Commissioners to examine on Oath. Penalty for Nonattendance or refusing to Proceedings in any such Action, Indictment, or Information, and may, in its Discretion, award to any such Person or Persons such Costs as he, she, or they may have been put to by such Action, Information, or Indictment. X. That it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners or One of them to administer an Oath, or, in the Case of Persons allowed by Law to make Affirmation instead of taking an Oath, an Affirmation, to all Persons who shall be examined before them touching the Things directed to be inquired into by them under the Provisions of this Act. XI. That if any Person upon whom any such Summons shall be served by the Delivery thereof to him or her, or by the give Evidence leaving thereof at his or her usual Place of Abode, shall, without reasonable Cause (to be allowed by the said Commissioners of Inquiry), fail to appear before them at the Time and Place mentioned in the Summons, or shall refuse to be sworn or make Affirmation (as the Case may be), or shall not make answer to such Questions as shall be put to him or her touching the Matters directed to be inquired into by the said Commissioners, or shall refuse or fail, without reasonable Cause (to be allowed by the said Commissioners), to produce and show to the said Commissioners any such Papers, Books, Deeds, or Writings, being in his or her Possession or under his or her Control, as to the said Commissioners shall appear necessary for arriving at the Truth of the Things directed to be inquired into by them as aforesaid, the said Commissioners, or the greater Number of them, shall have the same Powers in all respects touching any such Person so failing to appear, or refusing to be sworn or to make Affirmation, or not answering such Questions as shall be put to him or her, or refusing to produce any such Books, Papers, Deeds, or Writings as aforesaid, as any of the Superior Courts in Westminster Hall, or any Judge of the said Courts sitting under any Commission of Assize or Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer or General Gaol Delivery, may now by Law exercise against any Person for making Default of Appearance, or for refusing to be sworn or give Evidence on any Issue joined in any Action depending in any of the said Courts. Penalty for false swearing. Expenses of the XII. That every Person who upon Examination upon Oath or Affirmation before the said Commissioners of Inquiry shall wilfully give false Evidence shall be liable to the Pains and Penalties of Perjury. XIII. That it shall be lawful for the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for the Time being to make an Order for the Payment of the necessary Expenses of the Inquiry directed by this Act; and that every Commissioner to be appointed under this Act shall be paid, at the Conclusion of the said Inquiry, over and above his travelling and other Expenses, such Sum as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for the Time being shall think fit; and the said Commissioners, after the Termination of their last Sitting, and after they shall have made their Report to Her Majesty as herein-before directed, shall lay or cause cause to be laid before the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for the Time being a Statement of the Number of Days they shall have been actually employed in the Inquiry under this Act, together with an Account of the travelling and other Expenses of each of such Commissioners; and the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall make an Order for the Payment to each Commissioner of the Sum which the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall so think fit to be paid to him, and in respect of his travelling and other Expenses. XIV. That no Action shall be brought against the said Com- Limitation of missioners or either of them, or any other Person or Persons Actions. whomsoever, for anything done in the Execution of this Act, unless such Action shall be brought within Six Calendar Months next after the doing of such Thing. INDEX TO THE PUBLIC GENERAL STATUTES, 14 & 15 VICTORIA, Showing whether they relate to the whole or to any Part of the United E. signifies that the Act relates to England (and Wales, if the Subject extends so far). W. Cap. Relating to ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE IMPROVEMENT 100. E. & I. AGRICULTURAL FIXTURES, to improve the Law relating to tricts, to authorize the Application of - AGRICULTURE, to amend 25 G. 3. (I.) for explaining and AMERCIAMENTS, for the better Collection of APPOINTMENTS TO OFFICES, &c.; to simplify the Forms of Appointments to certain Offices, and the Manner of 83. E. 25. E. & I. 91. S. 7. I. 90. I. 4. E. 82. E. 55. E. 11. E. APPRENTICES TO SEA SERVICE; to extend the Benefits of - APPROPRIATION OF SUPPLIES ARMY; for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the - ASSESSED TAXES COMPOSITION; to enlarge the Period allowed ASSISTANT BARRISTERS, to transfer to, certain Jurisdiction ATTORNIES AND SOLICITORS REGULATION ACT AMENDMENT; B. - BARRISTERS; to transfer to the Assistant Barristers certain - BERWICK-UPON-TWEED, to continue the Survey of BOARD OF HEALTH. See GENERAL Board of HEALTH. - BRITISH WHITE HERRING FISHERY, to amend the Acts C. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK BOUNDARY; for the Settle- :} } |