The unambiguous footsteps of the God Sent forth a voice, and all the fons of God "As one who long detain'd on foreign shores " Pants to return, and when he fees afar "His country's weather-bleach'd and batter'd rocks, "From the green wave emerging, darts an eye " Radiant with joy towards the happy land; " So I with animated hopes behold, "And many an aching wish, your beamy fires, "That show like beacons in the blue abyss, " Ordain'd to guide th' embodied spirit home " From toilsome life to never-ending rest. " Love kindles as I gaze. I feel defires "That give afsurance of their own fuccess, " And that, infus'd from heav'n, must thither tend." So reads he nature whom the lamp of truth Worlds that had never been hadst thou in strength Been less, or less benevolent than strong. They are thy witnesses, who speak thy pow'r And goodness infinite, but speak in ears Yet, deem'd oracular, lure down to death The uninform'd and heedless souls of men. We give to chance, blind chance, ourselves as blind, The glory of thy work; which yet appears Perfect and unimpeachable of blame, Challenging human scrutiny, and prov'd But chance is not; or is not where thou reign'st: VOL, II, Thy providence forbids that fickle pow'r To mix her wild vagaries with thy laws. Yet thus we dote, refusing while we can Gods fuch as guilt makes welcome; gods that fleep, Or difregard our follies, or that fit Amus'd spectators of this bustling stage. A voice is heard that mortal ears hear not In that blest moment Nature, throwing wide Her veil opaque, discloses with a smile The author of her beauties, who, retir'd Behind his own creation, works unfeen By the impure, and hears his pow'r denied. Thou art the fource and centre of all minds, Their only point of reft, eternal Word! From thee departing, they are loft, and rove At random, without honour, hope, or peace. From thee is all that fooths the life of man, His high endeavour, and his glad fuccefs, His strength to fuffer, and his will to serve. But oh thou bounteous giver of all good, Thou art of all thy gifts thyself the crown! Give what thou can'st, without thee we are poor; And with thee rich, take what thou wilt away. |