
SKETCHES FOR YOUTH. By Cæsar Malan.Seeleys.

WRITTEN in the most loving, beautiful spirit imaginable. Sweetly interesting it will be to children, and the few pretty pictures in it will enhance its value to them. We rejoice to behold, in imagination, this venerable servant of God bending over the lambs of the fold, obeying the Good Shepherd's injunction to feed them. May his hoary head be recognized as a crown of glory here, and invested hereafter with one far brighter, even the crown laid up for His people by the Lord Jesus Christ!

HEBREW READING LESSONS: consisting of the first four Chapters of the Book of Genesis, and the eighth Chapter of the Proverbs. With a Grammatical Praxis, and Interlineary Translation.—Bagster.

THIS appears to be extremely well suited to the purpose intended. It is very full, clear, and comprehensive, so far as the mode of arrangement, and the method of imparting instruction go. The literal translation of the Hebrew reads magnificently, and proves how much they lose who, with leisure and opportunity to increase their store of knowledge, prefer filling their heads with the disgusting trash y'clept "the classics," to acquainting themselves with the Word of God, as actually spoken by Him. We hope that the multiplication of elementary works on the Hebrew language indicates a

corresponding multiplication of its students. The Hebrew Concordance that we lately noticed is so valuable a help, that it really leaves the triflers in heathen literature wholly inexcusable.

THE COMING OF THE LORD TO JUDGE THE EARTH, doctrinally and practically considered, &c. By the Rev. Edward Gillson, B.A., Curate of Lyncombe and Widcombe, Bath-Nisbet.

WE rejoice to see another, and a valuable addition to the volumes of sound doctrine on this most momentous subject. Mr. Gillson gives the substance of a series of lectures, delivered in Bath, and published at the request of those to whom they were addressed. They are plain, practical, and scriptural; and will amply repay the perusal.

CALLS OF USEFULNESS.-Religious Tract Society.

A series of familiar calls,' or invitations to various imaginary persons, chiefly in humble life; showing that there is no station or position, no temporal disad vantage, wholly precluding an individual from rendering some service, acceptable to God, for the welfare of others. It is, like most of its class from the same source, eminently practical; and this is what we want.

GATHERED FLOWERS FROM A BIBLE CLASS; being a brief Memoir of two young Believers. By the Rev. Octavius Winslow.-Shaw.

INTERESTING records of two youthful learners at the Saviour's feet, given with all the improving remarks that might be expected from Mr. Winslow's pen. The profits are designed to increase the advantages already enjoyed by many at the Sabbath-school of that estimable minister, and this renders it the more gratifying to announce it.

SCRIPTURE OUTLINES: or a Course of Religious Instruction for the Sunday-School or the Family. Illustrated with Notes, Explanatory and Devotional, from the Writings of Eminent Divines. By J. Montague Randall, Curate of Lowestoft, Suffolk.-Seeleys.

We hope that we shall be readily pardoned for devoting so much space to works principally intended for juvenile instruction. It is a time of general cessation from the labour of teaching, and from the often uncongenial task of learning; and in recommending such a book as Mr. Randall's to the earnest attention of parents and instructors, we feel that we are helping to smooth a difficult path, and to brighten a dusky one. The work is very small; each day's outline of questions and their references occupying a single page; while its opposite one is devoted to select remarks from our best divines, of all sections in the Christian Church, adapted to supply the mind of the teacher with much that may be most profitably divided simple remarks, among the children.

again, in easy and

LEARNING TO ACT.-Religious Tract Society.

A SEQUEL to two preceding little books, entitled, "Learning to Think," and "Learning to Feel." Amusing and instructive.

"THE waters of the Earth," is another of the series of small books of Natural History and the general works of God in creation.

"THE Gift book for the Young" is a sort of miniature annual, confined to instructive and profitable subjects.

In addition to the annual Christian, Penny, PocketBook, and Sheet Almanacks, filled as usual with excellent matter, the Religious Tract Society have put forth a Scripture Pocket-Book, for 1816, containing an almanack, a text for every day, and much useful information.

AN APPEAL in behalf of the Jewish Nation, in connection with British policy in the Levant. By E. L. Mitford, Esq., Ceylon Civil Service.-Hatchards.

Ir is remarkable that, about the time of Colonel Gawler's admirable pamphlet making its appearance here, a kindred spirit was, unknowingly, putting the last hand in India to a work precisely similar in its general object, strengthened by a most pathetic appeal, founded on

events to which the author was a witness, in Africa and other distant lands.

We, of course, go most heartily along with Mr. Mitford in all that he can urge on behalf of those for whose sake we verily believe that England has been entrusted with her great power and wealth; but we must demur to one condition which the Author would impose on the Jews to be restored under British protection, because we should consider it scarcely less impious in a Jew to give than it would be unscripturally presumptuous in us to require, such a pledge. We greatly prefer Colonel Gawler's, as the better digested view; but Mr. Mitford has done a noble work too, in a noble spirit: may the Lord's blessing rest on both!

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