
no jealousy, and was regardless of infidelities; nor entirely from debauch, but from the pleasure of living near them, and sauntering in their company. His delight-such is the record of the royalist Evelyn-' was in concu bines, and cattle of that sort; and up to the last week of his life, he spent his time in dissoluteness, toying with his mistresses, and listening to love-songs. If decision ever broke through his abject vices, it was but a momentary flash; a life of pleasure sapped his moral courage, and left him imbecile, fit only to be the tool of courtiers, and the dupe of mistresses. Did the English Commons impeach Clarendon? Charles II. could think of nothing but how to get the duchess of Richmond to court again. Was the Dutch war signalized by disasters? "the king did still follow his women as much as ever;" and took more pains to reconcile the chambermaids of Lady Castlemaine, or make friends of the rival beauties of his court, than to save his kingdom. He was "governed by his lust, and the women, and the rogues about him."

The natural abilities of Charles II. were probably overrated. He was incapable of a strong purpose, or steady application. He read imperfectly, and ill. When drunk, he was a silly, good-natured, subservient fool. In the council of state he played with his dog, never minding the business, or making a speech memorable only for its silliness; and if he visited the naval magazines, "his talk was equally idle and frothy.'

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The best trait in his character was his natural kindliness. Yet his benevolence was in part a weakness; his bounty was that of facility; and his placable temper, incapable of strong revenge, was equally incapable of affection. He so loved his present tranquillity, that he signed the death-warrants of innocent men, rather than risk disquiet; but of himself he was merciful, and was reluctant to hàng any but republicans. His love of placid enjoyments and of ease continued to the end. On the last morning of his life, he bade his attendants open the curtains of his bed, and the windows of his bed-chamber, that he might once more see the sun. He desired absolution; For God's sake, send for a Catholic priest;" but checked himself, adding, “it may expose the Duke of York to danger." He pardoned all his enemies, no doubt, sincerely. The queen sent to beg for giveness for any offences. Alas, poor woman, she beg my pardon !" he replied; "I beg hers with all my heart; take back to her that answer." He expressed some regard for his brother, his children, his mistresses.Bancroft's History of the United States. Kennett.


IN THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY, &c. THAT awkward word "obey," which has been so ungallantly intruded into our marriage ceremony, and enforced by male legislators on the unresisting weakness of the softer sex, was actually pronounced in Egypt by lordly man, and was even stipulated in the marriage contract. The husband, in addition to the article in the contract of dowry, that the lady should be lord of the husband, pledged himself that in all things (no exception or limitation was permitted, no honest man after such an oath could make any mental reservation) he would be obedient to his wife.- Diod. Sic. i. 27.. We must make the sad confession, that sometimes this freedom was abused: a memorable, occasion in the Book of Genesis will occur to every one.*

But, it should seem, by the following extract from Caxton's Booke of th' enseygnements and techynge that the Knyght of the Tower made to his daughter,' translated in 1483, that the Saxon wives were obliged to be obedient to their husbands.

"How a woman ought to obeye her husbond in all thynge honest."

"I wold ye knewe wel the tale and example of the ladye, which daygned not to come to her dyner for ony commaundement that her lord coud make to her; and so many tyme he sent for her, that at the last, whanne he sawe she wold not come at his commaundement, he made to com before hymn his swyneherd, he that kept his swynes, which was foule and overmoche hydous, and bade hyın fetche the clothe of the kechyn wherwith men wype dysshes and platers. And thenne he made a table or bord to be dressyd before hys wyf, and made it to be couerd with the sayde clothe, and commaunded to his swyneherd to sytte besyde her, and thenne he sayd thus to her, 'Lady, yf ye ne wylle ete with me, ne come at me, ne come at my commaundement, ye shalle have the kaper of my swyne to hold you company and good felauship, and this clothe to wype your handes withal. And whenne she that thenne was sore ashamed, and more wrothe than she was before, sawe and knewe that her lord mocked her, refreyned her proude herte, and knewe her foly. Therfor a woman ought not in no wyse to refuse to come at the commaunde ment of her lord yf she wylle haue his love and pees. And also by good reason humylyte ought to come fyrste to the woman, for euer she ought to shewe herself meke and humble toward her lord."

Is it improbable, that the plot of the Taming of the Shrew, was founded on the above instructions?

* Vide Wilkinson's Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians.

The Public Journals.

[We are pleased to observe Mr. Bentley commencing the literary campaign of 1839, in right good earnest,' with Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian, by John Adolphus, Esq. From many highly interesting anecdotes, we extract the following:]

John Kemble's Marriage.


One evening Mrs. Brereton addressed Mrs. Hopkins; "My dear mother," she said, "1 cannot guess what Mr. Kemble means; he passed me just now, gong up to his dressingroom, and chucking me under the chin, said, Ha, Pop! I should not wonder if you were soon to hear of something very much to your advantage.' What could he mean ?" "Mean," the sensible mother answered," why, he means to propose marriage; and, if he does, I advise you not to refuse him, you will not meet with a better offer." Thus the matrimonial galley was launched; and the voyage proceeded rapidly, merrily, and to a joyous conclusion, although not unmarked with some peculiar circumstances. When the lady's consent was obtained, and the happy day fixed, Mr. Kemble was living purely en garçon, the elegancies of female life never thought on, in a lodging in Caroline-street, Bedford-square. His intimacy with Jack Bannister, and the true regard he felt for him, rendered it natural and easy to request Mr. Bannister's attendance at the ceremony. This was readily agreed to, and on the appointed morning, the 8th of December, Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Brereton, presenting themselves at Bannis ter's abode in Frith-street, they all repaired to the bridegroom's dwelling. Whether he had been late over-night, or whether, "dreaming of golden joys," he had been unwilling to shorten his morning slumber, certain it is, that when the ladies arrived, there was not the slightest sign of preparation for breakfast. A number-they could not be termed a set--of tea-things at length appear ed, the meal was discussed, the parties reached the church in proper time, and the ceremony was completed by an intimate friend of Kemble, the well-known Parson Este. They were departing in separate coaches, the gentlemen in one, the ladies in another, when Mrs. Bannister said, "as you do not seem to have made any preparations, suppose you dine with us; but as both Mrs. Kemble and Mr. Bannister play to-night, the dinner must be early and punctual," This good-natured and considerate offer was readily accepted; the ladies went to Frith-street, and, having waited to the utmost extremity of time, were obliged to dine without the newly-married man. Ban pister and Mrs. Kemble had departed before his arrival; dinner was served up again, and at a proper hour Mrs. Bannister left him to

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Bannister's opinion of London.

I have lived too long (he observes) in London from early life to the present time, to like the country much: you cannot shake off old habits and acquire new ones. I must die (please God!) where I have lived so long. Kemble once said to me, "Depend on it, Jack, when you pass Hyde-park-corner, you leave your comforts behind you." Experientia docet! London for beef, fish, poultry, vegetables, too; in the country you get ewemutton, cow-beef, and in general very indifferent veal. London is the great market of England. Why? Because it abounds in customers; and I believe you may live as cheap in London, and nobody know anything about you, as anywhere else; London is your best retirement, after long industry and labour. I delight in the country occasionally.

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The felicity of the body consists in health, and that of the mind in knowledge.-Thales.

Riches do not consist in the possession of wealth, but in the good use made of them.Democritus.

Hope is the last thing that dies in man.— Diogenes.

Let us honour old age, since it is what we all tend to.-Bion.

There is nothing so fearful as a bad conscience.-Pythagoras.

The too great desire of speaking is a sign of fully.-Thales.

The three most difficult things are, to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and to well employ one's leisure time.-Chilo.

Do not divulge your designs; that, if they prove abortive, you may not be exposed to scorn.-Pittacus.

Of all accidents of life, the most difficult to be supported is the change of fortune. Bias.

We are not to judge any man happy before his death.-Solon.

Age and sleep teach us insensibly the way of death.-Anaxagoras.

Benefits are the trophies that are erected in the heart of men.-Xenophon. ̧

The only thing that cannot be taken from us, is the pleasure of having done a good action.-Antisthenes.

Laws are the bulwark of liberty, and consequently of the state.-Heraclitus.

An empire is in a tottering condition, if the magistracy do not obey the laws, and the people the magistracy.—Solm.

The roots of sciences are bitter, but their fruit is sweet.-Aristotle.

The most necessary of all sciences, is to learn to preserve ourselves from the contagion of bad example.-Atisthenes. The friend that hides from us our faults, is of less service to us than the enemy that upbraids us with them.-Pythagoras. There are two things to be dreaded; the envy of friends, and the hatred of enemies. Cleobulus.

We have only one mouth, but two ears; whereby nature teaches us that we should speak little, but hear much.- Zeno. W. G. C.

The Gatherer.

હોય The Rev. Mr. Crabb, of Hill, near Southampton, the benevolent reclaimer of the gip sies, calculates that there are in this country - upwards of 18,000 of this wandering race, and in other parts of the world 700,000.January, 1839.

Pliny states, that acorns, beaten to powder, and mixed with hogs' lard and salt, heal all hard swellings and cancerous ulcers. John Ellice, Esq, discovered that acorns can be -preserved in a state fit for vegetation for a whole year, by enveloping them in bees'wax; other seeds may be conveyed from distant countries by the same means.

The Religious Tract Society, during the Inst year, (1838,) distributed more than 15,000,000 of their publications.

At the court leet of the Crown manor of Presteign, the niece of the late bellman and crier proposed to become a candidate for the office. The steward of the manor objected to her because she was a woman; to which she replied, "God bless you, sir, that's no reason; haven't we a woman for a king ?" The simplicity and readiness of this reply induced the steward to admit her as a candidate, and, on a show of hands, she was unanimously elected.-Worcester Journal, The first flint-glass was manufactured at Savoy House, in the Strand.

Poetry of Ancient Burial. It was among the loveliest customs of the ancients to bury the young at morning twilight; for, as they strove to give the softest interpretation to death, so they imagined that Aurora, who loved the young, had stolen them to her embrace.


I am sent to the ant, to learn industry to the dove, to learn-innocence; to the ser pent to learn wisdom; and why not to the robin-redbreast, who chants it as cheer

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fully in winter as in summer, to learn equanimity and patience.-Warwick.

without first eradicating all your inclinations Inquietudes of mind cannot be prevented and passions, the winds and tide that preserve the great ocean of human life from perpetual stagnation.

It is one of God's blessings that we can. not foreknow the hour of our death; for a time fixed, even beyond the possibility of living, would trouble us more than doth this uncertainty.-King James..

Conversation augments pleasure, and diminishes pain, by our having shares in either; for silent woes are greatest, as silent satis faction least; since sometimes our pleasure would be none but for telling of it, and our grief insupportable but for participation Wycherly.

The master of superstition is the people: and in all superstitions wise men follow fools. Bacon.

dous displays of omnipotence, and be in We can behold with coldness the stupentransports at the puny essays of human skill; throw aside speculations of the sublimest nature and vastest importance into -some obscure corner of the mind, to make room for new notions of no conse quence at all; and prefer the first reading of an indifferent author, to the second or third perusal of one whose merit and repu. tation are established. Grove

Among the writers of all ages, some de"serve fame, and have it; others neither have, others, though deserving, yet totally miss it, ́nor deserve it ; some have it, not deserving; or have it not equal to their deserts.-Milton.

Age, will superciliously censure all who are younger than, themselves, and the vices of the present time as new and unheard of, when in truth they are the very same they practised, and practised, as long as they were able. They die in an opinion that they have left some wiser behind them, though they leave none behind them who ever had any esteem of their wisdom and judgment.-Clarendon.

Make a point. never so clear, it is great odds that a man whose habits, and the benefits of whose mind lie a contrary way, a thing is reason in competition with incli shall be unable to comprehend it. So weak nation.-Berkeley...

Scarcely have I ever heard or read the introductory phrase, I may say without vanity," but some striking and characteristic vanity has immediately followed.-Franklin.

LONDON: Printed and published by J. LIMBIRD 143, Strand, (near Somerset House); and sold by alt Booksellers and Newsien.In PARIS, by all the Booksellers. In: FRANCFORT, CHARLES JUGEL

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Is a neat, grand, and beautiful building; the six pillars on each side which support the nave, are very uniform, being covered with lead; it is about fifty yards long, and thirty wide, the two aisles are of the same length with the nave, each being exactly half as wide as the nave is. There are fourteen upper windows, and six lower ones, on a side; and the whole was new paved in 1646. It hath been used as an Exchange, for the merchants and tradesmen to meet in, but that is now disused. The assizes for the city a e held here, and the mayor's feasts, &c.

Formerly, all the several companies of tradesmen held their feasts here, and several VOL. XXXIII.

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of them had the arms of their companies put up, some of which still remain. The Courts of Conscience, of the Guardians' of the Poor, &c., are constantly held here.

This noble fabric was built by Sir Thomas, Erpingham, Knt, and his arms, carved in freestone, remain between every window of the nave on the outside; he died in 1428,

Sir Thomas Erpingham was knight of the garter. temp. Henry IV. and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, in the reign of Henry V. He distinguishe himself at the battle of Agincourt, and built the beautiful gate facing the western end of the Cathe

dral, which is still called Erpingham Gate. He lies

buried in the Cathedral, together with his two wives.

before it was completely finished; but the glazing, &c., was continued by Sir Rob. de Erpingham, his son, rector of Brakene, a friar, whose arms were in the late fine-painted glass windows, all of which are demolished, except the six most western ones in the nave. In the west window are the arms of England, and those of the Prince of Wales. At the upper end of the aisle was formerly an altar of St. Barbara, which, before 1459, was enclosed in a neat chapel there, made by Ralf Skeet, from whom it was afterwards called Skeet's Chapel; and opposite was another chapel, on the S. aisle, the altar of which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary; and in the nave at the upper end, stood the Great Rood, with the altar of the Holy Cross, before which Holy Rood Gild was kept.

At the east end is a clock, with the effigies of Justice at the top, and the arms of England carved beneath; on the right hand, is a pic ture of Queen Anne; and opposite, another of Prince George, her son; both given by St. George's Company.

On the right hand also is the Earl of Orford at length, in his robes; and this under him "The Right Honble. Robert Earl of Orford, presented this portrait to the Constitution Club, 1743."

At his right hand, is,

The portrait of the Right Hon. Horatio Walpole, Esq., member of parliament for this city; presented by himself, A.D. 1741.

On the south side, opposite to the Earl of Orford, is,

A portrait, in his robes, of John Lord Hobart, lord-lieutenant of this county; who presented it to the corporation in 1743.

By him, in a black coat, with a sword by his side, is,

A portrait of Thomas Vere, Esq., member of parliament for this city, and mayor, 1735; presented by a society of gentlemen, 1736.

In the north aisle are the Weaver's arms, and other companies, as Carpenters, Bakers, &c., and two pictures of aldermen, in their proper habit, viz.

Robert Marsh, Esq., mayor, 1731; being alderman of the Grocer's Company, was presented by them, 1732.

Francis Arnam, Esq., mayor; also presented by the Grocer's Company, 1732.

In the south aisle, beginning at the east end. are the following portraits, viz.

William Clarke, Esq., mayor, 1739, (in his proper habit ;) presented by a society of gentlemen, 1740.

Timothy Balderstone, Esq., mayor, 1736, and captain of the Hon. Artillery Company, (in his regimentals,) by whom this picture was presented, 1736.

Benjamin Nuthall, Esq., mayor, 1721, in his proper habit;) presented by a society of gentlemen, 1738.

In gratitude to William Wigget, Esq.,

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mayor, the citizens presented this portrait, 1743. He is in his proper habit.

Thomas Emerson, who, in 1739, gave two gold chains, to be worn by the sheriffs of this city, for a perpetual memorial of which generosity, this picture was presented by the corporation of the city, A.D. 1741.

Over the south door is a portrait, in his proper habit, of

Thomas Harwood, Esq., mayor, 1728.Vide Blumefield's History of the City and County of Norwich, 1745.

[We are indebted to Mr. Musket for the view at the head of this article: it is from one of a set of four beautifully-executed views of Norwich and its vicinity.]

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Author of "the Bridegroom and the Bride,"—" The
Vision of Mankind," &c. &c. &c.

I SAW her cheek grow pale with grief,
Her thoughtful eye grow dim,
And melting sorrow drop relief

From off its fringed brim !—
I saw her snowy bosom swell
With fond sensation high,
And heard its pulse too plainly tell
Her grief in each reply!
Yet she was silent in her love,

And strived to hide the flame;
Though oft she cast her eyes above,
As if she breathed his name:
And then she gazed in deepest thought,
As one who views despair;
For anguish in her bosom wrought
Its wildest workings there!
No smile lit her transparent face;
No hope sat on her brow,
The only feeling left to trace,

Bespoke a broken vow.
Yet in her sad forsaken eye,

A beacon's lingering ray,
Show'd how a soul of purity

Possessed that frame of clay!
The vital spark was flying

With each sigh the bosom gave;
The eye's soft light was dying,

As the foam upon the wave.
And her end came as the balmy sleep
Of one who breathes repose;
When slumbers throw a silence deep,
O'er his oblivious woes!

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