| Edmund Burke - 1785 - 648 oldal
...all; And every foul cried out, ' Well done!' As loud as he could bawl. " Away went Gilpin, — who but he ! His fame foon fpread around, — ' He carries...full low, The bottles twain, behind his back. Were lhatter'd at a blow. VOL. XXVI. O «< Down " Down rar. the wine into the road, Moil piteous to be feen,... | |
 | Oliver Goldsmith - 1785 - 568 oldal
...around — " He carries weight ! — he rides a race !— " 'Tis for a thoufand pound !" M And And Hill, as faft as he drew near, 'Twas wonderful to view,...ran the wine into the road, Moft piteous to be feen, And made his horfe's flanks to fmoke, As he had bafted been. But ftill he feem'd to carry weight, With... | |
 | William Cowper - 1785 - 184 oldal
...all ; And ev'ry foul cry'd out, « Well done !5> As loud as he could bawl. Away went Gilpin — who but he ! His fame foon fpread around — « He carries...wide open threw. And now, as he went bowing down His recking head full low, The bottles twain, behind his back, Were fhatter'd at a blow. Down ran the wine... | |
 | William Cowper - 1787 - 342 oldal
...Away went Gilpin—who but he ; His fame foon fpread around— He carries weight I he rides a race I 'Tis for a thoufand pound ! And ftill as faft as he...Down ran the wine into the road, Moft piteous to be fccn, Which made his horfc's flanks to fmoke As they had bafted been. But ftill he feem'd to carry... | |
 | William Cowper - 1788 - 376 oldal
...foon fpread around — He carries weight ! he rides a race ! 'Tis for a thoufand pound 1 And flill as faft as he drew near, 'Twas wonderful to view How in a trice the turnpike-men 1'heir gates wide open threw. And now as he went bowing down His reeking head full low, The bottles... | |
 | William Scott - 1789 - 414 oldal
...I' And flill, as faft as he drev/ near, "Twas wonderful to view, How, in a trice, the turnpike-mea Their gates wide open threw. And now, as he went bowing...full low, The bottles twain behind his back, Were fliatter'd at a blow. Down ran the wine into the road, Moll piteous to be feen, And made his horfe's... | |
 | William Cowper - 1790 - 300 oldal
...His fame foon fpread arouad — He carries weight ! he rides a race ! 'Tis for a thoufand pound ! End ftill as faft as he drew near, 'Twas wonderful to...he went bowing down His reeking head full low, The The bottles twain behind his back Were fhatter'd at a blow. Down ran the wine into the road, Moft piteous... | |
 | 1795 - 90 oldal
...pound! And .still as fast as he drew near, 'T was wonderful to view How in a trice the turnpike men Their gates wide open threw. And now as he went bowing down His reeking head full low, Xhe bottles twain behind his back Were shatter'd at a blow. Down ran the wine into the road, Most piteous... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 476 oldal
...'Tis fur ,1 thuufand pound. And flill as fad as he drew near 'Twas wonderful to view How in a tries the turnpike-men Their gates wide open threw. And now as he went bowing down His recking head full low, The bottles twain behind his hack Were (hattcr'd at a blew. Dc-vn ran the wine... | |
 | 1797 - 350 oldal
...windows all ; And ev'ry foul cried out, " Well done i" As loud as he could bawl. Away went Gilpin — who but he ! His fame foon fpread around — '* He carries...near, 'Twas wonderful to view, How, in a trice, the turnpike- men Their gates wide open threw. And now as he went bowing down His reeking head full low,... | |
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