But knowing well captivity, Sweet bird! I could not wish for thine! Or if it were, in winged guise, For-Heaven forgive that thought! the while A single cloud on a sunny day, When skies are blue, and earth is gay. XI. A kind of change came in my fate, And round the pillars one by one, XII. I made a footing in the wall, It was not therefrom to escape, For I had buried one and all, Who loved me in a human shape; And the whole earth would henceforth be A wider prison unto me: I thought of this, and I was glad, But I was curious to ascend To my barr'd windows, and to bend XIII. I saw them-and they were the same, I heard the torrents leap and gush A small green isle, it seem'd no more, And on it there were young flowers growing, Of gentle breath and hue. The fish swam by the castle wall, XIV. It might be months, or years, or days, I had no hope my eyes to raise, I ask'd not why, and reck'd not where, I learn'd to love despair. And thus when they appear'd at last, And all my bonds aside were cast, These heavy walls to me had grown A hermitage-and all my own! And half I felt as they were come To tear me from a second home: With spiders I had friendship made, And watch'd them in their sullen trade, Had seen the mice by moonlight play, And why should I feel less than they? We were all inmates of one place, And I, the monarch of each race, Had power to kill-yet, strange to tell! In quiet we had learn'd to dwellMy very chains and I grew friends, So much a long communion tends To make us what we are: -even I Regain'd my freedom with a sigh. NOTES TO THE PRISONER OF CHILLON. Note 1, page 49, line 13. By Bonnivard!-may none those marks efface. François de Bonnivard, fils de Louis de Bonnivard, originaire de Seyssel & Seigneur de Lunes, naquit en 1496; il fit ses études à Turin: en 1510 Jean Aimé de Bonnivard, son oncle, lui resigna le Prieuré de St. Victor, qui aboutissoit aux murs de Geneve, & qui formait un benefice considerable. Ce grand homme (Bonnivard mérite ce titre par la force de son âme, la droiture de son cœur, la noblesse de ses intentions, la sagesse de ses conseils, le courage de ses démarches, l'étendue de ses connaissances & la vivacité de son esprit,) ce grand homme, qui excitera l'admiration de tous ceux qu'une vertu héroïque peut encore émouvoir, inspirera encore la plus vive reconnaissance dans les cœurs des Genevois qui aiment Geneve. Bonnivard en fut toujours un des plus fermes appuis: pour assurer la liberté de nôtre République, il ne craignit pas de perdre souvent la sienne; il oublia son repos; il méprisa ses richesses; il ne négligea rien pour affermir le bonheur d'une patrie qu'il honora de son choix: dès ce moment il la chérit comme le plus zèlé de ses citoyens; il la servit avec l'intrépidité d'un héros, et il écrivit son Histoire avec la naïveté d'un philosophe & la chaleur d'un patriote. Il dit dans le commencement de son histoire de Geneve, que, dès qu'il eut commencé de lire l'histoire des nations, il se sentit entraîné par son goût pour les Républiques, dont il épou |