Radnor, Earl of- continued. Committee on Crime (Ireland), xlvii 457; Re- Corn-Laws -Labourers' Petitions, xlvi 561, Illegal Marriages, xlvii 456 Rae, Rt. hon. Sir W. Prisons (Scotland), Com. xlvi 1325; cl. 1, xlvii Supreme Courts (Scotland)-Judges' Salaries, Railway Constables see Constables Railways, c. xlv 696; xlvi 1220 1241; Com. Railways (Ireland), c. Com. moved for, xlv Harbours on the South-Eastern Coast, xlvii 734 1060 [Α. 144, Ν. 100, M. 44], 1122; 1. Rice, Rt. hon. T. S., see Chancellor of the Ex- xlvi 1; c. 875, 1102; l. 1317; c. xlix 707, Rates, Collection of, c. 1R.* xlviii 195; 2R. Rates, Payment of, c. 1R. xlviii 701 Rating see Tenements Real Estates Liability Extension, 1. 3R.* xlix Recorder of London see London chequer Rich, Mr. H. Controverted Elections, xlvii 604 Richmond, Duke of Address-Answer to the Speech, xlv 24 Beer, Sale of, 2R. xlvii 1248; xlix 219 Church Extension (Scotland), xlvi 788 323, 324, 605, 608-Glasgow Petition, 788 Electors, Removal of. 2R. xlix 473 Open Questions in the Cabinet, xlv 586, 587 Postage, Uniform Penny, xlvii 1231; xlix 687 Shannon Navigation, 2R.1 19 Tithe Commutation, 2R. xlix 78 Riots see Birmingham Ripon, Earl of Birmingham, Riots at-Messrs. Lovett and Collins, xlix 464, 467, 596 Canada-Mr. Mackenzie, xlvi 327 Corn-Laws, xlv 185; xlvi 582 East, Affairs in the, xlvi 870 Malta-The Press, xlvii 226, 674-Affairs of, xlviii 923, 942, 944, 946, 963 Navy, State of the, xlv 804 Newfoundland, xlvii 558 Open Questions in the Cabinet, xlv 586 Postage, Uniform Penny, 2R. xlix 1222, 1227 Shannon Navigation, 2R. 1 20 Slave Trade, Portugal, xlix 1137 Divine Service, 1 134 Ebrington, Viscount-Lord-Lieutenant of Ire- Ireland, Government of, xlix 1354 Oaths, Unlawful (Ireland), Com. 1. 38, 42, 43, Pardons (Ireland), xlv 844,911,913; xlvi 24 Rogue Money Assessment (Scotland), c. 1R.* 588 Rolfe, Sir R. M. see Solicitor General, The Roman Catholic Chancellor and Ecclesiastical Roman Catholic Relief Act, l. xlviii 692 Rossmore, Lord Ireland, Government of, Com. moved for, xlvi Royal Academy, c. xlix 717; Return moved Rules of Proceedings see Borough Courts Russell, Right Hon. Lord John Address-Answer to the Speech, xlv 113; Re- Army, Increase of the New Police, xlix 620, Ballot, The, xlviii 482 Russell, Right Hon. Lord John, continued. Bible, Printing the (Scotland), xlvii 1104; Births, Register of, Report, xlviii 999, 1001 Business of the House, xlvii 1213, 1214 Catholic Assumption of Episcopal Titles, xlviii Chancery, Court of, Returns moved for, xlv 502 Corn Laws, xlv 155, 355, 356, 358-Hearing County and District Constabulary, Leave, xlix County Courts, 2R. xlvii 1214, 1215, 1216 xlv 494, 498; 2R. 849,869 Education, National, xlv 273, 301, 302, 303, Elective Franchise, Leave, xlvii 1346 Factories Regulation, Com. xlvii 1068; cl. Gold, Exportation of, xlvii 1150 Russell, Rt. Hon. Lord John.-continued. Ireland, Government of, xlvi, 1118, 1179; xlvii Russia and Turkey, c. xlvi 1228; see Navy, Russian Intrigues see Eust, Affairs of the, Jamaica, Government of, Leave, xlvi 1298, Manchester Police, 2R. 1 139, 141, 144; Com. Medical Education, xlviii 95 Metropolitan Police Courts, 2R. xlvii 1296, Mexican Blockade, xlv 1164 Municipal Corporations (Ireland), Leave, xlv National Convention, The, xlv 219, 220 236 Navy Estimates, xlv 1331; xlvi 303 Petitions, Printing, xlviii 143 221 Petty Sessions and County Courts, Leave, xlv Poor Law Commission, Continuance of the, Prisons, Leave, xlv 220; Com. xlvii 628; cl. Private Business-Commercial Railway, xlvii 165 Privilege-Stockdale v. Hansard, Committee Public Business, Progress of, 1163, 168 Railways (Ireland), Com. moved for, xlv 1057, Rates, Collection of, 2R. xlix 1043, 1050; Register of Births, 2R. xlv 466 Royal Academy, xlix 718, 1034 Seditious Petitions, 1 195 Sessional Orders, xlv 130 Small Debts Bills, xlvi 874; xlviii 1007; xlix 519 Supply, xlv 1164; xlvi 202 Corn Laws Labourer's Petition, xlvi 561, Poor Law, xlviii 181 St. Vincent, Viscount Jamaica, Government of, xlvii 719-Second Ministers, Resignation of, xlvii 975 Sale of Beer see Beer Salisbury, Marquess of Beer, Sale of, 2R. xlvii 1249; 3R. xlviii 310, London and Blackwall Railway, 2R. xlix 74, 76 Theatrical Amusements in Lent, xlv 580, 1025, Scholefield, Mr. J. 1035, 1318; xlvi 233, 242, 243 Turkey and Egypt, xlvii 1067 Vacating Seats, xlv 1048, 1049 Wynn, Mr., his Case, xlv 848; Com. moved Army, Increase of the, xlix 1186 Birmingham, Riots at, xlix 416-Police, Com. Budget, The-Postage Duties, xlviii 1413 Seymour, Lord Postage Duties, 2R. xlix 629, 630 Shaftesbury, Earl of Metropolitan Police, Report, xlix 1055 Shannon Navigation, c. 1R. xlviii 328; 2R.* Sheppard, Mr. T. Imprisonment for Debt Act Amendment, Com. London Bridge Approaches, 3R. xlviii 7 Sheriffs Exemption, 1. 2R. xlix 656; 3R.* Ship Propeller Company, l. 1R.* xlix 1 Sibthorp, Colonel, C. D. W. Canada-Expense of Lord Durham's Mission, Education, National-Call of the House, xlvii Electors, Removal of, 3R. xlviii 992 Metropolitan Police, Leave, xlv 246; 2R. xlvii Metropolitan Police Courts, 2R. xlvii 1293 Shannon Navigation, Com. xlix 422; cl. 2, 434 Windsor Castle Stables, Com. xlviii 32 Ireland, Government of, xlvii 25; Adj. De. Sinclair, Sir G. bate, 209, 275 Municipal Coporations (Ireland), Leave, xlv Poor Law Amendment (Ireland), Leave, xlv 347 Shannon Navigation, 2R. xlviii 1017 Spirits, Sale of (Ireland); 3R. xlix 1274 Sheep Stealers (Ireland), c. 1R-* xlix 494; 2R.* Sheil, Mr. R. L. Admiralty Court, Com. cl. 17; Amend. xlix Canada, Government of, 2R. xlviii 1195 Church Leases, Reappointment of Committee, Committees on Private Bills-Attendance of - Slaney, Mr. R. A.-continued. Highways, Com. xlv 1321 National Petition, The, Com. moved for, xlix 258 Public Walks, xlviii 441 Railways (Ireland), Com. xlv 1112 Tenements, Rating of, Com. xlviii 157 Slave Trade, c. xlvi 145; xlvii 1253-Por- Slavery see Antigua-Mauritius Slaves, Landing of, in Brazil, c. xlix 720 Sligo, Marquess of Renoylds, Mr., Murder of, xlv 1046 Slito Port of Mission at Stockholm, c. xlv 1293 Small Debts Bills, c. xlvi 873; xlviii 1005; Soap Duties Drawback, c. 1R. xlviii 1415; Soap Duties Regulation, c. 1R. xlix 716; 2R.* Soldiers' Pensions, c. 2R. xlviii 1157; Com. Solicitor General, the, (Sir R. M. Rolfe) Admiralty Court, Com. cl. 1, xlix 350, 1108, 1116 Affirmations, Com. xlv. 837 American Mail Contracts, 1 475 Bank of Ireland, Com. 1372 Bastardy, Com. xlix 1387, 1388 Borough Courts, Com. xlvii 1305 Breach of Privilege-Parrett Navigatiou, xlvii Charters, Expense of, xlviii 714 xlvii 702; cl. 3, 709; cl. 4, 712, 714 County Courts, 2R. xlvii 1215 Electors, Removal of, Com. xlviii 163, 3R. 996 Harbours on the South-Eastern Coast, xlvii Jamaica, Government of Second Measure, 445 Prisons, Com. cl. 3, xlvii 632 412 Protection of Purchasers, Leave, xlv 343 Somerset, Lord G. C. H. Bastardy, Com. xlix 1387; Report, 1 113 Committees on Private Bills-Attendance of Factories, Com. xlix 585 Factory Commissioners Report, xlv 1180, 1181 of the, Com. xlix 567; Report, 1 103; Add. Prisons, Com. cl. 3, xlvii 633, 634 Summary Jurisdiction, 2R. xlvii 1303; Com. xlix 505 Somerville, Sir W. M. Bank of Ireland, Com. xlix 829, 897; 1270, Ireland, Government of, Adj. Debate, xlvii 144 South America, l. xlix 385; see Buenos Ayres- Spain, Affairs of, 1. xlv 703; c. xlix 79- Spanish Legion, l. xlviii 35; c. xlix 622 |