
243. The Semicolon-is an indication that we should pause long enough to count two, deliberately; and while we are thus resting, from physical effort, we can carry on our mental effort, for the purpose of producing the desired effect: for it is of the first importance, in-reading and speaking, to keep the mind employed with the thoughts and feelings; even when there is no external act; except it may be the play of the facial muscles. 1. Envy not the appearance of happiness in any one; for you know not his secret grief. 2. The sign without the substance, is nothing; the substance without the sign, is all things. 3. None are so innocent, as not to be evil spoken of; none so wicked, as to want all commendation. 4. We may know what we will not utter; but we should never utter, what we do not know.

244. The following lines afford a good exercise, in the placing and use of the grammatical pause.

I saw a peacock with a fiery tail

I saw a blazing star that dropt down hail I saw a cloud begirt with ivy round I saw a sturdy oak creep on the ground I saw a pismire swallow up a whale I saw the brackish sea brim full of ale I saw a phial glass sixteen yards deep I saw a well full of men's tears to weep I saw man's eyes all on a flame of fire I saw a house high as the moon or higher I saw the radiant sun at deep midnight I saw the man who saw this dreadful sight. 245. Natural History--involves the study of all the productions of nature, animal, vegetable and mineral; their qualities, relations and origin. It is divided into three kingdoms, giving rise to the corresponding sciences of Zoology, Botany and Mineralogy; which are divided into classes, orders, genera, and species, founded on prominent distinctions; in which, what most resembles the earth, are placed nearest in relation to it.

Anecdote. "How do you know," (said a traveler to a poor wandering Arab of the desert,) "That there is a God?" "In the same manner," (he replied,) "that I trace the footsteps of an animal,-by the prints it leaves upon the sand.”

Nor let soft slumber-close your eyes,
Before you've recollected thrice

The train of actions-through the day;
Where have my feet-chose out the way?
What have I learn'd, where'er I've been,
From all I've heard, from all I've seen?
What know I more, that's worth the knowing?
What have I done, that's worth the doing?
What have I sought, that I should shun?
What duty-have I left undone?

Or into what new follies run?

These self inquiries-are the road,

That leads to virtue-and to God

Proverbs. 1. Prosperity-engenders sket. 2. Laziness-grows on people; it begins in cob webs, and ends in chains. 3. Many have done a wise thing; more a cunning thing; but very fewa generous thing. 4. What cannot be told, had better not be done. 5. No patience, no true wis dom. 6. Those that are careless of themselves, can hardly be mindful of others. 7. Contentment g ver a crown, where fortune hath denied it. 8. Ha, who lives disorderly one year, does not enjoy him minds: or private ends will be served, at the pub self for five. 9. Public men, should have pubЛe lic cost. 10. Mildness-governs better than ange. 11. While there is life, there is hope. 12. Good men-are a public good.

ternal world is designed, by its Creator, to Importance of Observation. The exmind. Ten thousand objects appeal to our aid essentially in developing the human observation; and each one is a book-of the most interesting character, which can be had without money, and without price. But we must attend to the animate, as well as to the in-animate world,-to men, as well as to things. We should not be ashamed to ask for information, when we do not understand the whys and wherefores; nor fail of conversing with every one, who can impart to us useful knowledge.

Varieties. 1. Are christians prohibited the proper use of any natural good? 2. When the honor and interest of TRUTH are concerned, it is our duty to use all lawful means-for its support and defence. 3. Tol eration-is odious to the intolerant; freedom-to oppressors; property to robbers; and all kinds of prosperity to the envious. 4. General Washington was born, Feb. 22nd, (O. S.) 1732; and died, Dec. 14th, 1797, aged 67; 21 years after the Declaration of Independence. 5. What is the most perfect Government! that, where an injury done the meanest citizen, is considered an insult upon the constitution. 6. Grammar-speaks; Dialectics teach truth; Rhetoric--gives coloring to our speech; Music-sings; Arithmetic-numbers: Geometry-weighs; and Aotronomy-teaches us to know the stars. 7. As the Apostle saith, so it is, viz: The invisible things of God, and Divine Order, may be seen, and understood by those things which are made, in outward creation; evol his eternal power and God-head.

Words are like leaves; and where they most abound
Much fruit of sense beneath-is rarely found.
False eloquence, like the prismatic glass,
Its gaudy colors spreads-on ev'ry place ;
The face of Nature-we no more survey;
All glares alike, without distinction-gay:
But true expression, like th' unchanging suM,
Clears, and improves, whate'er it shines upon:
It gilds-all objects, but it alters-none.
Expression-is the dress of thought, and still
Appears more derent-as more suitable

246. A Colon, (:) marks a pause of thre seconds; or while one can count three, delib erately. Principles-are tested by their application; but even then, we must think, as well as feel, and ascertain the whys and wherefores. 1. Read the sacred Scriptures: they are the dictates of divine wisdom. 2. Harbor no malice in thy heart: it will be a viper in thy bosom. 3. Do not insult a poor man: his situation entitles him to our pity. ♣. He, that studies only man, will get the body without the soul: he that studies only books, will get the soul, without the body: wisdom says, study both. 5. Partially deaf persons, more easily hear a moderately loud voice with a clear articulation, than a very loud one, that is rapid and indistinct: so it is with a weak voice, in addressing a large assembly.

Proverbs. 1. Religion says-love all; and hate none. 2. Observe all those rules of politeness at home, that you would among strangers. 3. At the close of each day, carefully review your conduct. 4. Avoid unpleasant looks. 5. Be not over anxious for money. 6. Acquire the useful-first: the brilliant-afterwards. 7. A virtuous youth, will make a happy old age. 8 One ill examplespoils many good precepts. 9. It costs more to revenge injuries, than to bear them. 10. For the evidence of truth, look at the truth itself. 11. A friend is known, when needed. 12. Who robs a scholar, robs the public.

Experience. In early youth, while yet we live among those we love, we love without restraint, and our hearts overflow in every look, word and action. But when we enter the world, and are repulsed by strangers, and forgotten by friends, we grow more and more timid in our approaches, even to those we love best. How delightful to us, then, are the caresses of children! All sincerity, all affection, they fly into our arms; and then only, we feel the renewal of our først confidence, and first pleasure.

247. COINCIDENCE. Washington-was born, Feb. 22d, 1732, was inaugurated, 1789 and his term of service expired in the 66th year, of his age: John Adams was born, Oct. 19, 1735; inaugurated, 1797; term expired in the 66th year of his age: Thomas Varieties. 1. What is more revoltingJefferson was born, April 2d, 1743; inaugurated, 1801; term expired in the 66th year of than the idea of a plurality of Gods? 2. An his age: Madison was born, March 5th, 1751; evil habit, in the beginning, is easily subinaugurated, 1809; term expired in the 66th dued; but being often repeated, it acquires year of his age: Monroe was born, April 2d, strength, and becomes inveterate. 1759; inaugurated, 1817; term expired in bee and the serpent-often extract the same the 66th year of his age: all these five presi-juices; but, by the serpent, they are converdents were men of the Revolution, and ended their term of service in the 66th year of their age.

248. BREATHING. When we sit at our ease, and are not exercising the voice, our breathing is slow and regular; and the more we speak, work, or sing, the more frequently must we inhale fresh air; because the expenditure is greater at such times: many persons fall victims to this neglect; and little is our primary instruction in reading calculated to aid us in appropriate breathing; the results of which are, exceedingly bad habits, inducing impediments in vocal efforts, disease and death. Oh, when shall we be wise, and understand these things? How hard to learn, even by experience!

Anecdote. A Mutual Mistake. Two gentlemen were riding in a stage-coach; when one of them, missing his handkerchief, rashly accused the other of having stolen it; but soon finding it, had the good manners to beg pardon for the affront; saying it was a mistake to which the other replied, with great readiness, and kind feeling, "Don't be uneasy; it was a mutual mistake: you took me for a thief; and I took you, for a gentleman."

It is a vain attempt
To bind the ambitious and unjust, by treaties;
Thrus-they clu le-a thousand specious ways.

3. The

ted into poison; while by the bee, they are
converted into honey. 4. He, that aims at the
sun, will not hit it,-but his arrow will fly
higher, than if he aimed at an object on a le-
vel with himself. 5. Is there not a place and
state, for every one, and should not every one
be in his proper state and place? 6. Those
little words, "try," and "begin," have been
great in their results: "I can't”—never did
anything, and never will: "Ill try”.
done wonders. 7. The ministry of angels-
is that of supplying us with spiritual reasons,
truths, and love-principles, whensoever we
stand in need of them.

Gold-many hunted, sweat-and bled for gold;
Waked all the night, and labored all the day:
And what was this allurement, dost thou ask?
A dust, dug from the bowels of the earth,
Which, being cast into the fire, came out
A shining thing, that fools admired, and called-
A god; and, in devout and humble plight,
Before it kneeled, the greater-to the less.
And on its altar-sacrificed ease, peace,
Truth, faith, integrity; good conscience, friends,
Love, charity, benevolence, and all
The sweet and tender sympathies of life;
And to complete the horrid-murderous rite,
And signalize their folly, offered up
Their souls, and an eternity of bliss,
To gain them-what? an hour of dreaming jog
A feverish hour-that hasted to be done
And ended-in the bitterness of wo.


249. A Period, (-) shows that we should Proverbs. 1. Put not off repentance-till arr other day. 2. Rashness-is the fruitful parent of misfortune. 3. Self-exaltation-is the fool's paradise. 4. Sweet is the memory-of departed worth. 5. The covetous man-is his own tormentor. 6 Avail yourself of the wisdom and experience of others. 7. Be ambitious of excelling, that you may do and get the greater good. 8. The first step sis of all excellence. 10. Unlawful love-generally ends in bitterness. 11. They that hide, can find. 12. A penny spared, is twice got.

pause four seconds; or while we can count four, deliberately. 1. Envy no man. 2. Know thyself. 3. Guard against idleness. 4. Vilify no person's reputation. 5. Abhor a falsehood. 6. Blessed are the poor in spirit. 7. Jesus wept. 8. Hurt not thyself. 9. Cherish the spirit of benevolence. 10. Perform your duty faithfully. 11. Make a proper use of time. 12. Cultivate the affections. 13. Do good to all. 14. Be punctual in your engagements. 15. Love humanity. 6. Obey the commandments. 17. Live the Lord's Prayer. 18. Be holy and just. 19. Be perfect. 20. Live for immortality.

250. Pythagorus, about five hundred years before the Christian era, called the visible universe-by the very expressive Greek name, ho kosmOS—THE ORDER, which we translate-the world. The Platonic school, afterwards, withdrawing attention from general nature, and fixing it on the epitomeMAN-began to call him—ho mikros kosmos, the miniature world; or, order in miniature. How much useful and instructive history there is in the origin of words! and it is gratifying to know, that these same subjects employed such minds as Plato's, more than two thousand years ago.

251. The intellectual physiognomy of Chatham-was of a severe, and commanding order; his genius-was eminently practical: and while no person-ever surpassed him, in the lofty aspiration and generous enthusiasm of patriotism, few have equalled him, in their calm and christian application. His private character,-shone with a lustre, very different from the unhealthy glare of political fame. His correspondence-presents him unler an engaging aspect, and enables the reader to admire the husband and father, not jess than the statesman and the orator.

Anecdote. The Far West. "Pray sir, said one gentleman to another, "Is not Indiana-the Far West ?" "Oh no sir," was the reply. "Well, is not Illinois 2" "Very far from it." "Surely then, when we cross the Mississippi, you are in the Far West!" "No. not exactly." "Where, then, is the Far West!" "Why sir, it is about a half a mile

this side of sunset."

Beware, proud man, the first approach to crime.
Indulgence-is most dangerous-nay, fatal,-
Resist, or soon resistance is in vain.

The first-leads to the second, then to the third
The fourth succeeds, until, familiar grown
With vice, we start not-at our own misdeeds.
Temptation comes, so clothed in speciousness,
So full of seeming, we behold her not
With apprehension, till her baneful pow'r
Has wrestled with our virtue: dreadful state!
When vice steals in, and, like a lurking thief,
Eaps the foundation of integrity.

to greatness is-to be honest. 9. Truth--is the ba

The Gentleman and his Tenant.


A COUNTRY gentleman-had an estate of two hundred pounds a year, which he kept in his own hands, till he found himself so much in debt, that he was obliged to sell one half to satisfy his creditors, and let the remainder to a farmer for one and twenty years. Before the expiration of his lease, the farmer asked the gentleman, when he came one day to pay his rent, whether he would sell the land he occupied. Why, will you purchase it?" said the gentleman. “If you will part with it, and we can agree,” replied the farmer. "That is exceeding strange," said the gentleman. "Pray, tell me how it happens, that I could not live upon twice as much land, for which I paid no rent, and that you, after regularly paying me a hundred a year for the half, are able, so soon, to pur chase it." "The reason is plain," answered the farmer. "You sat still, and said, Go. 1 stood up, and said, Come. You lay in bed and enjoyed your ease. I rose in the morn ing, and minded my business."

Varieties. 1. Who should be more vir
tuous and intelligent, than the Teacher, who
is to educate, and form characters-for time
and eternity? 2. The happiness of every
one-depends more on the state of his own
mind, than any external circumstance: nay
more than all external things put together.
8. Borrowed money-makes time short. 4.
The lowest condition of life, with prudence,
is better than the most exalted station, with-
out it. 5. How absurd, to be complaining,
and tormenting ourselves, for what it is im-
possible to avoid, or attain. 6. Pause, awhile,
ye travelers on earth, and candidates for eter-
nity, and contemplate the universe, and the
Wisdom and Love of Him who made it. 7
Where there is no unison with God, the only
source of order, love and light, there is nei
ther order, or love, or light, but their oppo
sites. S. Art-is long, life-is short.
How terrible-is passion! how our reason
Falls down before it; while the torturea frame,
Like a shop-dashed by fierce encountering tides.
And of her pia spoil'd, drives round and round
The sport of wind—and wave.

Our passions-always fatal counsel give;
Through a fallacious glass--our wrongs-apper
Still greater than they are.

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252. The Interrogation, (3) indicates a Proverbs. 1. Manifest no excitement, when a pause, equal to the Colom, or Period, accord-mistake is made. 2. Be sincere-in your profes ing to circumstances. It is generally used as sions of friendship. 3. Cultivate a pure heart, and a sign of asking questions: though sometimes, you will have a pleasant countenance. 4. Never it is one of the strongest modes of affirmation. speak to the disadvantage of any one, unless duty 1. Can you see? 2. Can you hear? 3. Can requires it. 5. Avoid ght and trifling conversayou taste? 4. Can you smell? 5. Can you little, and is worth a good deal. 7. Dispel corrod tion. 6. A civil answer, to a rude speech-costs but feel? 6. Who are you? 7. What are young care; and consider it sinful—to give way to doing? 8. Where are you going? 9. What passion. 8. Charms-strike the sight; but meritis your destiny? 10. Who made you? 11. wins the soul. 9. Persons are to be estimated, ac Of what are you thinking? 12. Whom do cording to their goodness,-not according to their a love?

253. Among the examples above, are, the first five questions, that are direct: because hey admit the answer, yes, or no; all such interrogations require the voice to glide upward, in asking them; the last seven questions are indirect; because they do not admit the answer yes, or no; all such interrogations require the voice to glide downward, in asking them. You can test the theory thus: Can you see? Yes; or no. Who are you? Yes; or no. The former-makes sense; the latter nonsense. Can you hear? Yes. Can you taste? No. What are you doing? Yes. Where are you going? No. However, it will be seen hereafter, that the slides of the voice, up, or down, may be reversed-in every instance, and yet make good sense.

254. Direct Question in reference to our Living Temples. Is not the house, in which we live, a very curious building? Can we onceive of any form-more beautiful than the human form, when it has not been perverted, or deformed? Who knows best, we, or our Creator, what is the proper shape in which we should be? Can we mend his works? Is any thing beautiful-that is not useful? Were we not made right, and have we not, in a measure, unmade ourselves? Is not OUR HOUSE a very convenient one, and its furniture admirably adapted to the wants of its occupant? Would it not, be well-frequently to take a view of the form, covering, apartments, furniture, employments, uses and abuses of this wonderful house of ours?

Anecdote. A Challenge. After the battle of Actium, Mark Antony-challenged Augustus,-who disarmed him in the following words. "If Antony is weary of his life, there are other ways of despatch, besides fighting him; and for my part, I shall not trouble myself to be his executioner." There are some-heart-entwining hours in life, With sweet seraphic inspiration rife; When mellowing thoughts, like music on the ear, Melt through the soul, and revel in a tear; And such are they, when, tranquil and alone, We sit and ponder-on long periods flown; And, charmed by fancy's retrospective gaze, Live in an atmosphere-of other days; Till friends and faces, flashing on the mind, Conceal the havoc-time has left behind

dress. 10. The sincere and candid man,-has nothing to conceal; for he speaks nothing but the truth. 11. Turn a deaf ear to angry words. 12. He who promises-runs in debt.

Laconics. We esteem most things according to their intrinsic merit; it is strange MAN should be an exception. We prize a horse for his strength and courage,-not for his furniture. We prize a man for his sumptuous palace, his great train, his vas revenue; yet these are his furniture, not his mind.

Varieties. 1. Which is the more important-and useful discovery, the balloon, or the telegraph? 2. What is the cause of seacurrents? 3. Will it take ages-to discover the truth; or ages-to acknowledge it, when it is discovered? 4. What is meant by the words, a pure state of nature? Do they not mean that state, in which the conditum, circumstances, and habits of men-are in strict accordance with the laws of his nature? 5. Is not Hip-poc-ra-tes called the Father of Medicine? 6. If we are not happy, is it be cause our Creator has not endowed us with the capability of becoming so! 7 What is the difference-in reasoning from facts and experience, and reasoning from a mixture of truth and falsehood? Do not many-reason from the latter, instead of from the former?


The scene-was more beautiful-far to my eye
Than if day-in its pride-had arrayed it;
The land-breeze blew mild, and the azure arch'd sky
Look'd pure-as the Spirit that made i
The murmur rose soft, as I silently gaz'd

On the shadowy wave's playful motion,
From the dim distant hill, till the beacon-fire blaza
Like a star-in the midst of the ocean.
No longer the joy of the sailor boy's breast

Was heard in his wildly breath'd numbers,
The sea-bird-had flown to her wave-girdled nest,
The fisherman-sunk to his slumbers.
One moment I look'd-from the hill's gentle slope,
All hush'd-was the billow's commotion,
And thought-that the beacon look'd lovely as hope,
That star-on life's tremulous ocean.
The time--is long past, and the scene-is afar,
Yet, when my head-rests on its pillow
Will memory-sometimes-rekindle the sta
That blazed-on the breast of the billow.

In life's closing hour, when the trembling soul dien
And death-stills the heart's-last emotion,
O then-may the seraph of mercy arise!
Like a star-on Eternitu's ocean.


253. The exclamation Point (!) indicates Proverbs. 1. Great designs, ar. · about the same length of silence, as the In-means-have been the ruin of many. 2. He, terrogation: but the slide of the voice, is gen- a slave to the greatest slave, who serves noe buj erally downward, from the 6th or Sth note, himself. 3. Correct the errors of others, when you because there is a kind of an outflowing, and can, and inspire them with the love of goodne then an indrawing of the mind,-an inflow- and truth. 4. It is the act of a base mind, to de ing of the affections, that give rise to this man-ceive, by telling a lie. 5. Liberality-consists ifestation. 1. What a beautiful Lake! 2. How The head and feet cool; the rest will take little harm in giving profusely, than in giving judiciously. 6, delightful the music is! 3. What a splendid 7. We know well, only what has cost us trouble to piece of workmanship! 4. How charming learn. 8." Haste not, rest not ;" was the motto on is the prospect! 5. What a majestic scene! Goethe's ring. 9. Keep your thoughts-close, and. 6. How inimitable those strains are! 7. your coun- tenace-open, and you may go safely What a piece of work is man! S. How glo- through the world. 10. With the humble, there is rious are all the works of God! 9. What perpetual peace. 11. Long is the arm of the needy splendid views of heaven! 10. How majes- 12. Poverty is an evil counsellor. 13. Delay-often tically-the Sun-wheels his mighty round! makes one wise. 256. Examples of Exclamation. 1. Fathers! Senators of Rome! the arbiters of natums! to you I fly for refuge! 2. Eternity! thou pleasing, dreadful thought! 3. Behold the daughter of innocence! what a look! what beauty! what sweetness! 4. Behold -a great, a good man! what majesty! how graceful! how commanding! 5. O, venerable shade! O, illustrious hero! 6. Farewell! a long farewell-to all my greatness! 7. It stands-solid and entire! but it stands alone--and it stands amidst ruins! 8. I am stripped of all my honor! I lie prostrate on the earth! 9. Leave me! oh! leave me to repose! 10. Hear me, O Lord! for thy loving kindness is great!

War and Truth. A wise minister would rather preserve peace, than gain a victory; because he knows that even the most successful war leaves a nation poor, and always more profligate, than before it. There are real evil that cannot be brought into a list of indemn ties, and the demoralizing influence of war not among the least of them. The triumphs of truth are the more glorious, chiefly, because they are the most bloodless of all victories, deriving their highest lustre from the saved, not from the slain.

Varieties. 1. It is the nature of truth, never to force. 2. Is not the science of human nature, very comprehensive, as well as complicated and profound? 3. How can 257. Natural Theology. From the ex- the mere knowledge of historical events-ternal and internal evidences afforded us, from avail to the salvation of the soul? 4. What creation, and the modes of existence, we as-is meant by the martyr Stephen, seeing the sume, that man-is naturally a religious be- HEAVENS OPENED; and, John's being in the ing: the stamp of the Deity is upon him spirit, on the Lord's day? 5. To see spirteven before his birth; and in every subse-ual existences, must not the eyes of the unquent stage of his existence, no matter what may be his social, moral or civil condition, that stamp-remains with him. It is not to be found on the Jew and Christian only, but on all men, in all ages, climes, and conditions of life.

Anecdote. A Lawyer and Physician,
having a dispute about precedence, referred
the case to Di-og-e-nes, the old philosopher;
who gave judgment in favor of the Lawyer,
in these words: "Let the thief go before, and
let the executioner follow after."
The rill-is tuneless-to his ear, who feels
No harmony within; the south wind-steals
As silent-as unseen-among the leaves.
Who has no inward beauty, none perceives,
Though all around is beautiful. Nay, more—
In nature's calmest hour-he hears the roar
Of winds, and flinging waves-put out the light,
When high-and angry passions meet in fight;
And, his own spirit into tumult hurled,
He makes a turmoil-of a quiet world:
The fiends of his own bosom-people air

kindred fiends, that hunt him-to despair.
Not rural sights alone-but rural sounds
Farate the spirits.

derstanding be opened? 6. There is but
one law in being, which the Lord fulfilled,
and went through, in the world: He passed
through the whole circle-of both spiritual
and natural order, and assumed all states,
possible for man to be in, when in progression
from the state of nature,―to that of perfect
grace; and by virtue thereof, can touch us---
in all states of trial, we can possibly be in.
'Tis the quiet hour-of feeling,

Now the busy day is past,
And the twilight shadows-stealing,
O'er the world-their mantle cast;
Now, the spirit, worn and saddened,
Which the cares of day had bowed,
By its gentle influence-gladdened,
Forth emerges from the cloud;
While, on Memory's magic pages,
Rise our long lost joys to light,
Like shadowy forms-of other ages,
From the oblivious breast of night;
And the loved-and lost-revisit
Our fond hearts, their place of yore,
Till we long with them to inherit

Realms above-to part-no more.
The patient mind, by yielding, overcomes

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