
Lift up your hearts"

We lift them up unto the Lòrd " Let us give thanks unto our Lord God" It is meet and right sò to do """

It is very meet' rìght' and our bounden dùty that we should at all tìmes" and in all plàces ' give tha`nks unto thee' Ō Lörd' Hōly Father' Almighty' everlasting God"" Therefore with àngels and àrchangels' and with all the company of Heaven' we laud' and magnify thy glorious name ' evermore praising thee and faying holy hōly Lord God of hofts and Earth are fu`ll of thy glory" Glòry be to thee' Ō Lōrd mōst High =



We do not prefume to come to this thy tableŌ mērciful Lord' trufting in our own righteoufnefs' but in thy manifold and great mercies "!! We are not worthy fo much as to gather up the crumbs under thy table" but thou art the same Lord'


whofe property is'àlways to have mercy"! Grant us therefore' gracious Lord' sò to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jefus Christ' and to drink his bloo'd' that our fi`nful bodies' may be made clèan' by hi`s body" and our souls washed through his most precious blood" and that wè' may evermore dwell in him' and hè' in u`s =

Almighty God' our Heavenly Father' who' of thy tender mercy' didft give thine only Son Jefus Chrift to fuffer upon the cross' for our redemption" who made there' by his one oblation of himself once offered a full' perfect' and fuffi`cient facrifice oblation and fatisfaction' for the fins of the whole world" and did i`nstitute' and in his holy Gospel command us to continue' a perpe`tual memory of that his precious death' until his coming agai`n" Hear us O merciful Father' we most humbly beseech thee and grant that we' receiving



receiving these thy creatures of bread and wine according to thy Son our Saviour Jefus Chrift's holy inftitution' in reme'mbrance of his death and paffion' may be partakers of his moft bleffed body and blood" Who' in the fame night that he was betrayed' took bread" and when he had given thanks he brake it" and gave it to his Disciples' faying" Take' eat' this is my body which is given for you' do this in remembrance of mè "". Likewife after fupper he took the cup" and when he had given thanks he gave it to them faying" Drink ye all of this for this is my blood of the New Teftament' which is fhed for you' and for many fo`r the remiffion of fins "Do this' as oft as ye fhall drink it in remembrance of me =

The body of our Lord Jefus Christ' which was given for thee' preferve th`y body and foul unto everlafting life" Take"

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and eat thi's' in remembrance that Chrift died for thèe' and feed on him in thy heart by faith' and thanksgi`ving =

The blood of our Lord Jefus Christ' which was fhed for thee' prefe`rve thy body and foul unto everlasting life"" Drink thi's in remembrance that Chrift's blood was fhed for thèe' and be thankful

O Lord' and Heavenly Father' we thy humble fervants' entirely defire thy fatherly goodness mercifully to accept thi`s our facrifice of pràife and thanksgiving" most humbly befeeching thee to grant' that by the merits and death of thy Son Jefus Christ' and through faith in his blood' we' and all thy whole Church' may obtain remiffion of our fins' and all o'ther benefits of his paffion" And here we offer and present unto thee' O Lord' ourfelves' our souls and bo'dies' to be a rèafonable' hòly' and lively facrifice unto thee"


THE ART OF READING. thee "" Humbly befeeching thee that all we' who are parta'kers of this Holy Communion may be fulfilled with thy grace and Heavenly benediction "" And although we be unworthy' through our manifold sins' to offer unto thee any facrifice' yet we beseech thee to accept this our bounden duty and service" not weighing our merits' but pardoning our offe`nces' through Jefus Christ our Lord" by whom' and with whom' in the unity of the Holy Ghost' all honour and glory be unto thee' ● Fäther Almighty' world without end

Glory be to Gōd on high" and on ea`rth' peace' good will towards me'n "" We praise thee' we bless thee' we worship thee' we glorify thee we give thanks to thee for thy great glory' O Lord God" Heavenly King" God the Father' Almighty" O Lord' the only begotten Son Jefu Chrift" O Lord God' Lamb of God' So`n of the Father'

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