a few hours he was a corpse. This was considered very the snake is deposited in a small sac, which is placed at the strange-some thought it was apoplexy, some paralysis, root of a moveable fang situated in the upper jaw, immedi- and some thought it was an affection of the heart-but ately under the eye. This fang is hollow, and when it is nobody thought of suspecting the boots. In a short time pressed down upon the sac the poison is ejected from the they again had an owner. It will scarcely be credited point. If a snake, under excessive irritation, has bitten-but it is a fact-this man died also. At length the anything savagely, it is not unreasonable to suppose that boots were examined-what caused the investigation I it may have parted with the whole of its valuable stock do not know, but I suppose the fell Atropos thought on hand, and that time may be required to produce that she had done enough mischief with a pair of bootspeculiar combination of animal juices which constitutes and in one of them was found sticking the tooth of a the poison, and to re-supply the reservoir with the fatal snake, in such a manner that in drawing on the boot the fluid. If, then, a snake were to bite any animal before leg must inevitably be scratched by it. But mosquitoes its malevolent mechanism had produced a fresh supply even will bite through a boot, unless it be very thick for the market, it is probable that the injury inflicted indeed. There is a species of mosquito called the striker would not be more serious than an ordinary wound. In -a large, greyish, villainous-looking monster-against trying an experiment with a venomous snake, care should which scarcely any clothing is a protection. therefore be taken that it should not bite anything for a considerable time previously. What are the constituent parts of snake poison? In this scientific age, when analytical chemists so very much agree as to the nature and effect of all poisons, especially those which, like that of the snake, produce" convulsions with tetanic complications," why does not some person analyse this deadly product of the animal world, for the purpose of discovering a decisive antidote? Dr. Chambers asks whether a person once bitten is liable to be again infected, which inquiry is suggested by the fact that persons much bitten by fleas, &c., suffer less inflammation than those who are not inured to it. My experience in such matters does not enable me to support that theory. I have had much practical knowledge of bites of all kinds-mosquitoes, sand-flies, doctor flies, centipedes, cockroaches and I must confess that I never could get used to them. It is a singular thing that the negroes, who are said to have an additional cuticle, and whose bodies are constantly exposed to every species of attack, feel much more acutely than Europeans the bites of mosquitoes and sand-flies. I have witnessed 100 or 150 black soldiers at parade on a calm, hot, cloudy morning, when the mosquitoes and the sand-flies have vied with each other in tormenting sinful man. Nothing could be more grotesque and ridiculous than the actions of those sooty warriors. First they would clap the backs of their hands, then slap their faces, and then, at the moment they were commanded to present and make ready, drop their muskets on the ground, and tear the flesh off their calves and ancles. I do not think that human nature can get reconciled to bites. As to the effect produced upon different persons, that, no doubt, will much depend upon the state of the blood and the general condition of the body. I knew a person who, being bitten by a

Dr. Chambers is doubtful whether the "true guaco' and the "false guaco"-the plant with which we experimented, are different plants. They are certainly very different indeed, although the one which we used would be called guaco by most of the natives in Central America. I shall give you a very particular account of the real guaco in a short time, and state a number of cases to prove its title to be considered a remedy for snake bites. In the meantime, I think it will be very desirable to try some more experiments with the "snake root," and, if we arrive at the conclusion that it is worthless, to cause that fact to be disseminated as widely as possibly in Honduras and Central America, in order that no unfortunate recipient of snake venom may lose valuable time by indulging in delusive hopes that it will prolong his existence.

There is much food for thought in the interesting letter of Dr. Chambers; and the observations which I have made are not intended to express any difference of opinion from him, but to promote discussion upon a matter of paramount importance to all those whose destiny leads them to pass much of their time amongst the jungles of India, or the dense forests of Central America. I am, &c.

December 2, 1856.


Proceedings of Institutions.

HUDDERSFIELD.—The annual distribution of prizes in connection with this Institution took place at the Philo sophical Hall, on Wednesday evening, the 26th ult.,

under the presidency of Lord Goderich. Prizes were country should be called on to make an united effort to given by his Royal Highness Prince Albert, by Lord establish a national system. Somehow it was taken for Goderich, by H. Tindal Atkinson, and other gentlemen. granted that, having levied a rate, and nominated Amongst the gentlemen present were, Viscount Goderich, the managing committee, and built the schoolhouse, M.P., the Right Hon. Sir John Pakington, Bart, M.P., and provided apparatus, and engaged the master, all the Rev. Dr. Booth, F.R.S., from the Society of Arts, which can possibly be required is accomplished, and the Edward Baines, Esq., president of the Yorkshire Union, education of the children of the neighbourhood was thus John Hope Shaw, Esq., president of the Leeds Philoso-secured. But what if the children would not come to phical Society, Edmund Eastwood, Esq., president of the the school, or would leave it again before they had acHuddersfield Mechanics' Institution, &c. Mr. F. Curzon, quired a smattering of the rudiments of the commonest the secretary, read the report. The distribution of prizes elementary knowledge; how was this state of things to be then took place; after which the meeting was addressed provided against? This was no far-fetched anticipation by Lord Goderich, who said he was sure the many gentle- or doubtful apprehension. It was realised in all the men of eminence and distinction present could not have yearly reports of her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. It contemplated the scene before them without a feeling of was the universal complaint that the children of the hope for the future of a district that could bring together poor left school earlier every succeeding year. That as between 700 and 800 students such as those before them, the quality of the education is improved, the time given and which could show some who had displayed considerable to school by the children is shortened, so that the final attainments. The distinguishing feature of the Hudders-result is a deterioration rather than an improvement. They field Institute was its classes. They heard in these days, might depend upon it, they would not sensibly raise the and heard most truly, of the worthlessness of testimonials; standard of education until they created a demand for it. but those members of this Institution who had just Let the Government of the country make intelligence received prizes had received a testimonial which could and industry the passports to employment, not private not be disputed; and he could not doubt that those in interest or family influence. Let the great public comthis district who had to engage the services of such panies, the great employers of labour, look only to the persons would be inclined to give great weight and effect fitness of the candidates for employment, and then they to a candidate for employment who was the holder of would see a very different state of things. Whether one of these prizes. On a recent occasion, when the they would have a state system of education, or a volunSociety of Arts established their examinations, they tary scheme, was a matter of very insignificant importsent circulars to the large employers of labour through- ance, compared with this,-whether the country at large, out the country, asking whether they would be ready not merely the Government, but the other great emto give weight to the certificates that might be awarded ployers of labour as well, shall insist upon education as by the Society, and they received to that invitation a a necessary passport to every but the lowest and least remost complete response. Now, what was done by them munerative employment. The schools they had at present on a large scale throughout the country would, he was were only half-filled. But if by any means they could convinced, be done on a smaller scale within that make instruction a necessary, somewhat like meat, drink, district. Most of them were aware that in the course of or clothing, people would endeavour to procure it. next year it was the intention of the Society of Arts to Education, though essential, was not a pressing want, and hold in that town their annual examination of the mem-like religion, but too many were contented to live without bers of Mechanics' Institutions in the North of England, it. They should create a demand for education, and for the purpose of awarding their valuable certificates. the supply was sure to follow. Let them promote only They would then have to compete with other students those who are well instructed, or who have instructed from the Mechanics' Institutes of Yorkshire and Lan- themselves, and a supply of the right men for the right cashire, and to maintain not only their own position, but places would not fail them. John Hope Shaw, Esq., that of their Mechanics Institution, to show to the seconded the motion. The next resolution, which spoke Society of Arts they had been right in selecting Hud- of the advantages of classes, was proposed by Sir John dersfield as the place at which their examination was Pakington, who said he rejoiced in the practical proof of to be held. The gentlemen who had consented to act as their success which had been shown that evening. He examiners to the Society of Arts were men of the greatest considered the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes distinction and ability in the various branches of know- an honour to the country, and he was glad of the opporledge to which they had devoted themselves. His lord- tunity of expressing his high respect for Mr. Baines, the ship concluded by speaking of the debt of gratitude they President of that Union. W. Willans, Esq., seconded the owed to those who had acted as voluntary teachers. motion, and said he should be happy to contribute a prize The Huddersfield Mechanics' Institution was engaged in next year. The next resolution was proposed by Edward the great work of popular education; and when they saw Baines, Esq., and was to the effect "That the measure such zeal, such attention, and such results, he, for one, felt proposed by the Society of Arts to hold annual examinait impossible to despair, that in "a good time coming," that tions of students of Mechanics' and similar Institutions, work would be accomplished; and that the highest aspira- and to give prizes and certificates for proficiency, which tions and hopes of those who had permitted themselves has received the approval of a large number of employers to look foward hopefully to the future would not be dis- throughout the kingdom by the declaration of these that appointed, so long as men were found to study in the they will attach respect to such certificates, is an importspirit which marked the students of that Institution, and ant and valuable means of extending and improving the to teach in that yet nobler spirit which actuated its teachers. education of the people, as it will constitute an efficient The Rev. Dr. BOOTH proposed the first resolution, which practical stimulus to study on the part of members of was in favour of the introduction of the principle of edu- these Institutions." He (Mr. Baines) could remember when cation into the system of instruction at Mechanics' Insti- there was no Mechanics' Institute in Huddersfield. tutions. He had so recently, and on more than one They then met in small numbers in the ill-lighted Lanoccasion, placed before the public his views on educational casterian school; and at that time it was impossible for matters, that he would detain them only by a very few him to look forward to such a scene as had been witnessed brief observations. That the education question was the that evening. The speaker next adverted to the forthmost important social problem which awaits solution, did coming examination of the Society of Arts in June not admit of a doubt. It lay at the very root of every next. He looked upon the proceedings of the presocial reform. The great point of discussion at the sent evening as a rehearsal of those that would present time was this, whether education should be pio- take place next year; and he advised the members still moted by efforts which are purely spontaneous and volun- to work on, as on that occasion they would have Leeds, tary, and therefore uncertain, or whether the whole Bradford, Sheffield, and Manchester, as well as others




apparatus for affording or supplying artificial light. Joseph Eccles, Blackburn-Improvements in machinery for making bricks, tiles, pipes, and other articles made of plastic materials.

William Henry Balmain, and Thomas Colby, Saint Helen's, Lancashire-Improved means of grinding various substances. James Apperly, and William Clissold, Dudbridge, Gloucestershire-Improved apparatus for condensing wool, cotton, and other fibrous substances.

26 68. Richard Archibald Brooman, 166, Fleet-street-Improvements in the preparation of fibres for spinning, and in machinery employed therein. (A communication.)

Frank James Wilson Peckman, Puckeridge, Herts, and Charles Frederick Pike, Oxford-street-An armed glove or covering for the thumb and fingers.

from Yorkshire and Lancashire to compete with. With | 2660. George Islington Bache, Glasgow-Improvements in lamps and reference to the prize fund, at least there would be £500 to distribute in prizes; but in Yorkshire they ought to do more than this; and he sincerely hoped the gentry would send in subscriptions, and show that they felt an interest in the education of the people. Where such a state of things existed, there must be a greater amount of moral excellence, and they would thereby raise the whole moral status of society. The resolution was seconded by James Hanson, Esq. John Brooke, Esq., moved a vote of thanks to the donors 2670. of prizes, which was seconded by Emanuel Eastwood, Esq., president of the Institution. A similar vote was proposed to the examiners by Joseph Rothery, Esq., and was seconded by Mr. Marriott. A vote of thanks to the chairman was proposed and seconded by Joseph Batley, Esq., and Dr. Cameron, and after being responded to by Lord Goderich, the meeting separated. The annual soirée was held on the following evening, and was well and numerously attended. Lord Goderich again presided, and the assembly was addressed by Sir Robert Peel, Major-General Windham, Edward Akroyd, Esq., the Rev. S. Holmes, T. P. Crosland, Esq., Sir William Milner, Bart., H. W. Wickhamı, Esq., M.P., as well as by most of the speakers of the preceding evening.

To Correspondents.

Mr. Chadwick's reply to Mr. Bridges Adams' paper on " Men and Manufactures" has been received, and publication is deferred for want of space.

MON. London Inst., 7. Prof. Odling "On Organic Chemistry."
Geographical, 84. I. Mr. J. S. Wilson, "Extracts from a
Journal of the North Australian Expedition." II. Mr.
W. K. Loftus, "On the Determination of the River
Eulæus' of the Greek Historians."

TUES. Syro-Egyptian, 74. Rev. Dr. Hewlett, "On the Botany of
Egypt, as illustrated in the ancient Sculptures and Paint-

Civil Engineers, 8. Mr. W. Bell, "On the Laws of the
Strength of Wrought and Cast Iron."

Med. and Chirurg., 8.

Zoological, 9.

WED. Literary Fund, 3.

London Inst., 3. Prof. Rymer Jones, "On Vivaria and
their Inhabitants."

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

THURS. Philosophical Club, 54.

Archæological Association, 84.






Dated 13th November, 1856.

John Henry Johnson, 47, Lincoln's-inn-fields-Improvements
in machinery or apparatus for cutting and folding paper. (A
Charles Wastell Dixey, 3, New Bond-street-Improvements in
double opera glasses, and other glasses of a similar nature.

Thomas Stephen Holt, Manchester, and Edward Earnshaw and

James Barlow, Rochdale-Improvements in certain parts of steam-engines, steam-boilers, and apparatus connected therewith. Thomas Earp, Newark-on-Trent-A tap for measuring liquids. John Kinniburch, Renfrew, N.B.-Improvements in moulding

or shaping metals.

Dated 14th November, 1856.

2682. Peter Armand le Comte de Fontainemoreau, 39, Rue de l'Echiquier, Paris-An improved method of forming letters and other devices on metallic surfaces. (A communication.) 2683. Joseph Hacking, Bury, Lancashire-Certain improvements in machinery for dressing, polishing, and finishing threads and 2684. Thomas Beatt Sharp, and Joseph Anthony Collet, Manchester Certain improvements in locomotive steam-engines.


2685. Adolphe Emanuel Huart, Southampton, Surrey-An improved
toy for the use of children.

2686. Richard Emery, 6, King-street, St. James's-square-Improve-
ments in springs for carriages and other vehicles.
2687. Richard Emery, 6, King-street, St. James's-square-Improve-
ments in the construction of axles and boxes of carriages for
common roads.

2688. John Rock Day, and Thomas Rutter, Birmingham-A new or
improved metallic tile for roofing or covering buildings.
2689. Edward Money, 14, St. James's-square-An improved artificial

[blocks in formation]

November 28th.

1283. Fred. Luke Stott, Thomas
Belward, and J. Findlow.
1299. Gustavus Gidley and Wm.

1301. Bennett Johns Heywood.
1305. Victor Jean Baptiste Mau-


1330. Edward Hatton.
1331. Duncan Morrison.
1333. Duncan Morrison.
1349. James Somerville.
1380. Armand Eugene Preux.
1386. John Henry Johnson.
1438. Charles Clifford.

London Institution, 7. Dr. R. E. Grant, "On the Natural 1489. Charles Durand Gardissal.

[blocks in formation]

December 2nd. 1303. Auguste Cadet. 1314. George Josiah Mackelcan. 1315. Edwin Heywood and Thomas Ogden Dixon. 1334. John Christophers. 1341. Andrew Edmund Brae. 1360. Samuel Dyer.

1377. Carlo Pietroni.

1388. Alfred Vincent Newton.
1425. Henry Holland.
1426. John Sadler, Josiah Green,
and Thomas Davis.
1440. Caleb Perry Sharpley.
1475. IsaacAtkin and Marmaduke

1560. William Hickling Burnett.
1608. Alfred Vincent Newton.
1598. Henry Bollmann Condy.

1680. Charles Barlow.

1837. Thomas Barnabus Daft.
2163. Robert Walker, jun.
2214. John Roberts and James

2251. John James Russell and Joseph Bennett Howell. 2282. George Tomlinson Bousfield 12382. Timothy Gilbert.


November 24th.

November 27th.

2406. George Guillaume, Southampton-An apparatus for obtaining 2758. Georges Ed. Gazagnaire. | 2772. Alexander Macomie. motive power by means of water or other fluid.

[blocks in formation]
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