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"Thoughtful and irresolute, I slowly retraced "I heard it said near me, 'Look at that my steps towards the Palais de Justice,' dread-young one, how anxious she seems! see how she ing to get there, and hoping not to find those is speaking to the other one!' For my part, I whom I was seeking. I arrived before five felt as if I heard all they were saying. Mama, o'clock. There were no signs of departure. he is not there. Look again. Nothing esSick at heart, I ascended the steps of the Sainte capes me; I assure you, mama, he is not there. Chapelle,' then I walked into the Grande Salle, 66 They had evidently forgotten that I had sent and wandered about. I sat down, I arose again, them word that it would be impossible for me to but spoke to no one. From time to time I cast gain admittance into the prison yard. The first a melancholy glance towards the courtyard, to cart stopped before me during at least a quarter see if there were any signs of departure. My of an hour. It moved on; the second followed. constant thought was that in two hours, per- I approached the ladies; they did not see me. I haps in one, they would be no more. I cannot went again into the Palais de Justice,' and say how overwhelmed I was by that idea, which then a long way round, and stood at the enhas affected me through life on all such occa- trance of the Pont-au-Change,' in a prominent sions, and they have only been too frequent. place. Mme. de Noailles cast her eyes around While a prey to these mournful feelings, never her; she passed, and did not see me. I followed did an hour appear to me so long or so short as the carts over the bridge, and thus kept near the one which elapsed between five and six the ladies, though separated from them by the o'clock on that day. Conflicting thoughts were crowd. Mme. de Noailles, still looking for me, incessantly crossing my mind, which made me did not perceive me. Mme. d'Ayen's anxiety suddenly pass from the illusions of vain hope to became visible on her countenance. Her daughfears, alas! too well founded. At last I saw, ter watched the crowd with increasing attention, by a movement in the crowd, that the prison but in vain. I felt tempted to turn back. Have door was on the point of being opened. I went I not done all that I could? I inwardly exdown and placed myself near the outer gate, as claimed. Everywhere the crowd will be greater; for the previous fortnight it had become im- it is useless to go any further. I was on the possible to enter the prison yard. The first point of giving up the attempt. Suddenly the cart was filled with prisoners, and came towards sky became overclouded, thunder was heard in me. It was occupied by eight ladies, whose the distance; I made a fresh effort. A short demeanour was most edifying. Of these seven cut brought me before the arrival of the carts were unknown to me. The last, who was very to the Rue Saint-Antoine, nearly opposite the near me, was the Maréchale de Noailles. A too famous' Force.' At that moment the storm transient ray of hope crossed my mind when I broke forth. The wind blew violently; flashes saw that her daughter-in-law and her grand- of lightning and claps of thunder followed in daughter were not with her; but, alae! they rapid succession; the rain poured down in torwere in the second cart. rents. I took shelter at a shop-door. The spot "Mme. de Noailles was in white; she did not is always present to my memory, and I have appear more than twenty-four years of age: never passed by it since without emotion. In Mme. d'Ayen, who looked about forty, wore a one moment the street was cleared: the crowd dress striped blue and white. Six men got in had taken refuge in the shops and gateways. after them. I was pleased to see the respectful There was less order in the procession, both the distance at which the two first placed them- escort and the carts having quickened their selves, so as to leave more liberty to the ladies. pace. They were close to the Petit Saint-AnThey were scarcely seated when the mother be-toine,' and I was still undecided. The first cart came the object of that tender solicitude for which her daughter was well known."

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passed. By a precipitate and involuntary move-
ment I quitted the shop-door, rushed towards
the second cart, and found myself close to the
ladies. Mme. de Noailles perceived me, and,
smiling, seemed to say: There you are at last!
How happy we are to see you! How we have
looked for you! Mama, there he is!
d'Ayen appeared to revive. As for myself, all
irresolution vanished from my mind. By the
grace of God I felt possessed of extraordinary
courage. Soaked with rain and perspiration, I
continued to walk by them. On the steps of
the church of Saint Louis I met a friend who,
filled with respect and attachment for the ladies,
was endeavouring to give them the same assist-
ance. His countenance, his attitude, showed
what he felt. I placed my hand on his shoul-
der, and, shuddering, said, 'Good evening, my
dear friend.'

In the heart-rending scene which follows, the good priest was too far away from the carts containing the victims to be able to hear what they said; but whilst gazing in Lis agony at the angelic Mme. de Noailles, and happily catching her eye, he was able, as it were, to see her speak, and nothing can be more touching or more tenderly beautiful, than the words she seemed to atter. Let us add that those words lose nothing by passing into the exquisite English in which M. de Lasteyrie has translated them. We may be unduly proud of our language, but certainly we imagine that these words, as rendered by M. de Lasteyrie, are even more touching than the original French. The narrative goes

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"The storm was at its height. The wind blew tempestuously, and greatly annoyed the

ladies in the first cart, more especially the Maréchale de Noailles. With her hands tied behind her, with no support for her back, she tottered on the wretched plank upon which she was placed. Her large cap fell back and exposed to view some grey hairs. Immediately, a number of people who were gathered there notwithstanding the rain, having recognized her, she became the sole object of their attention. They added by their insults to the sufferings she was enduring so patiently. There she is, that Maréchale who used to go about with so many attendants, driving in such fine coaches there she is in the cart, just like the others!' The shouts continued, the sky became darker, the rain fell heavier still. We were close to the carrefour, preceding the Faubourg Saint-Antoine. I went forward, examined the spot, and said to myself, This is the place for granting them what they so much long for.

"The cart was going slower. I turned towards the ladies, and made a sign which Mme de Noailles understood perfectly. Mama, M. Carrichon is going to give us absolution, she evidently whispered. They piously bowed their heads with a look of repentance, contrition, and hope. Then I lifted up my hand, and, without uncovering my head, pronounced the form of absolution, and the words which follow it, very distinctly, and with supernatural attention. Never shall I forget the expression of their faces. From that moment the storm abated, the rain diminished, and seemed only to have fallen for the furtherance of our wishes. I offered up my thanks to God, and so did, I am sure, these pious women. Their exterior appearance spoke contentment, security, and joy."

Here, then, was absolution not preceded by any confession which can be called "auricular," and given, besides, by the priest whilst standing disguised in a crowd; but we believe it is not doubted in the Roman Catholic Church that the deviation from the usual practice had a sound warrant in the necessity of the case, and that the absolution was valid. The narrative goes on:

"As we advanced through the Faubourg,' the rain having ceased, a curious multitude again lined the two sides of the street, insulting the ladies in the first cart, but above all the Maréchale. Nothing was said to the others. I sometimes walked by the side of the carts, and sometimes preceded them.

"At last we reached the fatal spot. I cannot describe what I felt. What a moment! What a separation! What an affliction for the children, husbands, sisters, relations, and friends who are to survive those beloved ones in this valley of tears! There they are before me full of health, and in one moment I shall see them no more. What anguish! yet not without deep consolation at beholding them so resigned.

“ We came in sight of the scaffold. The carts

stopped, and were immediately surrounded by the soldiers. A ring of numerous spectators was soon formed, most of whom were laughing and amusing themselves at the horrible sight. It was dreadful to be amongst them!

"While the executioner and his two assistants were helping the prisoners out of the first cart, Mme. de Noailles's eyes sought for me in the crowd. She caught sight of me. What a wonderful expression there was in those looks! Sometimes raised towards heaven, sometimes lowered towards earth; her eyes, so animated, so gentle, so expressive, so heavenly, were often fixed on me in a manner which would have attracted notice if those around me had had time for observation. I pulled my hat over my eyes without taking them off her. I felt as if I could hear her say, Our sacrifice is accomplished! We have the firm and comforting hope that a merciful God is calling us to Him. How many dear to us we leave behind! but we shall forget no one. Farewell to them, and thanks to you! Jesus Christ, who died for us, is our strength. May we die in Him! Farewell. May we all meet again in heaven!


"It is impossible to give an idea of the animation and fervour of those signs, the eloquence of which was so touching that the bystanders exclaimed: Oh! that young woman, how happy she seems, how she looks up to heaven, how she is praying! But what is the use of it all?' Aud then, on second thoughts: Oh! the rascals, the bigots!'

"The mother and daughter took a last farewell of each other and descended from the cart. As for me, the outer world disappeared for a moment. At once broken-hearted and comforted, I could only return thanks to God for not having waited for this moment to give them absolution; or, which would have been still worse, delayed it till they had ascended the scaffold. We could not have joined in prayer while I gave, and they received, this great blessing, as we had been enabled to do in the most favourable cirI left the cumstances possible at such a time. spot where I was standing, and went over to the other side, while the victims were getting out. I found myself opposite the wooden steps which led to the scaffold. An old man, tall and straight, with white hair and a good-natured countenance, was leaning against it. I was told he was a fermier-general. Near him stood a very edifying lady, whom I did not know. Then came the Maréchale de Noailles, exactly opposite me, dressed in black, for she was still in mourning for her husband. She was sitting on a block of wood or stone which happened to be there, her large eyes fixed with a vacant look. I had not omitted to do for her what I had done for so many, and in particular for the Maréchal and Maréchale de Mouchy. All the others were drawn up in two lines, looking towards the Faubourg Saint-Antoine. From where I stood I could only perceive Mme. d'Ayen, whose attitude and countenance expressed the most sublime, unaffected, and devout resignation. She

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seemed only occupied with the sacrifice she was
about to make to God, through the merits of
the Saviour, His divine Son. She looked as she
was wont to do when she had the happiness of
approaching the altar for holy communion. I
shall never forget the impression she made on
me at that moment. It is often in my thoughts.
God grant that I may profit by it!
"The Maréchale de Noailles was the third
person who ascended the scaffold. The upper
part of her dress had to be cut away in order to
uncover her throat. I was impatient to leave
the place, but yet I wished to drink the cup of
bitterness to the dregs, and to keep my promise,
as God was giving me strength to do so, even in
the midst of all my shuddering horror. Six la-
dies followed Mme. d'Ayen was the tenth. How
happy she seemed to die before her daughter!
The executioner tore off her cap. As it was
fastened by a pin which he had forgotten to re-
move, he pulled her hair violently, and the pain

he caused was visible on her countenance.

"The mother disappeared, the daughter took her place. What a sight to behold that young creature, all in white, looking still younger than she really was, like a gentle lamb going to the slaughter! I fancied I was witnessing the martyrdom of one of the young virgins or holy women whom we read of in the history of the Church. What had happened to the mother also happened to her: the same pain in the removal of her cap, then the same composure and the same death. Oh! the abundant crimson stream that gushed from the head and neck! How happy she is now! I thought, as her body was thrown into the frightful coffin.

From Nature.


IN Nature of January 4th of this year, there is a most interesting account of some experiments on melting and regelation of ice by Mr. James T. Bottomley. These experiments of Mr. Bottomley's suggested the possibility of passing large bodies through ice in the same way as he caused the wires to pass. I accordingly placed a sixpence on a block of ice, and applied pressure to it by means of a fine steel wire about one-sixteenth of an inch 'in diameter. On examining the block of ice sometime afterwards, I found the sixpence had passed into the centre of the block, and that the space through which it had passed, except the small part occupied by the steel wire, was again solid ice. I tried the same experiment with a shilling, and found that it also easily passed through the ice; the experiment was then repeated with a half-crown with the same result. I did not attempt anything larger, but have no doubt much larger discs of metal might be made to pass through ice if sufficient pressure were applied. The ice in the parts of the blocks through which the coins had passed did not look very solid, but was rather full of air-bubbles; on breaking the block, however, it did not seem much weaker than the rest of the ice. Another form of the experiment was then made, a block of ice was supported on two boards placed near each other. A loop of fine wire was passed over the ice, and hung down between the two boards and a weight attached to it, as in Mr. Bottomley's experiments, pieces of wood were placed so as to stop the wire when it had passed halfway through the ice. After the wire had passed into the centre of the The moral we draw is, that neither men block, the weight was removed, the wire nor women should be brought by priests cut, and a disc of metal half an inch in or deacons into that state of mind which diameter was attached to one end of the fits them to be trampled upon without re-wire, and a weight to the other end. In sistance. Charlotte Corday was the superb exception; but in general, both by nature and habit, the Frenchman has always been but too well inclined to meet the approaches of tyranny with a shrug and "que voulez vous?" and it seems perverse in the extreme to aggravate this baneful weakness by applying to those who were only "victims," the grand appellation of "martyrs," and confusing the idea of submission to Heaven with that of submission to scoundrels.

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May Almighty God in His mercy bestow on the members of that family all the blessings which I ask, and entreat them to ask for mine! May we all be saved with those who have gone before us to that happy dwelling where revolutions are unknown-to that abode which, according to the words of Saint Augustine, has Truth for its King, Charity for its law, and will endure for Eternity!

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this manner the disc was drawn through
the ice, leaving apparently perfect solid ice
behind. The path of the disc could only
be traced by its slightly cloudy appear-
ance, it looked as if the few air-bubbles
passed through by the disc had been
broken up into a great number of small
On breaking the ice afterwards it
seemed quite as strong where the disc had
passed as elsewhere.

The explanation of these experiments is of course the same as for the experiments with the wires; Professor James Thomson. showed that the freezing point of water is lowered by pressure, and also that ice has a tendency to melt, when forces are ap

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exchange of heat can take place but very
slowly; and when we further remember
the very small difference of temperature
between the freezing point of ice under
pressure and not under pressure if the
lowering of the freezing point is the result
of hydrostatic pressure alone, a pressure
of one hundred atmospheres not lowering
the temperature one degree centigrade
we can easily see that there will not be
sufficient difference in temperature be-
tween the different parts of the glacier to
cause the heat to flow quickly from one
part to another, through such bad conduc-

plied which tend to change its form. So of heat, and the distance to which the heat that the ice under the coins has a ten- has to be conducted is so much greater dency to melt, and has its freezing point than in the above experiments, that the lowered by the pressure. The under side of the coin will thus have a lower temperature than the upper; there will therefore be a transference of heat from the upper to the under side of the coin, this heat melts the ice under the coin, the water so formed passes round the edges of the coin to the upper side. This water being at a slightly lower temperature than the freezing point at, ordinary pressure, a very small proportion of it will freeze and raise the temperature of the rest to the freezing point. The water arrived at the upper side of the coin, the coin being at a temperature a little below the freezing point, the water will be frozen, giving out its latent heat, which will pass through the coin and melt an equal quantity of ice on the under side, this having absorbed its latent heat of liquefaction will in turn pass to the upper side, and will there be converted into ice, giving out its latent heat to melt another quantity, and so on.

A slightly different form of the experiment was then made, a small metal cup was filled with water and laid on a piece of ice, and a heavy weight placed on the cup. After some time the water in the cup was frozen. The freezing point of the ice under the cup being, owing to the pressure, lower than that of the water in the cup, the water in the cup parted with its heat to the ice outside. A quantity of ice outside the cup was thus melted equal to the quantity of ice formed in the cup.

At first sight these experiments might seem to have an important bearing on the motion of glaciers. It might be thought, that if large bodies flowed thus easily through ice, why should not ice flow easily in its channel? But when we consider the circumstances, we find they are not so similar as might at first appear. When a body flows in this way through ice, there is not only a displacement of matter but also a displacement of heat, and the displacement of the matter cannot take place till there has been a displacement of the heat. In the preceding experiments, circumstances were most favourable for both displacements taking place quickly. The heat easily flowed through the very small thickness of the good conducting silver discs, and the water had only to flow from the one face to the other round the edges of the coins, whereas in glaciers, the ice and the rocks over which it moves are bad conductors

In the explanation given of the passage of the coins through the ice, it has been assumed that the passage depends on the exchange of heat from the freezing ice on the one side of the coin to the melting ice on the other side. If this explanation is correct, then if the coins had been nonconductors of heat, they would not have passed through the ice. The test was put. A shilling was placed on a block of ice, and over it a disc of a non-conductor (indiarubber), the same size as the shilling and over that another shilling; a weight of 90lbs. was applied by means of a small steel rod. After four hours it was found that the shillings had only sunk about an eighth of an inch into the ice, most of the heat to sink in this short distance being, in all probability, got by radiation from surrounding objects; another two shillings and non-conducting disc placed on a block of ice and similarly situated, but not under pressure, had sunk to nearly the same depth.

There is another point in these experiments in their relation to glacier motion, which requires to be noticed. In all the experiments referred to, ice at the melting point was used. Sir William Thomson showed that the freezing-point of water was lowered 0°.13 C. by a pressure of 16.3 atmospheres. We should therefore expect that, if we lowered the temperature of the ice by half a degree or a degree below the freezing-point, a much greater pressure would be required to cause the coins to pass through the ice. In order to test this, a block of ice was surrounded with ice, salt, and water. After it was cooled about a degree below the freezing-point, a shilling was placed on the block of ice, and a pressure of 90 lbs. applied. On examining it three and a half hours afterwards, the shilling was found not to have entered

in the slightest degree into the ice. The
freezing mixture was then removed, and
within an hour the shilling had passed
some distance into the ice. It would
therefore appear, considering the enor-
mous resistance offered by ice at a tem-
perature of even one degree below the
freezing-point to change of state, that the
motion of glaciers at the higher parts,
where their temperature is below the
freezing-point, is, in all probability, not
caused by the melting and regelation of
the ice in the same manner as in the ex-


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Viceroy impatient of capitulations and eager to secure prime donne, is in the south of them more of a buccaneer upon an unusual scale than anything else. We have an impression, too, that he will win, that he will succeed in overthrowing Kassai, whose followers will fly without much resistance, and that he will conquer Abyssinia with 5,000 Arabs, doing more work with that trumpery force than we did with an army of 11,000 good soldiers, and some 40,000 auxiliaries, camp followers, and servants of every kind. If we are right, the incident the political meaning of which we disregard for the moment, merely remarking that if Lord Granville wishes to have his hand on the Khedive's throat he has his opportunity at last is one more bit of evidence to that strangest of all facts, the solvent power exercised by European attack upon an Oriental State. Abyssinia has been threatened with Mussulman attack for the last twelve hundred years. Mohammed tried to take it and failed, and ever since Amrou's time every Mohammedan ruler of Egypt has hankered after these fine provinces, which nevertheless have always remained independent of the Lords of the Lower Nile. Only five years ago Theodore smiled at the notion of Egyptian invasion, and not only pretended to be, but was as in dependent of Constantinople or Cairo as the Governor of Bombay, and the Khedive himself would have admitted that the conquest of Abyssinia was a task for his whole army. And now, because an English brigade penetrated to Magdala and overthrew Theodore, and retired, leaving no garrison and claiming nothing, not even a nominal tribute, the Egyptian ruler is able, with a Swiss adventurer and 5,000 half-disciplined Fellahs, to subjugate a kingdom as old as Solomon, governed by a single ruler, and full of a numerous people, hostile to the invaders' enterprise and authority, and differing from his subjects in creed, race, language, and colour. Why?

A VERY curious and dramatic political incident is reported from Egypt. A correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, residing at Suez, telegraphs that the Khedive has in profound secrecy formed a small army of 2,000 men, armed with Remington rifles and light cannon, has placed them under the command of a Swiss adventurer named Munzinger, and has sent them to invade Abyssinia. They have taken Bogos, declared three provinces annexed to Egypt, and imprisoned a "queen," the lady, we presume, from whose attentions Lord Napier is said to have had some difficulty in escaping. They are now marching on Magdala, expecting to be joined en route by 3,000 more troops, and when they have taken the mountain fortress intend to claim the obedience of all Abyssinia. The Emperor Kassai is marching on the invaders with 10,000 men, but as he has no Remington rifles, it is believed that he will be defeated at once, and that Egypt will acquire the whole country without further fighting. A couple of paragraphs are added, implying that although the Khedive is "in the swim," to steal an expressive bit of slang from the American Stock Exchange, he is quite prepared to repudiate the ex- We wish we could answer that question pedition, and that it has nominally been satisfactorily, for the reply would reveal a got up by some European adventurers, who secret which this writer has passed a life of have placed Munzinger at their head, and unusual opportunities in studying without intend to proclaim him King, or more like- having ever arrived at a conclusion which ly, Pasha of Ethiopia. The whole story is convinced himself, the cause of the solas yet too little confirmed and too roman- vent, or rather pulverizing effect produced tic for political discussion, and may of on Asiatic organizations, and especially course be an invention, but we have an im- Asiatic military organizations, by Anglopression that it is in the main true, and Saxon impact. Englishmen are so accustrue in the odd way in which it is told, as tomed to the result that they have ceased of a buccaneering expedition, half sanc-to inquire into the cause, and if pressed, tioned, half disowned by the Khedive, who, avoid the subject by a reference to the in the north of his dominions a civilized vague claim called "superiority of race;"

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