

Quo constat olim robore civitas ? non turris altæ mole nec aggeris, fossaque munitisque portis;

nec specie superante nubes

fastigia effert si decus urbium, nec tutus amplo si spatio sinus portum tuetur, qua beatas

pax retinet maris alta classes:

distincta gemmis atria nil valent, ignobilis qua conciliat favor

mentes superbas. At virorum

corda regens generosa virtus,

men who their duties know,

but know their rights; and knowing dare maintain, prevent the long-aim'd blow,

and crush the tyrant while they rend the chain.

These constitute a state,

and sovereign Law, that state's collected will,

o'er thrones and globes elate

sits empress, crowning good, repressing ill.


qua lege præstant ingenio feris

dumosa silvæ tesqua colentibus,

quantum ipsa gens præstat rubetis

et scopulis rudibus ferarum;

qui certa norunt munera, qui suum jure arrogantes jus sibi vindicant,

arcentque diffractis tyranni

compedibus minitantis ictum.

Hoc freta constat robore civitas;

et lege quod vult imperat, et sedens

regina terrarum, tuetur

sceptra probis, cohibetque fraudem.


As I was walking all alane

I heard twa corbies making a mane; the tane unto the t'other say, 'Where sall we gang and dine to-day?'

'In behint yon auld fail dyke,

I wot there lies a new-slain knight; and naebody kens that he lies there, but his hawk, his hound, and lady fair.

'His hound is to the hunting gane,

his hawk to fetch the wild-fowl hame,

his lady's ta'en another mate,

so we may mak our dinner sweet.



AUDIVI geminos corvos ego rauca querentes, dum solus nuper per loca sola vagor.

respiciens vetus æquævum rogat alter amicum, "Optatis dapibus sors erit unde frui?"


Qua procul aggesto tollit se cæspite moles, porrigitur cæsus gramine nuper eques,

at quo projicitur soli novere cadaver

cum catulo accipiter sponsaque falsa locum.

urget adhuc catulus pavidæ vestigia damæ, accipiter visam mittere nescit avem ; blandior amplexu sponsam tenet alter amantem, optatis dapibus nos jubet hora frui.

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