

The grand effect; acknowledges with joy

His manner, and with rapture taftes his style.
But never yet did philofophic tube,

That brings the planets home into the eye
Of observation, and discovers, else

Not visible, his family of worlds,

Discover him that rules them; fuch a veil
Hangs over mortal eyes, blind from the birth,
And dark in things divine. Full often, too,
Our wayward intellect, the more we learn
Of nature, overlooks her author more;
From inftrumental causes proud to draw
Conclufions retrograde, and mad mistake.
But, if his word once teach us, shoot a ray
Through all the heart's dark chambers, and reveal
Truths undifcern'd but by that holy light,
Then all is plain. Philofophy, baptiz'd
In the pure fountain of eternal love,

Has eyes indeed; and, viewing all the fees
As meant to indicate a God to man,

Gives him his praise, and forfeits not her own.

Learning has born such fruit in other days

On all her branches: piety has found

Friends in the friends of science, and true pray'r
Has flow'd from lips wet with Castalian dews.
Such was thy wisdom, Newton, childlike fage!
Sagacious reader of the works of God,
And in his word sagacious. Such too thine,
Milton, whose genius had angelic wings,
And fed on manna! And fuch thine, in whom
Our British Themis gloried with just cause,
Immortal Hale! for deep difcernment prais'd,
And found integrity, not more than fam'd
For fanctity of manners undefil'd.

All flesh is grass, and all its glory fades Like the fair flow'r dishevell'd in the wind; Riches have wings, and grandeur is a dream: The man we celebrate must find a tomb, And we that worship him ignoble graves.


Nothing is proof against the gen'ral curse

Of vanity, that seizes all below.

The only amaranthine flow'r on earth
Is virtue; th' only lasting treasure, truth.

But what is truth? 'twas Pilate's question, put
To Truth itself, that deign'd him no reply.
And wherefore? will not God impart his light
To them that afk it ?-Freely-'tis his joy,
His glory, and his nature, to impart.
But to the proud, uncandid, infincere,
Or negligent, inquirer not a spark.

What's that which brings contempt upon a book,
And him who writes it; though the style be neat,
The method clear, and argument exact ?
That makes a minister in holy things

The joy of many, and the dread of more,

His name a theme for praise and for reproach ?-
That, while it gives us worth in God's account,
Depreciates and undoes us in our own?
What pearl is it that rich men cannot buy,


That learning is too proud to gather up;
But which the poor, and the despis'd of all,
Seek and obtain, and often find unfought?
Tell me and I will tell thee what is truth.

O, friendly to the best pursuits of man, Friendly to thought, to virtue, and to peace, Domestic life in rural leisure pafs'd! Few know thy value, and few taste thy sweets; Though many boast thy favours, and affect To understand and choose thee for their own, But foolish man foregoes his proper blifs, Ev'n as his first progenitor, and quits, Though placed in paradife, (for earth has ftill Some traces of her youthful beauty left) Sübstantial happiness for tranfient joy. Scenes form'd for contemplation, and to nurfe The growing feeds of wisdom; that suggest, By ev'ry pleasing image they present, Reflections such as meliorate the heart,

Compose the passions, and exalt the mind;
Scenes fuch as these 'tis his supreme delight
To fill with riot, and defile with blood.
Should fome contagion, kind to the poor brutes
We perfecute, annihilate the tribes
That draw the sportsman over hill and dale,
Fearless, and rapt away from all his cares;
Should never game-fowl hatch her eggs again,
Nor baited hook deceive the fish's eye;
Could pageantry and dance, and feast and fong,
Be quell'd in all our fummer-months' retreat;
How many felf-deluded nymphs and swains,
Who dream they have a taste for fields and groves,
Would find them hideous nurs'ries of the spleen,
And crowd the roads, impatient for the town!
They love the country, and none elfe, who feek
For their own fake its filence and its fhade.
Delights which who would leave, that has a heart
Sufceptible of pity, or a mind

Cultur'd and capable of fober thought,

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