
fear very much they seemed to be sick when they came, and have never recovered; perhaps some of them may shoot again this Summer. Cotyledon hirsuta & Nasturt. petræum, Johnson, being annuals, never grew with us: if they make Seed, I fancy it would grow. Acetosa rotundifolia repens Eboracensis, &c. I never yet had it, but have Elichryso affinis Peruviana frutescens, H. L. B.; last year I did not know it by that name; it was given me by the name of the Jesuit's-bark-tree; I should be very much pleased to take a Northern journey with you, but this year I have got leave, and am determined to go again into France, &c. JAMES SHERARD." "SIR, Eltham, May 3, 1723.

"This day I sent for you one box, containing such of the Plants you lost as I have yet a sufficient stock remaining with me. I have entirely lost some of them, but will endeavour to encrease the others, so as you may have them this summer. What is now sent, is numbered according to the last Catalogue. I have added one, viz. Coma aurea Africana fruticans foliis glaucis, succulentis, digitatis, odoratis. Boerh. Ind. JAMES SHERARD." Eitham, Feb. 8, 1724-5.


my Brother's, as occasion serves. My Brother has had an ill fit of a fever for about three weeks, he was with me all last week, and I bless God is pretty well recovered again. I heard lately from Mr. Wood, but have received nothing from him this year. I hoped he would have sent me some Seeds, having sent a great quantity to Chelsea this Spring. My Brother sent him a packet last year, and I sent another this year, besides what you sent him. I have wrote to him to send some against Autumnsowing. I am, with very much respect, &c. JAMES SHERARD." "DEAR SIR, Dec. ultimo, 1725.

"I received your kind token of friendship, for which we are extremely obliged; and are very much pleased with the hopes you give us of seeing you next Summer at Eltham; where you will be sure to find a hearty friendly welcome, but I fear little in the Garden worth your acceptance, or that will answer the character you seem to have received of it. It is true I now make it my chiefest amusement, and am always adding small matters to it; but I have met with great disappointments this year by the unseasonableness of the weather, which has been such as to rot some plants in the ground, others have made no seeds, and such as did, I have missed gathering a great many through my own indisposition, which has confined me almost entirely to the house ever since the first of September. I had a little business that called me to London about a fortnight, which brought such a return of the gout upon me, that I have not been able to get on a shoe since. I cannot tell what to do; but must attempt something in the Spring, in hopes to recover a better constitution. I am glad to hear that you hold so well, and that your Northern journeys have succeeded so well with you. I believe riding would do me good, could I meet with an easy sure-footed horse, which would carry me safe and with pleasure, but such are very hard to be found. I thank you for your kind offer of sending me part of your Scotch Plants; whenever you think it a proper season they will be very acceptable. I shall see in the Spring how my stock of Northern Plants stand, and will then make bold to trouble you with an account of my wants. In the mean time, wishing you many happy years, I am, &c. JAMES SHERARD." "DEAR SIR, Eltham, Aug. 2, 1726. "I had the favour of yours from York, and am sorry that it so happens that my Brother may probably be from home when you design to be in London. I know he had thoughts of returning in all August, and I have wrote to him this day to acquaint him with your intentions, in hopes it may hasten his return. And in case you defer your coming a week longer, I hope he may be come for England before you reach London, or at least we may prevail with you to stay with us at Eltham till his arrival. We have nothing that is inviting or diverting with us, except you can take pleasure in seeing a Garden full of weeds; if so, I can anuse you for some time, and I am sure we shall esteem it a great favour to enjoy your good company; therefore hope you

have not fully determined to make so short a stay with us. If I knew when you would be in London I would endeavour to meet you there; and I shall be glad if you will please to order it so as that you may come to Eltham the same night. I thank you for your kind offer of part of Mr. Wood's Plants. When here, you will see my deficiencies. In the mean time I wish you a pleasant journey. Your much obliged servant, JAMES SHERARD." Aug. 20, 1728.

SIR, "I presume the public papers may have given you an account of my poor Brother's death; we buried him last Monday at Eltham, he desiring to lie where I thought to be buried myself. There is a ring at Mrs. Allison's, which she will deliver to any one that you shall order to call for it, which I beg you will please to accept of for his sake. He has left his Books and Plants &c. and three thousand pounds to be laid out in land for the maintenance of a Botany Professor in Oxford; upon condition that the University shall within six months after his decease settle a sufficient and perpetual fund for ever, for the fitting up and maintaining the Garden at Oxford, to the satisfaction and goodliking of his executors. But, in case of neglect or refusal of such settlements, he has left power in his executors to fix the said Library, &c. and the said Professorship in some other place, as they his executors shall think more fit and proper. He has nominated Dr. Dillenius to be the first Professor for life; but the choice of all succeeding Professors, and the whole directions and establishment of the said Garden, whether at Oxford or elsewhere, he has left it entirely to his executors; viz. my nephew Sir Richard Hopkins and myself. This will give us a terrible deal of trouble, and at last perhaps do nothing with the University: for it was the opinion of my Brother, and of most people that know the University, that they will refuse to make such settlements as are proper and necessary for maintaining and keeping up the Garden in a reputable state and condition; and if so, we have positive orders to fix upon some other place. My brother grew uneasy with the University, and repented himself of what he had done; but there had been so much said about it, that he was willing to give them the preference and refusal of it. Dr. Delaune, President of St. John's College, his last and only old acquaintance left at Oxford, when my Brother was last there, wheedled him out of an hundred pounds, which he borrowed of my brother, to be paid in a little time. The Doctor is since dead, and all his effects seized upon by a judgment which he had given to some friend; so my Brother's money is all lost; this vexed him heartily. I have now, I fear, tired you with so long a story, that I have no room to say any thing relating to the Garden, which must defer to another opportunity; only give me leave to hint one word, in respect to Mr. Brewer, who I fear is as troublesome to you, as he is tiresome to his friends here. Dr. Dillenius had two letters last week from him, which came inclosed to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. One of his


Chaplains inclosed them to Dr. Dillenius, and sent them according to the directions; and let the Doctor know that his grace could not imagine how the mistake had happened. Mr. Brewer writes, he designs for the future to send all his letters that way, in or der to save the postage; but I hope he will be better advised, for there may be danger in such proceedings. Please to give my service to him, and tell him I have done all I can for his son; but in case he can do nothing for him himself, it will be to no purpose to send him abroad again. Excuse this trouble and freedom that I use, and believe me, Sir, &c. JAMES SHERARD." "DEAR SIR, Eltham, April 1, 1729. "I should have wrote to you sooner, but was willing to see how the stock of Plants you was so kind as to send me last year stood; for the Winter has been so severe, that it has almost ruined my Garden. My Brother's affair at Oxford is not yet determined. We have agreed upon things in general; but are forced to have recourse to the Court of Chancery for sanction, the University not being able to give such security as my Brother's will directs. When ended I will give you an account of the whole. JAMES SHERARD.” Eltham, Aug. 2, 1729.


"The box of Plants came all in good condition, except one of the Cistus Lodens, which is dead. I am very much obliged to you for these and many other favours, particularly your late visit at Eltham. We cannot as yet bring our affairs with the University to a conclusion. We are now told it cannot be heard till next term; so I have determined to go next week to Holland, in hopes to settle some small matters my Brother has left there unfinished, and return again in a fortnight or three weeks. JAMES SHERARD." Eltham, May 14, 1730.


"I ought to have answered your most obliging letter of 10th April sooner; but, as our case with the University of Oxford was to be heard before the Lord Chancellor some time this last Term, I was willing to wait till it was over, that I might give you some account how matters are like to go. It came on before the Chancellor last Saturday. We had no notice of it till Friday night about seven of the clock, when a messenger was sent to Sir R. Hopkins, who was out of town at Wanstead, who wanted the probate of my Brother's will, and told Sir Richard the hearing came on the next morning at eight of the clock; so he was forced to come to town on purpose the next morning, to send the probate, which was at his house in London; which he did, but had not time to speak with such as we had desired to be our Counsel. So the case was heard without any opposition; and is determined that the University shall give their bond to the Executors, that they will annually raise and pay, out of the profits of the University, the sum of 150l. to be employed in the annual maintenance of the Garden; and lay out presently 200l. to fit up the Garden and Library. And all other matters, relating to the choice of Professors, Statutes, and regulations of the Professorship and Garden, are referred to a Master in Chancery, to hear both


parties, and make report to the Lord Chancellor, who will give further directions therein. But what will 2007, do toward fitting the Garden and Library, where every thing is wanting, and in a ruinous condition? No stoves, nor greenhouse, fit for use. And I have been told it will not cost less than 300l. to clean the Garden, and make the ground fit for service.-I am sorry your Garden has suffered last Winter, and more for your illness, which was the cause of it. I thank you for your kind offer of supplying me with your Northern and Welsh Plants —I had determined to give my Garden to Oxford, in case the University would build proper conveniencies to keep and preserve them; but, if we find that their design is to get the Professorship and neglect the Garden, they shall not have one Plant, nor the value of one halfpenny from me. I know how far I am capable of serving them, which now entirely depends upon their behaviour and treatment with us; for, though they have got part of my Brother's estate, they cannot command mine without my consent. These thoughts made me not so very careful of my Garden as otherwise I might have been: however, I cannot say but that it is in a thriving condition, and in general I think, without vanity, the best that I know; for Leyden is very much fallen off, though I have sent them this year above 200 Plants that they wanted. If I have any thing you desire, it is at your service. I am, Sir, your much obliged and very humble servant, J. SHERARD." Eltham, Feb. 4, 1730-1.


My Gardener and his wife left my service the beginning of December; but he had been about taking of a house for some time before, and came only once or twice a week to see how matters were, so I have been as it were without a Gardener most part of the Winter; under these circumstances I must expect great losses, for I stir but little into the Garden myself. I have now got another Gardener, who I hope may do, but he has not been much used to things in my way. I thank you for your kind offer of what your Garden can supply me with. I shall see in the Spring how matters stand, and will then trouble you with a line. I should be glad of the Linaria you mention, and the Hypericon Montis Olympi. I am obliged to your son for offering me his assistance in Holland. As to Micheli, when I was at Paris in September last, I found his book there; so I took that opportunity to write to him, and let him know how much his friends in England were surprised, to hear his book was delivered out every where but in England. I desired to know when we might expect to receive it, and gave him directions who to deliver copies to at Leghorn in order to be sent to me for the several subscribers. I have lately received an answer from him, that he had given orders for copies to be sent to me at the beginning of the Summer, before he undertook his annual herbarisations, but at his return he found his orders were not complied with; but that now he had sent to Leghorn, not only for the sub#cribers, but also 24 copies more, which he desires me to sell for

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