The earth shall shake him out of all his holds, Or make his house his grave: nor so content, Shall counterfeit the motions of the flood, And drown him in her dry and dusty gulphs. What then!-were they the wicked above all, And we the righteous, whose fast anchor'd ifle Mov'd not, while their's was rock'd, like a light skiff, The sport of ev'ry wave? No: none are clear, And none than we more guilty. But, where all Stand chargeable with guilt, and to the shafts Of wrath obnoxious, God may choose his mark: May punish, if he please, the less, to warn The more malignant. If he spar'd not them, Tremble and be amaz'd at thine escape, Far guiltier England, left he spare not thee !
Happy the man who fees a God employ'd In all the good and ill that chequer life ! Resolving all events, with their effects And manifold results, into the will
And arbitration wife of the Supreme.
Did not his eye rule all things, and intend
The leaft of our concerns (fince from the leaft
The greatest oft originate); could chance
Find place in his dominion, or dispose One lawless particle to thwart his plan; Then God might be surpris'd, and unforeseen Contingence might alarm him, and disturb The smooth and equal course of his affairs. This truth philosophy, though eagle-ey'd In nature's tendencies, oft overlooks; And, having found his instrument, forgets, Or difregards, or, more presumptuous still, Denies the pow'r that wields it. God proclaims His hot displeasure against foolish men, That live an atheist life: involves the heav'n In tempests; quits his grasp upon the winds, And gives them all their fury; bids a plague Kindle a fiery boil upon the skin, And putrify the breath of blooming health.
He calls for farnine, and the meagre fiend Blows mildew from between his shrivel'd lips,
And taints the golden ear. He springs his mines,
And defolates a nation at a blast.
Forth steps the spruce philosopher, and tells Of homogeneal and discordant springs
And principles; of causes, how they work By necessary laws their sure effects;
Of action and re-action. He has found
The fource of the disease that nature feels, And bids the world take heart and banish fear. Thou fool! will thy discovery of the cause Suspend th' effect, or heal it? Has not God Still wrought by means since first he made the world? And did he not of old employ his means To drown it? What is his creation less Than a capacious refervoir of means Form'd for his use, and ready at his will? Go, dress thine eyes with eye-falve; ask of him,
Or ask of whomsoever he has taught; And learn, though late, the genuine cause of all.
England, with all thy faults, I love thee stillMy country! and, while yet a nook is left Where English minds and manners may be found, Shall be constrain'd to love thee. Though thy clime Be fickle, and thy year most part deform'd With dripping rains, or wither'd by a froft, I would not yet exchange thy sullen skies, And fields without a flow'r, for warmer France With all her vines; nor for Aufonia's groves Of golden fruitage, and her myrtle bow'rs. To shake thy fenate, and from heights fublime Of patriot eloquence to flash down fire Upon thy foes, was never meant my task : But I can feel thy fortunes, and partake Thy joys and forrows, with as true a heart As any thund'rer there. And I can feel Thy follies, too; and with a just disdain
Frown at effeminates, whose very looks
Reflect dishonour on the land I love.
How, in the name of foldiership and sense,
Should England profper, when such things, as smooth
And tender as a girl, all essenc'd o'er
With odours, and as profligate as sweet;
Who fell their laurel for a myrtle wreath,
And love when they should fight; when such as these Prefume to lay their hand upon the ark
Of her magnificent and awful cause ?
Time was when it was praise and boast enough In ev'ry clime, and travel where we might, That we were born her children. Praise enough To fill th' ambition of a private man, That Chatham's language was his mother tongue, And Wolfe's great name compatriot with his own. Farewell those honours, and farewell with them The hope of fuch hereafter! They have fall'n Each in his field of glory; one in arms, And one in council-Wolfe upon the lap
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