Too busy to intend a meaner care Than how t' enrich thyfelf, and next thine heir; Or art thou (as, though rich, perhaps thou art) But poor in knowledge, having none t' impart; Behold that figure, neat, though plainly clad; His sprightly mingled with a fhade of sad; Not of a nimble tongue, though now and then Heard to articulate like other men;
No jester, and yet lively in discourse, His phrafe well chofen, clear, and full of force; And his address, if not quite French in ease, Not English stiff, but frank, and form'd to please; Low in the world, because he scorns its arts; A man of letters, manners, morals, parts; Unpatroniz'd, and therefore little known; Wife for himself and his few friends alone- In him thy well-appointed proxy fee, Arm'd for a work too difficult for thee; Prepar'd by taste, by learning, and true worth, To form thy fon, to strike his genius forth;
Beneath thy roof, beneath thine eye, to prove The force of discipline when back'd by love; To double all thy pleasure in thy child, His mind inform'd, his morals undefil'd. Safe under fuch a wing, the boy shall show No spots contracted among grooms below, Nor taint his speech with meannesses, design'd By footman Tom for witty and refin'd. There, in his commerce with the liv'ried herd, Lurks the contagion chiefly to be fear'd; For, fince (so fashion dictates) all, who claim An higher than a mere plebeian fame, Find it expedient, come what mischief may, To entertain a thief or two in pay, (And they that can afford th' expense of more, Some half a dozen, and fome half a score) Great cause occurs to save him from a band So sure to spoil him, and so near at hand; A point secur'd, if once he be supplied With some such Mentor always at his fide.
Are fuch men rare ? perhaps they would abound Were occupation easier to be found,
Were education, else so sure to fail, Conducted on a manageable scale,
And schools, that have outliv'd all just esteem, Exchang'd for the secure domestic scheme.- But, having found him, be, thou duke or earl, Show thou hast sense enough to prize the pearl, And, as thou would'st th' advancement of thine heir In all good faculties beneath his care, Respect, as is but rational and juft, A man deem'd worthy of so dear a trust. Defpis'd by thee, what more can he expect From youthful folly than the fame neglect? A flat and fatal negative obtains, That inftant, upon all his future pains; His lessons tire, his mild rebukes offend, And all th' instructions of thy son's best friend Are a stream choak'd, or trickling to no end.
Doom him not then to folitary meals; But recollect that he has fense, and feels;
And that, poffeffor of a foul refin'd, An upright heart, and cultivated mind, His poft not mean, his talents not unknown, He deems it hard to vegetate alone. And, if admitted at thy board he fit, Account him no just mark for idle wit; Offend not him, whom modesty restrains From repartee, with jokes that he disdains; Much less transfix his feelings with an oath; Nor frown, unless he vanish with the cloth.- And, trust me, his utility may reach To more than he is hir'd or bound to teach; Much trash unutter'd, and some ills undone, Through rev'rence of the cenfor of thy fon.
But, if thy table be indeed unclean, Foul with excess, and with discourse obscene,
And thou a wretch, whom, following her old plan, The world accounts an honourable man,
Because forfooth thy courage has been tried And stood the teft, perhaps on the wrong fide; Though thou hadst never grace enough to prove That any thing but vice could win thy love ;- Or haft thou a polite, card-playing wife, Chain'd to the routs that she frequents for life; Who, just when industry begins to snore, Flies, wing'd with joy, to some coach-crowded door; And thrice in ev'ry winter throngs thine own With half the chariots and sedans in town, Thyself meanwhile e'en shifting as thou may'st; Not very fober though, nor very chaste ;- Or is thine house, though less superb thy rank, If not a scene of pleasure, a mere blank, And thou at best, and in thy fob'reft mood, A trifler vain, and empty of all good;- Though mercy for thyself thou can'st have none, Hear Nature plead, show mercy to thy fon.
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