
of 50,000 francs (£2,000 sterling), offered by the decree of the 23rd Feb., 1852, for the discovery of a means of rendering the galvanic battery commercially applicable in the arts either as a source of heat or light, or as a mechanical power or as a chemical or medical agent. The committee consists of MM. Dumas, President; Chevreul, Pelouze, Regnault, Despretz, Rayer, Serres, Charles Dupin, Séquier, Poncelet, Morin, Members of the Academy; Reynaud, director of lighthouses; and Henry Sainte-Clair Deville, of the Normal School.


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Proceedings of Institutions.

BOSTON.-The Rev. P. W. Clayden recently delivered a lecture in the Assembly Rooms to the members of the Athenæum, T. Garfit, Esq., in the chair. The subject was-"Habit. Use is second Nature.' 929 The attend

After a long and interesting exordium the lecturer proceeded to the subject itself, first defining it, then showing habit in the body, both in its active and passive form, its bearing on practical life; tracing the "genesis" of and deducing the law or principle through the operation of which "use creates " & second nature

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Napoleon has frequently been reproached with having coldly received Fulton and his plan for the application of steam to the purposes of navigation. Marshal Mar-ance was excellent, the large room being well filled. mont, in his memoirs, says that Buonaparte, who, from his education in the Artillery, had a natural prejudice against novelties, treated Fulton as a quack, and would not listen to him. M. Louis Figuier also, in pp. 258 et seq., the 3rd vol. of his work, writes that Bonaparte refused to place the matter in the hands of the Academy. Passing on from habits of body, habits of mind came The following letter from Napoleon, dated from the Camp at Boulogne, 21st July, 1804, and addressed to M. under consideration; and the lecturer showed how the de Champagny, Minister of the Interior, proves the con- great object of all education was the formation of "good trary. It is given on the authority of "Cosmos: habits of mind," strongly defending "classical" educa"I have just read the project of citizen Fulton, an en-mind. The influence of habit on the opinions, on the tion, as producing a healthy, vigorous, liberal habit of gineer, which you sent me much too late, for it seems social feelings, on the sentiments, and on the passions, capable of changing the face of the world. At all events,

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in us.

I desire that you will immediately place the examina-was then traced, and a striking contrast drawn between tion of it in the hands of a Committee, composed of love as a passion of youth, and that love which owes its members of the Institute, for it is to them that the existence to habit. The lecturer then went on to show scientific men of Europe will naturally look for a deci-the beneficence of the law of habit in its operation, sion on the question. A great physical truth stands revealed before my eyes. It will be for these gentlemen to see it, and endeavour to avail themselves of it. As soon as the report is made it will be sent to you, and you will forward it to me. Let the decision be given in a week, if possible, for I am impatient to hear it."


A public sale took place at the London Commercial Sale-rooms, Mincing-lane, on Friday, Feb. 6th, of 243 bales of East Indian Fibres, being samples imported by the Honourable East India Company for experiment.

The following is a list of the different kinds sold, and the prices fetched per ton. :

Oodrah, from £4 10s. to £5 5s.; true Hemp, from the Himalayas. from £26 15s. to £32; Aloe, from £35 to £40 5s.; Putsun Hibiscus, £16; true China grass from Assam, Rhea fibres of various kinds, some partly prepared, from £30 15s. to £46; (Sunnd fibre, (crotolaria juncea,) £21 10; true Hemp of the Himalayas, partly prepared in England, from £29 to £30 5s.; tow, £11 5s.; Nettle fibre, £22; Nettle mesakee, £22; Hibiscus, £11 5s. to £25; Gharoo, £10 5s.; Tale Rameh, £40 5s.

Home Eorrespondence.

INTEROCEANIC RAILWAY. SIR,-A great objection to any railroad, for connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific Ocean, is that vessels must be unloaded at either extremity, and reloaded again at the other end; but this might be obviated. Sir Samuel Bentham obtained that first-rate men-of-war should for small repairs be taken into dock with all in, and it is now commonly practised. This proves that the hull of a vessel is strong enough to bear the weight of its cargo. Ships of the line built at St. Petersburg, are, in cradles, borne over the shallows formed at the mouth of the Neva, hence it appears that a vessel can be supported in

equalising as it did the inequalities of society, reconciling
men to their external conditions, and compensating to a
great degree the hardships of the world; concluding by
had developed. J. Noble, Esq., thanked the lecturer, in
a rapid summary of the practical principles the lecturer
the name of the meeting, observing that such a lecture
must have cost him no ordinary amount of thought and
labour. Mr. Clayden, in thanking the audience for their
attention, said that on this his first appearance on that
platform he had been so well received, he should hope to
make his appearance there again.
believe, intimated, in answer to an inquiry, that he is
Mr. Clayden has, we
willing to deliver the lecture gratuitously to any of the
other Institutions in the county.

COUPAR ANGUS.-The twenty-second anniversary of
the Nautical Improvement Society was held on the even-
the chair. The chairman, in a few introductory remarks,
ing of Tuesday, the 24th ult., Mr. John Mills occupying
recommended that, instead of the time of the meeting
being taken up in listening to set speeches, they should
form themselves, for the time being, into a debating
and a spirited discussion, on various subjects, was carried
This suggestion was immediately acted upon,
on. It is gratifying to observe a growing desire, on the
part of the members of this Society, to extend its use-


DEPTFORD.-The annual meeting of the members of the Mechanics' Literary Institution was recently held, Mr. Crossland in the chair. The secretary, Mr. Alexander Dickson, read a statement of the finances of the Institution, and gave a report of the general progress of the Institution during the past year, which was most encouraging. At the last annual meeting a heavy debt hung over the Institution of upwards of £400; now, the total amount of debts owing scarcely exceeded £70, exclusive of the standing loan on debentures for £1,200, the interest of which was paid yearly.

EASTERN COUNTIES RAILWAY AND STRATFORD.-The committee, in presenting the fifth annual report of the proceedings of the Mechanics' Institute, have much pleasure in congratulating the members upon its continued prosperity and the success which has attended its proceedings. The number of members is-20 honorary

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and 478 ordinary, being an increase of 208 as compared Mr. Parsons (two), one on Thomas Hood and one on with last year. The circulation of books from the the Wits of Queen Anne's Reign. Mr. Salaman (two), library has considerably increased, there having been one on the History of the Pianoforte and one on Music nearly 5,000 registered issues during the year, and, in connection with the Dance. Mr. Crispe, on the Phiduring the past year upwards of 300 volumes have been losophy of Humbug. Mr. Charles, on the Ludicrous added to it. The lectures and entertainments have been and Lyrical Literature of Love. Mr. G. Dawson (two), well attended, and have been received with considerable one on Peter the Great and one on Martin Luther-his satisfaction, and so large has the attendance been in Private Life and Character. Mr. W. Dawson, on the some instances as to cause the committee to confine the Style and Characteristics of English Glee Writing. Mr. admission to members of the Institution, and to refuse Serle, a Dramatic Reading-the Merry Wives of that privilege to the public. The thanks of the members Windsor." Mr. Cooper, a Musical Entertainment, enare due to the Directors of the Eastern Counties Railway titled, "Sketches of a Tour from Burton-crescent to Company for having kindly granted the use of a train Balaclava. Dr. Pettigrew on the Arch of Life. Dr. for an excursion to Southend. About 2,100 persons Noad, on the New Induction Apparatus. Mr. Blackburn, availed themselves of the opportunity thus afforded on Algeria-its History and Customs. Mr. Fairbairn, a them. The committee, after considerable discussion, Scottish Musical Entertainment, entitled, "Wanderin' determined upon recommending the reduction of the Willie's Wallet."-In addion to these, the following amount of subscription; and it affords them great satis-were delivered gratuitously:-Rev. D. Katterns, on faction to state that this reduction has proved eminently Curiosities of Biblical Interpretation and Eccentricities successful-in nearly doubling the number of members, of Preachers. Mr. G. Offor, jun., on the Genius and and thereby causing a large increase of subscriptions, Writings of Albert Smith. Mr. Wortabet, on Syria and whereby the committee were enabled to discharge all the Holy Land. Mr. Thomas Price, on Sir Thomas outstanding liabilities, and can now state that the Insti-More-his Life and Writings. Mr. Grant, on Lord tution is entirely free from debt, and that, after the pay-Byron-his Times, Life, and Writings.-The classes ment of nearly £100 for books, papers, and periodicals, have continued their meetings. they are enabled to show a balance in hand of upwards of HALSTEAD. The annual meeting of the Literary and £17. The plan of deducting the subscriptions from the Mechanics' Institution was held on the 29th of last. pay sheets fortnightly has been found to work exceed- December, and a soirée in connection with the Institute ingly well-nearly 300 paying their subscriptions by that came off on Tuesday the 3rd of February. Ahout 30 mode. The following classes are in operation-Mechani-ladies presided over the tea service, and several members cal Drawing, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Writing, offered explanations of diagrams representing locomoand Arithmetic. A French Class is in course of tion and Australia and Australian life, procured from formation. the Working Man's Educational Union. Some members GREENWICH.-The recently-published report of the assisted with the dissolving views, the lantern being Society for the Acquisition and Diffusion of Useful Know-kindly supplied by E. Courtauld, Esq., while Sidney ledge, shows a manifest progress. There were 682 adult Courtauld, Esq., his son, was superintendant. members, and 48 minors, at the close of last quarter, photographs from the Society of Arts were exhibited, and 200 new members have been elected since the com- and much admired. Some members performed vocal and mencement of last year. There has also been more instrumental music. E. W. Harris, Esq., the newly activity in the classes during the past six months than elected president, occupied the chair. The report of the at any previous period. The number of books taken Committee shows that the prosperity of the Institute from the library is regularly increasing. During the during the past year is in advance of any that has premonth of August, 1,878 volumes were read, and during ceded it. The number of the present members exceeds the month of November the number reached 2,475 that of any former period, and the income of the Sovolumes. The committee present a statement of the ciety, from nearly all sources, has reached a higher point. income and expenditure for the past six months. The During the last year, the members have increased to 235, receipts--including members' subscription, sale of cata- being an increase of 35 over any preceding year, and of logues and newspapers, library fines, &c., have been 56 over the last year. The receipts and expenditure for £277 12s. 10d.; and the expenditure for newspapers, the year show a balance in favour of the Institute of books, lectures, printing, salaries, &c., £262 12s. 3d., £16 13s. 1d., which reduces the debt at the close of last leaving a balance in the treasurer's hands of £15 Os. 7d. year of £25 Os. 10d. to £8 7s. 9d. While in the year HACKNEY.-The ninth annual report of the Hackney 1851 the total exchange of books and periodicals Literary and Scientific Institution shows that it is in a amounted to only 4,296, and in the year 1855 only flourishing state. From the balance-sheet attached to reached 6,816, in the past year it has attained an aggrethis report, it will be found that the receipts from all gate of 9,698. sources during the year have been £374 12s., and the LIVERPOOL. At the annual general meeting of the memexpenditure £273 16s. 11d., and that there is a balance bers of the Liverpool Institute and School of Art, Mountin hand of £19 Os. 8d. The number of members was-street, Mr. Thos. Thornely, M. P., the President, occupied at Midsummer, members, 430; ladies' transferable the chair, and amongst other gentlemen present were tickets, 124; at Christmas, members, 411; ladies' Mr. George Holt, Mr. O. Williams, the Rev. Professor transferable tickets, 137. The committee have only Griffiths, the Rev James Cranbrook, Mr. H. Shimmin, been able to expend a sum of about £30 on the library. Mr. Haylock. Mr. Murphy, Mr. C. S. Samuell, Mr. This they look upon as one of the most popular features Dickson, and Mr. Scott. The secretary read the report, of the Institution, and they would have been much which shows that the Institution has been eminently sucgratified to have added more materially to it. The cessful in all its departments. At the close of the year, circulation of books during the past year has been on an 2,444 persons were connected with the Institute, as folaverage 225 per week. The reading-room has been well lows, viz. :-Life members, 600; annual members, 161; supplied during the year with papers, and the attendance subscribers to the library and reading-room, 166; lady has been on the whole satisfactory. During the past subscribers, 13; pupils in the day-schools, 838; ditto, year the committee provided for the delivery of twenty evening-schools, 529; ditto ladies' drawing-classes, 33; lectures, and two vocal and instrumental concerts, as fol- ditto, ladies' college, 104. The receipts between lows:-The opening concert in January, conducted by March 1 and December 31 amounted to £2,797 9s. 11d. the Distins, and that in September, by Miss Ada Thom- The attendance in the evening-school has increased son. Sergeant Pearce, on the Crimean Expedition. Mr. yearly since 1853, and last quarter it was greater than it Edney, two Musical Entertainments. Mr. Wyld, on has ever been since 1849, the number on the respective John Howard. Dr. Letheby, on the Sweets we Extract. cla ss-rolls being as follows:-English classes, 94; writing,

154; arithmetic, 163; mathematics, 18; drawing, 141; males and females, 257. The number of female memadult, 60; French, 41; German, 10; Spanish, 10; Latin, 5;bers at present is 50. The average attendance per night dancing, 19-total, 715. Arrangements are in progress, for the last month-three nights a-week-is, males 91, under a committee, composed of members of the Town besides 50 at the singing classes. The average attenCouncil and of the managers of this and the Collegiate dance per night of females-two nights a week-is 41. Institution, for exhibiting a collection of choice speci- The gross attendances for five weeks ending November miens of ornamental work purchased by Government on 29th, is 2,043. There are five paid teachers in the Instithe breaking up of the Great Exhibition of 1851, the tution, and an efficient staff of eight volunteers. The loan of which has been granted for this purpose by the library contains 425 vols. The issue for the past year is Department of Science and Art. The exhibition will be [2,903. The meeting was then addressed by the President, held in March. The considerable additions that have by the Rev. Joseph Hughes, the Rev. J. Barker, W. Crowlately been made to the library have led to so large anther, Esq., the Rev. T. B. Bensted, the Rev. E. Boden, T. accession of subscribers as to satisfy the directors that a P. Crosland, Esq., the Rev. T. P. Chown, J. C. Fenton, liberal expenditure on it will be attended with a corre- Esq., Joseph Wrigley, Esq., and W. C. Kaye. sponding increase of income, in addition to its extending the usefulness of the Institute. The chairman proposed the adoption of the report. He considered that the Institution was so firmly established in public opinion that it was necessary only to keep it in working order to continue to do that great good which had been its result from the beginning up to the present time. Mr. George Holt, in seconding the resolution, said that there never was a period since the establishment of the Institution, in 1825, when its supporters had more reason to be quite satisfied than at present. One thing particularly had always given him great satisfaction, and that was, that they had given a perfect example, upon a large | scale, of the successful education of 1,000 or 1,500 young people of both sexes upon non-sectarian principles. The meeting was then addressed by Mr. Samuell, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Haylock, Mr. O. Williams, the Rev. Professor Griffiths, Mr, M'Ilveen, Mr. Dickson, and Mr. Shimmin. After passing the usual votes of thanks, the meeting separated."

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objection sometimes raised, that the teaching of the natural sciences must retard the progress of the pupils in grammar, arithmetic, &c., and stated that it produced exactly the opposite result.-The meeting terminated at ten o'clock. During the evening several airs were played on the pianoforte, by Miss Lawton.

SALFORD.The adjourned examination of the pupils of the boys' day-school in connection with the Mechanics' Institution, was recently held. The subject of the examination was, The Chemistry of the Air and the Physiology of Respiration." Mr. David Chadwick was elected to the chair, in the absence of Mr. Alderman Agnew, who was unable to attend. Mr. Angell, the teacher, in a few prefatory remarks, defined the objects of education to be:-To teach how to think-to develop the power to think-to discipline the mind into the practice of right-thinking-and to communicate generally useful knowledge. The children proved, in reply to the questions and experiments of the teacher, the existence, properties, and composition of the atmosphere, and the nature of combustion and chemical combination. In physiology, they explained the structure and functions of the chest and the organs contained in it-the nature and uses of the blood, and the changes produced in it by respiration, Mr. Plant proposed, and Mr. A. Somers seconded, a vote of thanks LOCKWOOD.-The first Annual Soiree of the Me- to Mr. Angell, which was carried. Mr. Angell, in acchanics Institution, was recently held. The follow-knowledging it, took the opportunity of alluding to the ing were among the gentlemen present:-The Rev. T. B. Bensted, Rev. J. Haigh, (St. Pauls); Rev. J. Hughes, of Meltham; Rev. J. Barker, Baptist minister, Lockwood; Rev. J. P. Chown, Bradford; Wm. Crowther, Esq., Gomersall; J. C. Fenton, Esq., Wm. Barker, Esq., T. C. Wrigley, Esq., John Shaw, Esq., James Whitley, Esq. Messrs. W. Crosland, Josiah Berry, W. Wilson, SIDMOUTH.-An interesting and graphic lecture was James Shaw, Thomas Haigh, Edgar Fenton, Charles delivered at the Institution on Tuesday, Feb. 3, by Charles Crosland, Joseph Wrigley, jun., Patrick Martin, W. G. Floyd, Esq., on the subject of "Dr. Johnson." The Taylor, W. Kaye, James Crosland, James Brierley, &c. lecturer commenced by stating that it was not Johnson Bentley Shaw, Esq., the president of the Institution the philosopher-Johnson the essayist-Johnson the occupied the chair. The SECRETARY read the report, lexicographer-Johnson the LL.D. of two Universities which stated, that the Lockwood Mechanics' Institution-Johnson the poet-or Johnson the poet's biographerwas established in March, 1844, by a few working men, but Johnson the man, that he proposed to described to who felt the necessity of self-improvement. But it was them. And after briefly touching upon his true greatnot until the year 1855, that the committee, with the ness, (despite many external drawbacks,) in this character, assistance of a few gentlemen of the neighbourhood, he proceeded to illustrate both, by the leading features of determined to take the steps which have placed the in- his life. The lecturer made some amusing remarks on stitution in its present position. Since the removal to the shifts and hardships of men of letters of the period, the new premises the number of members has more than and then passed on to describe the dawning of brighter doubled; and the accommodation is now such that 200 days; the publication of his famous dictionary, (with students can be seated comfortably. The committee, some very characteristic definitions contained therein); aware that the prosperity of the Institution depends chiefly the celebrated letter to Lord Chesterfield; the pleasant upon the character of the classes and the nature of the class story of his pension from the king; and his first acinstruction, have paid much attention to this important quaintance with his inseparable companion, James Bossubject. There are six class-rooms, five of them occupied well, best of biographers, vainest and silliest of men! on Monday evenings, five on Wednesday, and four on After a tribute to that immortal club over which Johnson Friday, besides two on Saturday; making a total of 16 presided, and its mighty spirits, Burke, Goldsmith, Gibclasses per week. The subjects actually taught are bon, Garrick, Reynolds, Beauclerc, and others, Mr. Floyd reading, writing, arithmetic, algebra, mensuration, proceeded to illustrate the true grandeur of the man history, geography, grammar, music, free-hand and above all the details of littleness that disfigured him. ornamental drawing. The first and mest important After a series of anecdotes, illustrative of points in his classes are the adult. These are attended by young men character, and a final tribute to his real greatness, Mr. of from 18 to 35 years of age, who work with much Floyd concluded his interesting lecture. steadiness and determination. The junior classes, too, WELCHPOOL.-' -The Committee of the Reading Soare well attended, and generally speaking, in a satisfac-ciety, in presenting their report, call attention to importtory state. Number of members for December, 1856- ant changes that have been effected during the past year. Annual members, 17; weekly, 164; quarterly, 10; pre- The house originally occupied by the Society was atsentees, 10; honorary, 11; total males, 212. Females tended with many inconveniences, and it was determined -Weekly, 42; presentees, 3; total females, 45; total to remove to commodious premises in a central situation,

and to engage the services of a paid librarian, who should

The expenses of removal, and the great additions made to the library during the past year, have occasioned a larger outlay of money than under ordinary circumstances might have been considered prudent; but the present arrangements must so tend to the comfort and convenience of persons frequenting the rooms, that the Committee rely upon a continued increase in the number of subscribers to maintain the Institution in its present state of efficiency, and to justify the purchase of more new books at no very distant period. The library now numbers upwards of a thousand volumes, and the rooms are supplied with three daily and six weekly newspapers, together with most of the popular reviews and serials. The attendance, especially in the evening, and the books taken out, amounting to 881 in the past year, are sufficient proof's that the Institution is appreciated by many in this town, and it is hoped that they will use their influence to induce a still larger number to share in its advantages. In conclusion, the Committee desire to acknowledge the valuable services of their Honorary Secretary, and to convey to him their hearty thanks. The Committee have to acknowledge the receipt of £12 2s. 6d. from the committee of Colonel the Rt. Hon. P. E. Herbert's reception fund for the purchase of books.

WIRKSWORTH.-The report of the committee of the Mechanics' Institution, presented to the General Meeting of the members, Mr. Cantrell, President of the Institution in the chair, shows that the past year has been one of great prosperity, a large increase of members having taken place. The most pleasing feature of the past year was the festival, which will be remembered in Wirksworth and the neighbourhood for many years to come. One of the chief duties of the committee has been the formation of classes for the instruction of the younger members, and they have secured the services of Mr. Henry Marsden, to superintend the classes, which are now established. A number of books and maps have been purchased through the Committee of Council on Education, who have arranged for supplying the books and papers published by them, or their authority, to the Institutions in Union with the Society of Arts. committee urge the members to qualify themselves by earnest study to become competitors at the Society of Arts Examinations, that their success may honour the Institution to which they belong. The total number of members is 136. The number of books lent during the


year is 979. The following gentlemen are the officers for 1857-President-W. Cantrell, Esq.; Vice-President -W. Webb, Esq., M.D.; Trustees-T. Poyser, Esq., J. Wheatcroft, Esq., W. Weight, Esq., and Mr. Peal; Treasurer-Mr. B. Street; Honorary Secretary-Mr. G. Marsden; Librarian-Mr. J. W. Hall; Auditors-Mr. Fryer, Mr. Peal, Mr. J. Hall; Committee-Messrs. W. Wright, T. Newton, Jun., Fryer, Surtees, Peal, W. Hall, Savage, Carrington.

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MON. London Inst., 7. Rev. H. Christmas, "On the History and
Antiquities of Heraldry; and on some other branches of
British Archæology."

Architects, 8. Mr. A. Ashpitel, "On the different theories
respecting the Forum at Rome, particularly those of our
late Member, the Commendatore Canina."
Geographical, 84. I. Dr. James Campbell, "Remarks on
the Geography and Hydrography of South-west Africa."
II. "Notes on the Outlet of the Great Zambesi," from the
Journal of the late Capt. Hyde Parker, R.N. III. Mr.
Consul Abbott, "Journey in Persia from Shiraz to Darab,
and thence westward to Hazeran."

TUES. Royal Inst., 3. Prof. Huxley, "On Physiology-Locomotion." Syro-Egyptian, 74. Mr. Samuel Sharpe, On the Identification of the Egyptian and Persian Kings' names mentioned in the Bible, with those in the Hieroglyphics and Greek Historians."

Civil Engineers, 8. Mr. R. Armstrong, "On High-speed
Steam Navigation, and on the Relative Efficiency of the
Screw Propeller and Paddle Wheels."
Med. and Chirurg., 8.

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[From Gazette, February 27th, 1857.]
Dated 26th December, 1856.

3064. Armand Jean Baptiste Louis de Marcescheau, Paris-Improve-
ments in the modes of communicating or transmitting mo-
tion to propelling apparatus, engines, or machinery.
Dated 20th January, 1857.

160. Frederick Walton, Haughton Dale Mills, Manchester-An improved plastic composition, and in the application of machinery for manufacturing the same.

Dated 11th February, 1857.

397. John Talbot Pitman, 67, Gracechurch-street-Improvements in the mode of making metallic hames for horses. (A communication.)

398. John Talbot Pitman, 67, Gracechurch-street-An improved system of working metallic ores and their products, both metallic and mineral. (A communication.)

400. William Todd and Jacob Todd, Heywood, Lancashire-Certain improvements in power looms for weaving.

401. William George Armstrong, Newcastle upon-Tyne-Improvements in ordnance.

402. Richard Dugdale Kay, Accrington-An improved method of using or applying a certain colouring matter, either singly or in combination with other colouring matters, to woven or felted fabrics, yarns, or threads, either in the white or dyed state. (A communication.).

403. John Poole, 2, Riley-street, Chelsea-Improvements in safety or other valves, and in mechanical appliances thereto.

404. John Macintosh, Euston-square-Improvements in the manufacture and discharge of projectiles.

405. James Saul Hendy, Essex-street, Strand-Improvements in chimney tops or cowls.

406. George Chappellpotts, New Oxford-street-Improvements in cleansing casks.

Dated 12th February, 1857.

407. Joshua Horton, jun., Brierley-hill, Staffordshire-New or improved machinery for regulating the generation and pressure of steam in steam boilers, and for preventing the explosion of steam boilers.

408. John Langford and Joseph Wilder, Birmingham-A new or improved signal and alarum.

410. Peter Hubert Desvignes, Lewisham-Improvements in machinery for preparing flax, hemp, and other fibrous materials. 411. David Baker, Gisbro' Alum Works, Yorkshire-Improvements

in the manufacture of compounds of alumina and of magnesia. 413. William Wilkins, Camberwell-Improvements in flushing ap paratus. 414. Isaac Blackburn, Islington, and Robert Blackburn, Edinburgh -Improvements in engines or implements to be employed in agriculture, applicable also to the transporting of heavy bodies to the traction of carriages, and to the conveyance of pas


415. Edward Maynard, Brooklyn, Kings, New York-An improvement in calks for the shoes of animals.

416. William Edward Newton, 66, Chancery-lane-Improved machinery for turning articles of irregular forms in the direction of their length. (A communication.)

418. Elias Bowcock, Manchester-Certain improvements in the manufacture of cords to be used in skirts and petticoats. 419. George Gimson, Staley-bridge-Certain improvements in steam engines.

420. Thomas Wingate, Glasgow-Improvements in screw propellers and in adjusting the same.

Dated 13th February, 1857.

421. Charles Wye Williams, Liverpool-Improvements in increasing the draught and promoting the combustion of the fuel in furnaces. 423. William Harry Harrison, Ty Mawr, Ponty Pridd, Glamorganshire-Certain improvements in the machinery or apparatus as at present employed for raising water from mines. 424. William Richardson, 5, Ranelagh grove, Pimlico-Improvements in the use of iron or any other metal by itself, or in combination with other materials for structural purposes, 425. Frederic Henry Sykes, Cork-street, Piccadilly-An improved apparatus for supplying or feeding boilers with water, applicable to raising and forcing liquids for other purposes. 426. D. A. Lamb, Berwick-upon-Tweed-Improvements in waterclosets, and in apparatus connected therewith.

427. William Stettinius Clark, High Holborn-Improvements in machines for grating substances. (A communication.) 428. Walter Sandell Mappin, Birmingham-A new or improved method of constructing doors and windows, for the prevention of burglary, which method of construction is also applicable to other articles where strength is required. 429. Noel Clayton Smith, Churton-street, Pimlico-Improvements

in the disc engine.

430. Marmaduke William Hallett, St. George's-road, Ecclestonsquare-Improvements in apparatus for securing window and other openings in buildings.

431. John Lawson and Stephen Cotton, Leeds-Improvements in machinery for roving, spinning, or twisting flax, cotton, wool,

and other fibrous substances.

439. Alexander Forrest, Birmingha m-Improvements in the con struction and ornamentation of belt or band fastenings, and other dress fastenings.

440. John Cruikshank, Princes-end, Tipton, Staffordshire-An improvement or improvements in rolling iron and steel wire. 441. Joseph Firth, Flush Mills, Heckmondwike, Yorkshire, and Joseph Crabtree, Mill-bridge-Improvements in power looms for weaving fancy goods.

442. Archibald Smith, Princes-street-Improvements in machinery for the manufacture of wire rope and other ropes. 443. James Taylor, Upper-street, Islington-Improvements in the preparation or manufacture of manures.

444. Charles Robert Moate, 65, Old Broad-street-Improvements in the permanent way of railways.

445. William Cooke, Cornhill-Improvements in apparatus for ventilating.

Dated 16th February, 1857. 447. William Robinson Jackson, Baltimore, U.S.-An improved railway break.


449. John Crawley, Wood-street, Cheapside-Improvements in collars and wristbands. William Edward Wiley, 34, Great Hampton-street, Birming ham-Improvements in the manufacture of metal pens and penholders.

455. William Clark, 53, Chancery-lane-Improvements in the manufacture of railway chairs. (A communication.) Dated 17th February, 1857.

457. Henry Green, Liverpool-An improved stove to be heated by

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2053. Joel Tanner Hart. 2064. John Benjamin Dancer. 2083. Peter Armand le Comte de Fontainemoreau.

2044. Louis Cornides.

2093. Francis Mitchell Herring. 2100. William Gossage. 2142. Edward Green.

2166. Rd. Archibald Brooman. 2177. William Frederick Spittle.

433. Richard Houchin, junr., Bridport-place, New North-road, Hox-2225. John George Taylor. ton-Improvements in alarums.


434. Titus Robottom, Atherstone, Warwick-Improvements in locomotive engines chiefly adapted for the purposes of common road or street traction, and the working of agricultural im435. James Cocker, Liverpool-Improvements in, and apparatus for, the manufacture of wire, part of which improvements is applicable to the annealing of other metallic articles. 436. John Williams, Port Madoc, Carnarvon, N.W.-Improvements in apparatus for lowering and stopping anchor chains on board ships, and for other similar purposes. Dated 14th February, 1857. 437. Andrew Barclay Walker, Liverpool-An improved apparatus for heating fluids. 438. Hamilton Henry Fulton, and Thomas Bodley Etty, 8, Great Queen-street, Westminster-Improvements in the generation and application of steam power for propelling, hauling, driving, or conveying, particularly applicable to farming purposes.

2328. Alfred Vincent Newton.
2343. James Hinks.
2350. William Ward.

2422. John Green.

2476. William Ed. Newton.

2797. John Marshall, junr. 2941. George Collier. 2977. Edwin Heywood. 3056. Jules H. Etienne Mareschal.

3103. Charles Wye Williams. 46. Thomas Holmes. March 3rd.

2054. Evan Leigh and George Peter Leigh.

2059. John Montagu Hayes.
2061. John Loude Tabberner.
2066. John Johnson.
2072. John Johnston.

2088. Adolphe Gilbert Chalus.
2092. Boniface Sabatier.
2095. William Petrie.
2106. Henry Cooke.
2122. John Gedge.

2126. John Milnes and William Thompson.

2147. Frederic Ducimetière-Mo


2159. Stanislas Chodzko. 2253. Samuel Calley. 2258. William Horsfall. 2555. Louis Urion. 2590. William Edward Newton. 2594. Louis Urion. 2785. Charles John Lewsey.

2798. Alfred Vincent Newton.

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