
The following day Sir Hudson Lowe landed, and was installed as governor, with the customary forms. A message was then sent to Longwood, that the new governor would visit Napoleon at nine o'clock on the following morning. Accordingly, a little before that time, Sir Hudson Lowe arrived in the midst of a pelting storm of rain and and followed by his numerous staff. As wind, accompanied by Sir George Cockburn the hour fixed upon was rather unseasonable, and one at which Napoleon had never received any person, intimation was given to the governor on his arrival, that Napoany visitors that morning. This appeared to disconcert Sir Hudson Lowe, who, after pacing up and down before the windows of the drawing-room for a few minutes, demanded at what time on the following day he could be introduced; two o'clock was fixed upon for the interview, at which time he arrived, accompanied as before by the admiral, and his staff. They were at first ushered into the dining room, behind which was the saloon, where they were to be received. A proposal was made by Si George Cockburn to Sir Hudson Lowe, that the latter should be introduced by him, as being, in his opinion, the most official and proper manner of resigning to him the charge of the prisoner; for which purpose, Sir George suggested, that they should enter the room together. This was acceded to by Sir Hudson Lowe. At the door of the drawing-room stood Novarre, one of the French valets, whose business it was to duced. After waiting a few minutes, the announce the names of the persons intro. door was opened and the governor called for. As soon as the word governor, was

leon was indisposed, and could not receive,

vernment, descriptive of part of the operations of 1814. I pointed them out to him, the last time I saw him, and asked him, Est-ce vous, Monsieur? He replied, Yes.' I told him that they were pleines de faussetees et de sottises. He shrugged up his shoulders, appeared confused, and replied, J'ai cru voir cela.' If,' continued he, those letters were the only accounts he sent, he betrayed his country.'

pronounced, Sir Hudson Lowe started up, and stepped forward so hastily, that he entered the room before Sir George Cockburn was well apprized of it. The door was then closed, and when the admiral presented himself, the valet, not having heard his name called, told him that he could not enter. Sir Hudson Lowe remained about a quarter of an hour, with Napoleon, during which the conversation was chiefly carried on in Italian, and subsequently the officers of his staff were introduced.think some vigilance necessary, may The admiral did not again apply for admitbe inferred from the following note in rance. Mr. O'Meara's diary

If this was not a studied insult, we are at a loss to imagine what can be considered as one. Soon after this occurrence, he asked Mr. O'Meara if he took any fees for attending sick people on the island, and seemed surprised when an answer was returned in the negative

'Corvisart,' said he,

notwithstanding his being my first physician, possessed of great wealth, and in the habit of receiving many rich presents from me, constantly took a Napoleon for each visit he paid to the sick. In your country, particularly, every man has his trade: the member of parliament takes money for his vote, the ministers for their places, the lawyers for their opinion.'

A coarser or more intolerable insult than the following, as related by Bonaparte himself, p. 47. cannot be imagined:

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During the short interview that this governor had with me in my bed-chamber,' | continued he, one of the first things which he proposed was, to send you away, and to take his own surgeon in your place. This he repeated twice; and so earnest was he to gain his object, that although I gave him a most decided refusal, when he was going out he turned about and again proposed it. I never saw such a horrid countenance.-He sat on a chair opposite to my sofa, and on the little table between us there was a cup of coffee. His physiognomy made such an unfavourable impression on me, that I thought his looks had poisoned it, and I ordered Marchand to throw it out of the window; I could not have swallowed it for the world.'

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That Sir Hudson Lowe might well


Informed by Cipriani, that in the beginning of 1815 he had been sent from Elba to Leghorn, to purchase 100,000 francs worth of furniture for Napoleon's palace. During his stay he became very intimate with a person named ・・・, who private intimation was sent to him, that it

had a

at Vienna, from whom a

was the determination of the congress of Vienna to send the emperor to St. Helena, and even had sent him a paper containing the substance of the agreement, a copy of which he gave to Cipriani, who departed instantly for Elba, to communicate the information he had received to the emperor. This, with the confirmation which he afterwards received from M*** A** and M *** at Vienna, contributed to determine Napoleon to attempt the recovery of his throne.

At p. 93 we have another proof of his wish to affront the governor :—

He then said, that governor came here yesterday to annoy me. He saw me walking in the garden, and in consequence I could not refuse to see him. He wanted to enter into some details with me, about reducing the expenses of the establishment. He had the audacity to tell me that things were as he found them, and that he came up to justify himself: that he had come up two or three times before to do So, but that I was in a bath. I replied, No, Sir, I was not in a bath, but I ordered one on purpose not to see you. In endeavouring to justify yourself, you make matters worse.' He said that I did not know him; that if I knew him, I should change my opinion, Know you, Sir,' I answered,

How could I know you? People make themselves known by their actions; by commanding in battles. commanded in battle.

You have never You have never

stead of allowing the sons of peasants and laborers to be eligible to be made generals, as they were in my time; they want to confine it entirely to the old nobility, to

you have seen all the old nobility of France before the revolution. Such were all the race, and such they have returned, ignorant, vain, and arrogant as they left it. They were the cause of the revolution, and of so much blood-shed; and now, after twentyfive years of exile and disgrace, they return loaded with the same vices and crimes for which they were expatriated, to produce another revolution. I know the French. Believe me, that after six or ten years, the whole race will be massacred, and thrown into the Seine.'

commanded any but vagabond Corsican | old system of nobility into the army. In.. deserters. Piedmontese and Neapolitan brigands. I know the name of every English general who has distinguished himself, but I never heard of you except as a scrivino [clerk] to Blucher, or as a comman-emigres like that old blockhead Montchenu; dant of brigands. You have never commanded, or been accustomed to men of honor. He said, that he had not sought for the employment. I told him that such employments were not asked for; that they were given by governments to people who had dishonored themselves. He said, that he only did his duty, and that I ought not to blame him, as he only acted according to his orders. I replied, So does the hangman. He acts according to Iris orders. But when he puts a rope round my neck to finish me, is that a reason that I should like that hangman, because he acts accord- To give you an instance of the general ing to his orders? Besides I do not be- feeling in France towards the Bourbons, lieve that any government could be so mean I will relate to you an anecdote. On my as to give such orders as you cause to be return from Italy, while my carriage was: executed.' I told him, that if he pleased, ascending the steep hill of Tarare, I got he need not send up any thing to eat.- out and walked up, without any attendants, That I would go over and dine at the ta- as was often my custom. My wife, and ble of the brave officers of the 53d.; that my suite, were at a little distance behind I was sure there was not one of them who me. I saw an old woman, lame, and hobwould not be happy to give a plate at the bling about with the help of a crutch, entable to an old soldier. That there was deavouring to ascend the mountain. I not a soldier in the regiment who had not had a great coat on, and was not recognis more heart than he had. That in the ini-ed. I went up to her and said, Well, ma› quitous bill of parliament, they had decreed | bonne, where are you going with a haste that I was to be treated as a prisoner, but that he treated me worse than a condemned criminal, or a galley slave, as those were permitted to receive newspapers and printed books, which he deprived me of." I said, You have power over my body, but none over my soul. That soul is as proud, fierce, and determined, at the present moment, as when it commanded Europe.'I told him that he was a sbirro Siciliano, and not an Englishman; and desired him not to let me see him again until he came with orders to dispatch me, when he would find all the doors thrown open to admit him. I asked him, if the king of Prussia was a man of talent. 'Who,' said he, the king of Prussia?' He burst into a fit of laughter. He a man of talent! The greatest blockhead on earth. A Don Quixote in appearance. I know him

well. He cannot hold a conversation for five minutes. Not so his wife. She was a very clever, fine woman, but very unfortunate. He then conversed for a considerable time about the Bourbons.

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which so little belongs to your years?— What is the matter? 'ma foi,' replied the old dame, they tell me the emperor is here, and I want to see him before I die." Bah, bah, said I, what do you want to see him for? What have you gained by him? He is a tyrant as well as the others. You have only changed one tyrant for another, Louis for Napoleon. mais, monsiè ur,' that may be; but, after all, he is the king of the people, and the Bourbons were the kings of the nobles. We have chosen him, and if we are to have a tyrant, let him be one chosen by ourselves. There,' said he,' you have the sentiments of the French nation expressed by an old woman.'

The account of Moreau's death, as coming from Bonaparte, is well worthy of quotation.

"In the battle before Dresden, I or dered an attack to be made upon the allies by both flanks of my army. While the manoeuvres for this purpose were executing, the centre remained motionless. At the distance of about from this to the outer gate,



themselves to skies of fire, and then siuk ing into the occan of flame below. Oh, if was the most grand, the most sublime, and the most terrific sight the world ever be held!!



My chaise the village inn did gain,
Just as the setting sun's last ray
Tipp'd, with refulgent gold, the vane'
Of the old church across the way.
Across the way I silent sped,
The time till supper to beguile,
In moralizing o'er the dead
That moulder'd round the ancient pile.
There many a humble green grave show'd
Where want, and pain, and toil did rest;
And many a flattering stone I view'd
O'er those who once had wealth possess'd.
A faded beech its shadow brown
Threw o'er a grave where sorrow slept,
On which, though scarce with grass o'er-

which they were built. This, together with the violence of the wind, rendered every effort to extinguish the fire ineffectual. I myself narrowly escaped with life. In order to show an example, I ventured into the midst of the flames, and had my hair and eye-brows singed, and my clothes burnt off my back; but it was in vain, as they had destroyed most of the pumps, of which there were above a thousand; out of all these, I believe that we could only find one that was serviceable. Besides, the wretches that had been hired by Rostopchin ran about in every quarter, disseminating fire with their matches; in which they were but too much assisted by the wind. This terrible conflagration ruined every thing. I was prepared for every thing but this. It was unforseen, for who would have thought that a nation would have set its capital on fire? the inhabitants themselves however, did all they could to extinguish it, and several of them perished in their endeavours. They also brought before us numbers of the incendiaries with their matches, as amidst such a population wenever could have discovered them ourselves. I caused about two hundred of these wretches to be shot. Had it not been for this fatal fire, I had every thing my army wanted; excellent winter quarters; stores of all kinds were in plenty; and the next year would have decided it. Alexander would have made peace, or I would have been in Petersburgh." I asked if he thought that he could entirely subdue Russia. "No," replied Napoleon; "but I would have caused Russia to make such a peace as suited the interests of France. The little boy, in accents sweet, I was five days too late in quitting Mos- Replied, while tears cach other chas'd : Several of the generals," continued "Oh! Ma'am, we've not enough to eat ; he, "were burnt out of their beds. I my- "Oh! if we had, we would not waste. self remained in the Kremlin until sur"But sister Mary's naughty grown, rounded with flames. The fire advanced,« And will not eat, whate'er I say; seized the Chinese and Indian warehouses, and several stores of oil and spirits, which burst forth in flames and overwhelmed every thing. I then retired to a country house of the Emperor Alexander's, distant about a league from Moscow, and you may figure to yourself the intensity of the fire," when I tell you, that you could scarcely bear your hands upon the walls or the windows on the side next to Moscow, in consequence of their heated state. It was the spectacle of a sea and billows of fire, a sky and clouds of flame; mountains of red rolling flames; like immense waves of the sea, alternately bursting forth and elevating


Two ragged children sat and wept.
Which neither seem'd inclin'd to take;
A piece of bread between them lay,
And yet they look'd so much a prey
To want, it made my heart to ache.


My little children, let me know "Why you in such distress appear; "And why you wasteful from you throw "That bread, which many a one would cheer ?"

"Though sure I am the bread's her own,
"For she has tasted none to-day."
Till Henry eats, I'll eat no more:
"Indeed", the wan, starv'd Mary said,
For yesterday I got some bread;
He's had none since the day before."
My heart did swell, my bosom heave,
I felt as though depriv'd of speech;
Silent I sat upon the grave,
And press'd the clay-cold hand of each.
With looks that told a tale of woe,
With looks that spoke a grateful heart,
The Shivering boy then nearer drew,
And did his simple tale impart.

The following is Bonaparte's ac-. count of the burning of Moscow.

I observed a group of persons collected to- | edge of the island, which was about eightý gether on horseback. Concluding that toises distant from the opposite bank, where they were endeavouring to observe my ma- the enemy was. They perceived us, and nœuvres, I resolved to disturb them, and knowing me by the little hat and grey coat, called to a captain of artillery, who com- they pointed a three-pounder at us. The manded a field battery of eighteen or twenty ball passed between Oudinot and me, and pieces: "Jettez une douzaine de boulets was very close to both of us. We put a la fois dans ce group la, peutetre il y en spurs to our horses, and speedily got out a quelques petits generaux." (Throw a of sight. Under the actual circumstances, dozen of bullets at once into that group; the attack was little better than murder, perhaps there are some little generals in it.) but if they had fired a dozen guns at once It was done instantly. One of the balls they must have killed us. struck Moreau, carried off both his legs, and went through his horse. Many more, I believe, who were near him, were killed and wounded. A moment before, Alexander had been speaking to him. Moreau's legs were amputated not far from the spot. One of his feet, with the boot upon it, which the surgeon had thrown upon the ground, was brought by a peasant to the king of Saxony, with information that some officer of great distinction had been struck by a cannon shot. The king, conceiving that the name of the person might perhaps be discovered by the boot, sent it to me. It was examined at my head-quarters, but ail that could be ascertained was, that the boot was neither of English nor of French manufacture. The next day we were informed that it was the leg of Moreau. It is not a little extraordinary," continued Napoleon," that in an action a short time afterwards, I ordered the same artillery officer, with the same guns, and under nearly similar circumstances, to throw eighteen or twenty bullets at once into a concourse of officers collected together, by which General St. Priest, another Frenchman, a traitor and a man of talent, who had a command in the Russian army, was killed, along with many others. Nothing," continued the Emperor, "is more destructive than a discharge of a dozen or more guns at once amongst a group of persons. From one or two they may escape; but from a number discharged at a time, it is almost impossible. After Esling, when I had caused my army to go over to the isle of Lobau, there was for some weeks, by common and tacit consent on both sides between the soldiers, not by any agreement hetween the generals, a cessation of firing, which indeed had produced no benefit, and only killed a few unfortunate sentinels.— I rode out every day in different directions. No person was molested on either side. One day, however, riding along with Oudinot, I stopped for a moment upon the

I was in the midst of a fine city, provisioned for a year, for in Russia they always lay in provisions for several months before the frost sets in. Stores of all kinds were in plenty. The houses of the inhabitants were well provided, and many had even left their servants to attend upon us. In most of them there was a note left by the proprietor, begging the French officers who took possession to take care of their furniture and other things; that they had left every thing necessary for our wants, and hoped to return in a few days, when the emperor Alexander had accommodated matters, at which time they would be hap py to see us. Many ladies remained be hind. They knew that I had been in Berlin and Vienna with my armies, and' that no injury had been done to the inhabitants; and moreover, they expected a speedy peace. We were in hopes of enjoying ourselves in winter quarters, with every prospect of success in the spring.Two days after our arrival, a fire was discovered, which at first was not supposed to be alarming, but to have been caused by the soldiers kindling their fires too near the houses, which were chiefly of wood. I was very angry at this, and issued very strict orders on the subject to commandants of regiments and others. The next day it had advanced, but still not so as to give serious alarm, However, afraid that it might gain upon us, I went out on horseback, and gave every direction to extinguish it.' The next morning a violent wind arose, and the fire spread with the greatest rapidity, Some hundred miscreants, hired for that purpose, dispersed themselves in different parts of the town, and with matches which they concealed under their cloaks, set fire to as many houses to windward as they could, which was easily done, in consequence of the combustible materials of

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