
A Prayer for the Whole State of Mankind.

ACCEPT, O Lord, of my Prayers and Interceffions, as a Teftimony of my Charity for the whole Race of Mankind,

Enlighten the dark Corners of the Earth with the bright Sunshine of thy glorious Gofpel; and fucceed the pious Designs of all thofe that endeavour the Propagation of the Kingdom of thy Son; that thy Way may be known upon Earth, and thy faving Health among all Nations.

Let thy continual Pity cleanfe and defend thy Church; and forafmuch as it cannot continue in Safety without thy Succour, preferve it evermore by thy Help and Goodness.

Endue the Governors and Paftors of it with Courage and Refolution to preferve thofe facred Rights thou haft committed to their Truft; with Zeal and Diligence in promoting folid and fubftantial Piety; and with a confcientious Discharge of all the important Duties of their Holy Function,

Let all fecular Magiftrates ftudy to govern their People with Truth and Juftice; and to preferve them in Health, Peace, and Godliness.


Bless our most gracious Sovereign Lord King GEORGE, our gracious Queen Charlotte, his Royal Highnefs George Prince of Wales, and all the Royal Family, with the Dew of thy heavenly Spirit; that they, ever trufting in thy Goodness, protected by thy Power, and crowned with thy gracious and endlefs Favour, may continue before thee, in Health, Peace, Joy, and Honour, a long and happy Life upon Earth, and after Death obtain everlafting Life and Glory in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Let War and Bloodfhed ceafe among Christian Princes, and give to all Nations Unity, Peace, and Concord.

Blefs all the People of this Land, with Health, Peace, and Plenty; and teach them to ufe fuch thy Bleffings with Sobriety, Gratitude, and Charity.

Make all Chriftians fincerely to practise the Religion they profefs; and infpire them with uniting Principles, and charitable Hearts; that they may love one another, and thereby convince the World they are thy Difciples.

Be merciful to all my Friends, Relations, and Acquaintance; thofe that are in Sin, . convert them; thofe that are in Grace,


confirm and ftrengthen them; those that are in Adverfity, comfort and fupport them; and those that are in Profperity, fuffer them not to forget thee.

Forgive all my Enemies; make them eafy and ready to be reconciled; and give them Repentance and better Minds.

Be gracious to all that are in Affliction and Diftrefs; that labour under the Streights of Poverty; that fuffer Perfecution for the Teftimony of a good Confcience; that mourn under Captivity, or Banifhment, or any unjuft Oppreffion; that are exercifed with bodily Pains and Difeafes; that are folicited with ftrong Temptations, or are dejected with Terrors and Troubles of Mind.


Pity and relieve their feveral Neceffities give them Patience under all their Sufferings; and, in thy due Time, deliver them according to thy great Mercy.

Affift thofe that are at the Point of Death; and when their Strength fails, let not their Faith fail; even in Death enable them to truft in thee. Grant this, O merciful God for the Merits of thy Son Jefus Chrift. Amen.


When this Interceffion is ufed on Sacrament Days, what follows may be added.

SHED thy particular Grace and Benediction upon all thofe who are Partakers of the holy Communion, this Day, in any Part of thy Church.

That they may perfevere in their holy Purposes and Refolutions, and may conform themselves to the Model of their crucified Saviour.

And may the Pattern of his Piety and Devotion, of his Humility and Charity, of his Mceknefs and patient Suffering, be fo lively imprinted upon all our Minds, that we may tranfcribe his Example in our Lives and Converfations.

That thus commemorating his all-fufficient Sacrament upon Earth, we may receive the everlafting Benefit of it in thy heavenly Kingdom, and blefs and praife thee for it to all Eternity. Amen.

A General Thanksgiving.

O MOST glorious and eternal Lord God, thou art the great Creator of Heaven and Earth, and the Source and Fountain of


all Good, look graciously upon thy Servant who am come into thy Prefence, to offer up the humble Tribute of my unfeigned Praises to thy Divine Majefty, from a Heart truly moved with a Senfe of thy infinite and unfpeakable Goodness.

I blefs thee, O Lord, for creating me at firft out of Nothing, for caufing me to be born of Chriftian Parents, and for admitting me by holy Baptifm into the Communion of thy Church; for all the Helps and Affiftances of thy Grace, which I have fince had, to enable me in any Measure to perform the Engagements that were then made on my Behalf; for implanting in my Mind an early Fear of offending thee, and a great Defire of pleafing thee; for whatever Sin I have at any Time efcaped, and whatever Good I have done through the whole Courfe of my Life.

I bless thee, O Lord, for all thy Patience and Forbearance towards me; for fparing me fo long, and giving me fo large a Space for Repentance; for all the Motions of thy good Spirit, and the Checks and Restraints of my own Confcience; for the many Opportunities thou haft given me of ferving thee, and calling upon thy Name, particularly, O Lord, for thofe of this Day, and


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