
Pribileges of Fellows whose Subscriptions are not in Arrear.

The privileges of Fellows, whose subscriptions are not in arrear, include the use of the Institute building, which comprises Reading, Writing, and Smoking Rooms; a Library containing over 30,000 volumes and pamphlets relating to the history, government, trade, resources and development of the British Colonies and India; and a Newspaper Room in which the principal Journals, Magazines, and Reviews both Home, Colonial, and Indian-are regularly received and filed.

The Journal and the Annual Volume of Proceedings are forwarded to all Fellows whose addresses are known.

Every Fellow is entitled to be present at the Ordinary Meetings, and to introduce one visitor; to be present at the Annual Conversazione, and to introduce a lady. The Institute is open on weekdays from 10 A.M. to 8 P.M., except during August and September, when it is closed at 6 P.M.

The support of all British Subjects, whether residing in the United Kingdom or the Colonies-for the Institute is intended for both-is earnestly desired in promoting the great objects of extending knowledge respecting the various portions of the Empire, and in promoting the cause of its permanent unity.

Contributions to the Library will be thankfully received.






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a British subject, being desirous of admission into the ROYAL COLONIAL INSTITUTE, we, the undersigned, recommend him as eligible for Membership.

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bequeath the sum of £


INSTITUTE, Incorporated by Royal Charter 1882, and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Corporation shall be an effectual discharge for the said Bequest, which I direct to be paid within calendar months after my

decease, without any reduction whatsoever, whether on account of Legacy Duty thereon or otherwise, out of such part of my estate as may be lawfully applied for that purpose.

Those persons who feel disposed to benefit the Royal Colonial Institute by Legacies are recommended to adopt the above Form of Bequest.


SESSION 1896-97.


THE First Ordinary General Meeting of the Session was held at the Whitehall Rooms, Hôtel Métropole, on Tuesday, November 10, 1896, when Mr. John Lowles, M.P., read a paper on "InterBritish Trade."

Sir Henry Bulwer, G.C.M.G., a Vice-President of the Institute, presided.

The Minutes of the last Ordinary General Meeting were read and confirmed, and it was announced that since that Meeting 124 Fellows had been elected, viz., 22 Resident, and 102 Non-Resident, making 300 since January 1 as compared with 249 up to the same date last year, the total number of Fellows now being 3,970.

Resident Fellows:

Major D'Arcy Baker, R. Whieldon Barnett, M.A., B.C.L., Donald Baynes, M.D., A. Cecil T. Beck, Ewen Cameron, John Cameron, James Cantlie, M.B., F.R.C.S., John M. Cook, F.R.G.S., George Lancelot Eyles, M.Inst. C.E., Louis H. Goodman, J. E. Kerr, James J. Lang, William F. Leeson, Capt. Matthew Nathan, R.E., Major W. G. Phillimore, R.A., Arthur Shanks, M.Inst. C.E., R. Tilden Smith, Inglis Taylor, M.B., F.R.C.S.E., J. E. Tustin, Patrick G. Weddel, Rev. William T. Western, M.A., Rev. Watkin W. Williams.

Non-Resident Fellows :

Joseph C. Adlam (Transvaal), Kitoyi Ajasa (Lagos), G. Lloyd Alison, Jun. (Ceylon), Evelyn O. Ashe, M.D. (Cape Colony), W. Blanchard (Lagos), Thomas J. Bradfield (Cape Colony), E. A. Blundell Brown (Straits Settlements), Hon. James J. Brown, M.C.G. (Mauritius), Alfred Bryant (Cape Colony), J. Scarvell Cape (Western Australia), Lewis B. Chesterton (Transvaal), Carey A. Clausen (South Australia), James Cumming (Natal), Walter Currie (Matabeleland), Rt. Rev. Nathaniel Dawes, D.D. (Lord Bishop of Rockhampton), Sir J. William Dawson, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S. (Canada) [Honorary Fellow], Hugh Dixson, Jun. (New South Wales), Arthur G. Doughty, M.A. (Canada), Frederick W. Dove (Sierra Leone), David P. Duirs (Transvaal), Hon. Alexander M. T. Duncan, M.L.C. (Fiji), Charles H. Everett (Gold Coast


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The CHAIRMAN: The members and friends of the Institute present to-night at the opening meeting of our annual session will have heard with satisfaction the announcement just made by the Hecretary of the number of Fellows who have lately joined the Institute. A very considerable addition has been made to the roll of our members during the present year, and I am happy to be able to add that our finances are in a sound and satisfactory condition, and that the year now coming to a close has been, I am told, one of the most prosperous in our records. I refer to these matters because it is well for us from time to time to take note of how we

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