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Across and along, as the bay's breadth opens, and o'er us

Wild autumn exults in the wind, swift rapture and strong

Impels us, and broader the wide waves brighten before us Across and along.

The whole world's heart is uplifted, and knows not wrong;

The whole world's life is a chant to the sea-tide's chorus;

Are we not as waves of the water, as notes of the song?

Like children unworn of the passions and toils that wore us,

We breast for a season the breadth of the seas that throng,

Rejoicing as they, to be borne as of old they bore us

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Is good, or was held so, for ladies; but nought

In a song can be good if the turn of the verse is

Far-fetched and dear bought.

As the turn of a wave should it sound, and the thought

Ring smooth, and as light as the spray that disperses

Be the gleam of the words for the garb thereof wrought.

Let the soul in it shine through the sound as it pierces

Men's hearts with possession of music unsought;

For the bounties of song are no jealous god's mercies,

Far-fetched and dear bought. 1883.


A Roundel is wrought as a ring or a starbright sphere,

With craft of delight and with cunning of sound unsought,

That the heart of the hearer may smile if to pleasure his ear A roundel is wrought.

Its jewel of music is carven of all or of aught

Love, laughter, or mourning-remembrance of rapture or fearThat fancy may fashion to hang in the ear of thought.

As a bird's quick song runs round, and the hearts in us hear

Pause answers to pause, and again the same strain caught,

So moves the device whence, round as a pearl or tear,

A roundel is wrought.

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