
have been engaged in it? Mention the particulars of the death of Cæsar. How many lives were sacrificed before Cæsar reach ed his elevation? By what is the darkness of his character relieved?]

other nations during this period? What was the state of the Asmonean dynasty at this time? When and how was Antipater placed upon the throne 3-[What became of Aristobulus ?]

14. What peculiar state of things was 20. When did Herod the Great become produced by the death of Cæsar? What king of Judea? Who was he, and what obliged the conspirators to flee? When was the character of his reign 1-[What ocwas the second triumvirate formed? Of currences of his reign are noticed?] whom did it consist? What stipulation 21. What kings of the Lagida family ocdid they make among themselves 1-[Who cupied the throne of Egypt during this pe suffered in consequence of this stipula-riod? With whom did it end? How long tion ?] had they reigned in Egypt? How was governed afterwards 1-[What was the history of Cleopatra, before the arrival of Anthony in Egypt? What is said of her personal appearance and manners? What is related of her by Pliny? Mention the remaining circumstances of her history.]

15. What engagement took place at Philippi, which decided the fate of the empire? When did it occur? By whom was it won? What effect had this battle on Roman liberty? How did Brutus and Cassius escape the hands of their enemies 1-[How was this battle lost by the republicans? How was Brutus affected by the death of Cassius? Why did Brutus take the field again? What was his fate? What were the military talents of Octavius? How did he gain his popularity?]

22. What is said of Parthia, during this period 1-[What was the result of the expe dition of Crassus against Parthia 1 What is said of Orodes and Phraates?]

Distinguished Characters.

Who were the distinguished characters in this period, and for what were they eminent ?-[1. Of what country was Lucretius a native? What were his tenets? What is the character of his writings?

2. From whom was Julius Cæsar descended? What did Sylla say of him? Mention the principal events in his life. Was he distinguished except in war 7 What writings of his are extant, and for what are they admired?

16. In what way did Octavius and Anthony employ themselves, after they had banished Lepidus ?-[Who had been admitted into a share of power and possessions of the triumvirate? How was he disposed of?] 17. What was the consequence of Anthony's summoning the queen of Egypt to answer for her disaffection to the Roman government? What were the immediate causes of the war between him and Octavius? Where and when did they come to an engagement? What was the conduct of Cleopatra and Anthony on this occasion? 3. Who was the father of Latin elo What terms did she offer Octavius? What quence, and the greatest orator Rome ever were the designs of Octavius respecting produced? For what was he styled the Cleopatra? How were they frustrated? father of his country? Why was he ba What became of Anthony? What was nished? How did he incur the anger of now the situation of Octavius? When did Anthony? How did he die? For what is Egypt become a Roman province ?-[What he to be admired? was the character of Anthony? What was the amount of forces collected at the battle of Actium? What decided the fate of this battle ?]

4. Against whom was the satire of Catullus directed? How was he repaid? What did he introduce into Latin poetry? 5. What offices were held by Sallust? What was his character? What was the cause of the hatred between him and Cicero? What did he write?

18. What was now the state of the Roman empire? What was Octavius called? What was his power? In what way did he almost efface the memory of his former 6. How many volumes were written by cruelties? For what was his reign remark-Varro? When did he die? able? What is the most important event 7. What is said of Cornelius Nepos ? which ever took place in our world?-[At] 8. When, and where was Virgil born? what peculiar crisis did our Saviour appear? How did he lose his farms? Through Was the administration of Augustus favour-whose interest did he recover them? Why able to liberty? Why was an absolute did he write his Bucolics and Georgics 1 government necessary to the tranquillity of What was the design of the Encid? Rome? What offices and titles did Augus- Whose friendship did he enjoy? Where tus take? Through whose advice did he and when did he die? Where is his tomb retain his usurped authority? Of what was still seen? Mecenas a patron? What anecdotes are related of Augustus? How long was his reign? For what purpose were the few wars in which he was engaged carried on? What was the most serious disaster he experienced? Give an account of his domestic life. When and where did he die ?] 19. Why can little be said respecting

9. Where was Horace educated? Why did he turn his attention to poetry ? When did he die?]


(To what does the knowledge derived from the Bible respecting the Antediluvian

world relate? By what are we guided on
other subjects?]

1. Is there any reason for believing that the surface of the earth differed from what it is at present? To what purposes was it probably better adapted 1-[What was the opinion of Dr. Burnet respecting it? What would have been the natural consequence of an universal deluge? Does the appear ance of the earth's surface favour such a conjecture?]

2. What season has conjecture assigned to the Antediluvian world? How might this have been the fact? Is there any other reason for supposing a change took place at the time of the flood-[In what way has St. Pierre accounted for the deAuge 1]

3. What inference has been drawn with respect to the population before the flood froin the longevity of its inhabitants What is the probability respecting it? (What is the opinion of Cuvier on this subject? Can the causes of the longevity of the Antediluvians be known with certainty? What reason is mentioned? Is it necessary for us to discover a physical cause ?]


11. What was the most singular of their
customs? What other custom is mention.

the Babylonians? What science was first
12. What was the state of learning anong
cultivated among them?
their knowledge of Astronomy ?-[In what
manner was the learning of the Chaldeans
What arose from
acquired? Why did they never make
great advances in the sciences?]

the Babylonians prove? What was the
13. What do the immense buildings of
state of painting, statuary, music and po-
etry among them [How did they treat their
sick? In what were they particularly in-

14. What did China anciently include? ancient territory was nearly the same as it What reason is there for thinking that their is at present? In what part of Asia was it situated? How was it separated from Tartary?

15. Describe their government.

16. What was the religion of the ancient

among the Chinese ? With what arts were 17. What was the state of the sciences 4. What is known relative to the observ- were these arts? In what were they disthey early acquainted? In what state ances of religion before the flood?-[How tinguished 3-[What was their character? were the descendants of Seth and Cain dis- When was Egypt one of the most distintinguished? How did the whole world be-guished countries of the ancient world? come corrupted?]

5. What circumstance was favourable to the cultivation of the arts and sciences? Is it probable that many of them were known? What arts were understood by them?-[What is further said on this article?] 6. What was the most probable form of government ? Describe it 3-[What was probably the state of mankind, after the union of the families of Cain and Seth ?]

Why was it distinguished?]

its ancient name? What is it called by the 18. How was Egypt situated? What was Turks? How was it divided?

ficent cities?-(Describe Thebes. What is 19. What were among their most magnisaid of its ruins? By whom was Memphis founded, and where was it situated? Give a description of Alexandria. What In what other respects was it distinguish was the principal cause of its eminence?

7. Why might the intercourse of the antediluvians have been easy? What reasoned?] is there for supposing they were unacquainted with navigation?

8. What did Assyria comprehend? What was its capital? Where was it? What is the country now called?-[Describe this city] What composed Babylonia? What is it now called? What was its capital, and how was it situated? Describe it. -[What more particular description may be given of it? How were the hanging gardens built? What is said of the Temple of Belus 1]

9. What was the government of these nations? What was claimed by the king? -[Why did they live in retirement? By what three classes of officers was the government administered ?]-Upon what did the laws of the empire depend? What one was irrevocable 1-[What were their punishments ?]

10. Who were the Chaldeans? How were they employed? How, and when did idolatry arise -(What reason is there for supposing this was the origin of image worship? By whom was the custom of human sacrifices first practised? 2

20. What is said of the monuments and the most celebrated of these ?-[What was works of art of ancient Egypt? Which are the size of the Lake Maris? For what purpose was it built? How was the Laby rinth built? For what was it designed? What were the Catacombs? For what purposes were they used? Describe the Pyra mids.]

[To what course of life were their mo 21. What was the government of Egypt? affairs administered? For what did they narchs restricted?] How were the public become more famous than any other peo ple?

Egyptians?-[What is said of their idolatry ?]
22. Who were the principal gods of the
23. How were their children educated?
24. What was their usual drink? For
[What singular custoins are noticed?]
what are we probably indebted to them?

among them? How is it supposed that
25. What was the state of literature
Geometry was discovered -[How did they
adjust the length of the year? What arts
were early cultivated among them?]

[blocks in formation]

29. What are among the remains of ancient works?-[How is Jacob's well constructed? Describe the Pools of Solomon, Gihon, and Bethesda.]

30. Had they many large cities? Which were the most celebrated? How was Jerusalem built? Where did the temple stand?-[Under what kings did it become a renowned city? How many times was it destroyed? When, and by whom? What is its present state? What is said of Hebron? Give an account of Gaza and Ascalon ?]

38 What reason is there for supposing that their religion was pure in the days f Abraham? What was it afterwards?

39. What rendered Greece illustrious? What was the face of the country? What was its climate and soil ?-[What places are connected with agreeable associations to the classical reader?]

40. What was the situation and extent of Greece?-[What two countries were afterwards considered a part of Greece?)-What were the two principal divisions of Greece? -[What did Greece proper include? What states were included in Peloponnesus 1)What were the principal islands connected with Greece?

41. By what name was Greece and its inhabitants called by the natives? What were they denominated from their different tribes by the poets?

42. What is meant by the interesting lo calities of Greece ?-[From what did Pelo ponnesus take its name? For what were 31. What does the history of the religion Mycenæ, Nemea, Epidaurus, and Lerna reof this people comprise? What now sup-markable? With what was Amycle he plies its place? What effect had the gos- noured? Why were the Spartan slaves callpel upon it?-[How did religion flourish ed Helo'tes? For what were Tænarus and among them? To what as a nation were they continually inclined? What judg. ments were inflicted on them on this account? How are the tribes of Judah and Benjamin now known? What knowledge have we of the other ten tribes?]-What truths were revealed to this people, and to them alone? What was the design of the peculiarities of their ritual worship?-[To what were the peculiar rites of Judaism adapted? What was the meaning of its sacrifices?]

32. What was the government of this people? What is a Theocracy?

33. To what did the most interesting of their manners and customs relate?-[How was the rite of circumcision celebrated? What was their diet? What were their diversions? What is meant by high places? How did they express their mourning for their friends? How did they estimate burial?]

Taygetus noticed? For what were Elis, Olympia, and Corinth famous? Of what was Arcadia the country? Where was Mercury born? Why was Stymphalus and the Isthmus famous? For what was Eleusis remarkable? What mountains in Attica were celebrated, and why? What was the character of the Baotians? For what was Cheronea remarkable? Why is the cave of Trophonius, Thespia, Tanagra and Delium mentioned? To whom were Helicon and Aganippe consecrated? What did the Greeks conjecture of Phocis? What rendered Delphi and Parnassus illustrious? For what was Anticyra famous? For what was Narix and Thermopyla remarkable? In what did the Etolians excel? From what circumstance was Nanpactus named? What rendered Leucate and the lake Acherusia remarkable? Which was the most ancient oracle of Greece? From what did Chaonia receive its name? To what was Pindus sacred? From what were the Acroceraunian moun tains called? Describe the vale of Tempe For what was Thessaly renowned? For what was Larissa, Heraclea, Othrys, and 35. In what arts did the Israelites make Amphrysus remarkable? To whom was the greatest proficiency [What made Pierus sacred? Why were the women of them a warlike people? Describe their Thessaly famed? What renders Athos arms. To what was their attention chiefly and Stagira remarkable? Why were confined before the reign of Solomon? Apollonia and Strymon celebrated? For What change took place in his time? In what were the islands of Corcyra and Ithaca which of the fine arts are they inimitable?] remarkable? Why were Strophades and 36. What was the state of commerce Egina famed? What rendered Delos among them 1-[What country did the Ca- Paros, Naxos, and Crete remarkable? For naanites inhabit? How were they driven what was Rhodes famous? Why was Pa out of it?] mos celebrated? For what was Scio for mous? What circumstances caused Len nos to be celebrated?]

34. In what knowledge did the Israelites excel? What were their places of public Instruction called? What was the character of their language? On what materials did they write?

37. Was there a uniformity of customs, manners, arts, sciences, and languages, among this people ?-[Where did the differ. ent classes of people reside? What was their knowledge of war 1]

43. Which were the most renowned cities of Greece? Of what was Athens the can tal? From what was it named? What

was required of its members? What ab surd peculiarity was there in the government of Athens?

[ocr errors]

was cailed by the ancients? Describe it. Where was the citadel? What is said of the upper and lower city ?]-What edifices were in the citadel? Which is one of How were the inhabitants of Sparta Jithe noblest remains of antiquity? What vided? What were the two classes of magnificent structure was in the lower city? citizens called? What were their privi What was its size 1-[How many harbours leges? What was the number and situahad Athens and how were they situated 1 tion of the Helots How many kings Where were the principal gymnasia of had Sparta ? What was their power athens? What was a Gyinnasium 1]-How [What were their duties?]-Of what did was Sparta situated? How was it built? the senate consist? What was their duty? When were its walls erected? Why did Who were the Ephori? For what purpose it not need them before 1-[Why were were they elected? For what purpose the houses of the Spartans destitute of or- were assemblies held? How many were naments? Was the city entirely unadorn there, and what were they called? Who ed? To whom was religious respect shown? composed them? What was the governWhat is said of the environs of the city ?] ment of the other sovereignties of Greece? What was that of Thebes ?-[For what were many of the sovereigns of Thebes celebrated?]-What was the Amphictyonic Council?-[How many deputies were sent from each state? Where did they meet 1] 45. Of what were the armies of Greece composed 7-[Of what did the main body of the armies consist?]-Of what were the Greek arms made? What were their defensive arms? What their offensive 1 [In what kind of warfare were the armies inefficient? What punishments were inflicted on deserters by the Lacedæmonians? Why was Archilochus banished?]

How was Corinth situated? How did it compare with the other cities of Greece? By whom was it destroyed? Was it ever rebuilt 3-[From what were Corinthian pillars nained? To what did the citizens of Corinth devote themselves? Of what was this city a distinguished seat? What is its present state 1]-Describe Thebes. When were the Thebans masters of Greece? At what time was it only an inconsiderable village -[What is said of its destruction by Alexander?]

46. How many kinds of ships had the Greeks?-[For what purposes were the dif ferent kinds used?]

authority for the popular belief? How is the account here given to be regarded? Why is it particular?]

44. What was the general character of the government of Greece? In what respects did it bear a resemblance to the government of the U. S. of America [What was the government of Athens before and after the death of Codrus?]-Into what 47. What was the religion of the Greeks? classes were the inhabitants of Athens di- How were their gods divided? Who was vided? What were the privileges of citi-Jupiter considered 1-[What was the only zenship? How were they obtained 1-[How were the citizens of Athens divided?] What was the situation of sojourners? What was the distinction between the Who were the celestial deities ?-[Who slaves of Athens? How were the magis was Jupiter, and where was he born? trates divided? How were they distin- How did he become possessor of the world? guished? Mention them, with the different How did he divide it? What was one of methods of their election..[Who were his greatest exploits? What was his chausually appointed to the offices of the state?racter? How is he represented? Who What was required of the magistrates be- was Apollo and where was he born? Over fore their election, and after their term of what did he preside? What was the conoffice had expired]-How was the usual sequence of his killing Cyclops? Relate government of Athens carried on? What some of his adventures on earth. How is power was held by the Archons? How he represented? Who was Mars? Of were they elected, and what were their what was he the god? What was offered privileges 1-[What was the number of to him? What is recorded of him? How Archons? What was the first called, and is he represented? Wh was Mercury? what concerns were assigned to him? What was his office, and of whom was he What were the others called? What was the patron? What is said of him? How their duty -How was the Senate of five is he represented? Who was Bacchus, hundred elected? What was the business and of what was he the god? How were of this body -[What was the power of his festivals celebrated? How is he dethe Senate -For what purpose were As-picted? Of what was Vulcan the god, semblies of the people convened? Who and of whom was he the patron? Whose composed them? How often were they son was he? How did he become a cripheld-[What was the smallest number of ple? What was his business in heaven? which they could consist? What was Of whom was he the husband and father? their business? Where did the orators of How is he represented? Who was Juno, Athens exert their influence ?]- What other celebrated body of men was there at Athens [From what was the name of this Court taken? Why was its repute high? L what did it take cognizance? What

and what is she styled? Where was she born? Why was she held in great venera. tion by the ancients? What is said of her person and worship? How is she represented? Of what was Minerva the god

Ness How did she compare with the poets and philosophers with respect to a other divinities? In what did she instruct? future state? What did they think rela What city claimed her particular attention? tive to the immortality of women - What How is she representea? Of what was picture have they drawn of Hell? How Venus the goddess? Who were her pa- did they describe Heaven? What was rents? What was the character of the connected with the religion of the Greeks? worship paid to her? Where were her Where were their principal temples situa most beautiful temples? Where was her ted and how were they built? Which was favourite residence? How is she represent- the most celebrated 3-[Where were the ed? Of what was Diana the queen? To statues of the gods placed, and the sacriwhat was she and her attendants devoted? fices performed? To what do temples What plants were sacred to her? How is among the heathen probably owe their orishe represented? Of what was Ceres the gin ?]-In what estimation were oracles held goddess, and who were her parents by the Greeks? How was the will of the What was her life? What mysteries were superior powers communicated 1-[What celebrated to her honour? How is she re- may they be called when compared with presented? Of what was Vesta the goddess the predictions of the Scriptures? Which and guardian? How is she represented?] were the most celebrated?)What were Who were the marine deities 1-[What the public Games in Greece? What were was the rank of Neptune among the gods? the contests in these games? How were Over what did he reign? What was the the victors treated 3-[By whom, and when consequence of his conspiring against Ju- were the Olympic games instituted? What piter ? How is he represented? Who was was an Olympiad? How were the victors Oceanus? Of what was he the father? crowned? What is said of the celebration How many sons had he and his wife The- of the Pythian games? What of the Ne tys? Who was Triton, and what was his mean and Isthmian ?] office? Describe hun. Who was Nereus ? How many daughters had he, and what were they called? Who was Proteus? What power did he possess?]

48. What was the state of literature in Greece? In what are they still unrivalled? [Did the Greeks derive any part of their learning from foreign nations? In what Who were the infernal deities?-[Who did their peculiar glory consist? What was Pluto, and over what did he exercise contributed to the rapid advances made by dominion? What is related of him? them in civilization and knowledge ?-How Were any temples raised to his honour? early did they cultivate poetry ?-[What How is he represented? Who was Plutus? celebrated names do we find in each de What was Charon's office? What is said partment of poetry ?)-Where, and with of his person and character? What was what success was oratory cultivated? requisite in order to enter his boat? Where Where did it become an object of attention ? were departed souls carried by him? Who -[Who were the most distinguished orawere the Furies? How are they represented? What is their office? Who were the Fates? On what did they decide? How was it accomplished? Who were the judges of the dead?]

What other divinities were there?-[How was Cupid represented? Who were the parents of the Muses? How many were there, and what were their names? Over what did each preside? Who were the Graces? What are they supposed to do? How are they represented?]

tors, and what were their peculiar excel lences -When was history cultivated, and with what success 1-[What is said of their historians?]-What was the state of philosophy among the Greeks ? From what did the professors of philosophy ori ginate? What were they called? What was the character of the Grecian philoso phy ?What were the principal sects, and by whom were they founded? What were some of the peculiarities of doctrine which distinguished these sects? What was a subject of special research among the Gre cian philosophers? What was the opinion of some of them upon this topic? Who were the seven wise men of Greece ?]

Who were the rural deities 7-[Of what was Pan the god? Over what did Sylvanus and Priapus preside? What did Aristæus invent and discover? What did Termineus watch over? What is said of 49. When did Greece abound in archi the Sirens? Who were the Gorgons? tects, sculptors, and painters? What in What are the Harpies said to have been? provement did they make in the useful and Who were the Dryads. Naiads, and Nere- necessary arts? In what did they excel all ids? Who were the Tritons? Over what other nations? What did they carry te did the Lares and Penates preside? Who perfection ?-[What system of architecture were the Fauns and Satyrs? Who was did they invent? Of what orders did it conPales? What is said of the Nymphs?] sist? Describe them. What specimens How was the worship of these divini- of their sculpture are mentioned? Whe ties conducted 1-[From whence did the among their painters have been highly exGreeks derive their religion? By whom tolled? Did they excel in music ?] was it extended? How many gods did they 50. Was the dress of the ancients simi worship? How are they represented? In lar to that of the moderns? What was the what did the religion of the common people dress of the men among the Greeks? What consist? What was the belief of their of the women? What covering did they

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