20. An Act to enable the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, to let and sell Parcels of Ground in Saint George's Fields, near Bethlem Hospital, to the Governors of the said Hospital. 21. An Act for enabling the Keepers and Governors of the Possessions, Revenues, and Goods of the Free Grammar School of John Lyon within the Town of Harrow on the Hill, in the County of Middlesex, to grant improving Leases of their Estates at Harrow and Barnet, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 22. An Act for explaining and amending an Act made and passed in the Fifty-ninth Year of His Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for vesting the Manor of Oram, and certain Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in the County of Sussex, Part of the Settled Estates by the Will of Samuel Blunt, Esquire, deceased, in Trustees, to be sold; and for vesting the Money arising from such Sale in the Purchase of other Estates, to be settled to the same Uses. 23. An Act for vesting certain Parts of the devised Estates of Hannah Gilpin Sharp, Widow, deceased, in Trustees, in Trust, to be sold or demised, for the Purposes therein mentioned. 24. An Act for vesting certain Parts of the Entailed Estate of Ladykirk in Trustees, to be sold, for Payment of the Debts affecting the same, and for other Purposes therewith connected. 25. An Act for authorizing the granting of Leases of Part of the Estates in the County of Kent, devised by the Will of the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Darnley, deceased. 26. An Act to authorize the granting of Mining and Building Leases and Conveyances of Parts of the Estates, devised by the Will of James Alexander Hodson, Esquire, deceased, subject to the Trusts of such Will. 27. An Act to enable the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London to sell building Ground in Saint George's Fields. 28. An Act for inclosing certain Lands called the West Croft and Burton Leys, in the Parish of Saint Mary in the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham. 29. An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parishes of West Beckham and Alby in the County of Norfolk. 30. An Act for inclosing Lands in the Manor of Almsworthy in the Parish of Exford in the County of Somerset. 31. An Act for inclosing Lands in the Township of Hartishead otherwise Hartshead in the Parish of Dewsbury in the West Riding of the County of York. 32. An Act for inclosing, allotting, and improving certain Open Fields in the Parish of Saint Mary in the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham. 33. An Act for altering and amending certain Acts relating to the Churches of Saint Mark, Saint Luke, and Saint Michael, in the Borough of Liverpool. 34. An Act for vesting the Estate called the Combe Bank Estate, late belonging to the Right Honourable Arthur Lord Templemore, deceased, in Trustees to sell the same, and to invest the Produce of such Sale for the Benefit of his infant Sons. 35. An Act to authorize the Sale of certain Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in the Counties of Kent and Northampton, formerly belonging to William Marshall of Clifford's Inn in the City of London, Gentleman, deceased"; and for other Purposes incidental thereto. 36. An Act to enable Randolph Earl of Galloway, or the Heir in Possession of the Entailed Estates of Garlies, Baldoon, Newton Stewart, and others, in the County of Wigton and Stewartry of Kircudbright, to reclaim certain sleechy Ground on the Shores of the said Estates, and to drain and improve the Moss of Cree, Part thereof; and to burden the said Estates partially, and the reclaimed and improved Land, with the Expence; and also to burden the said Estates with certain Expences incurred by the said Earl in improving the same. 37. An Act for vesting Parts of the Estates of Sir John Davie, Baronet, deceased, in Trustees, upon Trust to be sold; and for laying out the Purchase Money, under the Direction of the Court of Chancery, in the Purchase of other Estates, to be settled to the same Uses. 38. An Act for effecting an Exchange of Mines and Lands between Sir Benjamin Hall, Baronet, and others, and Capel Hanbury Leigh, Esquire, and others. 39. An Act to authorize Conveyances in Fee Farm, or Demises for long Terms of Years under reserved Rents, of certain Parts of the Settled Estates of the Right Honourable George Harry Earl of Stamford and Warrington. 40. An Act to enable the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough of Reading in the County of Berks, to sell certain Real Estate discharged from certain Liabilities, and to invest the Purchase Monies arising from such Sales in the Purchase of other Real Estate, to be charged with such Liabilities. 41. An Act for exchanging Freehold and Copyhold Estates belonging to John Motteux, Esquire, in West Rudham and East Rudham in the County of Norfolk, for Freehold, Copyhold, and Leasehold Estates in Darsingham in the same County, settled under the Will of Horatio, Farl of Orford, deceased. 42. An Act for authorizing the Sale of the Real Estate, devised by the Will of Henry Boulton, Esquire, deceased, and for the Application of the Monies to arise thereby. 43. An Act for vesting the undivided Sixth Share of Ann Campbell Bligh, Spinster, a Lunatic, as One of the Six Daughters and Co-heiresses of William Bligh, Esquire, deceased, in certain Lands and Hereditaments in New South Wales, of which the said William Bligh, died, seised, in Trustees, in whom the other Five undivided Sixth Shares are now vested, upon Trust for Sale. 44. An Act for enabling the Trustees of the Will of the Reverend John Templer, Clerk, deceased, to exchange certain of the Real Estates thereby devised, situate in the County of Devon, for certain other Estates situate in the same County. 45. An Act to enable William Russell, Esquire, to grant Leases of Coal Mines under the Lands within the Manor or Lordship of Brancepeth and other Lands in the County of Durham, devised by, or subject to the Uses and Trusts of the Will and Codicil of William Russell, Esquire, deceased, and the Will and Codicil of Matthew Russell, Esquire, deceased. 46. An Act for inclosing Lands within the Parishes of Rathkeale and Crough in the County of Limerick. PRIVATE ACTS, NOT PRINTED. 47. An Act for naturalizing John Christoph Kayser. 48. An Act fo enable William Beckett, Esquire, and his Issue Male, to take the Name and bear the Arms of Turner, pursuant to the Will of Martha Turner, Widow, deceased. 49. An Act for naturalizing Ernest Reuss. 50. An Act for naturalizing Don Manuel de la Torre y Antunano. 51. An Act for naturalizing George Edward Biber. 52. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Johnstone Napier, Esquire, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Military Service of the East India Company on their Madras Establishment, with Isabella his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 53. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Dionysius Lardner, Clerk, Doctor of Civil Law, with Cecilia Lardner his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 54. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Henry Coode (otherwise Cood), Esquire, with Jane his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes. 55. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of William Carleton, Esquire, with Rosamond Carleton his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 56. An Act for naturalizing Nicola Ivanoff. 57. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Robert Allison with Mary Ann his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 58. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Edward Leigh Pemberton with Charlotte his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 59. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Richard John Sutcliffe Mellin, Esquire, with Jane Mellin his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 60. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of the Reverend William Andrew Weguelin, Clerk, with Emma his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 61. An Act for naturalizing Alexander Henry Augustus John Count de Saint George. 62. An Act for naturalizing Samuel Aspinwall Goddard. INDEX TO HANSARD'S PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, TO THE SECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTEENTH PARLIAMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, 2 VICTORIÆ, 1839. ABERCROMBY, Rt. hon. J.-See Speaker, The Acland, Sir T. D.-continued. Poor-Law Commission, Continuance of the, Com. Add. cl. xlix 969 Slave Trade, Portugal, Leave, 1 132 A'Court, Captain E. H. Navy Estimates, xlvi 265 Adam, Admiral Sir C. American Mail Contracts, 1 480 Lightning Conductors, Com. moved for, xlvii 477 Marines Great Coats, xlvi 1185 Navy, Condition of the, xlv 1281-Estimates, 1339, 1341, 1372, 1377; xlvi 267, 1199, 1201, 1215, 1216-Manning the, xlvii 494 Timber Ships, 2R. xlix 422 Address-Answer to the Speech, l. xlv 7; c. 49; Amendment, 64 [A. 86, Ν. 426, Μ. 340], 125; Report, 135; Her Majesty's Answer, 155; 1. 182 Aden, Capture of, l. xlvi 207 Administration of Justice, c. 1R. xlix 220;1 89; 2R.* 195; 3R. 387; 1. 1R.* 421; 2R.* 482; Royal Assent, 588 Administration of Justice (Scotland), c. Com. moved for, xlv. 314 Admiralty Court, c. 1R. xlviii 701; 2R. 1005; Com. cl. 1, xlix 348; cl. 17, Amend. 351 [Α. 28, Ν. 69, Μ. 41], 352; cl. 1, 1107 [A.80, Ν. 35, 35, Μ. 45], 1112; 1112; That the Judge do not sit in Parliament, 1113 [Α. 51, Ν. 61, Μ. 10], 1126; cl.2 [A. 75, Ν. 5, Μ. 70], 1127; cl. 5 [A. 68, N. 3, M.65], ib.; Add. cl. A. 67, N. O, M.67], ib.; 3R. b Admiralty Court-continued. 1272; cl. 1, Amend. ib. [o. m. A. 47, N. 16, Admiralty, Judge of the, l. xlv 257 Advocate, The Lord (Rt. hon. J. A. Murray) Parliamentary Electors (Scotland), Leave, xlvi Prisons (Scotland), 2R. xlv 815; Com. xlvi Advocate, the Lord (Rt. hon. A. Rutherfurd) Affirmation, General, c. 1R. xlv 197; 2R. 838 Africa, Trade with, c. xlvii 721; 1.1 294 Aglionby, Mr. Administration of Justice (Scotland), Com. American Mail Contract, 1 479 Ecclesiastical Preferments Suspension, Com. Enclosure Bills, xlvii 474 Harvey, Mr., his case, xlv 716 Highways, Com. cl. 14, xlv 1325 Judges Salaries (Scotland), Com. moved for, xlv 478 Manchester Police, 2R. 1146 Marlborough's, Duke of, Pension, xlix 724; Petitions, Printing, xlviii 147 Private Business, xlv 973; Second Resolution, Supreme Courts (Scotland), Add. cl. xlviii Wigan Election-Abduction of Voters, Com. Wynn, Mr., his case, Com. moved for, xlv 985 Factories Regulation, 2R. xlv 886, 887; Com 1415, 1420; cl. 22, 23, 1425 Factory Act Abuses, under the, xlviii 148 Navy Estimates, xlv 1367; xlvi 273 Assassination of Lord Norbury, see Norbury Lord Assaults (Ireland), c. 1R. xlix 494; 2R.* 550; Assessed Taxes Composition, c. 1R. xlviii Attorney-General, The (Sir J. Campbell) Births, Register of, Report, xlviii 1003, 1004 Copyholds Enfranchisement, Com. xlvii 1399; |