


"The council broke up, and all parties were satisfied. When the sultan left the yourt and appeared before his tribe in all his splendor, nothing could exceed their astonishment; they evidently thought no earthly monarch could surpass him in grandeur."


prise of the people. I have mentioned this incident to show what the Kirghis will do with horses that have never been in harness; but the danger is too great to be pleasant, and my fellow traveller, as well as myself, thought one such risk sufficient."

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A Kirghis horse race differs greatly from Nevertheless greater risk was run some that of a Goodwood Cup day, for it is over time afterwards in a sledge and three. course thirty or forty miles long, the object Many details in the work will interest the being to test the endurance of the horse as naturalist. We quote an anecdote destined, well as his speed. The festivities attendant no doubt, to find its way into many a boy's on this advantageous contract with the direc-book :tor of the mines ended with a horse race, in "I have mentioned in my former work that which the distance of thirty-three miles was the bearcoot is trained for hunting by the Kirghis. run in an hour and forty-two minutes. Car- But I have said nothing of his prowess in his riage travelling behind these horses must be wild state, when he sports on his own account, exciting. Mr. Atkinson describes two such and sometimes plunders other ravagers of their rides. One was in a tarantas and twelve:- prey. The following incident will illustrate his power and courage, besides showing that he "The author, with an artillery officer, in a would prove a formidable opponent to any unlight tarantas, had once been driven with Cos-armed man, if hunger prompted him to dispute sack horses to an aoul about sixty versts from possession of his game. the piquet, where our attendants left us to return "Three of these dark monarchs of the sky were home with their horses the following morning.seen soaring high above the crags to the south, Having spent some days in pheasant shooting, which were too abrupt to ride over. We therewe prepared to leave our hospitable host, to visit fore piqueted our horses to feed, and began to another chief, who lived at a five hours' ride dis- ascend the mountain slope. In about an hour tant. Our friend provided us with horses and and a half we reached the summit, and dean escort of his Kirghis, who, with the help of scended into a small wooded valley, when we our two Cossacks, succeeded in fastening six to observed the bearcoots wheeling round towards our tarantas. One of our men mounted the box, the upper end, in which direction we hastened. and took the reins of the wheelers, and four Having gone at a quick walk for about three Kirghis rode the others. But all their efforts miles, we reached a rocky glen that led us into could not make them move the carriage a single a valley of the Bean, known to be a favorite reyard. sort of the animals we were seeking. A small "The old chief was exceedingly angry, and torrent ran foaming through its centre, and ordered six more to be attached, with broad mountains rose on each side far above the snowstraps of hide across their chests, and ropes form-line. In singular contrast with the rich foliage ing traces-rather slender tackle for rampant and plunging animals. The lines of horses and men made a formidable contrast with our small vehicle at their heels; but the chief felt that the honor of his cattle was at stake. When the "We had scarcely entered this sylvan spot word was given to proceed, some of the team when a singular spectacle was presented to our reared and plunged on one side, as they felt the view. A large maral had been hunted down by traces tighten against their ribs; others bounded three wolves, who had just seized him, and the in the opposite direction, seemingly intent upon ravenous brutes were tearing the noble animal to tearing the carriage in half. During the confu- pieces while yet breathing. We instantly presion which followed the leaders made a double, pared to inflict punishment on two of the beasts, and rushed up to the carriage, appearing more and crept quietly along under cover to get within inclined to ride than draw. After many efforts range. We succeeded, and were levelling our they were once more got into line, with mounted rifles, when Serge called my attention to two Kirghis on both sides of each pair. This suc- large bearcoots, poising aloft and preparing for ceeded, and away they went at a gallop, while a swoop. He whispered, "Don't fire, and we the Kirghis shouted with joy as they rushed on-shall see some grand sport." ward over the plain.

and luxuriant herbage in the valley, the lower slopes facing the south were almost destitute of verduro, while those facing the north were clothed with a dense forest.

"Presently one of the eagles shot down like an "This was a scene I shall never forget. The arrow, and was almost instantly followed by the men were enraptured, caring nothing for the other. When within about forty yards of the bounds of the carriage, which rendered it no easy group, the wolves caught sight of them, and inmatter to keep our seats. Even the horses en-stantly stood on the defensive, showing their tered into the spirit of the race, for this it more re-long yellow fangs, and uttering a savage howl. sembled than travelling. After about an hour's In a few seconds the first bearcoot struck his gallop the steeds became more reconciled to their work; still, some refractory animal occasionally showed a desire to be free and range over the vast plain around him. Night was closing in fast when we dashed up to the aoul of the chief, the team white with foam, greatly to the sur

prey: one talon was fixed on his back, the other on the upper part of his neck, completely securing the head, while he tore out the wolf's liver with his beak. The other bearcoot had seized another wolf, and shortly both were as lifeless as the animal they had hunted.


"The third brute snarled when his comrades set up their wailing howls, and started for the cover; he was soon within range, when a puff of white smoke rose from Serge's rifle, and the wolf, rolled over, dead. The report startled the bearcoots, but we remained concealed, and they commenced their repast on the stag. Their attack had been made with so much gallantry, that neither the old hunter nor myself could raise a rifle against them, or disturb their banquet. When satisfied, they soared up to some lofty crags, and Serge took off the skins of the poachers, which he intended keeping as trophies bravely won by the eagles.

"My old friend had spent thirty years in the vast forests and mountains of Asia. He was thoroughly acquainted with the habits of the an

imals, and the feathered race that inhabit them; and the daring attack by the bearcoots was the most interesting scene he had witnessed."

We have quoted only from those lighter portions of the book which will ensure its popularity, but it is most to be valued for its interesting geographical details and for the sketches of characteristic scenery with which it is illustrated. Mr. Atkinson cares quite as much for plains, rivers, and mountains as for men in those far lands; he has a painter's pleasure in the rock and water, and as to the ground he traverses, has also science enough to tell him what to tell.


THE word "ventilate " is of no modern origin; it was used in England before the existence of America was known to civilized man.

It was the ordinary term used in courts of law from the earliest day to signify the raising of a discussion on any point. (See Du Cange, "Ventilare causam-eam agitare, de ea disserere.")

An instance of its use in France is cited, A.D.


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"Ventiler, v. a. Il signifie aussi, discuteren une affaire, agiter, débattre une question avant que d'en délibérer en forme. Il faut ventiler premièrement cette affaire; co sens est vieux." Arno's Court. -Notes and Queries.


corroboration for belief in this incantation, and FOUR-BLADED CLOVER.-J. N. asks for some I may mention that in the west as well as in the "Et toutes leurs causes mues et à mouvoir," far north" of our country, although the belief soient ventillées et determinées. has not fairly died out, it is in a rapid state of chambre de Parlement." decay. Boys and girls in their summer rambles in the fields may yet sometimes be discovered carefully searching for the four-leaved clover, not however as an object of superstition, but as one of curiosity, being extremely rare to be found.

en nostre Another instance is cited more than two centuries earlier :

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Cumque diu hæc causa fuit ventilata." In pleadings in our own courts, especially the ecclesiastical, the word is of ordinary occurrence, and has been used for at least seven centuries. X. X.

Your American correspondent H. N. will find that the word "ventilato was used in England in its present sense above three hundred years ago. It is in Sir T. Elyot's Governour, and in Bishop Hall's Old Religion, the quotation from which, being shorter, I add:

"The ventilation of these points diffused them to the knowledge of the world." C. 2.

Harrington also has it in his Oceana; and other examples will be found both in Johnson's and Richardson's Dictionaries. D. S.

This word has long been used by the French in the sense to which I suppose H. N. alludes. The Dictionnaire de l'Académie has the following:

Its use in dispersing the power of "glamour," or of witchcraft, has been famous since the most ancient times; indeed nobody knows how long. A curious illustration may be cited from the Last Battell of the Soule in Death, by Mr. Zachary Boyd, 1629 (p. 68; reprint, 1831, p. 24), wherein The Pastour says to "The Sicke Man":

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"Sir-it shall bee your farre best to suffer the louc of Christ swallow vp the loue and all other considerations of worldlie thinges, as Moses his serpent swallowed up the serpent of the Magicians. Whateuer seemeth pleasant into this world vnto the naturall eye, it is but by juggling of the senses: If we haue the grace of God, this grace shall be indeede like as a foure-nooked Clauer, is in the opinion of some, viz. a most powerfull could seeko this grace, it would let vs see the meanes against the juggling of the sight: If wee vanitic of such thinges which beguile the natural


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-Notes and Queries.

G. N.


From The Saturday Review, 21 July.

of bearing with the impotence of the Turkish empire is over. France is prepared to see the government of Syria pass into firmer hands. No intimation is given as to the future to which Turkey and Syria are destined; but France has taken the first step, and it is a very long step, towards ending the rule of the sultan on the borders of the Mediterranean.

IT is now some time since any event has occurred calculated to cause so much disquietude as the massacres in Syria. The outbreak assumed a new character when a large city like Damascus was successfully attacked, and the fanaticism which had previously been engaged in the destruction of hillside villages ran riot in the capital of Any alteration in the position of the TurkSyria. The loss of life has been terrible, ish empire affects England so nearly that and thousands have to mourn homes burnt this manifesto in the Constitutionnel, evior pillaged, and relatives killed or carried dently intended to pave the way for French off to a fate worse than death. But the suf- intervention in Syria, is scarcely less alarmferings of the Syrian Christians, great as ing to us than it is to the Turks. It is usethey have been, seem a small matter by the less to shut our eyes to the fact that the inside of the grave consequences to which fluence of France in the eastern corner of the these massacres will probably give rise. The Mediterranean is spreading very rapidly. sultan appears to have written a note to the The Christians of Candia have gone over by emperor expressing the sorrow which the thousands to the Latin Church, in order to outbreak has caused him. He may well be secure French protection; and the little visorry and alarmed. It is hard for him to tality that exists in Syrian Christianity is all deal with Christians, but it is harder still to on the side of the power which is supposed have to punish Mahometans. The plot dis- to befriend the pope. We cannot compete covered last September at Constantinople with the French in this combination of polirevealed one of the most serious dangers with tics and religion among half-savage tribes which the Ottoman government is threatened. like the Christians of the Lebanon. ProtThe conspiracy then detected was a move-estantism is admirably adapted to the area ment of the subject. Mahometan races against of intellectual civilization, or to the simple the dominant race and the whole system of savages of such utterly barbarous tribes as government which has been adopted in re- are open to the influence of the fatherly care cent times by the Porte. The outlying Ma- and personal courage of English missionaries. hometan tribes seem to be penetrated with a But it is not suited to tribes whose notion of notion that the Porte is at once faithless to Christianity is that it is a name to fight for, its religion and inefficient in its adminis- and who love to compensate for the crimes tration. It is considered wicked and weak; of bandits by ceremonial observances and and a notion more dangerous to a govern- asceticism. Our bishopric at Jerusalem is ment could not be entertained. For some a dead failure, whereas Latin Christianity is years these tribes have been longing for an not only an enduring but an increasing reopportunity to recall the nominal head of ligion in the Eastern Mediterranean. The their religion to a sense of his duty; and a French have a basis of intervention which combination of circumstances has inspired we have not, just as the Russians have a the belief that it would be safe and easy to basis of intervention in the Christian popudo so. The Porte must, therefore, watch the lation of European Turkey. The threat of mission of Fuad Pasha with the greatest ap-intervention held out in the Constitutionnel prehension. If he acts fairly, and makes an example of the offenders so striking as to prevent an imitation of their offence, he will encourage the persuasion that his government is false to its religion. If he attempts to compromise matters, and to exact only a colorable vengeance, he will strengthen the conviction that his government is weak. The relations of the sultan to his Mahometan subjects are therefore full of difficultics; but his relations to the Christians are still more embarrassing. The sorrow which he states himself to have felt on hearing of the massacres will be considerably heightened when he reads the ominous article in the Constitutionnel. He will find that a scribe who is known only to hold the pen while the emperor dictates has announced that the time

is therefore very alarming. For it must be remembered that the occupation of Syria is only one part of a great scheme of French policy which has for some years been steadily pursued. The idea which floats before the eyes of those who think it is the business of France to reconstruct the map of the world consists in the foundation of a great dependency which shall rival British India, and make France the mistress of Europe. This dependency is to include Algeria, Egypt, and Syria, the eastern coast of Africa, and Madagascar. This may only be a dream, and, as most Englishmen would think, a foolish dream; but steady endeavors to lay the foundation for at least a possibility of realizing it are made every year. The Suez Canal has been so managed that, if France


dare, she could any day find a pretext for reducing the viceroy of Egypt to a state of complete subserviency. Great pains have been taken to excite hopes of French aid in the whole Christian population, not only of the Mediterranean islands and of Syria, but of Abyssinia and the more southern Christian settlements in Africa. The port of Zula has lately been acquired by France as a station in the Red Sea, and as the key to maritime communications with Abyssinia. The Imam of Zanzibar has very recently been compelled by armed force to yield certain claims pressed on him by the French consul, and within the last few years two attempts have been made to get a hold on Madagascar. We cannot absolutely disregard these things, and it is foolish to deny their possible importance. We may reasonably hope to take such defensive precautions as will keep the Mediterranean and the Red Sea open to English commerce; but we shall not make it more easy to do so by treating with too superb a contempt the political designs of a country that possesses half a million of armed men, and that burns to rival and eclipse us.

the moment of action comes each of the ri val powers is likely to shrink from attempting to solve it by force. If the Emperor resolves on a French intervention in Syria, he will be obliged to proceed very cautiously, and at each stage of the process we shall have the time and opportunity to make his intervention as harmless as possible. If he intervenes, we can intervene; and if he stays there, we can stay there. The Turks may be driven out of Syria, and it is not easy to see how the Porte can escape the terrible alternative of quarrelling either with its Christian friends or its Mahometan subjects; but we can take care that the overthrow of the Turks shall not mean simply the incoming of the French.

From The Saturday Review, 28 July.

THE acquiescence of the English Cabinet in the French attack upon Syria seems to have been at the same time unwilling and hasty, while it was, perhaps, ultimately inev itable. Lord John Russell properly required that a convention should be signed with the We do not the least wish to thwart the Porte, but it does not appear that he suc legitimate influence of France, nor have we ceeded in obtaining any promise that the any reason to complain if Greeks turn Latins forms of international law should be even to please her, and if Latin Christians look up ostensibly respected. The French Ambasto her for protection. What we object to is sador relied, with admirable coolness on the that she should use her power to close our treaty of 1856, which expressly provides for communications with India, and shut us out the exclusive sovereignty of the sultan in his of the commerce of the East. This, we may own dominions by excluding all right of inbe sure, is her secret aim in the formation of terference on the part of foreign powers; the great dependency of which she is dream- and an expedition into the heart of Asiatic ing. We can only resolve to do our best to Turkey was organized before it was thought prevent it, and we have a very fair chance of necessary to go through the form of asking succeeding. We have the great advantage the assent or co-operation of England. The of being on the defensive. Something must disembarkation of the first corporal's guard be changed to our loss before we can be in on the coast of Syria, without the previous serious danger. We hold the best positions. authority of the Porte, would be an act of Malta and Corfu in the Mediterranean, Perim war, as it would undoubtedly be the comand Aden in the Red Sea, and Mauritius in mencement of an intended territorial conthe Indian Ocean, are incomparably better quest. According to the semi-official Conpositions than any the French have got, or stitutionnel, "the most energetic adhesion can get without beating us at sea. It is true will reply in Europe, as in France, to the that, if France and Russia were to combine, noble initiative of the sovereign who governs we should have hard work to hold our own, us. No one will be surprised to hear that and we could not prevent the Ottoman Em- French troops will be immediately embarked pire falling to pieces at once. But there is a to bear succor to the Christians in the East." great deal that must happen before France It is true that the sovereign who affects to and Russia can really combine. It is a stand-govern Europe, and who is now making his ing maxim of Napoleonic policy that France first attempt upon Asia, would excite little can never permit Constantinople and St. surprise if he disturbed the peace of the Petersburg to be held by the same Power; world by a sudden assault on any unoffendand unless Constantinople is to be the price ing neighbor or stranger; but it is not altoof Russian assistance or connivance, why gether satisfactory that England should take should it be given ? M. de Rémusat has very part in the "energetic adhesion" of which truly remarked, that the Eastern question is his organs naturally boast. Another Parisso complicated and so alarming, that when ian journal amiably suggests a motive for

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the submission of the English Government, Italy, a selfish enterprise is decorated with a in the remark that the respect paid by the show of disinterested generosity; but in the Druses to the English Consul at Damascus present undertaking the imperial idea will might be regarded as an insult to a nation be still more visibly connected with an obwhich hesitated to assist the vengeance of ject of material aggrandizement. The emFrance. It is pleasant to be treated as ac-peror's designs on Savoy and Nice were kept complices in the crimes of savage tribes, and secret during the Lombard campaign, but at the same time, to be the humble auxiliaries of civilized ambition. Nevertheless it may be prudent to obtain from the aggressor the fragile security which may be furnished by diplomatic courtesies and by formal pledges. More than thirty years have passed since a French army took temporary possession of another dependency of the Porte, and Syria will be more tempting than Algeria to the national cupidity and vanity. It remains to be seen whether the promises of the Emperor Napoleon will be more definite or better kept than the vague assurances which were utterly disregarded by Charles X. and his suc


the dismemberment of the Turkish Empire must be the obvious result of a successful struggle in Syria. French patronage will be as necessary to the Maronites after they have been avenged on their enemies as at the landing of the army on the Syrian coast. The tenacity of a French Protectorate has been sufficiently displayed during the long occupation of Rome.

The extent of the danger which threatens the peace of the world can only be duly estimated when it is known how far the other neighbors of Turkey are implicated in the Imperial plot. Although Russia can scarcely regard with complacency a project for esThe pretext for the invasion of the sultan's tablishing Latin ascendency in Syria, her dominions has probably already disappeared. repugnance may not improbably have been The Maronites seem to have renewed, by bought off by some secret compact of partisome kind of compact, the peace which they tion. When Prince Gortschakoff received probably broke under the instigation of the eager support of the French Ambassador their priests. The ferocity of the Druses in his overture for creating a disturbance in may have appeared more formidable than European Turkey, the war in the Lebanon the arms of the distant ally and protector may probably have been anticipated at Paris, who is now prepared to use their sufferings although it was not yet meditated by the as an excuse for his own ambitious projects. Druses. Several months since, the probaLong before the French army can reach Da- bility of Eastern commotions was openly dismascus, the authors of the massacre will cussed at the Tuileries with that prophetic have retired to their mountains; nor will it sagacity which belongs to soothsayers who be possible to punish the culprits except by have the means of carrying out their own a war of systematic extermination. The predictions. If the Prince Regent of Prusexpedition is designed not for the adjust- sia had entered into negotiations for a treament of disputes among the tribes of the Le-sonable partition of Germany, the mountainbanon, but as the means of converting Syria eers of the Lebanon would perhaps never into a French province or dependency. If have been employed to prepare the disrupthe object is attained, a similar operation tion of the Ottoman Empire. The Russian will take place in Egypt-perhaps on the pretence of securing the rights of French shareholders in the imaginary Suez Canal. The passage from Alexandria to the Red Sea may possibly be left open for Indian traffic as long as England "energetically adheres to the noble initiative of the sovereign who governs us." On the whole, it has been thought safer to disturb the peace of the Fast than to pursue the Rhenish intrigue after the interview of Baden, or to attempt the annexation of Belgium in defiance of the recent national manifestation. The general disturber hopes that the ignorance or jealousy of Europe may enable him once more to carry on a single-handed conflict with an isolated opponent. Sooner or later, England must resist the meditated conquest of the East, but the other great powers may possibly be lulled into neutrality, or even bribed into acquiescence. In Syria as in

alliance of 1859, although its terms have never been divulged, has always remained in force for the purposes which perhaps are now about to be accomplished. In 1840, the union of the four powers defeated M. Thiers' attempt to detach Syria and Egypt from Turkey, under the dominion of a French dependent. If Russia now thinks it expedient to offer France the same bribe which the Emperor Nicholas held out to England in 1854, the division of the sick man's chattels may probably be soon commenced.

The allegation that Austria assents to the French expedition requires to be confirmed or explained. Notwithstanding the pressure which has been used by France and Russia, the Austrian government can scarcely be blind to the danger of an aggressive war undertaken for the benefit of her two ambitious neighbors. The recent approximation of Austria to Prussia would be utterly incon

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