[blocks in formation]

Factories Regulation, Com. cl. 3, xlviii 1075, Hobhouse, Rt. hon. Sir J. C.


[blocks in formation]

High Sheriff's Expenses, c. 2R. xlvii 699; 3R.
xlviii 217 [A. 40, N. 16, M. 24], ib.; That
the Bill do pass [A. 36, N. 17, M. 19), ib.;
1. 1R.* 306; 2R. 921

Highway Act Amendment, l. 2R. xlix 1; Royal
Assent, 1 369

Highway Rates, c. 1R.* xlviii 508; 2R. 963;
1. 3R. 1217; Royal Assent, 588

Address-Report, xlv 149
Army Estimates, xlvi 1165
New Writs, 1 596

Hodges, Mr. T. L.

Birmingham Police, Com. xlix 958

County Councils, Leave, 1465

Fruit Duties, Com. moved for, xlviii 82
Metropolitan Police Courts, Report, cl. 54, xlix

Parliamentary Franchise, Leave, xlix 997
Poor-Law Commission, Continuance of the,
Com. xlix 583

Hodgson, Mr. F.

Copyright-Adjournment, xlviii 705

Harbours of Refuge, xlvii 736

Hodgson, Mr. R.

County and District Constabulary, 3R. Amend.

Highways, c. 1R. xlv 197; 2R. 576; Com. Holland, Lord

1319 [Α. 196, Ν. 23, Μ. 173], 1321; cl.
14, 1323 [Α. 63, Ν. 43, Μ. 20], 1325; On
the Divisions under the Bill A. 40, N. 66,
M. 26, ib.; Report [o. m. A. 84, Ν. 60,
M. 24), xlvii 499; Com. Amend. [A. 91,
Ν. 18, Μ. 73], 501; [r. p. A. 47, Ν. 18,
Μ. 297,502; (No.2) 1R. xlix 331; 2R..
494; 3R. 1074; l. 2R. 1275

Highways and Turnpike Roads Returns, l. 1R.
xlix 308; 2R. 436; c. 1R. 716; 2R. 772;
3R. 1038; 1. Royal Assent, 1 369; see

Hill Coolies, l. xlix 657; c. 721

[blocks in formation]

Hindley, Mr. C.

Corn-Laws-Exports, xlv 244-Hearing Evi-
dence, 671-Com. moved for, Adj. Debate,
xlvi 850

Factories Regulation, Leave, xlv 434; 2R.887;
Com. xlviii 1067; cl. 12, Amend. 1088

Hearing Evidence at the Bar, xlv 505
Manchester Police, Com.cl, 1, Amend. 1259
Poor-Law Commission, Continuance of the, 2R.
xlix 365; Com. 561, 563; Add. cl. 1 111
ates, Collection of, 2R. xlix 1049

Business of the Session, 1542

Canada, Report on, xlv 196-Government of,
Com. xlix 884

Corn-Laws, xlvi 590

Ebrington, Viscount-Lord Lieutenant of Ire-
land, xlv 956, 957, 959

Electors, Removal of, 2R. xlix 475
Privilege-Courts of Law, xlv 916, 917,918;
xlvi 224

Westmeath Election, xlv 606

Hope, Hon. C.

Administration of Justice (Scotland), Com.
moved for, xlv 334

Hope, Mr. G. W.

Copyholds Enfranchisement, 3R. xlviii 1182
Prisons (Scotland), 2R. xlv 815; Com. cl. 18,
Amend. xlvii 1230

Wigan Election-Abduction of Voters, Com.
moved for, xlviii 830

Horsman, Mr. E.

Administration of Justice (Scotland), Com.

moved for, xlv 333
Corn-Laws-Hearing Evidence, xlv 656
Petitions, Presentation of, xlv 179
Public Expenditure-Pensions, xlv 1210

Hotham, Lord

Admiralty Court-Mr. Hume's Proviso, xlix


[blocks in formation]

Howard, Mr. P. H.- continued
Household Suffrage, Com. moved for, xlvi 1096
Poor-Law Commission, Continuance of the, 2R.

xlix 357

Royal Academy, xlix 1023

Seditious Petitions, 1 196

Trade with Africa, xlvii 731

Howick, Viscount

Army Estimates, xlvi 804, 1120, 1127, 1135,
1143, 1144, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1171, 1173-
Increase of the, xlix 1192, 1193

Ballot, The, xlviii 497, 504
Bank of Ireland, Com. 1 463
Canada, Com. cl. 4, xlix 217
Charters, Expense of, xlviii 713
Controverted Elections, Com. xlvii Elections
591; cl. 22, xlviii 16
Copyright, Com. cl. 4, xlvii 714
Corn-Laws-Hearing Evidence, xlv 643-Com.

585, 587,

moved for, Adj. Debate, xlvi 524
Education, National-Call of the House, xlvii
1387-of Soldier's Children, 1 449

Marines Great Coats, xlv 1184
Navy, Condition of the, xlv 1276
New South Wales, 3R. xlix 1246
Ordnance Estimates, xlvi 1238
Poor-Law Commission, Continuance of the, Re-
port, 1 106

Privilege-Stockdale v. Hansard, Report, xlviii
301, 304, 305, 418; Messrs. Hansard's Pe-
tition, xlix 1101

Public Expenditure-Pensions, xlv 1197

Rates, Collection of, That the Bill do pass, 1

Soldiers' Pensions, Com, xlix 419; cl. 2, 420
Supreme Courts (Scotland), Add. cl. xlviii 1177
Waste Lands of the Colonies, xlviii 898
Wigan Election-Abduction of Voters, Com.
moved for, xlviii 838

Hume, Mr. J.

Address-Answer to the Speech, xlv 79; Re-
port, 148, 154

Admiralty Court, Com. cl. 1, xlix 348, 350; cl.
17, Amend. 351; That the Judge do not sit
in Parliament, 113; cl. 5, 1127; cl. 1,
Amend. 1272; Proviso, 1273

American Mail Contracts, 1 473, 475, 481,


Army, Estimates, xlvi 1144, 1168, 1173-In-
crease of the, xlix 1162

Bank of England, Com. moved for, xlix 3

Bank of Ireland, Com. xlix 773, 774, 797, 805,
897; Com. 1 268, 276, 465; Report, 568,

Beer, Sale of, xlvi 946; Com. xlviii 973, 985
Birmingham, Riots at, xlix 417-Police, Com.
691, 698, 957, 1194; Leave, (No. 2) 1199;
Report, 1212

Breach of Privilege-Parrett Navigation, xlvii
1071, 1074

Bude Light, The, 1 420

Budget, The Postage Duties, xlviii 1375,
1411, 1412

Business of the House, xlvii 1214
Caledonian Canal, Com. moved for, xlv 1378
Canada-Expense of Lord Durham's mission,
xlv 750-Sir F. B. Head's Correspondence,
1312, 1317- Colonel Prince, xlvi 1222-
Message from the Crown, xlvii 1275-Go-
vernment of; 2R. xlviii 1197; Com. xlix
192; cl. 1 196; cl. 2, 210; 3R. 500, 502-

[blocks in formation]

Danish Claims, xlviii 435
Denmark, Commercial relations with, xlvii

Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues, Leave, xlv
497; 2R. 865

Ecclesiastical Preferments Suspension, 3R.
Add. cl. xlix 528, 529

Education National, -Call of the House xlvii
1383; xlviii 228

Elective Franchise, Leave, xlvii 1366
Exchequer Bills, Funding of, 1 400, 413;
Com. 493

Factories Regulation, Com. cl. 3, xlviii 1076
Fourdrinier's Claim, xlvii 514, 516
Harvey, Mr., his case, xlv 715, 716, 717
Highways, Com. cl. 14, xlv 1323, 1324
Household Suffrage, Com. moved for, xlvi 1048
Internal Communication, Com. moved for, xlix


[blocks in formation]

Manchester Police, Com. 1257
Marines Great Coats, xlvi 1184
Marlborough's, Duke of, Pension, Leave, 1 216,
285; 2R.399; Report, 469; 3R. 567
Metropolis Improvements, 3R. Amend. 1 156
Metropolitan Police, 2R. xlvii 1291; Com.
xlviii 711, 712; Report, xlix 108; Re-com-
mittal, 111; cl. 29, 117; cl. 59, 121, 122
Metropolitan Police Courts, Com. xlix 546; cl.

Municipal Corporations (Ireland), 2R. xlv 1126
National Gallery, xlvi 709, 710
National Petition, The, Com. moved for, xlix


Navy, Condition of the, xlv 1282-Estimates,
1378; xlvi 305, 1198, 1199, 1201, 1202, 1210,
1212, 1213, 1215-Manning the, xlvii 494
North American Provinces, Returns moved for,
xlv 506, 507

Ordnance Estimates, xlvi 1234, 1235, 1236,

Parliamentary Franchise, Leave, xlix 997
Petitions, Presentation of, xlv129, 165, 178, 197

[blocks in formation]

Public Expenditure-Pensions, xlv 1187, 1212
Public Works-Increase of Debt, xlv 943, 944,

Public Works (Ireland), Com. xlviii 1019
Railways (Ireland), Com. xlv 1107

Rates, Collection of, 2R. xlix 1046; Com. 111,

cl. 2, 16; That the Bill do pass, 208
Registration of Voters (Ireland), Leave, xlv

Royal Academy, xlix 717, 719, 1007, 1022,

Sessional Orders, xlv 130, 131
Shannon Navigation, 2R. xlviii 1017; Com.

xlix 423

Slito, Port of Mission at Stockholm, xlv 1300
Small Debts Bills-County Courts, xlix 519
Soldiers' Pensions, Com. cl. 2, xlix 420
Spirits, Sale of (Ireland), 3R. xlix 1274
Sugar Duties, 3R. xlviii 1028

Supply, xlvi 202

Supreme Courts (Scotland), 3R. xlviii 1161,
1171; Add. cl. 1176; Amend. cl. 12, 1178,

Theatrical Amusements in Lent, xlv 1025
Timber Ships, 2R. xlix 422

Trade with Africa, xlvii 730

Turkey and Egypt, xlvii 1067; 1489-Trade
with, xlix 1392

Wynn, Mr., his case, Com. moved for, xlv 985

Humphrey, Mr. Alderman J.

Metropolis Improvements, 3R.1156; Amend.

Metropolitan Police, Com. cl. 66, xlix 123
Privilege, xlvii 3

[blocks in formation]

Hutton, Mr. R.

Bank of Ireland, Com. xlix 829; 1395

Idolatrous Worship (India), l. 1 219

Importation of Foreign Fruit, l. xlvi 563-see

Imprisonment for Debt Act Amendment, c. 2R.*
xlvii 458, 572; Com. xlviii 216; 3R. 328;
1. 1R. 428; 2R. xlix 740; 3R. 973;
Royal Assent, 1 369

Imprisonment for Debt (Ireland), c. 1R. 1 466
Improvements see Metropolis

Inclosure Acts see Enclosure
Increase of the Army see Army

Indemnity, c. 2R. xlviii 1195; 3R." xlix 331;

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Inglis, Sir R. H.

Admiralty Court, Com. cl. 1 xlix 350; Add. cl.

Affirmations, Com. xlv 824

Bank of Ireland, Com. cl. 2;1360, 371, 395
Beer, Sale of, Com. cl. 1, xlviii 987

Bills of Exchange (No. 2), Com. xlviii 1231;
cl. 1, 1232; Report, 1432
Breach of Privilege-Scotch Judges, xlvi 168
Catholic Assumption of Episcopal Titles, xlviii
197, 198, 200

Church Discipline, Com. 1262

Church Rates-Case of John Thorogood, xlix

Controverted Elections-Lord Mahon's Motion,
xlv 421, Com. cl. 22, xlviii 24
Copyholds Enfranchisement, Com. xlvii 1399
Copyright, 2R. xlv 939

Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues, Leave,
xlv 495; 2R. 857

Ecclesiastical Preferments Suspension, 3R. xlvi
1303, 1304; 2R. (No. 2), xlix 146; Com. cl.
3, 368, 369

Education, National, xlv 287, Adj. Debate,
xlviii 603, Report, 971. 972
Fourdrinier's Claim, xlvii 519
Jamaica-Suspension of the Constitution, 2R.
xlvii 461

Lighting the House, 1 261

London Bridge Approaches, 3R. xlviii 5
Manchester Police, 2R. 1 141

Marlborough's, Duke of, Pension, 2R. 1399;

3R. 566

Metropolis Improvements, Com. moved for,
xlv 312; xlviii 1336

Metropolitan Police, Com. cl. 29, xlix 115
Municipal Coporations (Ireland), Leave, xlv
371; 2R. 1124, 1134; xlvi 173; 3R. xlix
344; Lords Amendments, 1 138

National Gallery, xlvi 710
New Zealand, xlviii 828
Petitions, Presentation of, xlv 164
Postage Duties, 2R. xlix 625, 630
Prisons, Com. cl. 14, xlvii 1217

Privilege, xlvii 2-Stockdale, v. Hansard, Com.
moved for, 1192, 1210, 1211, 1212, 1213-
Report, xlviii 344, 350-Second Resolution,
426-Messrs. Hansard's Petition, xlix 1083
Public Walks, xlviii 442
Railways (Ireland), Com. xlv 1111
Roman Catholic Bishops, xlviii 9, 10

Inglis, Sir R.-coniinued.

Royal Academy, xlix 1017
Seditious Petitions, 1 196

Slave Trade, xlvi 145, xlvii, 1253, 1254; Leave,

1 130, 604

Standing Orders - Railroads 194

Sunday Delivery of Letters, xlvi 333
Waste Lands of the Colonies, xlviii 913
Westminster Theatres-Performances in Lent,
xlvi, 240

Inland Warehousing, c. 1R. xlviii 1059; 2R,
1336; Com. xlix 521 [A. 102, Ν. 39, Μ.
63], 527; 3R. 620; l. 1R. 656; 2R.
987] Contents 38, Not Contents 48, M.,
10], 991

Innkeepers, c. Leave, xlv 1288 [Α. 20, Ν. 156
Μ. 136], 1291

Insolvents' Advertisements, l. xlvi 872; Leave,
1315; see Maintenance

Insult to the British Flag, l. xlv 587, 700; с.
811, 844, 1162; 1. xlvi 132, c.- The Ex-
press Packet, 1323; xlviii 1060

Internal Communication, c. Com. moved for,
xlix 642 [o. m. A. 109, N. 48, Μ. 61],
656; see Public Conveyances

Introduction of Trade Bills see Trade

Ireland, Government of, c. xlvi 1118, 1179;
Amend. Sir R. Peel, 1321; Mr. T. S. Dun-
combe, 1322, xlvii 4; Adjourned Debate,
94, 166, 233, 234, 321, 447 [Α. 318, Ν.
296, M. 22], ib.; Mr. T. S. Duncombe's
Rider to Original Motion, 451 [Α. 81, Ν.
299, Μ. 218], 452; 1. Lord Brougham's
Resolutions, xlix 973, 1275 [Contents, 86,
Not Contents 52, M. 34], 1381-Protest,
1383; c. 12, see Assaults-Attorneys-Bank
-Committee on Crime-Commutation-Con-
stabulary Force-Corn Laws-Corporate Pro-
perty-Crimes-Dublin Police---Ecclesiastical
-Education- Fjectments- Embankments -
Fines and Penalties-Franchise-Grand Jury
Cess-Granting Pardons-Joint Tenants Vot-
ing-Jurors and Juries-King's Inn-Linen
-Loan Fund-Mayo-Million Loan-Mul-
lingar - Municipal Corporations - Norbury,
Lord-Oaths - Pardons - Polls-Poor Laws

-Processions Public Works-Railways-
Registration Shannon Sheep Stealers-
Spirits, Sale of Tithes

Irish Outrages see Crimes

Irish Packets see Dublin

Jackson, Mr. Sergeant

Crimes in Ireland, xlvi 117
Education, National, xlv 285

Franchise (Ireland) - Dublin Petition; Leave,

xlv 1003

Ireland, Government of, Adj. Debate, xlvii

Mayo, Distress in, xlviii 1338

Municipal Corporations (Ireland), Leave, xlv
373; 2R. 1132; xlvi 196; xlviii 1012; Com.
cl. C. sec. 20, 1221

Registration of Voters (Ireland), xlv 345
Shannon Navigation, 2R, xlviii 1017

Jamaica, Government of, c. Leave, xlvi 1243;
2R. xlvii 459;3 Counsel heard, 461, 497,
573; 1.719; c. Com. 765; Adj. Debate,
871 [Α. 294, N. 289, M. 5], 967-Second
Measure, Leave, 1105; 1R. 1191; 2R.;
Counsel's Address, xlviii 81; Com. cl. 1.
97 [Α. 228, Ν. 194, Μ. 34], 129; 3R. 508;
That the Bill do pass, 511 (A. 267, Ν. 257,
Μ. 10], 524; L. 1R. 576; Counsel's Ad-
dress, 1005; 2R. 1029; Com. cl. 1, 1096;
Amend. [Contents 149, Not-Contents 80,
Μ. 69], 1151; cl. 2, 1154; Report 1183;
Protest 1193; 3R. 1233; c. Lords' Amend-
ments, xlix 83; 1. Royal Assent, 509-see
Burge, Mr.-Merewether, Sergeant

[blocks in formation]

Harvey, Mr., his Case, xlv 178

Metropolitan Police, Com. cl. 66, xlix 124
Petitions, Presentation of, xlv 178
Tenements, Rating of, Com. xlviii 153
Theatrical Amusements in Lent, xlv 581
Wynn, Mr.-Vacating Seats, xlv 847, 848;

Com. moved for, 984, 989; Report, 1047

Johnson, General W. A.

National Petition, The, Com. moved for, xlix
26, 265
Petitions, Presentation of, xlv 178-Printing,
xlviii 147

Poor-Law Commission, Continuance of the,
Com. xlix 968; Add. cl. 971

Johnstone, Mr. J. J. H.

Administration of Justice (Scotland), Com.
moved for, xlv 331

Joint Stock Banking Companies, c. 1R. 11;
2R. 89; 3R.* 247; 1. 1R. 217; 2R..
362; 3R. 373; Royal Assent, 588
Joint Tenants Voting (Ireland), c. 2R. xlviii

195; 3R. 1195; l. 1R.* 1233

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Kemble, Mr. II.

Bank of Ireland, Com. 1372, 396

Education, National, xlviii 229

Manchester Police, Com. 1256

[blocks in formation]

Lambton, Mr. H.

Church Leases, xlviii 206

Metropolitan Police Courts, Com. cl. 5, xlix Langdale, IIon. C.
911; cl. 37, 1052

Kenyon, Lord

Beer, Sale of, 3R. xlviii 321, 325

King's Inn (Dublin), c. 1R. 1 261

Knatchbull, Rt. hon. Sir E.

Beer, Sale of, xlvi 947; Com. cl. 1, xlviii 986
Business of the House, xlvii 1214

Corn-Laws, xlv 356, 359; Com. moved for,
xlvi 434

Education, National-Call of the House, xlvii

Fruit, Duties on, Com. moved for, xlviii 83
High Sheriffs' Expenses, 3R. xlviii 217
Inland Warehousing, Com. xlix 526
Lighting the House, xlvii 231

Lord Lorton's Tenants, xlvii 319
Metropolitan Police Courts, 2R. xlvii 1299
Poor-Law Amendment, xlvi 875; Leave, xlviii
219-Commission, Continuance of the, Com.
xlix 559, 562, 572

Prisons, Com. cl. 3, xlvii 634
Privilege-Stockdale v. Hansard, Com. moved
for, xlvii 1199, 1210, 1212
Railways (Ireland), Com. xlvi 1112, 1122
Summary Jurisdiction, 2R. xlvii 1303; Com.
xlix 505

Theatrical Amusements in Lent, xlv 579

[blocks in formation]

Labouchere, Right Hon, H.

Canada, Future Government of, xlv, 9:9-
Sir F. B. Head's Correspondence, 1314—
Executions xlvi 627, 1048-Colonel Prince,
1222; xlvii 1023, 1024-Government of, 2R.
xlviii 1212; xlix 83; Com. 186, cl. 1, 196,
cl. 2, 199; 205, 210; 3R. 499; Lords
Amendments 1 1-Prisoners in, 1145, 1146
-Case of Mr. Viger, 452
Cape of Good Hope, xlv 964
VOL. L. {T}


Address-Report, xlv 148

Canada, 3R. xlix 503

Controverted Eleetions, Com. xlvii 617

County and District Constabulary, Leave xlix

Custody of Infants, Com. cl. xlviii 161
Education, National, Com. xlviii 755 - of
Soldiers' Children, 1 449
Factories Regulation, 2R. xlv 893; Com. cl.
18, Amend. xlviii 1416, 1417

Prisons, Com. cl. 14, xlvii 1223, That the Bill
do pass, xlviii 710

Tenements, Rating of, 2R. xlvii 503

Langdale, Lord

Borough Courts, Com. xlv 905

Chancery, Court of, xlviii 63, 77

Lansdowne, Marquess of

Address, Answer to the Speech, xlv 47
Austria, Commercial Treaty with, xlv 256
Beer, Sale of, Report, xlviii 140

Bills of Exchange, Com. xlviii 723; cl. 1,
Amend. 729; 3R. 919, 920; Amendments,
1004; (No.2) 2R. xlix 219, 220; Com. 395,


Birmingham, Riots at, xlix 382, 384, 385-

Messrs. Lovett and Collins, 458
Canada, Government of, Com. xlix 883, 884
Corn Laws, xlvi 621
Ebrington, Viscount, Lord-lieutenant of Ireland,
xlv 953, 958

Education, National, xlv 351; xlvii 759; xlviii
91; Archbishop of Canterbury's Resolutions,
1255, 1276, 1277, 1332, 1335; xlix 331

Hand-Loom Weavers, xlvi 871
High Sheriffs' Expenses, 2R. xlviii 923
Inland Warehousing, 2R. xlix 987

Insult to the British Flag, xlv 702; xlvi 142
Ireland, Government of, Com. xlvii 218, 220,

Malta-The Press, xlvii 677

Municipal Corporations (Ireland), Com. xlix
756; 3R. 1204
Navy-Returns, xlvi 8
Poor-Law Commission, Continuance of the,
Com. 1 340, 352

Railways (Ireland), xlvi 1317, 1320
Rates, Collection of, 2R. 1 354
Roman Catholic Chancellor, xlviii 86

Shannon Navigation, 2R. 1 18, 19; Com. 182,

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