
each, and in corroboration of this fact, Messrs. Phipps, | or America; but here the parallel ceases, for we are told of Dover, and Mr. Swan, of Evensham, in Oxfordshire, paid £5,000 each for their paper machines as well as for any quantity of paper they might manufacture.

In or about 1809, Messrs. Henry and Sealey Fourdrinier made over to Mr. Matthew Towgood the whole of their interest in the St. Neots Mill, and Mr. Towgood undertook to perform all the engagements entered into by the Messrs. Fourdrinier with me. When Mr. Towgood had the mill transferred to him, only one of my paper machines was erected, the second having been sold to Mr. Bartholomew Sullivan, of Dripsey, near Cork. My two machines were my capital in the concern, but. unfortunately for me, this had not been stated in the partnership deed. Mr. Towgood objected to advance the capital for erecting the second machine unless I would pay my share. Mr. Towgood knew that I had not the requisite capital, and he then determined upon dissolving the partnership, by which act I was deprived of all my interest in the concern, after having sacrificed ten years of the best part of my life to the paper machine. I am, &c., JOHN GAMBLE.

5, Hanley-road, Hornsey-road, London.


by the exponents of the theory of the inherent prejudice of the British workman, that the development of mechanical appliances to manufactures in America is excited into vigorous action by the much greater scarcity of manual labour, which always stimulates the design and application of labour-saving machines, and, therefore, such application will never excite the prejudice or opposition of any workmen, while they see and feel before them fresh channels of certain occupation, which is the case in the United States of America. But how stands the fact in Great Britain, where a large amount of pauper and criminal labour, which might be profitably employed, is suppressed, lest it should, by coming into competition with the already overstocked market of honest industry, increase the depression of wages; and where there are such causes for fear, is it surprising that the prejudices of British workmen should be excited by the application of the mighty arms of machines, when made to compete with human muscle and sinew, for we cannot disguise the fact, that where a balance of labour and employment exist together, the introduction of any power which increases production, if placed in competition with human labour, must always depress it in a corresponding degree.

These remarks are not intended as an exposition of a

30, Coppice-row, Clerkenwell, Feb. 10th, 1857.

SIR,-The valuable and interesting paper read by Mr. subject of the very highest importance, but merely to Anderson, on the 28th ult., on the application of ma-influence so powerfully operating upon the application of suggest the necessity of taking into our consideration an chinery to manufactures, produced a discussion that opened labour-saving machines to our manufactures and comup a subject which I consider of no less importance than the application of machinery, and equally deserving the merce, and in justice to the skilled workmen whose serious attention of the Society of Arts, and also of every association with mechanical precision.—I am &c., occupation is being superseded by unskilled labour in individual, although it did not appear quite relevant to E. NASH. the subject then under consideration. I refer to the statements then made by Mr. Hobbs and Mr. Webster, in reference to the difficulties which appear to arise with NAVAL SEMINARIES. the invention of labour-saving machines, and to expand with the development of their powers, as illustrated in SIR,-It is to be regretted that whilst the Society of the very numerous recorded instances of the obstacles Arts is exerting itself so judiciously to promote education, presented to the introduction of such machines into use, Government should do next to nothing towards the by the prejudices of the workmen, sometimes exciting provision of competent persons to supply the different the most determined opposition, even when the wages of grades in its employ. It would have been far otherwise the workmen are increased by the introduction of such had the establishment of Naval Seminaries, as successmachines in the process of manufactures; an apparent tively determined on by the Earls Spencer and St. Vincent, anomaly, which, Mr. Hobbs told us, was peculiar to the been carried out. Though it is not likely that, after the British workman, and did not extend to the United lapse of nearly 60 years, Naval Seminaries should in all States of America, where the workmen were not only particulars be found suitable to the present day, yet as ready at all times to accept the aid of machinery, but they might afford hints for the formation of such estabwere most willing to complete or improve any new ma-lishments now, I venture to submit an outline of Sir S. chine associated with their labour; now, if such is a fact, which I believe it to be, I think the investigation of the causes producing such results may lead us to the solution of a difficulty which still remains one of the greatest impediments to the adaptation of science to the manufacturing arts.

Bentham's scheme, as proposed and approved of by Earl Spencer at the end of the last century. This plan provided, in the first place, that Government should be at no expense for education, for though boys might be admitted into the seminaries at the early age of seven, paying a smaller sum than could defray their expenses at home, they were to employ a part of their time in useful works, by which their expenses would be fully compensated. There were to be three different classes of pupils. The first class being that of superior officers both in the civil and military service, who were to receive a gentleman's education; the second was to consist of those intended That such difference of feeling and action does not for clerks and similar occupations on shore, or for result from education, is clearly shown by the fact that warrant officers on board ship; the third class was for a great number of American workmen are of British boys intended as mere operatives. The three classes growth, and no education could suddenly transmute the were to be treated alike in regard to sanitary arrangedissatisfied opponent into the willing and active co-ments, but their food, clothing, &c., to be regulated acoperative assistant.

The nature of man, either in Great Britain or America, is identically the same; therefore such an opposite feeling in the workmen of the two nations, under the assumed same circumstances, must result from a different educacational training, or the supposed uniformity of circumstance must be a great fallacy.

The cause of such anomaly must be sought for from other and more powerful influences, and a key to the solution of this important problem is, I think, to be found in the existence of such opposite feelings in two sections of the world's industry.

The assumption may be true, and I believe it is so, that the introduction of machinery not only lightens labour, but that it often increases the wages of the workmen whose industry is associated with it, and this equally, whether the application is made in Great Britain

cording to their respective stations in life. All were to work a portion of their time, as Sir Samuel conceived that an adequate knowledge of manual labour could only be acquired by practice, but the working hours were not allowed to encroach on the time required for higher attainments. In order to excite emulation and to reward the most deserving, any boy might, at the periodical examinations, be raised from the lowest to the second class, and again, a lad who had attained the necessary qualifications, might ascend from thence to the highest class. For further particulars, I beg to refer to Sir

Samuel's "Answer to the Comptroller's Objections," pp. 104 to 113; to his " Statement of Services," pp. 12 to 14; and to the report of the Admiralty to the Privy Council in 1801.-I am, &c., M. S. BENTHAM.

26, Wilton-place, Feb. 12th.

DECIMAL COINAGE. SIR,-I beg you will grant me a little space to correct an erroneous statement in Professor De Morgan's paper, "On Decimal Coinage," in this year's Companion to the Almanac.

Referring to the debate of 1855, he accuses the Chancellor of the Exchequer of "playing with statistics," by putting forward, "under four different sets of names, as four different plans, the farthing system, which proposes coins of d., 24d., 2s. 1d., and £1 Os. 10d. Thus, in one system, a farthing is called a cash, in another a mil, and so on; it being the same farthing throughout." With respect to one, at least, of these plans, Mr. De Morgan is entirely mistaken. As its humble proposer, I beg to refer for details to your Journal, Vol. III., page 390, where it will be seen that the "cash" was not the 4th of a shilling as asserted by Mr. De Morgan, but theth of a shilling, expressly mentioned ( Times report) by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

My proposal likewise materially differed from that of Mr. William Brown in rendering unnecessary a fourth copper token, by the simple expedient of making the penny-piece count for five "cash" instead of four "mils," and the halfpenny and farthing for two "cash" and one "cash" respectively.

I have since submitted to your readers my reasons for abandoning altogether the millesimal division of the pound as the basis of a new system.

I am, &c.,


H. M. Dockyard, Pembroke-dock, Feb. 9, 1857.

Proceedings of Institutions.

POOLE. The second Conversazione in connection with the Town Library Literary and Scientific Institution was held at the Town-hall on Monday the 2nd inst. Amongst those present were M. Kemp, Esq., E. Kemp Welch, Esq., the Misses Welch, and the Misses Welch of Christchurch; the Rev. G. Morgan, Mrs. Morgan, Isaac Steele, Esq., Morris Were, Esq., A. P. Hamilton, Esq., M.D., and Mrs. Hamilton, the Rev. E. R. Conder, the Rev. R. Goulty, G. B. Aldridge, Esq., and Miss Aldridge; -McGilvery, Esq., G. Belben, Esq., and Mrs. Belben; T. Durant, Esq., Miss Gosse, Mrs. and Miss Wanhill, J. B. Durell, Esq., D. Durell, Esq., Miss Pardy, J. Adey, Esq., Mrs. Adey and family, Mrs. J. Adey, Miss Adey, T. Eliott, Esq., and Mrs. Eliott, W. C. Nutt, Esq.; Mrs. Churchill, the Misses Chrchill, Mr. and Miss Chaman; E. Mullett, Esq., Mrs. C. Hill, Miss Lacy, Mrs. James Slade, Mrs. Parmiter and Miss Kent, F. Saunders, Esq., T. Saunders, Esq., J. Gould, Esq., J. W. Whelan, Esq., J. Crabbe, Esq., Mrs. and Miss Crabbe, &c., &c. The chair was taken by M. Kemp Welch, Esq., who, regretting the absence of the Hon. and Rev. Samuel Best, called up the Rev. E. R. Conder, who said, that if such Institutions as these were really to tell upon the progress of national education, they must not be made Institutions for the purpose of amusement, but for application to useful practical subjects and hard study. No man became wise by play; neither did any nation become great or wealthy by play. must be hard work in order to the acquisition of anything which was worth possessing. The question was-in what manner could Literary and Scientific Institutions be made proper means of furthering education? The rev. gentleman then directed the attention of the meeting, to the plans now being carried out by the Society of


[ocr errors]

Arts.-Some very beautiful specimens of Mosaic tiles, manufactured by the Patent Architectural Pottery Company, and many other objects of interest were exhibited in the room, and the evening was enlivened by some good music. At the annual meeting of the members, recently held, J. Gosse, Esq., in the chair, the report for the past year was read. The Institution at the present time is in a very flourishing condition. The library has been thoroughly repaired, and all the books have been arranged under the different subjects of which they treat. It now contains upwards of 1800 vols.; 160 vols. have been received from Mudie's Circulating Library, making a total of nearly 2,000 vols., to which the members have free access. A new News Room has also been made, distinct from the library. These improvements have been effected out of the annual income of the Institution, which for this year has been £117 12s. The current expenses of the year have been £96 5s. 8d., leaving a balance of £21 available for other purposes. The following gentlemen were unanimously elected to the respective offices:-President: Colonel Waugh; VicePresidents: Admiral Brown, J. Adey, J. Browne, J. Durant (Mayor), T. Durant, J. Gosse, W. Pearce, R. Slade, James Slade, I. Steele, M. Kemp Welch, Esqs., H. M. Aldridge, Esq., Treasurer: J. B. Durell, Esq., Librarian: Edwin Kemp Welch, Esq., Curator; Secretary, Mr. W. Penney: Committee; G. H. Gutch, J. Gould, C. Keates, J. W. Martin, E. Mullett, S. Pettit, Joseph Rickman, C. J. Stone, F. Styring, J. Touchet, J. W. West, Esqs., and Mr. J. Budden. In acknowledge

ment of the valuable services rendered to this Institution during a long course of years by the late Curator, Mr. J. Budden, the thanks of the meeting were cordially awarded to him. A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings.

To Correspondents.

ERRATUM.-In the last number of the Journal, page 212, col. 1, line 63, for "inches" read "miles."

MON. Royal Inst., 2. General Monthly Meeting.

London Inst., 7. Rev. H. Christmas, “Ön the History and
Antiquities of Heraldry; and on some other branches of
British Archæology."

Chemical, 8. Prof. Abel, "On recent Improvements in the
Manufacture of iron."
Entomological, 8.

Med. and Chirurg., 8. Anniversary.

TUES. Royal Inst., 3. Prof. Huxley, "On the Sense of Sight." Civil Engineers, 8. Mr. Jabez Church, C.E., "On the Results of the Use of Clay Retorts for Gas-making." Linnæan, 8. Prof. Owen, "On the Characters and Subdivisions of the class mammalia."

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28. Russian Dutch Loan-Account.

29. Sardinian Loan-Account.

30. Greek Loan-Account.

43. Paupers-Returns (a corrected copy).

6. Bill-Reformatory Schools.

Delivered on the 18th February, 1857.

4. Grants for Religious Purposes-Return. 26. Naval Receipt and Expenditure-Account. 36. Bank of England-Copy of Applications, &c. 39. Bullion (Bank of England)-Return. 45. Local Acts (1. Birkenhead Docks-Construction; 2. Carlisle, Liddesdale, and Hawick Railway; 3. Ely Tidal Harbour and Railway; 4. Great Yarmouth Britannia Pier; 5. West Somerset Railway; 6. West Somerset Mineral Railway)— Admiralty Reports.

China (Registration of Vessels at Hong Kong)-Correspondence. Delivered on 19th February, 1857.

35. Bank of England-Annual Accounts.

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Extra-parochial Places.

Minister's Money (Ireland).

Lighting of Towns (Ireland).

Marriages in Ireland-6th Report of the Registrar-General.
Operations in the Canton River-Further Correspondence.
China (Entrance into Canton)-Correspondence.

Civil Service Commissioners-2nd Report.

Delivered on the 24th February, 1857.

57. Army, Crimea-Returns.

33. Army Estimates.

Insults in China-Correspondence.

Queen's College, Cork-Report.

Delivered on the 25th of February, 1857.

19. Harbour, &c., Bills (1, St. Helen's Canal and Railway; 2, Clyde Navigation)-Report of the Board of Trade.

44 (1). Trade and Navigation Accounts (31st January, 1857). 49. Spirits (Navy)-Copies of Contracts.

23. Bill-Court of Chancery (Ireland)-(Titles of Purchasers). 25. Bill-Court of Chancery (Ireland).

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Dated 3rd February, 1856.

311. Richard Laming, Hayward's-heath, Cuckfield, Sussex-Improvements in purifying gas, in obtaining materials useful for that purpose, and in working up into useful products certain ammoniacal and phosphatic substances obtainable as residues in the purifying of gas.

312. James Taylor, Middlesbrough-on-Tees, Yorkshire-Improvements in the governors for the engines of screw steamers, and other vessels propelled from the stern.

313. James Taylor, Middlesbrough-on-Tees-A compensating crane. 314. George White, 5, Laurence Pountney-lane, Cannon streetCertain improvements in dyeing and printing textile fibres and fabrics. (A communication.)

315. Charles Cochrane, Ormesby Iron Works, Middlesbro'-on-Tees -An improvement in heating blast for blast furnaces and cupolas.

317. Henry Unwin, Sheffield-Improvements in the application of waste heat from coke ovens.

Dated 4th February, 1857.

318. Andrew Steinmetz, Middle Temple-A method, mode, contrivance, or management to check the honesty of omnibus conductors and other receivers of money under similar circumstances, to be accounted for to their employers, without machine or mechanical appliance.

319. James Hamsher, 16, Elizabeth-street South, Pimlico-Improvements in the manufacture of blacking for polishing, softening, and preserving boots and shoes, and other leathern articles.

320. Odoardo Gandine, 4, Newman-street, Oxford-street-An indicating target.

321. Edward Lewis and Gideon Bohm, Coleman-street-Improvements in printing in colours, called an improved photogalvanographic chromographic process.

323. Saul Hart, 33, Portland-street, Liverpocl-Improvements in apparatus for raising and forcing water.

324. Charles De Bergue, 9, Dowgate-hill-Improvements in the method of, or apparatus for, laying the permanent way of railways. 325. William Edward Newton, 66, Chancery-lane-Improvements in pianofortes. (A communication.)

326. Alfred Vincent Newton, 66, Chancery-lane-An improvement in machinery for polishing flat surfaces of glass and other substances. (A communication.) 327. James Burrows, Wigan-Certain improvements in steam engines.

328. John Henry Johnson, 47, Lincoln's-inn-fields-Improvements in the treatment of flax and similar textile materials. (A communication.) 329. Robert Holmes Houston, Greenock-Improvements in effecting general conveyance or transport on water.

Dated 5th February, 1857.

330. Thomas Summers, Northam Iron Works, Southampton-Improvements in gauges for indicating pressure and vacuum. 331. Philipp Schafer and Frederick Schafer, Brewer-street-Improvements in travelling bags, or cases, and an apparatus for carrying fittings therein.

332. Alfred Vincent Newton, 66, Chancery-lane-An improvement in casting metallic articles. (A communication.)

333. Clarance Brazil and William Nicholas Crummack, Chorley, Lancashire-Improvements in looms for weaving.

334. Henry Smith, Stamford, Lincolnshire-Improvements in haymaking machinery.

335. William Edward Newton, 66, Chancery-lane-Certain improvements in breech-loading fire-arms. (A communication.) 336. George Chowen, 7, James-street, Covent-garden-Preventing further casualties on the Goodwin Sands.

Dated 6th February, 1857.

337. Thomas Stott, Sabden, near Whalley, Lancashire-Improvements in pickers.

339. William Green, Pembroke cottages, Caledonian-road, Islington -Improvements in manufacturing or producing substitutes for leather for boots, shoes, and other uses, and in machinery or apparatus for effecting the same.

340. Richard Archibald Brooman, 166, Fleet-street-Improvements in preparing or dressing threads and other fibrous materials, and in the machinery employed therein. (A communication.) 341. James Gilroy, Auldhousefield, near Pollockshaws, RenfrewImprovements in applying starch or other semifluid matter by machinery to woven fabrics.

342. John Mayo Worrall, Salford-An improvement in finishing a certain description of fustians called " diagonals." 343. George Wright, Sheffield-Improvements in stove grates or fireplaces.

344. Thomas Newton, Walsall-Improvements in the construction of Stockmen's saddles and appendages thereto. (Partly a communication.)

345. Antoine Dècle and François Alexandre Drault, Paris-Improvements in the manufacture of bracelets.

346. Pierre Poisson, Paris-Improvements in preparing and applying surfaces for painting.

Dated 7th February, 1857.

347. Henry Heald and Arthur Heald, Sabden Whalley, Lancashire -Improvements in looms, and in pickers used for weaving. 348. Nicholas Nomico, Manchester, and George Heyes, Bury-Improvements in looms.

349. James Alfred Limbert, Royal Navy-Improvements in marine steam engines.

350. John Coope Haddan, 4, Cannon-row, Westminster-Improvements in marine steam engines. (A communication.)

351. Charles Crickmay, Guildford-place, Lower Kennington-laneCertain improvements in breech-loading guns or pistols for military and other purposes, and which said improvements are applicable, and will admit of being applied, to guns or pistols now in use.

352. Francis Wrigley, Manchester-An improved apparatus for cutting tobacco.

353. John Henry Johnson, 47, Lincoln's-inn-fields-Improvements in casting metals. (A communication.)

354. Joseph Nicolas Victor Cadiat, Paris-The application of centrifugal force in purifying minerals, or any other similar hard substances, by washing.

355. Joseph Skertchly, Culford-road, De Beauvoir-square-Improvements in, and in the manufacture of saggers. 356. William Greenslade, Bristol, and James Wood, Saint Pancras -Certain improvements in brushes, especially applicable to painters' brushes.

357. James Taylor, Upper-street, Islington, and Edward Owen, Aberdeen-terrace, Blackheath-Improvements in the manufacture of yellow prussiate of potass.

358. Felix Lieven Bauwens, Ranelagh-road-An improved mode of treating and distilling fatty matters, and in the apparatus employed therein.

359. Thomas Brown and George Parry, Ebbw-vale, MonmouthImprovements in the manufacture of iron. 360. Richard Archibald Brooman, 166, Fleet-street-An improved method of obtaining motive power. (A communication.) 361. Richard Archibald Brooman, 166, Fleet-street-Improvements in measuring the capacity and contents of casks and other similar vessels, and in instruments or apparatus employed therein. (A communication.)

362. George Tomlinson Bousfield, Sussex-place, Loughboroughroad, Brixton-Improvements in lamps adapted for burning resin oil. (A communication.)

363. William Hirst, Bath-Improvements in manufacturing felted fabrics.

364. William Wilkens, Baltimore, U.S.-An improved cannon, which he calls a revolving battery. (A communication.) 365. Perceval Moses Parsons, Duke-street, Adelphi-Improvements in the permanent way of railways.

Dated 9th February, 1857.

366. James Murdoch, 7, Staple-inn-An improvement in the process of treating the threads of floss silk, which is also appli cable to the threads of other fibrous materials. (A communication.)

367. James Taylor, Britannia Works, Birkenhead-Improvements in machinery for crushing various substances.

368. Henry Cartwright, Dean Broseley, Shropshire-Improvements in the application and mode of working eccentrics on steam engines.

369. Charles Turner and Louis Watermann, Liverpool-Improvements in or applicable to the class of hats made from straw, grass, palm leaf, or other like materials.

370. Léon Talabot, 57, Chaussée d'Antin, Paris-Improvements in

the manufacture of iron and steel. 371. Joseph Fenn, Newgate-street-An improvement in oil-cans and other like vessels. (A communication.)

372. David Falconer, 68, Causeyside, Paisley-Improvements in the mechanical arrangement for raising and forcing of water or other fluid, air, or gases.

373. John Harding, Beeston Manor Iron Works, Leeds-Improvements in the treatment of metallic ores.

374. Thomas John Taylor, Sekforde-street, Clerkenwell-An improved construction of stereoscope.

375. Samuel Groves, Judd-place East-Improvements in organs. 376. Henry Willis, Manchester-street, Gray's-inn-road-Improvements in organs.

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379. Julian Bernard, the Albany, Piccadilly-Improvements in the manufacture or production of boots and shoes, or coverings | for the feet, and in the machinery or apparatus employed in such manufacture.

380. Daniel Benjamin Herts, Bunhill-row-Improvements in apparatus for stamping and embossing. (A communication.) 381. Benjamin Webster Owrid, Dundalk, Louth-An improved method of connecting and disconnecting pipes or tubes. 382. Joseph Graham and James Shepherd, Burnley, and Thomas Whitaker, Acrington-Certain improvements in power looms for weaving.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

383. Jabez Morgan, Kidderminster-Certain improvements in the manufacture of steel and iron wire for umbrella and parasol frames.

384. William Richelieu Hodges, Manchester-Improvements in the manufacture of an elastic material, and of its application to certain purposes.

385. Austin Chambers, Canterbury, and William Harrison Champion, Lynsted, Kent-A mode of working railway breaks. 386. George Bedson, Manchester-Improvements in coating metal with metal and metallic compounds. 387. August Frederick William Partz, New York-An improved method of evaporating fluids, condensing and absorbing vapours, gases, and fumes, arresting and precipitating floculent, metallic, or other particles, and transferring heat from air or steam to fluids and pulverulent substances.

388. Thomas Fielding Johnson and John Williams, Leicester-Improvements in screw gill machinery for preparing wool and other fibrous materials.

389. John Forrest Watson, St. John's-square, Clerkenwell-Improvements in the construction of watches.

390. Jesse Bridgwood, Burslem, Staffordshire Potteries-Improvements in connecting pipes to the basins of water-closets and wash-hand basins, and also in the means of stopping the outlets of wash-hand basins.

391. William Wood Pilcher, St. Margaret's-at-Cliffe, Dover-Improvements in straw shakers of thrashing machines.

392. Abraham Royds and John Kenyon, Lower-place, RochdaleCertain improvements or a certain improvement in machines for spinning or doubling, commonly known as throstles. 393. Richard Archibald Brooman, 166, Fleet-street-An improvement in or addition to the locks of fire-arms. (A communication.)

394. Thomas Howard, King and Queen Iron Works, RotherhitheImprovements in the construction of cranked shafts or axles. 395. Henry Heald and Arthur Heald, Sabden Whalley, Lancashire -Improvements in pickers and picker checks employed in weaving.

396. Henry Tibbets Ropes and David Wilson Thomas, LiverpoolImprovements in the application of filters to cocks, taps, or other valves used to draw off liquids. (A communication.)

February 20th.

1959. Thomas John Chipp and
Richard Bitmead.
1966. Edward Hallen.

1969. William Racster.
1971. Alexander Moses.
1983. John Perry.
1984. Wm. Henry Perkin.
1990. Edmund Simpson.

1992. Alfred Vincent Newton.

1999. Alfred Vincent Newton.
2003. Charles Durand Gardissal.
2014. John Fletcher and William

2024. Manoah Bower, Richard
Peyton, and Joses Weaver
2026. Matthias Edward Bowra.
2037. James Apperly.
2048. Jules Mozard.

2057. William Keates.
2058. George Anderson.
2060. William Moberly.
2065, Henry Edward Cradock
Monckton and William

(2068. William Smith Mitchell and Charles Martin Ernest Gartner.

2081. Charles Louis Lapito. 2101. Rd. Archibald Brooman. 2144. Richard Peyton.

2373. Jean Alexandre Labat, jun. 2558. Benjamin Goodfellow. 2906. John Aston and John Brant. 3022. William Mill. 3030. James Redgate, Edwin Ellis, and John Cropper. February 24th.

1982. George Warriner. 1985. William Frederick Bush and William Hewitt. 2004. Charles Durand Gardissal. 2040. Joseph Lamb. 2052. Constant Jouffroy Dumery. 2080. Alfred Vincent Newton. 2186. Louis Jacquemier. 2236. Alfred Vincent Newton. 2414. George Collier. 2446. Jacques Félix Deshayes. 2890. Lodewyk Polak Kerdyk. 3060. Charles Sylvester Rostaing. 47. Louis Antoine Ritterbandt.

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(Fumigating Apparatus for the Cure

Proprietors' Name.

Whicker and Blaise (late Saof Syphilis and Diseases of the Skin vigny and Co.) An Enema or Syringe ............................ .......................Whicker and Blaise Joshua E. Kellick Anti-Garotte Cravat.......................... Samuel Whitehall

Waistcoat Shirt


67, St. James's-street.

67, St. James's-street.

7, Ludgate-hill. Nottingham.

Journal of the Society of Arts.

FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1857.

and renders necessary constructions to obviate its own difficulties; and yet, at the same time, lends a helping hand to assist greatly in conquering itself. You are required to restrain its power by opposing a barrier of rock; it receives the rock and buoys it up, relieving you of one-third of its weight. You desire to submerge a buoyant object; water will then reverse its power and cause it to sink. Being thus of a nature to oppose and yet assist us, and being governed by immutable and well-recognized laws, if those laws be properly enforced, or rather complied with, we may on the one hand reThe Thirteenth Ordinary Meeting of the One strain its dangerous efforts, and on the other, compel its Hundred and Third Session was held on Wed-assistance in ministering to our necessities.


The grand principle that air in an enclosed and in

nesday, the 4th inst., John Hawkshaw, Esq.,verted vessel, presenting a horizontal surface, will resist

F.R.S., in the chair.

The following Candidates were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Society: :

Ford, Francis
Ladd, William

Watney, Alfred
Wright, Joseph, jun.
Blancheton, Ernest.

The following Institutions have been taken
into Union since the last announcement:-
432. Barnard Castle Mechanics' Institution and Literary

433. Free Public Library, St. Margaret and St. John, Westminster.

The following Colonial Institution has been taken into Union since the last announcement: Antigua Polytechnic Association.

The Paper read was :—

the entrance of water into that vessel, provided the air is of the same density as the water, is the principle

which first determined the use of the ordinary divingbell, an instrument now so often used in the preparation of foundations, and the subsequent erection of works under water.

In localities where the "coffer dam" is inadmissible, either through the cost or difficulty of construction, the ordinary suspended bell, pendant from a carriage at the surface, affords the necessary means for adjusting the work in such manner as the engineer may desire. It has been suggested, too, to use the ordinary submarine armour or dress for the adjustment in place of the stones of a work, which have been previously fitted at the


In suggesting a new mode of operations, by which suspensory action may be entirely avoided, it would be impolitic to denounce the methods just mentioned, as being behind the age, since each would undoubtedly have its advocates, who from practical operations would acknowledge the advantages derived by its use, and SUBMA-perhaps look unfavourably on any innovation. No servant can be so humble, that, performing his duties well, though slowly, his services should not be recognized.


Part I.-Submarine Engineering.

In the paper which I have prepared for the Society this evening, my purpose will be, not to enter into a dissertation on the various appliances which may heretofore have been used for facilitating subaqueous operations, pertaining to engineering science, but to confine myself more particularly to some of the advantages which experiment has proved may be derived from the use of machinery, constructed on a comparatively new plan, and embodying a more complete application of the natural principles which are the foundations on which rest all appliances for invading (personally,) the dominions of the Water King.

The Dover breakwater is an instance of the thorough efficiency of the ordinary bell, yet at the same time by its use the progress of the work has been necessarily slow.

The plan submitted in this paper for accomplishing, as it is confidently asserted, a larger amount of work in a given time, and at a less cost than by present means, is not a mere fancy, brought forward as a theory which cannot stand investigation and the application of practical knowledge to test its merits; but it is boldly placed before you, challenging the most rigid investigation of its qualities to secure the desired advantages of cheapness of construction and saving of time. It would be a waste of time to engage your attention in speculation based on the mere working of models (exOne of the great objects to be derived from our ac-emplifications of principles), which, by the ingenuity of quaintance with the arts, sciences, and manufactures, is to be enabled to devise means for advancing the progress of these various departments, by throwing new lights on the previously unknown or little understood details of different subjects, connected with each, or, by investigation, to discover new and more economical means of accomplishing the same results, either by a saving of time in the production, or of labour necessary for such production.

All science rests on the foundation of natural principles; and we gain largely, whenever, by a simplification of arrangement, we compel nature to perform man's labour. Water supplies us with steam to drive our ponderous engines which relieve us from arduous toil. It buoys upon its bosom the creations of man's hands, which transport from distant points articles necessary to his subsistence, or the gratification of his luxurious tastes. It is a necessary element. It is an element to be feared. It is full of dangers. It has its delights. It opposes us-it assists us.

In the subject now before you, it opposes obstacles,

man, may be made to work with the utmost precision.

The principles involved in the machinery now presented to you, have all been thoroughly and practically tested; not in a single instance, but by months and years of careful investigation, going cautiously forward, taking the suggestions of nature as the guides to avoid the dangers and difficulties which are placed in the path of those who venture to step beyond the apparent bounds, which she herself has raised, to bar man's progress towards her mysteries.

Air and water, the two combined and powerful elements, are both difficult and dangerous to contend with. Water, by its gravity carries us downward; air, by its lightness or buoyancy, carries us upwards or keeps us at the surface; therefore it becomes necessary in any machinery independent of suspension, depending on the variable preponderance of one or the other of these elements, that these powers should be under perfect and complete control. The subtle nature of air requires careful management, and a perfect adaptation of parts to secure its control.

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