
Locks unlocked at childbirth, 238, 239;
thought to prevent consummation of mar-
riage, 240; unlocked to facilitate death,
243; mistletoe as a master-key to open
all, 663

Locusts, chiefs held responsible for ravages
of, 87; superstitious precautions against,

Logan, W., 276

Loki and Balder, 608

Lokoiya, the, of the Upper Nile, 85
Lolos of Western China, the, 183
Lombok, island of, 418

Longevity, charms to ensure, 35
"Longevity garments" in China, 36

Loom not to be touched by a man, 211
"Lord of the Heavenly Hosts" in Siam, 284
Lorraine, harvest customs in, 428, 449, 457
Love charms, 44

"Love Chase" among the Kirghiz, 156
Loyalty Islands, recall of a lost soul in the,

Lules or Tonocotes of the Gran Chaco, 550
Lusatia, "carrying out Death" in, 310-13
Luxor, paintings at, 142

Lycurgus, king of the Thracian Edonians,
378, 379, 392

Lydia, religious prostitution in, 331; festival
of Dionysus in, 390

Ma, goddess at Comana in Pontus, 331
Mabuaig, continence observed during turtle-
season, 217; seclusion of girls at puberty
in, 598

Macahity, a Hawaiian festival, 282, 283
M'Carthy, Sir Charles, eaten by the Ashan-
tees to make them brave, 497
Macdonald, Rev. James, 18, 680
Macedonian calendar, 443

MacGregor, Sir William, 84
Macpherson, Major S. C., 437
Macusis of British Guiana, 181, 601

Madagascar, king of, as high priest, 9;
foods tabooed in, 22; custom of women
while men are at war in, 26; magical
use of stones in, 33; modes of counter-
acting evil omens, 37; fear of being photo-
graphed in, 193; taboo on mentioning
personal names in, 246; names of chiefs
and kings tabooed, 258; crocodiles re-
spected in, 519. See also Malagasy
Madanassana Bushmen, 474
Madi tribe of Central Africa, 534
Madonna and Isis, their resemblance, 383
Madura, inspired mediums in, 95
Magic, principles of, 11; sympathetic, 10-
48, 200, 202, 211, 219, 233, 237, 386, 403,
533; homoeopathic or imitative, 11-37,
63, 221, 239, 240, 341, 444, 494-9, 581,
642, 704; contagious, 11, 37-45, 230, 233,
235; positive and negative, 19, 21, 29;
public and private, 45-61; and religion,
48-60, 64, 90, 92, 162, 324; and science,
48, 49, 712; attraction of, 49; the Age
of, 55, 56; universality of belief in, 55,
56; fallacy of, 59, 90; movement
thought from magic through religion to
science, 711

Magician, public, 45, 60; and priest, 52


Magicians, claim to compel the gods, 52;
professional, 61; as kings, 83-91; develop
into gods and kings, 92; the oldest pro-
fessional class in the evolution of society,
105; Egyptian, 52, 261

Magnets thought to keep brothers at unity,

Magondi, a Mashona chief, 98

Magyar story of the external soul, 674
Maharajas as incarnations of Krishna, 101
Mahrattas, 100

Mai Darat, a Sakai tribe, 493

Maiden, the (Persephone), the descent of,
371; name given to the last corn cut in
the Highlands of Scotland, 403, 409
Maidhdeanbuain, "the shorn maiden," 407
Maidu Indians of California, 707, 708
Maize, goddess of, 28; magic to promote
its growth, 28, and increase, 33; personi-
fied as an Old Woman who Never Dies,
419; goddess of the young, 588
Maize-mother, the, 412, 413

Makololo, the, of South Africa, 236
Makrizi, Arab historian, 64

Malabar, custom of Thalavetti parothiam in,
278; cows as scapegoats in, 570; seclusion
of girls at puberty in, 602

Malagasy, 217, 519; faditras among the, 541
Malay charms and magic, 13, 19, 28, 80;
taboos, 21

Malays, the, 88, 113, 179, 181, 183, 184,
188. 230, 248, 413, 417, 541, 676, 683
Maldive Islands, virgin sacrificed as bride
to a jinnee of the sea in the, 146
Mallans of India, 565

Malta, Midsummer fires in, 631; Phoenician
temples of, 330; fires on St. John's Eve
in, 631

Mamurius Veturius, 577, 580

Man, Isle of. See Isle of Man
Man-god, 10, 60, 92, 203, 265
Mandan Indians, 419, 562

Mandelings of Sumatra, the, 116, 239

Maneros, chant of Egyptian reapers, 365,
371, 372, 424

Mangaia, Pacific island, separation of relig
ious and civil authority in, 177
Mangaians, the, 191

Mani of Chitombe or Jumba, 234
Manii at Aricia, many, 491

Manipur, Rajah of, and his human scape-
goat, 543

Manius Egerius, 6, 492

Mannhardt, W., 118, 127, 129, 316, 399,
401, 402, 419, 459, 460, 465, 580, 642,
643, 654, 658

Man-slayers tabooed, 212-16
Manu, the Laws of, 89

Maori chiefs, 204, 230, 231, 235, 259

Maoris, 114, 197, 205, 210, 233, 234, 528,

Maraves, the, of South Africa, 116

Marcellus of Bordeaux, 16, 17, 544
Mare, corn-spirit as, 459

Marena (Winter or Death) on Midsummer
Eve in Russia, 318

Marigolds in magic, 44

Marimos, Bechuana tribe, 433
Marquesans, 180, 231-3

[blocks in formation]

121; -poles, 119, 120, 122-4, 132, 479;
-trees, 119-21, 123, 124, 297, 299, 311,
314, 614, 651

Mbaya Indians, the, 293
M'Bengas of the Gaboon, 681
Mecca, pilgrims to, 238

Mecklenburg, magic in, 44; locks unlocked
at childbirth in, 239; harvest customs
in, 430, 449, 454; treatment of the after-
birth in, 682

Medea and Aeson, 496

Medicine bag, at initiation, 698

men, 64, 85, 87, 88, 92, 105, 180, 183-7,
484, 520, 679, 693
Melanesia, homoeopathic magic of stones
in, 33; contagious magic of wounds in,
41; confusion of magic and religion in,
52; supernatural power of chiefs in, 84;
continence while yam vines are being
trained in, 138; malignant spirits in, 192;
disposal of cut hair and nails in, 235;
names of relations by marriage tabooed
in, 251; conception of the external soul
in, 684

[blocks in formation]

ments, 488; temples, 589
Mexicans, the ancient, 79, 380, 432
Mexico, ancient, festival in honour of the
goddess of maize, 28; treatment of the
navel-string in, 40; human sacrifices in,
380, 431, 432; killing the god in, 587-92
Micah, the prophet, 51

Mice, in magic, 39; eaten by the Jews as
a religious rite, 472; superstitious pre-
cautions of farmers against, 530, 531
Midsummer, death of the spirit of vegeta-
tion celebrated at, 319; bonfire at, called
"fire of heaven," 644; procession of giants
at, 654; sacred to Balder, 664
Midsummer bonfires,
Midsummer fires

122, 622. See also

Bride and Bridegroom, 133
Day, ancient Roman festival of, 153.
See also St. John's Day

Eve, in Sweden, 122; in Russia, 318;
trolls and evil spirits abroad on, 625; oak
thought to bloom on, 706. See also St.
John's Eve

festival, in Europe, 153, 622; named
after St. John, 343; the most important
of the year among the primitive Aryans
of Europe, 656

fires, 622-32; animals burnt in, 655
Midwinter fires, 636

Mikado of Japan, 168, 169, 176, 202, 593,

Miklucho-Maclay, Baron, 197

Milk, women's, promoted by milk-stones.
34; of cows, thought to be promoted by
green boughs, 119; customs observed
when the king of Bunyoro drinks, 199;
of pig thought to cause leprosy, 472, 473;
omens from boiling, 482; taboos referring
to, 488; not to be drunk by menstruous
women, 604; stolen by witches from cows,
620, 627, 628, 648
Milk-stones, magical, 34

Milkmen of the Todas sacred or divine, 100;
taboos of, 175

Millet, homoeopathic magic of, 29; the
deity of, 481

Minangkabauers of Sumatra, 180, 183, 415.

Minahassa, inspired priests in, 95; ceremony
at house-warming in, 186, 679; names of
parents-in-law tabooed in, 250; sowing
and plucking the new rice in, 482; dum-
mies to deceive demons in, 492; hair of
slain foe used to impart courage in, 498;
expulsion of devils in, 548
Minnetaree Indians, 419, 529
Minos, king of Cnossus, 280
Minotaur, the legend of the, 280
Minyas, king of Orchomenus, 291
Miracles, god-man expected to work, 93
Miris of Assam, 496

Mirrors, superstitions as to, 192
Mirzapur, rearing of silkworms in, 218
Miscarriage in childbed, dread of, 209
Misrule, Lord of, 585, 586
Missouri, the cottonwood trees in the valley
of, 111

Mistletoe, 160, 658, 659, 701; Balder and
the, 608, 658-67, 701, 702, 710; and the
Golden Bough, 703-4

Mistress, sanctuary of the, at Lycosura,
243; "of Turquoise," 330
Mithra, Persian deity, 358

Mithraic religion, 467

Mnevis, sacred Egyptian bull, 366, 476

Moab, Arabs of, 32, 378; king of, 293;
wilderness of, 334

Mock sun, 79; execution, 283; kings, 284;
marriage of human victims, 581

Moffat, Dr. R., 86

Mogk, Professor Eugen, 642

Mohammed bewitched by a Jew, 241

Mohammedan calendar, lunar, 632

Mohammedans, celebration of Midsummer

festival by, 632

Moloch, sacrifice of children to, 281
Molonga, a demon of Queensland, 562
Moluccas, the, clove-trees in blossom treated
like pregnant women in, 115; fear of
offending forest spirits in, 117; abduction
of souls in, 186
Mombasa, king of, 99
Mon, island of, 456

Monarchy, in ancient Greece and Rome, 9;
rise of, essential to emergence of mankind
from savagery, 47

Mondard, the great, 466

Money, magical stones to bring, 33

Mongolia, incarnate human gods in, 103;
story of the external soul in, 676
Mongols, 103, 252, 529

Monkey sacrificed for riddance of evils, 569
Montanus the Phrygian, 101

Montezuma, king of Mexico, 104, 593
Moon, the, and Endymion, 4; ceremony at
an eclipse of, 78; charm to hasten, 80;
Diana conceived as, 141; ceremony at
new, 175; human victims sacrificed to,
444; pigs sacrificed to, 472; the "dark,"
557; temple of, 571; reflected in Diana's
Mirror, 711

Mooraba Gosseyn, a Brahman, 100
Moors of Morocco, 540

[blocks in formation]

Mori clan of the Bhils, 474
Morning Star, the, 346; human sacrifice
enjoined by, 432

Morocco, iron a protection against demons
in, 226; annual temporary king in, 286;
homoeopathic magic in, 496; boars used
to divert evil spirits in, 540; Midsummer
fires in, 631, 632, 646

Moru tribe of Central Africa, 534
Mosyni or Mosynoeci, the, 200

Mota, in the New Hebrides, conception of
the external soul in, 684

Mother, of a god, 333; of the gods, 5, 348,
356; the Great (Cybele), 353; of the
Maize, 413; of the Rice, 415; or Grand-
mother of Ghosts, 491-3
Mother-corn, 405; -sheaf, 401

Goddess of Western Asia, 330, 331
-kin, 152, 248, 332

-in-law, savage's dread of his, 190
Motu of New Guinea, 246
Motumotu, the, 81, 192, 246

Mourners, tabooed, 205; change their names,

[blocks in formation]

Mullein, used as a charm, 629

among the

Mummers, 126, 127; the Whitsuntide,
296-301; at Hallowe'en in Isle of Man.

Mundaris of Assam, 118, 557

Mundas of Bengal, 342

Munster, taboos observed by the ancient
kings of, 173

Mura-muras, appealed to for rain, 65
Murderers, taboos imposed on, 216

Murrain, need-fire kindled as a remedy for,

Music, as a means of prophetic inspiration,
334; and religion, 334-5

Muysca Indians of Colombia, 104
Muzimbas or Zimbas, the, 97
Myrrh, the mother of Adonis, 337
Mysteries, Eleusinian. See Eleusinian mys-

"Naaman, wounds of the," 336
Nagual, external soul, 687

Nails, used in magic, 44; knocked into
trees, 127; used as charms against fairies,

Nails, parings of, used in magic, 13, 233;
swallowed by attendants, 229; disposal
of, 233-7

Namaquas, 495

Names tabooed: personal, 244-8; of rela-
tions, 249-51; of the dead, 251-6; of kings
and other sacred persons, 257-9; of gods,

Namuc and Indra, legend of, 702

Nana, mother of Attis, 347

Nandi of East Africa, 214, 235, 247, 372, 483
Nanumea, island of, precautions against
strangers in, 195

Narcissus and his reflection, 192
Narrinyeri of South Australia, 201
Natal, the Caffres of, 483

Natchez Indians of North America, 63, 215
Nativity of the Sun at the winter solstice,

Nature, conception of the immutable laws
of, not primitive, 91-2; the order and
uniformity of, 162

Nauras Indians of New Granada, 497
Navajoes of New Mexico, 678

Navel-string, 39-41, 119

Ndembo, secret society on the Lower Congo,

Nebseni, the papyrus of, 380

"Neck, crying the," in Devonshire, 445
Need-fire, 617, 638-41

Nekht, the papyrus of, 380

Nemi, 1, 4, 5, 8; priest of Diana at, 1, 8,
106, 161, 167; lake of, 1, 704; sacred
grove of, 1, 4, 8, 140-42, 147; at evening,

Nephele, wife of King Athamas, 290
Nephthys, sister of Osiris, 363

Net to catch the sun, 79

Nets, marriage of girls to, 144; to catch
souls, 182; as amulets, 242; fumigated
with smoke of need-fire, 641

New birth, through blood in the rites of
Attis, 351; savage theory of, 356; of
novices at initiation, 697

New Britain, rain-making in, 63; the Sulka

of, 64, 76; magical powers ascribed to
chiefs in, 84; avoidance of wife's mother
in, 191; expulsion of devils in, 547-8;
secret society in, 680

New Caledonia, rain-making by means of
a human skeleton in, 71; making sun-
shine and drought in, 78; detaining the
soul in the body in, 180; ideas as to
reflections in, 192; burying the evil spirit
in, 548; taro plants beaten to make them
grow in, 581

New Guinea, charm to hasten the moon in,
80; charm for making wind in, 80; con-
stitution of society in, 84; leavings of
food destroyed in, 201; seclusion and
purification of man-slayers in, 213; con-
tinence observed during the turtle season
in, 217; dread of sorcery in, 229

British, charms used by hunters in,
18; charm against snake-bite in, 31; no
despots in, 84; double chieftainship in
the Mekeo district of, 178; a widower
an outcast in, 207; changes in language
caused by fear of naming the dead in,
255; girls secluded at puberty in, 597

Dutch, 213; names of relations by
marriage tabooed in, 250

-, Northern, rites of initiation in, 694,

South-eastern, annual expulsion of
demons in, 556

New Hebrides, contagious magic in the, 43;
magic of refuse of food in the, 201; con-
ception of the external soul in the, 684
New Ireland, 596

New Mexico, the aridity of, 76; the Indians
of, 502, 551

[ocr errors]

New South Wales, natives of, bury thei
dead at flood-tide, 35; tribes of, 38; wa
of stopping rain in, 64; the drama
resurrection at initiation in, 692, 693
New Year, Chinese, 468; the Celtic, or
November first, 633

New Year's Day, 558, 569; Eve, 538, 561
New Zealand, sanctity of chiefs in, 204
sacredness of chiefs' blood and heads in
230, 231; customs at hair-cutting in, 233
magic use of spittle in, 237; names of
chiefs tabooed in, 259; effect of contact
with a sacred object in, 474; eyes of slain
chief swallowed by warriors in, 498; human
scapegoats in, 542

Ngarigo tribe of New South Wales, 498
Ngoio, a province of Congo, rule of succes
sion to the chiefship in, 283

Nias, island of, magic in, 18; natives of,
believe in demons of trees, 116; concep-
tion of the soul in, 179; detaining the
soul in the body in, 180; taboos observed
by hunters in, 218; superstition as to
personal names in, 245; succession to the
chieftainship in, 294; expulsion of demons
in, 549; story of the external soul in,

Nicaragua, the Indians of. 138
Nicholson, General, worshipped as a god,


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Nine, a number used in magical ceremonies,
etc., 18, 241, 242, 284, 480, 618, 620, 625,
626, 628, 639

Niska Indians of British Columbia, 699
Nisus, king of Megara, story of, 670
Noessa Laut, magic in, 18

Nonnus, on death of Dionysus, 388
Noon, fear to lose the shadow at, 191
Nootka Indians, 66, 179, 217, 522, 599.
698; wizard, 18

Normandy, burial of Shrove Tuesday in,
305; harvest customs in, 429; Brother-
hood of the Green Wolf in, 628-9; pro-
cessions on the eve of Twelfth Day in, 647
Norrland, Midsummer bonfires in, 625
Norse stories of the external soul, 673

[blocks in formation]

Oak, the worship of the, 159-61, 659, 710;
effigy of Death buried under an, 309; the
principal sacred tree of the Aryans, 665;
human representatives of the oak perhaps
originally burnt at the fire-festivals, 665,
666; life of, in mistletoe, 701; supposed
to bloom on Midsummer Eve, 706; struck
by lightning oftener than any other tree,
Oak branch, in rain-charm, 77; crown,
sacred to Jupiter and Juno, 148, 151;
god, 151, 161; leaves, 148, 661; mistle-
toe, an "all-healer," 660-62; nymphs,
at Rome, 147; -spirit, 701, 703; trees,
sacrifices to, 161, and ague transferred
to, 546

wood, perpetual fire of, 161, 704;
used for the Yule log, 637, 638, 666;
used to kindle the Beltane fires, the need-
fire, and the Midsummer fires, 618, 620,
639, 665

Oaths, on stones, 33; taken by Mexican
kings, 87, 104

Oats Bride, 408; -cow, 457, 458;

447, 454, 457; -mother, 400; -sow, 460;
-stallion, 459; -wolf, 448, 449
O'Brien, Murrogh, 229

Octennial cycle based on an attempt to
harmonise lunar and solar time, 279-80
October horse, sacrifice of the, 478
Odin, sacrifice of king's sons to, 278-9, 290;
legend of the deposition of, 279; human
sacrifices to, 354
O'Donovan, E., 242

Offspring, charms to procure, 14, 15
Ogres in stories of the external soul, 669, 670
Oil, in magic, 23, 25, 26, 76; of St. John,
661, 662, 706; human victim anointed
with, 435

Ointment, magical, 41

Ojebway Indians, 13, 45, 78, 113, 211, 245
Olala, secret society of Niska Indians, 699
Old Calabar, 119, 493; expulsion of devils
and ghosts in, 567

Old Man, Arab custom of burying the, 378;
the last sheaf called the, 402, 426, 427,

men, savage communities ruled by, 47
Rye woman, 428, 465

Wife, name given to last corn cut, 403
Witch, burning the, 429

Woman, of the Corn, 372; last ears of
corn called, 400; last sheaf called, 402;
killing the, 428; burning the, 614

Old Woman who Never Dies, North Amer-
ican Indian personification of maize, 419
Oldenberg, Professor, 67

Oldfield, A., 251

Oleae, the, at Orchomenus, 291, 292
Olive wood, sacred images carved of, 7
Olofaet, a fire-god, in Namoluk, 707
Oloh Ngadju of Borneo, the, 492
Olympia, races for the kingdom at, 156
Omaha Indians, 63, 216, 473, 474
Omens, magic to annul evil, 37; from ob-
servation of the sky, 279; from boiling
milk, 482; from the smoke and flames of
bonfires, 612, 615, 616, 621, 624, 645;
from cakes rolled down hill, 620; of
marriage, 626, 646

Omonga, a rice-spirit, 416

On or Aun, king of Sweden, 278, 290
Ongtong Java Islands, ceremony at recep-

tion of strangers in the, 196

Onitsha, on the Niger, king of, 200; cere-
mony at eating the new yams at, 483;
human scapegoats at, 569

Oracles, given by the king as representative
of the god, 94; by inspired priests, 94
Oracular spring at Dodona, 147
Oraons of Bengal, 144, 342, 434
Orchomenus in Boeotia, human sacrifices
at, 291

Ordeal of battle, 158; by poison, 294
Orestes at Nemi, 2, 6, 216

Oriental religions in the West, 356-62
Orinoco, Indians of the, 27, 28, 71, 73, 78,

Orion, the constellation, 355

Orissa, Queen Victoria worshipped as a deity
in, 100

Orkney Islands, transference of sickness by
means of water in the, 544

Orotchis, bear-festivals of the, 514
Orpheus, the legend of his death, 379
Osiris, 52, 325, 443; the myth of, 362-8;
the ritual of, 368-77; the nature of, 377-
382; and the sun, 384; the cults of Adonis,
Attis, Dionysus, and, 424; key to mys-
teries of, 444; and the pig, 472, 475; in
relation to sacred bulls, 476

Osiris, Adonis, Attis, their mythical simi-
larity, 325

"Osiris of the mysteries," 376
Osiris-Sep, title of Osiris, 375
Ostiaks, the, 521

Ostrich, ghost of, deceived, 526
Ot Danoms of Borneo, 195, 597
Ottawa Indians, 214, 522, 527
Ounce, ceremony at killing an, 523
"Our Mother among the Water," Mexican
goddess, 588

Ovambo of South-west Africa, 224
Owl, eyes of, eaten to make eater see in the
dark, 496; life of a person bound up
with that of an, 684; sex totem of women,

Ox, in magic, 22, 31, 72; corn-spirit as,
457, 466-8; slaughtered at threshing, 459;
sacrificed at the Bouphonia, 466; effigy
of, broken as a spring ceremony in China,

Oyo, king of, among the Yorubas, 274

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