
school, he was very diligent, and, according to his opportunities, made considerable proficiency: and when at home, instead of spending all his time in play, he was often occupied in reading his Bible, in which he had turned down many passages which had engaged his particular attention. At one time, being very unwell, his mother was talking to him about death. Upon her asking him, if he should like to die, and go to heaven, he replied, "I should not mind dying, if I knew that I was prepared for heaven, but I am afraid I am not. I should therefore like to live to be a man, that I might be made a good man, and be prepared for glory." He was very fond of attending the chapel, where he paid great attention to what he heard; and generally took his Bible, as soon as he returned home, and finding the text, would read it to us. He was remarkable for his steady conduct, and was much beloved for his good and proper deportment by the servants and work-people. His health was considerably impaired for some time; and from Friday, Feb. 15th, 1822, it rapidly declined. He now frequently requested those who attended on him to pray with him, saying that he did not feel himself fit to die. But on the 21st, after I had been con versing and praying with him, he said, “Father, I am quite happy; the LORD has for CHRIST's sake pardoned all my sins! O what a good God, to pardon me! He would have all men go to heaven; but men are so wicked that they will not walk in the way that leads to it. They love sin. The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God,' but there is; and a good God too! He is good to me; He is making me holy. I felt my load of sin fall off; and am very happy." The following day he said, "I am not afraid to die; do not grieve; I shall go to heaven." In the morning of the 23d his faith appeared to be still stronger: He again said, "I am very happy; I shall go to heaven; I would rather die, lest, if I live longer, I should sin against GOD. Bless the LORD! he is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! he is worthy to be loved. Though I pass through the deep waters, I am not afraid; he



will bring me through them." He then repeated the LORD's prayer with peculiar emphasis. Shortly after, he said, "Father, you must go in the morning to preach at the place of your appointment." I said, "Not unless you be better;" to which he replied, "O yes, father, the people must not be neglected; do not displease the LORD! It would be a pity to neglect them now that they are willing to hear." Some time after, he said, "The LORD loves and guards me as a shepherd does his sheep. I am not afraid to die: I am saved: the LORD may cut me down, or raise me up; I know I am saved." After this he said but little, but continued to manifest a strong confidence in the Gop of his salvation, and was remarkably patient and thankful for the attention paid to him. On Sunday, March 3d, his spirit took its flight to the paradise of GoD. His age was nine years and nearly ten months.

Shouldham, Norfolk.



Who died at Tipton, Staffordshire, March 4, 1822, in the 17th Year of her Age.



My late dear ELIZABETH was a subject of divine influence from her childhood, of which satisfactory' evidence appeared when she was only eight years old. But the good effects of those early impressions of the HOLY SPIRIT were counteracted by a volatile disposition, and passed away as " a morning cloud" so that when she was in her fourteenth year, she was induced to go with some of her companions to what is termed a Wake. Among the amusements, provided for the occasion, was a swing-boat or car, into which she' and others entered. They had not enjoyed their diversion long, before the apparatus by which the car was suspended gave way, and they were precipitated with violence to the ground, by which she suffered a severe contusion in one of her arms. The injury then received is supposed to have sapped the foundation of


her constitution, as she never afterwards appeared to enjoy her former health, but became subject to many pains and weaknesses, which terminated in a pulmonary affection, and in her death. I have often lamented this affair; and would warn every young person, who reads this, carefully to abstain from amusements which are connected with danger to their minds or bodies. As for Wakes, so many evils have often resulted from them, (especially to young people,) that I earnestly

wish their total abolition.

When my dear child became afflicted, it pleased the ALMIGHTY to re-visit her with the drawings and convictions of his HOLY SPIRIT, to which she promptly yielded. And now she fully saw and felt the vanity of all earthly enjoyments, if pursued as the source of permanent happiness, and began with earnest solicitude to seek after spiritual and heavenly things. She was deeply convinced of sin, and could not be happy without an interest in her SAVIOUR. About this time, she paid a visit to her sister-in-law, who, discovering the anxiety of her mind after the things of Gon, took her to a class-meeting. She continued to attend these valuable means of grace, till it pleased the LORD, at one of them, to speak peace to her troubled mind, and to blot out all her sins. The evidence she gave of her having received the blessing of pardon was truly satisfactory to those with whom she resided. On her return home, also, it soon ap peared that a great and saving change had passed upon her mind for now she trifled no more; her Bible was her constant companion, and private prayer her daily practice. At times, while in her closet, her heart was so engaged in holy exercises, that her voice was heard by passengers, who often stopped to listen to her fervent supplications. As her heart was filled with the love of GoD, she was anxious that other children might share with her in the hea venly gift; and especially, that the younger branches of our own family might partake of the blessing. With them she very often prayed, and gave them suitable instructions as to the necessity and method of




salvation. When she became weaker, and, from the distance, was unable to attend the chapel, it was her custom to collect a number of children on the Lord's day, with whom she conversed and prayed. A divine unction attended these efforts of her youthful zeal and love; so that the little ones were often bathed in tears. She delighted in endeavouring to imitate her REDEEMER, by doing good according to her power. Hence, she often visited her neighbours from house to house; and in the spirit of meekness and affection, spoke to them about the things of eternity. About three weeks before her death, she was confined to her room, under much pain and affliction, which she supported, by divine grace, with great patience and humi lity. On the Sabbath prior to her death, she desired to see some of the Sunday-School children. A select number were introduced to her. On this occasion, one of the teachers made inquiries respecting her experience, and hope of heaven, to which she gave such replies, as convinced her christian friends that her faith was fixed on the LORD JESUS CHRIST as the Rock of her salvation. She observed, "I shall soon spend with JESUS an endless sabbath." At this time her pain was violent, but the presence of the LORD so tempered it, that she rejoiced in hope of the glory of GOD; and with all her remaining strength, exhorted the children who stood around her bed, to prepare for death and eternity, saying, "Ah! do not put it (i. e. salvation) off. It is hard work to do a little, (meaning on a dying bed,) but it will be harder to have it all to do. Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of MAN cometh."" On Monday, the 4th of March, 1822, her happy spirit returned to Gon that gave it, in the seventeenth year of her age. We now deplore the loss of a very dutiful and obedient child; and our young friends here that of a faithful and affectionate companion: but she has guined the heavenly prize. May all the dear young persons who shall read this very brief sketch, (for much more might have been said of the effects of divine grace which shone forth in her,) receive by it an eternal blessing. THOMAS RAY BONE.



(From "Time's Telescope for 1822.")

"SEPTEMBER is generally accounted the finest and most settled month in the year. The mornings and evenings are cool, but possess a delightful freshness, while the middle of the day is pleasantly warm and open; occasionally, boasting

Soft evenings, which are as serene

In their cerulean skies, and setting suns,

And clouds gold-feathered,-as the summer ones."

"The swallow now takes its departure for warmer regions. Many of the small-billed birds that feed on insects disappear when the cold weather commences. The throstle, the red-wing, and the fieldfare, which migrated in March, now return; and the ring-ouzel arrives from the Welsh and Scottish alps to winter in more sheltered situations.

"There are in blow, in this month, nasturtia, China-aster, marigolds, sweet peas, mignionette, golden rod, stocks, Tangier pea, holy-oak, Michaelmas daisy, in fine weather quite clustered with bees, saffron, and ivy. The following also may be added as flowering in September: the flowering rush, much esteemed by British botanists as being the only plant, a native of this island, which belongs to the class Enneandria of Linnæus ; amallage, the root of which in its wild state, when growing near water, is fetid, acrid, and noxious; but when cultivated it loses these properties, and the root and lower part of the leafstalks and stem, blanched by covering them up with earth, are eaten raw, and become the esteemed and well-known celery, a valuable antiscorbutic. This singular property is very common in the vegetable kingdom, and is a most powerful and pleasing illustration of the beneficial effects of industry, and of the plastic properties of vegetables, which from acrid poisons are converted into salutary osculents.

Various of the feathered tribe now commence their autumnal music; among these, the thrush, the blackbird, and the woodlark, are conspicuous. The phalæna russu's and the saffron-butterfly appear in this month.

"The woolly excrescences are now found on the dog-rose. They are formed by a small fly, which, piercing the tender bud with its sting, sheds a drop of liquid, together with its eggs. The circulation of the juices of the plant becomes impeded and irritated, and the leaves take the shape of hair-like fiia:nents, curling into a ball; withinside this is the nest of young insects, first maggots, then chrysales, from which escapes the perfect fly, when the fungus becomes dry, and crumbles to pieces.

"Herrings pay their annual visit to England in this month, and afford a rich harvest to the inhabitants of its eastern and western coasts.

The autumnal equinox happens on the 22d of September, and, at this time, the days and nights are equal all over the

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