





A few Introductory Words, 1
"A Little Child shall lead them." By
Mrs. H. B. Stowe, 17

A Life-cherished Revenge; or, Better to
be sinned against than to sin, 95, 131
The Rev. Dr. Beaumont; a Sketch, 44
The Citizen, 41, 86, 129, 167, 213, 251,
291, 331

Domestic Tyranny, 377
Earnestness, 94

Euthanasy, a Tale for the Young, 372
Glimpses of Life among the Arab Tribes
of Mesopotamia, 363, 412

Hints to Promote Harmony in a Family, 257

Indelible Marks, 304

Methodism in America, 418

"Let not the Sun go down on your
Wrath" a Sketch, 13

Little Things: a Few Fragmentary
Thoughts, 58

Luther and Wesley compared, 135
Let the Home be Happy, 361

Lilis and Eve: a Legend of the Talmud, 378
Sir Isaac Newton, 461

The Physical Education of Children, 52
Personal Recognition in Heaven, 121
Professor Lee, his Struggles and Success,


Popery; its Aspects and Prospects, 255 Papacy at the Font, 281

Sympathy with Rightness, 50

Sincerity. By the Rev. Samuel Waddy, 170 Sketches of Jamaica, by a Returned Missionary, 321, 406

Thoughts Retrospective and Introspective, 3

The Slave's New Home, 6
To Sea Again, 11

The Bond of Union among Christians,

14, 56, 91, 176, 209, 248, 301 The Eternity of Character, 18

The Pulpit of Methodism, and the Rev.
Robert Newton, D.D., 81

The Doctrine of Election, 89
The Pulpit and the People, 161
The Eclipse of Faith, 201

The Population of the Globe, 215
The Disinterred City of the East, 241,
284, 325

The Gospel a Source of Political Strength, 254

The Ishmaelites of London, 295

The Fatal Step; a Sketch for the Young, 335

The Sabbath-school System, 369

The Vision of a Godless World.-From the German of Jean Paul Richter, 375 The Revolutionary Movement in China: its Origin, 401, 441

Stewart on the Reform Movement, 447
Dr. Dixon on the late Conference, 457


Appii Forum and the Three Taverns, 23
A Short Sermon, 100

A Sure Foundation, 138
The Beloved Family, 100

Christian Joy; a Pulpit Theme, 61

Death by Crucifixion, 179
Drawing near to God, 181

Death and the Christian: an Allegory, 345

Death-warrant of Jesus Christ, 383


Malaria-What it is, and what it does,





Palissy, the Potter-What I Heard, Saw,
and Did at the Australian Gold Fields
-Wesleyan Methodist Penny Maga-
zine, January to November-Publica-
tions of the Religious Tract Society-
Jacob Abbott's Histories-The Wes-

leyan Almanac for 1854-The Genius

and Mission of the Protestant Episcopal

Church in the United States of Ame-

rica The Temperance Movement; its

Rise, Progress, and Results-Rambles

amoung Mountains-Sunday Reading

for Christian Families and Individuals,


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