When on a day, like that of the last doom, She teem'd and heav'd with an infernal birth, It marches o'er the prostrate works of man Once more the spiry myrtle crowns the glade, Oh, bliss precarious, and unfafe retreats, Again the mountain feels th' imprison'd foe, Ten thousand swains the wasted scene deplore, Ye monarchs, whom the lure of honour draws, Who write in blood the merits of your cause, Who strike the blow, then plead your own defenceGlory your aim, but justice your pretence; Behold in Ætna's emblematic fires The mischiefs your ambitious pride inspires! Fast by the stream that bounds your just domain, And tells you where ye haye a right to reign, A nation dwells, not envious of your throne, Studious of peace, their neighbours', and their own. Ill-fated race! how deeply must they rue The trumpet sounds, your legions swarm abroad, Rebuilds the tow'rs that smok'd upon the plain, And the fun gilds the shining spires again. Increasing commerce and reviving art Renew the quarrel on the conqu'rors' part; And the fad lefsson must be learn'd once more, That wealth within is ruin at the door. What are ye, monarchs, laurel'd heroes, sayBut Ætnas of the suff'ring world ye sway? Sweet nature, stripp'd of her embroider'd robe, Deplores the wasted regions of her globe; And stands a witness at truth's awful bar, To prove you, there, destroyers as ye are. Oh, place me in some heav'n-protected ifle, Where peace, and equity, and freedom, smile; Where no volcano pours his fiery flood, No crested warrior dips his plume in blood; Where pow'r secures what industry has won Where to fucceed is not to be undone; A land that distant tyrants hate in vain, In Britain's ifle, beneath a George's reign! ১১, THE POET, THE OYSTER, AND SENSITIVE PLANT. AN Oyster, cast upon the shore, Was heard, though never heard before, Complaining in a speech well-worded, And worthy thus to be recorded Ah, hapless wretch! condemn'd to dwell For ever in my native shell; Ordain'd to move when others please, I envy that unfeeling shrub, |