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" It might be months, or years, or days, I kept no count, I took no note, I had no hope my eyes to raise, And clear them of their dreary mote... "
The works of lord Byron - 64. oldal
szerző: George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1820
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Hebrew Melodies

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1815 - 324 oldal
...opprest, Had almost need of such a rest. XIV. It might be months, or years, or days, I kept no count — I took no note, I had no hope my eyes to raise, And...their dreary mote ; At last men came to set me free, 370 I ask'd not why, and reck'd not where, It was at length the same to me, Fettered or fetterless...

The Prisoner of Chillon, and Other Poems, 1. kötet

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1816 - 88 oldal
...opprest, Had almost need of such a rest. XIV. It might be months, or years, or days, I kept no count — I took no note, I had no hope my eyes to raise, And...their dreary mote ; At last men came to set me free, 370 I ask'd not why, and reck'd not where, It was at length the same to me, Fettered or fetterless...

The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron: Prisoner of Chillon. Manfred ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1818 - 216 oldal
...opprest, Had almost need of such a rest. XIV. It might be months, or years, or days, I kept no count — I took no note, I had no hope my eyes to raise, And...their dreary mote ; At last men came to set me free, 370 I ask'd not why, and reck'd not where, It was at length the same to me, Fettered or fetterless...

The works of ... lord Byron, 6. kötet

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1818 - 210 oldal
...opprest, Had almost need of such a rest. XIV. It might be months, or years, or days, I kept no count — I took no note, I had no hope my eyes to raise, And...their dreary mote ; At last men came to set me free, 370 I ask'd not why, and reck'd not where, It was at length the same to me, Fettered or fetterless...

Lord Byron's Works ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 478 oldal
...oppreff, Had almost need of such a rest. XIV. It might be months, or years, or days, I kept no count — I took no note, I had no hope my eyes to raise, And...set me free, I ask'd not why, and reck'd not where j It was at length the same to me, Fettered or fetterless to be : I learn'd to love despair. And thus...

The Works of Lord Byron: Lara. Siege of Corinth. Parisina. The prisoner of ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 294 oldal
...o'er one we sought to save, And yet my glance, too much opprest, Had almost need of such a rest. 365 XIV. It might be months, or years, or days, I kept...And clear them of their dreary mote ; At last men c?#ne to set me free, 370 I ask'd not why, and reck'd not where, It was at length the same to me, Fetter'd...

The works of lord Byron, comprehending the suppressed poems, 5-6. kötet

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1822 - 614 oldal
...Had almost need of such a rest. 365 XIV. It might be months, or years, or days, I kept no count — I took no note, I had no hope my eyes to raise, And...their dreary mote ; At last men came to set me free, 370 I ask'd not why, and reck'd not where, It was at length the same to me, Fetter'd or fetterless...

Select Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron: In Two Volumes, 2. kötet

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1823 - 310 oldal
...Had almost need of such a rest. XIV. It might be months, or years, or clays, I kept no count — I took no note, I had no hope my eyes to raise, And...their dreary mote ; At last men came to set me free, 370 I ask'd not why, and reck'd not where, It was at length the same to me, Fettered or fetterless...

The Prisoner of Chillon

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1824 - 44 oldal
...opprest, Had almost need of such a rest. XVI. It might be months, or years, or days, I keep no count— I took no note, I had no hope my eyes to raise, And...reck'd not where, It was at length the same to me, Fettered or fetterless to be, I learn'd to love despair. And thus when they appear'd at last And all...

The works of the rt. hon. lord Byron, 3. kötet

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1824 - 322 oldal
...Had almost need of such a rest. .' XIV. It might he months, or years, or days, I kojit no count — I took no note, I had no hope my eyes to raise,, I ask'd not why, and reck'd not where, It was at Tcnglh the same to me, Fetter'd or fetterless to he, I learu'd to love despair. And thus when they...

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