
The Rev. DR. BOOTH, F.R.S., believed that it would | His lordship then proceeded to detail instances of affection be impossible to obtain improved dwellings for the poor, to any great extent, whilst the present law of parochial settlement remained in force. At present it was to the interest of parishes not to allow cottages to be built, and until that state of things was altered it was almost impossible that they could have dwellings commensurate with the wants of the poor; for, whilst the population increased, the number of dwellings remained the same. Under the present system of settlement it was a pecuniary advantage to parishes to keep down the building of cottages for the poor as much as possible, and he considered the poor were as much adscripti gleba as in the days of William the Conqueror.

The Rev. James JACKSON agreed with Mr. Chester that it was their duty to do all in their power to assist Mr. Rogers in the work he had undertaken. He had made a most noble effort on behalf of a very degraded portion of the community, and he had been the means, not only of improving the condition of the children of that class, but also of the parents through the children. By the aid of government grants, and the donations of the charitable, he had raised large funds towards this object; but as these schools were mainly dependent upon voluntary contributions for support, much yet remained to be done in that direction. There was a good beginning on a large scale, but they must do all they could to assist Mr. Rogers in the noble efforts he had made.




The CHAIRMAN said it would have been more agreeable to himself to have closed the discussion without any observations of his own, but as the meeting had shown so much zeal in this cause, in which he had laboured for a considerable period of his life, he could not allow the subject to drop without offering one or two remarks. In the first place he would say that this was a subject with which the Society of Arts had done well to connect itself, because he was convinced that amongst the class of whom they were speaking there were as fine spirits, and as noble intelligences, which by due training could be brought to advance the interests of art and science, as could be found amongst the most wealthy and the best-born of this country. He would remark, in reply to the observations which fell from his friend Mr. Chester, that Mr. Rogers, in drawing up this paper, had given a very tation of the characteristics of the class he had been treating of. They were a people of a peculiar character, and it was impossible to be amongst them without being struck with the wonderful patience and good humour which generally distinguished them. regard to the objection which had been taken With by the author of the paper, to the term schools," he (Lord Shaftesbury) looked upon that title ragged as the chief recommendation of those establishments. The children who came to those schools were of the most miserable class in the metropolis. They came in hungry, shivering, and almost naked, and he adhered with more than ordinary pertinacity to the epithet "ragged schools." It was meant to designate the special class of the community for which these schools were intended. This title also implied the nature of the duty of the superintendants and the teachers in them. The title "ragged school" denoted that the business of the superintendants and teachers was with the ragged children. It was their duty to take the children from the mire and the gutter, and the moment they quitted that they quitted the sphere of their duty. Another important consideration was to keep these schools for the especial benefit of the destitute and miserable classes. Mr. Rogers had said that the title distasteful to the respectable portion of the community. That he (Lord Shaftesbury) considered was its greatest recommendation. Ragged schools were never intended for the children of those who could afford to pay for schooling. Again, his friend Mr. Rogers was in error when he stated that these schools failed to call forth the respect and the confidence of the children.


for the teachers and local missionaries displayed by the inmates of the ragged schools, which had come under his own knowledge, and described the wretched state of ignorance and depravity in which they were found, having no idea of the meaning of " property," farther than that they considered it was their right to appropriate as much as they could to themselves. His lordship then went on to remark that, notwithstanding the wretched condition in which this class of people lived, it was astonishing to know what could be affected by the introduction amongst them of a system of thrift. Last year, there was deposited in the penny banks attached to the reference to the condition of the dwellings of the ragged schools, no less a sum than £2,000. With poor, his lordship proceeded to state his conviction that, without improvement in this respect, there could be no hope for their domestic education, so essential as a foundation for moral advancement. The great difficulty in the way of improving the dwellings of the poor in the metropolis and large cities was the great cost it involved. There was no longer any doubt as to the desire of the people to avail themselves of them; but he might remark that when the plan of improving the present dwellings, by making the streets and alleys clean, and properly ventilating the houses, was adopted, it had been found highly remunerative. He was of opinion that by ing, painting, ventilating, and making them, intaking whole courts and alleys, renovating, repairstead of cul-de-sacs, open spaces, free for air and light, ample returns for capital employed might be obtained. His lordship then adverted to the benefits of the Lodging Houses Act, and the importance of assisting to carry out its regulations. His lordship concluded by moving a vote of thanks to Mr. Rogers for his able paper.

A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Rogers.

day evening next, the Eth inst., there would be No
The Secretary announced that on Wednes-
MEETING of the Society, and that on Wednesday
evening, the 15th inst., a Paper, by Mr. J. W;
Papworth, on
ought to be," would be read.
"Houses as they were, are, and

Home Eorrespondence.


state, that I made no claim to novelty in printing from SIR,-In reply to Mr. Bradbury's letter, allow me to the leaf by means of colours on paper. was, printing from the leaf on lithographic stones or copper-plates, and so enabling the impressions to What I did claim be multiplied at pleasure. Mr. Bradbury considers that, as by his process the impressions are as good as in the specimens of an herbarium, full success in nature printing is achieved. But these are necessarily extremely imperfect, and do not at all represent the natural objects, while I contend that my process preserves the impressions in their original succulence and fulness, and without the unnatural contractions of the withered specimens of a Hortus siccus. I am, &c.,


THE ECONOMY OF FOOD. followed the reading of the valuable paper of Dr. Letheby, SIR, The interesting and prolonged discussion which prevented my offering some remarks on this important subject, which is too vast, as has been observed by one of the speakers, to be discussed even in a series of meetings. I shall not attempt, therefore, to enter into the fundamental principles of the question, but merely to

offer a few remarks relative to some points susceptible of same causes will produce the same effects either within or controversy. Much has been said and written on what to without the body. The above remarks will explain how, eat and to drink, but very little about how to do it. I according to the constitution of the individual, he may have heard several times from persons who have not lived secure a good digestion by finishing his meal either with on the Continent, that the English roast beef was more a salad or an extra glass of wine. healthy than the French "mess," as our cooking is called I shall beg leave, also, to observe, that Dr. Letheby, in by many. I was glad, therefore, to hear it scientifically his description of the virtue of coffee is not consistent explained and demonstrated, that a mixture of various with his first premises; if there are some absolute conarticles was necessary to make a wholesome and nutritious ditions required in a substance destined to maintain food, in order to engender force and to supply the wants and support the body, coffee must possess them or it of the various organs composing the body. All has not cannot be nutritious. He says that it excites the brain been said, however, on the necessity of admixture. It is on the one hand, while it calms the nervous system genewell known that the more component parts a substance rally; this is not in accordance with the physiological contains, the more easy is the decomposition, and as the data. He adds that Lechmann, who has inquired much process of digestion has for ultimate result the decompo- into the physiological effects of that substance, "has sition of our food, the more this is of a compound na- ascertained by experiments, that coffee greatly diminishes ture, the more easily is it digested. But digestion is me- the wear and tear of the system, it oils the machinery chanical as well as chemical, and one of the first condi- as it were, and checks the waste of friction; for those tions is the division of the particles, and their being kept who use it find, that during active exercise, the destrucasunder in order to allow the gastric juice to act on every tion of tissue is prevented, and then there is less demand particle individually. The molecules of the same sub- for food; in fact, and with a maximum of work to perstance having an affinity for each other, they cohere toge- form, and a minimum of food to accomplish it, he will ther, thereby preventing the operation alluded to, but best sustain his vital power who has resorted to a cup of when substances of a different nature are introduced into coffee." Unluckily, the great authority as the lecturer the stomach, the churning or mechanical action of that calls him, is mistaken, otherwise we could live altogether organ causes the interposition of molecules of different sub- on coffee, and it would certainly, says Lechmann, be a stances, and promotes their chemical decomposition. It great saving to the poor classes. If I contradict the is not what we eat which supports the body; it is what above statement, it is because it would induce many not we digest. My friend Dr. Kenan, an Irish gentleman, only to use, but to abuse, the employment of coffee. It is who came to London for the purpose of delivering lectures my principle never to believe or to submit to any kind of on physiology, used to say, "There are two kinds of people authorities however high they may be, unless their opinions who die from starvation; those who have not enough to agree with the rules of common sense. Now, in opposieat, and those who eat too much," and there are very tion to the above statement of Dr. Letheby, I shall refew persons who have not had the opportunity of late experiments made by Dr. A. Caron, médecin des verifying on themselves the correctness of this remark, prisons de la Seine, and inserted in La Gazette Médico by noticing that they felt a great deal weaker from chirurgicale, de Paris, No. 11, March 14, 1846, enhaving taken too much of the most nutritious arti- titled: De l'alimentation par le café au lait, considérée cles of diet. The only condiment alluded to in the paper comme cause pathogénique. Speaking of the popular was salt, and this again is in harmony with the English habit of breakfasting on coffee with milk, he says: I have custom of preferring plain food. We cannot admit, how-devoted my attention to this subject, and I think I am ever, that nature produces without design and utility a justified in attributing to this kind of aliment the provariety of condiments and spices which we know are not duction of the nervous and leuchorrhoeic diseases which nutritious articles of food, but which are the inert matter principally affect females of every class, particularly those destined to keep the particles of food in a state of inhabiting large towns. The very general coincidence division, and thereby to promote digestion, first me- of the same symptoms with the use of coffee and milk, chanically, and, secondly, by their stimulant and anti-induced me to examine what might be the cause of those septic virtues. Raspail, the French reformer, says, in his phenomena, and then I was led to investigate what the work entitled, "L'Histoire de la Santé et de la Maladie," action of coffee on milk is, and then the action of that the art of cooking is the chemistry of the man in health- mixture on the human economy. I was first obliged to Pharmacopeia, the cookery of the man who is diseased. make the analysis of the infusion of coffee, next to dePlain food does not produce strength; it gives only bulk. termine its physical and chemical properties; I was This is the reason why in England you judge of the strength obliged besides, to submit my first essays to new experiof a man by his weight, but the springing activity of a ments, which conducted me to a series of most interest. light Frenchman would defeat an English boxer, unless ing researches, which I now propose to describe. he was obliged, according to rules, to wait coolly the The infusion of coffee is a liquor of a dark brown, posheavy blow of his antagonist. The same author, speak- sessing a particular aromatic taste, slightly bitter, the ing of the modus operandi of digestion, says, "If you put chemical analysis containing the following principles, together, either in an open or close vessel, at a tempera- viz., a colouring matter soluble in water, a volatile emture of 10 to 15 degrees centigrade, a mixture of sugar pyreumatic oil soluble in alcohol, which is developed by or saccharine and glutinous or albuminous substances, torrefaction, some tannic and gallic acid, some resin and a fermentation takes place, the product of which is alcohol; an extract of cafeine. This liquor when warm and if, when the whole saccharine substance has been trans- sweetened, constitutes a stimulating and pleasing beverage formed into alcohol, an extra quantity of gluten or albu-known by every one, but what no one has thought of is, men remains, its reaction on the alcohol transforms it that when in contact with milk, its nutritious properties into acetic acid, and thus when the alimentary matter, are neutralised, because of its fermentation being retarded. by the process of digestion, has arrived at a proper Having put together some coffee and milk in a bottle, it degree of acidity, suitable to the physiological condition was 27 days before the mixture began to decompose, whilst of the organ, it is then propelled into the duodenum, milk and sugar were decomposed in three days; chocolate where it mixes with the bile, and acquires the alkaline with milk was five days; pure cafeine and milk eleven condition requisite to combine with the blood." I am days. It is evident that the astringent properties of cofaware that Raspail's opinion has been rejected by some fee hinder the digestion of milk; but it happens also, authors, who will not admit that the physiological func- that during the action of coffee on the principle of milk, tions have any similarity with the chemical phenomena the cafeine is set free and acts on the membrane of the which take place out of the organism; for my part, I stomach in the same manner as vegetable alkalies, prouphold Raspail's opinion, because chemical phenomena ducing the most evident hyposthenisation, a fact which are the consequence of immutable natural laws, and the till now has been overlooked. Then Dr. Caron continues

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to relate the experiments he made on himself, and some of the Ancient World," by Mr. B. W. Hawkins; "The other persons willing to submit to the trial, the results of Life of Sydney Smith," by Rev. Brewin Grant; "Litewhich were general prostration, vital concentration, rary Beauties of the Bible," by Mr. Barnet Blake; "Moore's cephalagia, weakness and trembling of the legs, totter- Ballads and Shakespeare's Songs," by Mr. Barker; six ing walk, nausea supervening with fulness of the stomach, lectures "on the Protestant Reformation," by Mr. H. constant somnolence, great want of appetite, he having re- Vincent; "Life of John Calvin," by Mr. George Dawmained since the morning till 11 o'clock at night without son; "Old Books; their uses, beauties, and peculiarieating anything. But what is particularly worth noticing ties," by Mr. George Dawson; four lectures "on Natuheadds, is the condition of the pulse, which, on the average, ral History and the Extinct Animals of the Ancient was from 80 to 90, and which, under these circumstances, World," by Mr. B. W. Hawkins; "Some of the Beauties of was lowered to 68. At four o'clock in the afternoon it English Poetry," by Mr. John Harris; two lectures" on was reduced to 60, and two hours later to 56, when he America," by Mr. Henry Pease; "Natural History in contook some food in order to stop the effect. While taking nection with the late Darlington Polytechnic Exhibition," the meal he was subject from time to time to giddiness, by Mr. W. Fothergill. Through the liberality of Lord flushing of the face, and nausea; after the meal the pulse Ashburton, a gratuitous lecture was delivered in Seprose to 72, when he felt much relieved. He continues tember last by the Rev. J. A. D. D'Orsey, on "Common farther on and says, a mixture of coffee and milk as I have Things." The Saturday evening entertainments have stated above, having the property of hindering the fermen- again been brought forward with success. The literary tation when in vessels, acts identically in the same manner portion of the meetings has been zealously upheld, prinin the stomach, and constitutes an inert liquid, on which cipally by gentlemen resident in the town, who have the gastric juice has little or no action at all. Dr. Caron delivered short lectures and given select readings of continues the account of his experiments, mentioning high literary merit-prose, poetical and dramatic-from cases he has treated, and proves ultimately that many standard authors of ancient and modern times. The musical patients labouring under nervous irritation, leuchorrhoea portions of the entertainments have been ably sustained and hysteria, were restored to health by simple tonic by local talent, with occasional assistance from provincial treatment after having given up the use of coffee. I towns. The aggregate attendance at these entertainmust confess that in the first instance, when Dr. Caron ments during the winter has amounted to nearly 11,000. communicated to me the above observations previously to | A “ Penny Savings Bank," in connection with the Inreading his article, I had some difficulty in agreeing stitution, for the deposit of small sums, has been estabwith him on the subject, and told him that from my own lished. 185 volumes have, by presentation and purchase, experience I thought coffee a great supporter of the animal been added to the library, and the total number of books economy, relating at the same time, that by taking for belonging to the Institution is 2,429; the issue has been breakfast a cup of coffee and milk, I could go a whole 11,890 against 10,737 of the previous year. The preday without taking anything else; this remark he rightly sent number of members is 503, of whom 3 are life took as a proof of the truth of what he had advanced. members, 61 news room, 121 yearly, and 318 half The mistake made by Lechmann does not therefore yearly and quarterly. The number entered on the books surprise me, but I think it right to place the fact in its during the past year is 664. The following gentlemen are true light. I am, &c., the officers for the year 1857: President-Henry Pease, Esq.; Vice Presidents-Mr. Thomas Watson, and Mr. Andrew Common; Treasurer-John Church Backhouse, Esq.; Honorary Secretary-Mr. George Brigham; Committee-Mr. W. T. Robinson, Mr. Thomas Swinburne, Mr. Wm. Mossom, Mr. E. P. Elgee, Mr. George Shaw, Mr. Nicholas Bragg, Mr. J. F. Clapham, Mr. F. Mewburn, Jun., Mr. R. Mountford, Mr. Edward Pease, Jun., Mr. Richard Winter, Mr. Wm. C. Parker, Mr. John Harrison, Mr. Wm. A. Snaith, Mr. Edward Hall, Mr. J. R. Breckon, Mr. Jonathan Dresser, Mr. Wm. Forster, (Bank), Mr. H. K. Spark, Mr. R. Pincher; Auditors— Messrs. G. Harker, R. Teasdale, and H. Dunn; Serutineers-Messrs. T. L. Blyth, and H. F. Pease; Librarian Mr. Charles Forster.

9, York-place, Portman-square.


Proceedings of Institutions.

CHELTENHAM.-There have been second courses of lectures, since Christmas, both at the Athenæum and the Literary and Philosophical Institution. At the latter, Dr. Whewell, the master of Trinity College, Cambridge, delivered a lecture, (on Friday, the 27th ult.,) upon Plato. The subject itself, and the celebrity of the lecturer, combined to attract a fuller and more educated audience than has been drawn together for many years past. It was not, however, a discourse upon the mental character and philosophy of Plato generally; but a popular illustration of his mode of teaching, in a masterly analysis of the dialogue on 'True Courage," and a brief summary of some others. It is much to be regretted that the Institution is at present labouring under pecuniary difficulties. The attempt to support it as a readingroom has failed, and it is now proposed to confine it to the original objects of its founders,—as a Lecture-room, Museum, and Library of Reference.

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LEWES.-An Exhibition and soirée in connection with the Mechanics' Institution, were held on the evenings of Thursday and Friday, the 26th and 27th Feb., when an interesting and varied collection of works of art and other objects of interest was displayed. The walls were hung with some fine pictures by the old masters, as well as some scientific diagrams; and cases of specimens illustrating various branches of Natural History, occupied a portion of the space. A choice collection of antiquities was contributed by the Sussex Archæological Society, as well as from other sources. Several tables DARLINGTON.-In the report of the Mechanics' Institu- were devoted to the illustration of various branches of tion for the year 1856, presented to the annual general physical science, and experiments in frictional and voltaic meeting, held on the 6th ult., the committee congra-electricity, magnetism, and chemistry were shown during tulate the members upon the very favourable aspect which the classes have presented during the past year, and are of opinion that the spirited and assiduous manner in which the various gratuitous teachers have fulfilled their self-imposed duties, deserves to be marked with the special approval of the meeting, and the grateful thanks of their pupils. The result of the lectures during the past session is encouraging. The following were delivered:-Six lectures "on the Commonwealth," by Mr. H. Vincent; two lectures "on Extinct Animals

the evenings. Electric telegraphs were arranged at the ends of the hall, and their working was shown and explained. In the mechanical department, there were several interesting machines exhibited in actual operation, and the steam-engine was explained and illustrated by working models. The attendance on both evenings was very large.

SALFORD. The Committee of the Salford Royal Museum Peel-park Institution have had their attention directed, for some time past, to the formation of an In

visited the museum.

dustrial Museum, that shall in a great measure relate to the manufactures of Manchester and its neighbourhood; with this view, they desire to procure a complete series of samples of the raw materials, and of those exhibiting the various changes in the process of manufacture, so as to form a collection fully illustrating the different branches of practical art and manufacture. The importance of such a collection, from whatever view it may be considered, especially in this district, is unquestionable; and the Committee feel satisfied, that the completion of an Industrial Museum, on a large and ample scale, would have a beneficial tendency and value to all classes, and possess special attractions to the strangers who may be expected to visit Manchester during the present year. The Committee have much pleasure in acknowledging the valuable contributions with which they have been already favoured by several eminent manufacturers of textile fabrics; these have been arranged, and have proved a source of instruction and gratification to a large number of persons who have In carrying out this important object, the notice of the Committee has been drawn to the extensive and valuable collection of samples of practical art, industrial products, and other objects displayed in the Inaugural Exhibition of the Manchester Mechanics' Institution; and they have been advised that, at its close, many of the contributors to that exhibition, if applied to, would be willing to transfer to the Museum, at Peel-park, such of the objects as are of a suitable and appropriate character, being assured that all such donations would be safely taken care of, for the permanent use and enjoyment of the present and future generations. The Committee do not deem it necessary, in every case, to specify the particular objects which they think it desirable to solicit, but respectfully leave the selection to the judgment and liberality of the contributors, feeling assured that they will be the most competent to select such samples as are necessary to illustrate each particular branch of practical art and manufacture. The Royal Museum and Library is established under the provisions of the Public Libraries Act," which empowers the Town Council to levy a rate for its maintenance and support. All its property is vested in the Town Council of Salford, and it is open daily (except Sundays) to the public, free of charge. The library contains nearly 20,000 volumes, of which 6,000 (forming the lending department) are freely lent to be read at the homes of the borrowers.

Within a period of seven years the aggregate issues of books have been 431,974 volumes. The reading-room has been used by 696,000 readers, and the extensive Museum has of itself attracted more than 20,000 visitors within the seven years. These numbers may appear somewhat large, but when it is considered that within the most popular public park in this great community, situate in a very picturesque locality, is to be found an Institution with so many attractive features -containing a large library, spacious and pleasant reading-room, a museum filled with statuary, pictures, and other works of fine art, a gallery of samples of practical art and manufacture, an exceedingly good collection of specimens of foreign and British natural history, antiquities, and general articles—all of which are entirely free, and to which, during the holiday season, thousands of persons are brought by railway from the neighbouring towns, they will not cause much surprise, but be regarded as a certain indication of the good which result from this wide diffusion of knowledge amongst the masses of the people. The numerous donations conclusively evince the warm interest taken by the public in the Institution, no less that 2,571 separate gifts having been made from time to time, and the sum of £10,000 subscribed towards the formation of the library and museum, for its enlargement, or for building purposes. The rapid growth of the Institution has been very great, and the necessity of providing for the increase of objects in the museum rendered it necessary, a few years back,

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WED. Literary Fund, 3.

London Inst., 3. Mr. E. W. Brayley, "On Mineralogy and

Archaeological Association, 4. Anniversary.

Geological, 8. Dr. H. Falconer, "On the series of Masto-
don and Elephant occurring fossil in England."
Graphic, 8.

THURS. London Inst., 7. Rev. C. Boutell, "On the Monumental

Memorials and Engraved Monumental Brasses of Great

SAT. London Inst., 3. Prof. Robert Bentley, "On Systematic Botany, with especial reference to the natural systems of arrangement."

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617. Giacomo Sileoni, Genoa-Obtaining starch from a plant called arum maculatum and arum Italicum, and from all other roots and plants of the arum genus.



Dated 4th March, 1857. Rudolph Bodmer, 2, Thavies-inn-Improvements in apparatus for steering ships. (A communication.) Thomas Wright Gardener Treeby, 1, Westbourne-terrace-villa -Improvements in sewers and gulleys, and outfall to sewers and gulleys, and of sewage.

636. William Edward Newton, 66, Chancery-lane-Certain improvements in machines for cutting standing crops. (A communication.)

638. James Stephens, 8, Northampton-road, Clerkenwell-Improvements in paint brushes, and in similar kinds of brushes. Dated 5th March, 1857.

640. William Frederick Taylor Bradshaw, 54, Thomas-street, Sheffield-Improvements in making palette and other like knives. 642. Jean Louis Frederic Bardin, Paris-A new mode of ornamentation.

644. William Holland, Birmingham-A new or improved manufacture of runner notches and top notches for umbrellas and parasols.

654. George Tomlinson Bousfield, Sussex-place, Loughboroughroad, Brixton-Improvements in machinery for compressing clay and other materials applicable to the manufacture of bricks and other articles. (A communication.) Dated 6th March, 1857.

658. William Findlater and William Keetley, Birmingham-An improvement or improvements in carriages. 660. Georges Danré, Pierre Fortune Victor Mouillard, and Pierre Adrien Mercier, Paris-Improvements in carbonizing or distilling wood, peat, oil-cake, coal, and other substances for the production of gas for lighting, in carburetting or increasing the illuminating effect of and in compressing gas, also in the apparatuses employed for such purposes. 662. Richard Archibald Brooman, 166, Fleet-street-Improvements in furnaces and re-places. (A communication.) Dated 7th March, 1857.

666. George Hawksley, Bromley, Middlesex-An improvement in constructing apparatus for heating and cooling air, steam, and other fluids.

668. William Urquhart, 481, New Oxford-street-A new mode of ornamenting household furniture.

670. Robert James Maryon, 40, Hooper-street, Westminster-roadImprovements in the construction of steam locomotive engines.

671. Patrick McGrade, 7, Upper Liffy-street, Dublin-Improved machinery or apparatus for propelling ships or boats. 672. Richard Archibald Brooman, 166, Fleet-street-An improved method of, and apparatus for, maintaining the water level in boilers. (A communication.)

Dated 9th March, 1857.

677. Frederick Shand Hemming, Westminster-Improvements in the manufacture of railway chairs and sleepers. Dated 11th March, 1857.

703. George Mountford, Caledonian terrace, Leeds-Improvements in machinery or apparatus for cutting or chopping loaf sugar, roots, and other substances.

705. Charles Emile Giajola, No. 2, Sheepcott-lane, BirminghamImprovements in moderator lamps.

707. William Boden, Black wall-Improved apparatus for flushing waterclosets and urinals.

709. William Hale, Swan walk, Chelsea-An improvement in rolling iron and steel.

Dated 12th March, 1857.

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713. John Avery, 32, Essex-street, Strand-An improved method of purifying schistous or bituminous oils. (A communication.) 715. George Travis, Mercaston, Derby-Improvements in apparatus used in the manufacture of cheese.

717. William Edward Newton, 66, Chancery-lane-Improved machinery for drawing and preparing silk, cotton, wool, flax, hemp, and other fibrous substances. (A communication.) Dated 13th March, 1857.

719. Thomas Horne, junr., Birmingham-A new or improved method of ornamenting metallic bedsteads and wash-hand stands. 721. Samuel Lawrence Taylor, Cotton-end, and Thomas Eaton Rolfe, Northill, Bedfordshire-Improvements in boilers for generating steam, heating water, and for other heating or boiling purposes.

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723. William Westbrooke Squires, Liverpool-Improvements in the means of letting on and drawing off water and other fluids. 725. Edmond Joseph Nicolas Juvin, Paris-Improvements in producing printing surfaces.

Dated 14th March, 1857.

727. John Wheatman and John Smith, Sheffield-Improvements in the mode of grinding circular saws.

729. Henry Bridges, Bridgewater-Improvements in buffing, bearing, and draw springs, and buffer cases for railway purposes. 731. Martin Nunn, Hampstead-Certain improvements in machinery or apparatus for washing or cleansing clothes, piece-goods, and other articles.

733. Thomas Bowden, Pendleton, Lancashire-Improvements in apparatus for discharging the water resulting from the condensing of steam used in apparatus heated by steam. Dated 16th March, 1857.

737. Henry Glaysher, Isle of Wight-Improvements in steam-engine boiler and other furnaces.

739. George Joseph Hall, 10 and 11, Archer-street, St. James-An improvement in finishing fabrics made wholly or partly of silk,

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743. Nathaniel Jones Amies, Manchester-Certain improvements in machinery or apparatus for polishing and finishing yarns or threads. 745. Henry Boswell Palmer, Bermondsey-An improved fire lighter. 749. William Edward Newton, 66, Chancery-lane-Certain improvements in folding window blinds and shutters. (A communication.)

751. Modeste Anquetin, Paris-An improved traveller's watch. 753. William MacNaught, Rochdale-Certain improvements in engines worked by steam or other motive power, and in their gearing for connecting them with machinery, and in the means of lubricating such engines.

755. George Forsyth, Stakeford Foundry, Maxwelltown, N.B.Improvements in steam cooking apparatus.

Dated 18th March, 1857.

757. John Millar, Edinburgh-Improvements in stoppers or closing apparatus for decanters, bottles, and other receptacles. 759. Jacob Green, Philadelphia, U.S.-Improvements in gas consuming furnaces, and in the automatic action of the controlling valves or dampers of the said furnaces. 761. James Murdoch, Staple-inn-An improved process for imitating the skins of animals upon fulled cloth. (A communication.) 763. John Wilkes, Thomas Wilkes, and Gilbert Wilkes, Birmingham-A new or improved manufacture of rollers or cylinders for printing fabrics.

765. Sir James Caleb Anderson, Bart., Fermoy, Cork, IrelandImprovements in locomotive and other carriages.

767. Richard Johnson, Manchester-Improvements in cleaning iron and other metals, after the manner known as “pickling."


March 27th.

2264. John Boyd.

2266. William Smith and Nathaniel Fortescue Taylor.

2270. John Rothwell. 2274. Charles John Carr. 2278. David Thom and George Aldcroft Phillips.

2280. John Lord.

2283. Charles William Ramié. 2289. Duncan Bruce.

2296. Henry Naylor and James Crabtree.

2300. Charles Durand Gardissal. 2344. William Wilkinson. 2380. William Rennie, junr. 2442. Robert Hanham Collyer, M.D.

2456. Joseph Lacassagne and Rodolphe Thiers.

2474. George Thomson.
2560. Francis Cook Matthews.
78. Robert Smith.

98. George Fergusson Wilson. 112. John Barsham.

164. Frederick Crace Calvert. 210. George Fergusson Wilson. 212. George Fergusson Wilson. 248. Thomas Cooke. 276. Alexander Wright.

2309. Daniel Desmond.

2311. Robert Edmeston.

2312. Charles Goodyear.

2313. Michael Thomas Crofton. 2335. Andrew Dunlop. 2349. William Marriott and David Sugden.

2369. Joseph Bennett Howell. 2405. Thomas Allen. 2425. Peter Armand le Comte de Fontainemoreau. 2426. Peter Armand le Comte de Fontainemoreau.

2427. William Dray.
2437. Samuel Cunliffe Lister and
William Tongue.

2438. James Robert France.
2440. William Palmer, junr.
2487. John Christian Bremer.
2495. Edwin Allan Athawes.
2504. Louis Auguste Mangin.
2523. Michel Dognin.
2526. Adolphe Ernest Ragon.
2579. John White.

2581. Ebenezer Erskine Scott. 2635. Jean Baptiste Edouard Victor Alaux.

2650. William Clark.
2799. John Musgrave, junr.
2831. Joseph Latimer Clark.

304. Matthew Andrew Muir and 2893. William Hooper, Joseph

James Mcllwham.
March 31st.

2307. Joseph Renshaw.
2308. Victor Renault.

Fry, and George Nasmyth.

3074. William Clark.

31. Alexander Angus Croll.

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