[blocks in formation]

Administration of Justice (Scotland), Com.
moved for, xlv 328
Breach of Privilege-Scotch Judges, xlvi 151
Supreme Courts (Scotland)-Judges' Salaries,
Com. moved for, xlv 477; Com. xlvi 1328;
Amend. xlviii 1181, 1182

Ellice, Rt. Hon. E.

Canada, Government of, 2R. xlviii 1209 ~

Elliott, Hon. J. E,

Navy Estimates, xlvi 282

Postage Duties, 2R. xlix 641

Private Business-Second Resolution, xlv 981
Theatrical Amusements in Lent, xlv 580

Ellis, Mr. J.

Bank of Ireland, Com. xlix 905; 1 283, 359;
cl. 2, 360

Municipal Corporations (Ireland), 2R. xlvi 197
Shannon Navigation, 2R. xlviii 1015; Com.
xlix 431; cl. 2, 434, 935

Ellis, Mr. W.

Ecclesiastical Courts-David Jones, xlvii 532
Embankments (Ireland), c. 1R. xlix 1

Emigration of Free Negroes, l. xlviii 221

Enclosure Bills, c. xlvi 1240; xlvii 470; xlix


Enfranchisement see Copyholds

Erle, Mr. W.

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County Councils, 2R.1471
Education, National, Adj. Debate, xlviii 589
Electors, Removal of, 3R. xlviii 992, 993
Factories' Regulation, Com. cl. 9, xlviii 1080
Jamaica, Suspension of the Constitution, Com.
xlvii 822

Public Business, Progress of, 1180

Rates, Collection of, 2R. xlix 1047; Com. 113;
cl. 2, Amend. 15

Royal Academy, xlix 1032
Slave Trade, 1 606

Sugar Duties, Com. xlviii 164; 3R. 1021029
Turkey, Trade with, xlix 1395

Wigan Election-Abduction of Voters, com.
moved for, xlviii 829, 839

Exchequer Bills, c. 1R. xlvii 625; 2R. 609;
3R. 870; l. 1R.* 864; 2R. 972; Royal
Assent, 1004; (No. 2), c. 1R. 1195; 2Ŕ.
247; 3R.*438; l. 1R. 421; 2R. 482; 3R.
588-Funding of, 399; c. 1R. 438; 2R.
466; Com. 490; 3R. 588; 1. 2R. ib. 3R.
599; Royal Assent, 601

Exchequer, Chancellor of the, see Chancellor
of the Exchequer.

Exchequer, Court of, c. xlviii 152; xlix 399
Exehequer of Pleas, c. 2R. xlviii 730;3R..
1005; 1. Royal Assent, 1183

Breach of Privilege-Parrett Navigation, xlvii Excise Licenses c. 1R. xlix 494; 2R. 550;


[blocks in formation]

Report, 1 214; cl. 1 [A. 28, N. 19 Μ. 9],
215; 3R. 247; l. 1R. 217

[blocks in formation]

Exeter, Deanery of, l. 1R.* 311; 2R. 457;|
Com. 462; 3R. 563; c. Conference with
the Lords, 871; 3R.* 1253; Royal Assent,


Explanation. c. xlvii 233; see Breach of Privi-

Exports see Corn-Laws

Express Packet see Insult-Trade

Factories Regulations, c. Leave, xlv 434; 2R.
881; Com. xlviii 1063; cl. 1, 1068 [A. 87,
Ν. 44, Μ. 43], 1072; cl. 3, 1073 [Α. 49,
Ν. 55, Μ. 6), 1077; cl. 9, 1078 [A. 94,
Ν. 62, Μ. 32], 1084; cl. 11, Amend. [A.
48, Ν. 106, M. 58], 1086; Clause as
amended stand part of the Bill [A. 112, N.
40, M. 72], 1087; cl. 12, 1088; Amend.
[Α. 46, Ν. 109, M. 63], 1089; cl. 14, 1090;
Amend. Co. m. A. 51, N. 96, M. 45], ib.; cl.
17, 1091 [Α. 67, Ν. 53, M. 14], 1092;
cl. 18, 1093; [r. p. A. 34, N. 49, Μ. 15],
1094, 1415; Amend. 1417; cl. 19, Amend.
1418; cl. 22, Amend. 1420; Postponement
of cl. 22, 23 [A. 50, N. 48, M. 2], 1426;
xlix 585; Withdrawal of Bill, 914

Factory Act, Abuses under the, c. xlviii 148

Factory Commissioners' Report, c. xlv 1164

[blocks in formation]

Fines and Penalties.-Continued.
220; 2R. 519; 3R.* 716; l. 1R.* 740; 3R.*
1 588, Royal Assent, 601

Fingall, Earl of

Ireland, Government of, Com. moved for, xlvi

Prisons, Com. cl. 17, xlix 479

Fire Insurance Duty on, c. xlix 642
First Fruits and Tenths, c. xlv 1293

Fisheries, c. Leave, 1 580, 1R., 2R., Com., Re-
port, 582; 12R. 589; 3R. 599; Royal
Assent, 601

Fisheries, Scotch, c. xlix 82

Fitzgerald and Vesey, Lord

Manchester Police, 2R. 1382
Municipal Corporations (Ireland), Com. xlix
747; 3R. 1204

Shannon Navigation, 2R.119

Fitzsimon, Mr. W.

Crimes in Ireland, xlvi 106

Fitzwilliam, Earl of

[blocks in formation]

, Mr.

Education, National, Call of the House, xlvii


Irish Outrages, Adj. Debate, xlvi 315

Poor-Law Amendment (Ireland), Leave, xlv


Railways (Ireland), xlvi 1102; xlix 707

Shannon Navigation, Com. xlix 423, 431

Freshfield, Mr. J. W.

American Mail Contracts, 1477

Breach of Privilege-Parrett Navigation, xlvii

Catholic Assumption of Episcopal Titles, xlviii

County Councils, Leave, 1 466
Exchequer, Court of, xlviii 152; xlix 399
Petitions, Printing, xlviii 147

Poor-Law Commission, Continuance of the,
2R. xlix 362; Com. 575; Add. cl.1135
Private Business, xlv 972
Privilege-Stockdale v. Hansard, Report, xlviii
305-Messrs. Hansard's Petition, xlix 1096
Railways, xlvi 1242; xlvii 683
Small Debts Bills, xlvi 874
Standing Orders-Railroads, 193

Fruit, Duties on, c. Com. moved for, xlviii 82,
[Α. 26, Ν. 14, M. 12], 84; see Importation

[blocks in formation]

Gisborne, Mr. T.

Bank of Ireland, Report, xlix 1104; Com. l.
272, 371,392, 396, 463

Birmingham Police, xlix 1197

Small Debts Bills-County Courts, Report, xlix


Gladstone, Mr. W. E.

Education, National, xlv 301, 302; Adj.
Debate, xlviii 622

Jamaica, Government of, Leave, xlvi 1276;
Com. Adj. Debate, xlvii 921-Second
Measure, Com. cl, 1, xlviii 118, 126
Theatrical Amusements in Lent, xlv 580

Glasgow Cotton Spinners, 1. xlvi 791; xlvii 1028
Glass Duties, c. 1R. xlviii 1059; 2R. 1195;
3R. 1415; l. 1R. xlix 1 ; 2R. 73; Royal
Assent 509

Glenelg, Lord

Canada-Sir F. B. Head, xlv 442, 445-Colonel
Prince xlvii 1102

Jamaica, Government of-Second Measure,
2R. xlviii 1053; Com. cl. 1, 1111, 1112,

Malta-The Press, xlvii 655, 659-Affairs of,
xlviii 942

Mauritius, Slavery in the, xlv 183; xlvii 624
Resignation of, xlv 183

Glenelg, Lord, Resignation of, l. xlv 183
Gloucester and Bristol, Bishop of

Church Discipline, xlvii 1030; Com. 1337

Godson, Mr. R.

Copyright, Com. cl. 4, xlvii 713
County Courts, 2R. xlvii 1216

Education, National-Call of the House, xlvii


Fourdrinier's Claim, xlvii 520

Jamaica, Government of, Leave, xivi 1278; 2R.
xlvii 461; Com. 813

Privilege, xlvii 4-Stockdale v. Hansard, Com.
moved for, 1213

Gold, Exportation of, c. xlvii 1139

Gordon, Hon. Captain W.

Bills of Exchange-Second Bill, Com. cl. 1,

xlviii 1232

County and District Constabulary, Leave, xlix

Navy, The-Sir John Barrow, xlv 355-Con-
dition of, 1280-Estimates, 1377, 1378; xlvi

Prisons (Scotland), 2R. xlv 812; Com. xlvi

Gordon, Mr. R.

Tenements, Rating of, 2R. xlvii 503, 507; Com.
xlviii 154

Gore, Mr. W. Ο.

Electors, Removal of, xlviii 994

Goring, Mr. H. D.

Registration of Voters (Ireland), Leave xlv

Gort, Viscount

Municipal Corporations (Ireland), 3R. xlix


[blocks in formation]

Charters, Expense of, xlviii 713
Church-Rates-Case of John Thorogood, xlvii
690, 697

Danish Claims, xlviii 437

Diplomatic Missions, xlviii 720

Education, National, xlv 303; Com. xlviii 786,

Electors, Removal of, 3R. xlviii 996

Factory Commissioners Report, xlv 1185
Harvey, Mr., his case, xlv 717

Jamaica, Government of, Leave, xlvi 1261,
1274, 1299; Com. Adj. Debate, xlvii 902-
Second Measure, Com. cl. 1, xlviii 127;
That the Bill do pass, 511

Metropolitan Police, cl. 31, xlviii 213, 711
Metropolitan Police Courts, Com. xlix 546
Mexican Blockade, xlv 1163

Municipal Corporations (Ireland), 2R. xlv


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669, 707

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Grey, Rt. hon. Sir C. E.

Bastardy, Report, 1114

Breach of Privilege-Scotch Judges, xlvi 169
Canada, Government of, 2R. xlviii 1211; Com.
xlix 153, 172; Lords' Amendments, 11
Controverted Elections, Com. cl. 22, xlviii 25
Jamaica-Second Measure, Leave, xlvii 1130
Manchester Police, Com. 1258
Marlborough's, Duke of, Pension, 3R. 1567
Metropolitan Police Courts, Com. cl. 26, xlix
1042; Lords Amendments, 1 444, 445
Parliamentary Franchise, Leave, xlix 993
Privilege-Stockdale v. Hansard, Com. moved
for, xlvii 1208, 1213

United States-Boundary Question, xlvi 1226,

Grey, Rt. hon. Sir G.

Canada-Sir F. B. Head's Correspondence, xlv
1317-Leave, xlviii 211; 3R. xlix 501, 503
Jamaica, Government of, Leave, xlvi 1267, 1277,
1295; Com. xlvii 845; cl. 1, xlviii 124

Small Debts Courts, xlviii 1006

County and District Constabulary, Leave, xlix Grimsditch, Mr. T.


[blocks in formation]

County Councils, Leave, 1 472

Excise Licenses, Report, 1215
Manchester Police, 2R. 1142; Com. 251
Poor-Law Commission, Continuance of the, 2R.

xlix 353

Rates, Collection of, 2R. xlix 1044; Com. 112;
cl. 2, 16

Grote, Mr. G.

Ballot, The, xlviii 442, 503

Bank of England, Com. moved for, xlix 55
Copyright-Adjournment, xlvii 703

Corn-Laws, Com. moved for, Adj. Debate, xlvi


Factories Regulation, Com. cl. 17, xlviii 1092
Household Suffrage, Com. moved for, xlvi 1090
Ireland, Government of, Adj. Debate, xlvii 178

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