

THE painter, the sculptor, or the architect, errs when he imagines that it is in his studio only he can be useful; far otherwise is the fact for the varied discoveries of each should be brought, as it were, into one focus, that all may be fairly examined, and beneficially discussed. Shall he whose fine imagination presents before him the lightning's flash, as it glances from the mountain top, and whose ear listens, mentally, to the thunders as they roll through the vallies beneath -shall the man whose chisel can express from the shapeless marble an image which wants nothing but Promethean fire to make it a perfect being-or he whose chastened art can design the gorgeous temples of Greece and Italy, or frame "the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault," be content to wrap such splendid talents, comparatively, up in a napkin? Certainly not; neither man nor any of his attributes were ever intended to be completely isolated; and though, unfortunately, self be the predominating feature in our natures, and a desire for our own aggrandizement, leaving far in the back ground all solicitation for that of others, be natural to us as the air by which we live, yet let the truly generous mind remember the duties which he owes to society, and reflect on this irrefutable fact-that excellence in any thing has been given only to a few, in order that the many may be benefited by their examples.

Arts and Sciences.

C. S.


To Prince Rupert the invention of engraving in mezzotinto has been usually attributed; and according to the general account, it owed its origin to a very trifling accident. The Prince one morning, observing a soldier employed in cleaning his musket from the rust, occasioned by the fall of the night dew, perceived upon examination, some resemblance of a figure corroded upon the barrel; and hence he conceived, that some method might be discovered to cover a plate all over with such a grained ground, so that by scraping away those parts which required to be white, the effect of a drawing might be produced. This hint he afterwards improved on; and assisted by Wallerant Vaillant, to whom he had communicated his thoughts upon the subject, a steel roller was constructed with sharp teeth, channelled out like a rasp, or file, which answered, in some degree, the intended purpose. Thus far our own authors inform us ; but Baron Heinekan, a very judicious and accurate writer upon the subject of engraving, asserts in a note, page 208 of his " Idee

Generale d'une Collection d'Estampes," published at Leipsic, 1771, that "it was not Prince Rupert who invented the art of engraving in mezzotinto, as Vertue and several other authors pretend to say, but it was Lieutenant Colonel de Siegen, an officer in the service of the Landgrave of Hesse, who first engraved in this manner, and the print which he produced, was a portrait of the Princess Amelia Elizabeth of Hesse, engraved as early as the year 1643, and from this gentleman Prince Rupert learned the secret, and brought it into England, when he came over the second time with Charles the Second."

H. W. Dimond, Esq., F.S.A., in exhibiting some early specimens of mezzotinto engraving before the Society of Antiquaries, February 11, 1836, proved that Siegen also engraved in mezzotint a large portrait of the Queen of France, from a painting by Honthurst, also a portrait in mezzotint of Leopold, William Duke of Burgundy, thus inscribed, "Theodorus Casparus a Furstenbergh, Canonicus Capitularis Moguntiæ et Spira. Colonellus, ad uiuum pinxit et fecit 1656," which is two years before Rupert's.

Prince Rupert scraped a large whole plate, representing an executioner holding a sword in one hand, and a head in the other, a halflength figure from Spagnoletto, dated 1658. He engraved the head of the executioner a second time, on a smaller scale, for Mr. Evelyn'e sculptura, who therein assures us it was given to him as a specimen of the new invented art, by Prince Rupert himself. He also engraved his own portrait, with date on a shield, 1658, and Rupert, Prince, fecit.,


(From Dauney's Ancient Scottish Melodies.) IN Scotland, the use of the bagpipe seems to have gradually superseded that of the harp; but this process, we should think, must have taken place chiefly within the last two hundred years, previous to which, we doubt very much whether the natives of North Britain were more distinguished for their partiality for the bagpipe than their southern neighbours. Even Shakspeare, although he talks of the "drone of a

Lincolnshire bagpipe," and of "a Yorkshire bagpiper," has nowhere associated that instrument with the Scots; and when we go back several centuries anterior to this, we find it used in both countries by the same class of persons. Chaucer's miller played upon it,

"A bagpipe well couth he blowe and sowne;" and "Will Swane," "the meikle miller man," in our "Peblis to the Piay," calls for it to assist in the festivities of the day,-

"Giff I sall dauce, have doune, lat se
Blaw up the bagpyp thau.",

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Indeed, although we are justly proud of our ancient proficiency on the harp, and adhere unhesitatingly to our claims to supremacy on that head, we are much disposed, upon a candid consideration of the facts, to resign to the English the palm of superiority in this less refined description of music, about the time to which we refer. The pipers who are mentioned in the lord high treasurer's accounts seem almost uniformly to have been natives of England. Thus, 10th of July, 1489, there is a payment of eight pounds eight shillings "to Inglis pyparis that com to the castel yet and playit to the king." Again, in 1505, there is another payment to " the Inglis pipar with the drone." It should be added, that, while the "bagpiper," formed part of the musical establishment of the English sovereigns and noblemen, during the sixteenth century, we And no such musician retained at the Scottish court. Our monarchs had probably not much relish for this sort of pipe-music, and although the result of our investigation of the word ડે chorus," "has had the effect of clearly con victing our first James of being a performer upon that most unprincely instrument, (for which, the only precedent we can find in history is that of the Emperor Nero.) we should remember that he had most probably acquired that, as well as his other accomplishments, in England, where he received the rest of his education. We do not conceive tipon the whole, that the bagpipe has ever been a very popular instrument in Scotland, except in the Highland districts; and we may state this with some confidence, as to one part of the country, a royal burgh, which we have already had occasion to name, and where the magistrates actually prohibited the common piper from going his rounds, in terms by no means complimentary of the instrument. Our readers will be the less surprised at the superior refinement here exhibited, when they are informed that these were the "musical magistrates" of the city of Aberdeen, whose praises have been so loudly trumpeted by Forbes, the publisher of the "Cantus," in his dedication of that work. 26th of May, 1630. The magistrates discharge the common piper of all going through the foun at nycht, or in the morning, in tyme coming, with his pype, it being an incivil forme to be usit within sic a famous burghe, and being often fund fault with, als weill be sundrie nichtbouris of the toune as be strangeris."



[UNDER the above title, we intend presenting our readers with extracts from the recent highly interesting Report of Earl Durham on the State of Canada, most carefully rejecting such parts as may have the least political ten

dency-introducing only those portions which depicture the habits, manners, and customs of the Canadians, at the present eventful pe riod.]

The want, and the influence, of Education. It is impossible to exaggerate the want of education among the habitans; no means of instruction have ever been provided for them, and they are almost universally destitute of the qualifications even of reading and writing. It came to my knowledge, that out of a great number of boys and girls assembled at the school-house door of St. Thomas, all but three admitted, on inquiry, that they could not read. Yet the children of this large parish attend school regularly, and actually make use of books. They hold the catechism book in their hand, as if they were reading, while they only repeat its contents, which they know by rote. The common assertion, however, that all classes of the Canadians are

equally ignorant, is perfectly erroneous; for I know of no people among whom a larger provision exists for the higher kinds of elementary education, or among whom such education is really extended to a larger proportion of the population. The piety and benevolence of the early possessors of the country founded, in the seminaries that exist in different parts of the province, institutions, of which the funds and activity have long been directed to the promotion of education. Seminaries and colleges have been by these bodies established in the cities and in other central points. The education given in these establishments greatly resembles the kind given in the English public schools, though it is rather more varied. It is entirely in the hands of the Catholic clergy. The number of pupils in these establishments is estimated altogether at about 1,000; and they turn out every year, as far as I could ascertain, between 200 and 300 young men thus educated. Almost all these are members of the family of some habitant, whom the possession of greater quickness than his bro thers has induced the father or the curate of the parish to select and send to the seminary. These young men, possessing a degree of information immeasurably superior to that of their families, are naturally averse to what they regard as descending to the humble occupations of their parents. A few become priests; but, as the military and naval professions are closed against the colonist, the greater part can only find a position suited to their notions of their own qualifications in the learned professions of advocate, notary, and surgeon. As from this cause these professions are greatly overstocked, we find every village in Lower Canada filled with notaries and surgeons, with little practice to occupy their attention, and living among their own families, or at any rate among exactly the same class. Thus the persons of most edu

cation in every village belong to the same families, and the same original station in life, as the illiterate habitans whom I have described. They are connected with them by all the associations of early youth and the ties of blood. The most perfect equality always marks their intercourse, and the superior in education is separated by no barrier of manners, or pride, or distinct interests, from the singularly ignorant peasantry by which he is surrounded. He combines, therefore, the influence of superior knowledge and social equality, and wields a power over the mass, which I do not believe that the educated class of any other portion of the world possess.

No common education has served to remove

and soften the differences of origin and language. The associations of youth, the sports of childhood, and the studies by which the character of manhood is modified, are distinct and totally different. In Montreal and Quebec there are English schools and French schools; the children in these are accustomed to fight nation against nation, and the quarrels that arise among boys in the streets usually exhibit a division into English on one side,

and French on the other.

As they are taught apart, so are their studies different. The literature with which each is the most conversant is that of the peculiar language of each; and all the ideas which men derive from books come to each of them from perfectly different sources. The difference of language, in this respect, produces effects quite apart from those which it has on the mere in.

tercourse of the two races.

State of Literature.

Those who have reflected on the powerful influence of language on thought, will perceive in how different a manner people who speak in different languages are apt to think; and those who are familiar with the literature of France know that the same opinion will be expressed by an English and French writer of the present day, not merely in different words, but in a style so different, as to mark utterly different habits of thought. This difference very striking in Lower Canada; it exists not merely in the books of most influence and repute, which are of course those of the great writers of France and England, and by which the minds of the respective races are formed, but it is observable in the writings which now issue from the colonial press. The articles in the newspapers of each race are written in a style as widely different as those of France and England at present, and the arguments which convince the one are calculated to appear utterly unintelligible to the other.

On the Religion.

Religion forms no bond of intercourse and union. It is, indeed, an admirable feature of Canadian society, that it is entirely devoid of any religious dissentions. Sectarian intoler

ance is not merely not avowed, but it hardly seems to influence men's feelings. But, though the prudence and liberality of both parties has prevented this fruitful source of animosity from embittering their quarrels, the difference of religion has, in fact, tended to keep them asunder. Their priests have been distinct; they have net met even in the same church.

The jealousy, hatred, and mistrust existing between the French Canadians and the English.

The difference of language of the French and the English from the first kept them asunder. It is not anywhere a virtue of the English race to look with complacency on any manners, customs, or laws, which appear strange to them; accustomed to form a high estimate of their own superiority, they take no pains to conceal from others their contempt and intolerance of their usages. They found the French Canadians filled with an equal amount of national pride; a sensitive, but inactive pride, which disposes that people not to resent insult, but rather to keep aloof from those who would keep them under. The French could not but feel the superiority of English enterprise; they could not shut their eyes to their success in every undertaking in which they came into contact, and to the constant superiority which they were acquiring. They looked upon their rivals with alarm, with jealousy, and finally, with hatred. The English repaid them with a scorn, which soon also assumed the same form of hatred. The French complained of the arrogance and injustice of the English; the English accused the French of the vices of a weak and conquered people, and charged them with meanness and perfidy. The entire mis. trust which the two races have thus learned to conceive of each other's intentions, induces them to put the worst construction on the most innocent conduct; to judge every word, every act, and every intention unfairly; to attribute the most odious designs, and reject every overture of kindness or fairness, as covering secret designs of treachery and malignity.

[blocks in formation]

(From Dr. Ticknor's Treatise on Medical Philosophy.)

An empiric of the first water, not many years ago, had made himself famous for the cure of all human maladies, by the administration of What contributed not alittle to the increase and peculiarly large pills of his own invention. spread of his reputation was the fact, that he used frequently to tell his patients, that, from their symptoms, he was confident some particular substances were lodged in a portion of the alimentary canal. At one time he would tell a patient that he had apple seeds retained in his bowels: and again he would tell ano

ther, that he had kernels of different fruits, and grains in his stomach; and if by questioning gentlemen he could ascertain they were fond of shooting, it was not seldom that he attributed their complaints to having accidentally swallowed a few shot. As nothing could so conclusively prove his prognostics correct, as the simple fact of finding the articles named, so the old gentleman's character for wi-dom and skill became more and more firmly established; for the identical causes of mischief were invariably discovered after taking a dose of the "big pills." At length, a lady of the first respectability, having suffered a long time from deranged digestion, applied to the celebrated doctor for assistance. After a few questions, he told her very promptly that he understood her complaint, that he knew what ailed her, and more than all that, her


doctor was a fool, and assured her that his big pills would effect a cure. Neither of these assertions she exactly credited, but nevertheless, concluded to try his remedy if he would make known to her the complaint. "Why," says he," you have got lemon seeds in you-you must take some of my big pills and get rid of them, and you'll be perfectly well again." "Why, doctor," said the lady in amazement, "I have not eaten a lemon for six years; and what you say is altogether impossible." matter, madam, if you have not eaten a lemon for twenty years, the fact is just as I tell you, and if you will take the pills you can be satisfied of it." The pills were taken, and to the utter astonishment of the patient, the lemon seeds were found; a second dose was taken, and still more seeds made their appearance. A thought now flashed upon the lady's mind. One pill was yet left, which she examined, and behold! a lemon seed in its centre-the secret, truly, of the doctor's astonishing wisdom, and successful practice.

The Gatherer.

How wrong is man when discontented with: his station! His will be done who best knows what is for our good! What are we that we should murmur at his dispensations, or expect exemption from participating in any of those miseries, with which, for some wise purpose, he has thought proper to invest the paths of mankind?

How sweet in the hour of trouble is the influence of religion! The man whose trust is in his God may view, without concern, the dark tide of adversity rolling around him, and like the steel-nerved genius of the storm, dash aside its spray with coolness and disduin.

Fine are the feelings with which we kneel down to prayer, hoping that past errors are forgiven, and that grace may be granted for future amendment of life.

Confirmation.—It was a beautiful sight to see the females arrayed in white, going, like angels of purity, to rank themselves for ever and ever under the banners of that being whose name shall last with eternity. I knelt down at the altar with feelings of stifling emotion; I knew that I had been, in a great degree, the child of error-I felt that day still continued to glide on after day, leaving on ine an accumulation of crime, but still all was not darkness within me, and when the bishop_pronounced that beautiful prayer, beseeching the Lord that we might continue his for ever and ever, and be defended by his heavenly grace, I wept-but it was not the tear of sorrow that mantled in my eye, oh, no! it proceeded from a sensation too refined, too unutterable, for description!. C. S.

peared, a short time since, in the Pottery The following curious advertisement apGazette:-"James Scott, whitesmith, gardener, fishmonger, schoolmaster, and watchchapel clerk, crier of the town, running footman; teeth drawn occasionally; shoemaker, man, groom, and organ-blower; keeper of the town-hall, letter-carrier, brewer, winder of the clock, toller of the eight o'clock bell, waiter, and bill-poster; fire-bucket maker to the Protector Fire-office, street-springer, assistant to a Staffordshire potter, fire-lighter to the dancing-master, sheriff's officer's deputy, ringer of the market bell, toll-taker to the bailiff of the hundred, and keeper and deliverer of the fair standings, returns nis most grateful acknowledgments to the inhabi tants of Stoke and it's vicinity, for the many favours already received, and begs to assure them that it shall be his constant. study to merit their patronage" W. G. Č.

Curious inscription, in old French, over one of the doors of the eastern cloister at Canterbury:

Ou tu passe, I ay, passe;

Et par ou jay passe, tu passeras.
Au monde comme toi jay este-
Et mort comme moi tu seras.

The foregoing is thus Englished at the upper end of the same cloister :

Where now thou passest I have often passed; And where I have ouce, thou must also pass. Now thou art in the world, and so was I: But yet, as I have done, so thou must die. Curious instance of consecutive Latin


Mors, mortis, morti mortem, nisi morte dedisset,
Eternæ vitæ jauna clausa foret.

A November's sun looks like the smile of ' a person in affliction. C. S.

LONDON: Printed and published by J. LIMBIRD, 143, Strand. (near Somerset House); and sold by all Booksellers and Newsmen-In PARIS, by all the Booksellers.-In FRANCFORT, CHARLES JUGEL.

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ABOUT the year 1823, the inconvenient and pernicious custom of burying in confined church-yards, began to engage the attention of many people in Liverpool. At that time, many of the burial-places were so crowded, that it was no unusual circumstance in digging a grave to break through the cof fins which had already been placed there. To abolish this appalling practice, and to introduce a better system, the present establishment was commenced, and was consecrated, 12th January, 1829.

The spot chosen was a large tract of ground, at the top of Duke-street, excavated as a quarry for stone used in the buildings of the docks, and converted into a depository for the dead, at an expense of 21,000l.: it contains twenty-four thousand square yards, enclosed by a stone wall and handsome iron palisades, having four stately entrances: the interior is intersected by roads wide enough to admit a carriage, which lead to catacombs excavated in the rock; the oratory, or chapel, in which the funeral service is performed, is an elegant edifice, in the Grecian VOL. XXXIII.


style of architecture, and of the Doric order, forty-six feet in length, and twenty-nine wide; at the west-end is a noble portico of six massive columns, supporting a rich entablature, which is carried round the building, and surmounted by a triangular pediment: it was built after a design by Mr. Foster and forms an elegant specimen of purity of style, and of tasteful embellishment: near it is a house for the officiating minister, a handsome edifice of stone; and at the south end of the cemetery is the porter's lodge, also built of stone.

The mortal remains of the late lamented Mr. Huskisson, lie interred near the centre of the grounds; his funeral taking place on the 24th September, 1830. The monument which covers his remains, is constructed of fine masonry, by Messrs. Tomkinson and Sons, in a circular form (as shown in our engraving :) ten columns resting on a rusticated basement support the dome: it is said to be a near copy of the lantern of Demosthenes, at Athens.

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