
would wish much to see her in a character | found interesting and instructive to my in which she could fully display her his trionic power.

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I am, &c.



An Abridgment of Paradise Lost.
By Mrs. SIDDONS. Murray, 1822,

5s. 6d. 辜

own children, might not be wholly unprofitable to those of others; and, in that hope, I have been persuaded to the present publication.

Such an explanation removes all appearance of absurdity or presumption in the design; and if our children are to be familiarised with Milton, we consider the present method far better Milton's Paradise Lost has, at va-than the common one of short and rious times, undergone some very disconcerted extracts, such as are found. strange transformations. Dryden me-in our common school antholigies.→→→ tamorphosed it into an heroic play. We confess, however, that we have One learned gentleman, observing that doubts as to the propriety of the prothe delight and edification which many ceeding altogether. Even by the mass worthy persons received from Mr. of adult readers, from causes which we Milton's excellent poem,' was greatly have not time to enumerate, Paradise diminished by the outre and perplex- Lost is almost as little understood as ing nature of the verse, kindly under- Newton's Principia. To appreciate took to tag the lines with rhyme; in Milton's real beauties, and even to imitation, we suppose, of a brother comprehend his meaning, in any conwiseacre of old, who rendered a some-siderable degree, demands a variety of what similar service to the Iliad: and requisites, such as few possess; nor another, with different, but equally would it be any great loss, in this relaudable intentions, converted it into spect at least, if Paradise Lost were, honest brown brick prose.' The like the Bible, in the middle ages, a idea of abridging Paradise Lost may, sealed book to the multitude. But if at first sight, appear to savour of a si- this is the case with mature readers, milar absurdity. Mrs. S., however, how much more with children. shall speak for herself:vein of reflection, too, which pervades The following Abridgment of the Para-it, and distinguishes it from the great dise Lost was made several years ago for the purpose of being read by my children. epic poems of antiquity, and the com A taste for the sublime and beautiful is parative want of story and character, an approach to virtue; and I was naturally conspire to render it far less attractive desirous that their minds should be inspired in the eyes of youth than its rivals, the with an early admiration of Milton. The Iliad and Odyssey. We do not mean, perfection of his immortal poem is seldom of course, that young persons find no appreciated by the young; and its perusal is, perhaps, very generally regarded rather meaning, or feel no interest, in Paraas a duty than a pleasure. This has been dise Lost; we only think, that the attributed by Dr. Johnson to the want of gratification and instruction they are human interest. In those passages, there- likely to derive from thence, are not fore, which I selected for our evening read- such as to compensate for the injury · ings, my purpose was to obviate this objection, by bringing before my family, in which, we think, may result in various uninterrupted connexion, those parts ways. We shall only mention one which relate to the fate of our first parents; instance that palling of the mental and by omitting every thing, however ex- appetite, of which Lord Byron so quisite in its kind, which did not immediately bear on their affecting and important feelingly complains in the



story. Some friends lately suggested to of Horace, and which we have me, that the Abstract, which had been ourselves experienced with regard to

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the speeches of Moloch and Belial, to us one of the most entertaining the Morning Hyma, and other stock parts of the poem. On the other extracts; the last mentioned passage, hand, the celestial dialogue in book after all, appeared to us flat and meagre 3, is judiciously expunged; the openat the time, in comparison with the ing address to Light, however, appears, parallel one of Thomson. We are a in consequence, somewhat irrelevant. good deal of the mind of those Italian The Paradise of Fools, and other teachers mentioned by Lord Byron, in marvels of this book, are likewise his note on the passage of Childe Ha- omitted. The description of Paradise, rold above alluded to, who consider in book 4th, is given almost entire; it a sort of profanation to make use of we wonder, however, that the lines, the old and approved writers as schools About them frisking play'd,' &c. A. books. If, however, Milton is to be 340, were not retained. The domesabridged for the purpose in question, tic scenes, in this and the other books, we think our author's plan, as stated are printed almost without abridgment. in the preface, the best which can be The 6th book, notwithstanding Dr. followed. Probably the judgment of Johnson's observation, that it is the faher audience coincided with that of a vourite of children, is wholly omitted; lady of our acquaintance, of ordinary as is likewise the 7th, probably the but unsophisticated taste, to whom most unattractive of the whole. In the domestic scenes afforded unmixed the 8th, on the contrary, the most delight, while the sublimities wearied delightful of all, the philosophical disand confused. We have only room, cussion at the beginning is almost the however, to add to this general ex-only passage retrenched. The repression of approbation, a few remarks mainder of the abridgment requires on the detail of the performance. In the first book, the speeches of are rather sorry to see that the whole no particular remark: except, that we Satan are, properly, shortened. are less satisfied with the omission of The 12th book, though a favourite of We of the vision in book 11th is wanting. all from 1.643 to 1034, of the 2d ours, may very safely be spared; as book; with the exception of the epi- has indeed been done by Mrs. S. with sode of Sin and Death, which, of the exception of the concluding paracourse, could not be retained. The graphs. wanderings of Satan used to appear

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Blythe, blythe and merry season!
Blythe, welcome round again!
Blythe, bring the feast of reason!"
Joy, kindness, balm for pain!

How gloomy, dreary, were our life,
Without the beams of social joy!
Our hearts to join-to banish strife,
To dry the tears that bliss annoy!
Blythe, blythe, &c.

On life's dark way we'd weary sink,
Without a resting place from care,
How happy when a cheering blink,
Of kindness leads where trav❜llers fare!
Blythe, blythe, &c.

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To the Editor of the Melange.


I've ta'en

The pen, to let you ken, how fain
I'm to express my approbation,
In this auld style o' plain narration,
O'the new beuk that ye ha'e prentet ;
Indeed, its like was sairly wantet,
In this great city, whar there's plenty
O science, arts, ilk thing that's dainty-
But I'll mak just ae short remark
Upon your worthy, weekly wark.

I think it was a whim most strange,
To title your beuk the Melange;
The readers dinna a' ken French,
Though they may sport some ither branch.
You'd laugh to hear how it's misca't,
Though maybe this is no your faut :
My Grand-papa began to read it,

But faith he couldna weel unthread it

Melange a queer name for a beuk-
Took out his specks-a second leuk-
Melange-then gied anither glowr,
I never saw't unto this hour.
He plied the dictionar richt sair,
But cudna fin sic a word there,
Then hastily proceeded farer,
Convinc'd 'twas typographic error;
Till Tam, his gran-son happit past,
Wha solv'd the mystery at last.

Says he, this word has come frae France,
And gies the title consequence.
It here means medley o' a' matter,

That feeds men's pens, keeps tongues in clatter.

The auld man, dumfounder'd, scratch'd his head ;
This name behoves focks learn'd an' read;
The Editor might gien't in Scotch,
It's naething mair than a hotch potch."

Though it is modish in our days,
To name in Greek and Latin phrase,
Ye needna ap'd these great high-fliers
Till ance we've a' turn'd Frenchifiers.

But Sir, I'll pardon thae abuses,
An' frankly tak your best excuses,
Provided you redeem the title,

An' show your learnin' an' your mettle--
Mix up the witty-the historic-
The grave-the deep laid allegoric-
Rare scraps frae literature and art-
Poetic fancies, sweet and smart-
Let merit ever ha'e its due-

An' gude sense turn the scale wi you;
In fine, let talent be the leader,

An' I'll remain

Your Constant Reader.

N. B.-Print this, 'twill be an explanation,
An' cause your friens nae mair vexation.

Bailie Nicol Jarvio's Laun,
Nineteendays afore New'rday.


Farewell-farewell, since it must be,
Farewell-perhaps for ever;
But roam I, or by land or sea,
Shall I forget thee ?-never.

I ne'er can banish from my mind,'
The beauty of thy form;

I'll hear thee in the gentle wind,
And see thee in the storm.

Should our proud ship be toss'd at sea,
And hope flee from the helm ;
My last sad thought shall be of thee,
Though wreck and waves o'erwhelm.

But should we reach our port all well,'
My heart shall never waver;

I'll think on thee, and this farewell-
I'll love thee-yes, for ever,


I saw the moonbeams purely bright,
Smile o'er the waters dark and deep,
And show the lake, by heavenly light,
Swath'd beauteous in a golden sleep.

I saw again that golden light,

Play sweetly o'er its chequer'd breast,
And gild the small wave, sparkling bright,
As soft I sunk to glassy rest.

I thought of that bright angel smile,
Which broke the bosom's cheerless gloom,
And shed a light, devoid of guile,
Its moonless midnight to illume.

I thought of that soft sainted glow,
Which steeped in bliss my troubled breast,
And hop'd, that where the blessed go,
Beneath that smile I might be bless'd.

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Dim are your colours, and your touches faint: An Angel only can an Angel paint.

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Fontenelle, being praised for the clear ness of his style on the deepest subjects, said: If I have any merit, it is that I have always endeavoured to understand myself.'

It is said that Lord Byron has indulged his imagination to the utmost, in the three Cantos of Don Juan that are about to

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COPENHAGEN, Nov. 28.--Professor for 50 pounds the square inch; the whole Onsted, the discoverer of the affinity be- | apparatus has been proved at 200 pounds. tween electricity and magnetism, or gal-The steam from the safety y valves and the vanism, is engaged on a considerable work cylinders is condensed in flat copper tubes, on the subject. He is at present on a tour and reconducted to the reservoir. The apto Germany, France, and England, in paratus is ingeniously suspended, so as to which he will see the distinguished Natural be unhurt by the motion of the wheels.— Philosophers whose attention has been ex-The whole is so constructed that the boricited by his discovery, and collect valuable zontal position will be preserved, severe materials for his intended work. shocks avoided, and the outer wheels enabled to make, in turning the carriage, a larger segment than the inner. The carriage may be made to stop or retrograde at the wish of the conductor, who sits in front, and, by means of a bevel pinion, directs the carriage. There are two rates of velocity by means of pinions of different diameters. On ground tolerably level, the velocity will be 5 miles and an 8th an hour. STEAM CARRIAGE.-The steam carriage When the acclivity is considerable, it will of Mr. Griffith is very ingeniously con- be reduced to something above 2 miles an structed. The inventor has been assisted hour: and on going down hill it will be by the eminent mechanicians, Bramah and controlled by a mechanical pressure on the Artaberger. The structure is altogether wheels. The weight of the carriage, inin length 27 feet, of which 7 are occupied | cluding apparatus, water, and fuel, will be by the boiler and apparatus for motion. The steam is formed in heated tubes, 1 inch and a half, to 3 inches in diameter, and no more water is introduced to them at a time than what is immediately wanted. These tubes supersede the common large boiler. The reservoir of water will serve for at least 8 hours. The safety valves are calculated


only a ton and a half. It will carry 3 tons of merchandise and passengers. With this load it is expected to go at the rate of 5 miles an hour, or 100 miles in 20 hours' on ordinary roads. Should it succeed, it will be the greatest triumph ever gained in mechanics, and invaluable to commerce and agriculture.


The Effects of Society and Dissipation will shortly appear.
Christmas came too late for insertion

The Covenanter will soon be attended to.
We could not read the Procuress.

We would like to see it more plainly written.

King James may call for his papers. We cannot insert them.

Verses on Margaret cannot be inserted. We have little hope of the author's improvement.
Count Zenobia anon.

The Ungrateful Cat is much too fat.

1. M. J., Montanus, Montana, R. Ln., Alexander, Bowler, Dhuck, &c. are under consideration. We received A. B. C. D's. letter: expect to hear from him this week. We will attend to bis hints as far as consistent with propriety.

The subject on which B. O. treats, is of such a lengthy nature, that a whole year would not be a quantum suff of time to make a finish. It would require a whole volume of the Encyclopedia. The translator of Ovid's story of Europa is indeed a bull. We hope he is without horns. A. D., Mary, The Auld Man's Lament, and Aliqua, will soon be attended to.

Printed, pubished and sold, every Wednesday, by GEORGE PURVIS & Co. Successors to W. Tait,
Lyceum Court, Nelson Street, where communications, post paid, may be addressed to the Editor.
Sold also by Mr. Gritain, Public Library, Hutcheson Street; at the Shops of the Principal Booksellers,
Glasgow. Also of the following Booksellers: John Hislop, Greenock; John Dick, Ayr; Thomas Dick,
Paisley; Kobert Mathie, Kilmarnock; Malcolm Currie, Port-Glasgow; D. Conde, Rothesay; James
Thomson, Hamilton; and M. Dick, Irvine; or refady money only.

A Title Page and Contents will be Publisked the first week in January.

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Ar the commencement of a New Volume, most of our readers will expect us to say something on the occasion, especially as the first volume was introduced to them by another hand and another pen: in order to gratify their expectations we address them, and not from any wish to excite new hopes, which ultimately may end in disappointment. That periodical works are of much use in diffusing knowledge, few will deny; that they are considered useful, the great number in circulation will sufficiently prove. In the humble hope that the Melange may be of some benefit to society, do we intend to prosecute its further promulgation, depending on the taste of the Glasgow public, which has so often been called in question. We have often wondered that the Literati of Glasgow have remained so long quiescent under the innumerable charges of this kind, that have been brought against them; the more so, when we know that foreign periodicals, of all kinds, are read here with such avidity.—— Some may reply to this, by saying, that men in business require amusement, that this is more easily found in reading than in writing, as the one requires no previous study, and the other does. Whether this be the case or not, we will not venture upon inquiring; but this, we would imagine, that Glasgow minds are constituted just as other minds are, besides, we know, that many of the most valuable papers in London and Edinburgh Magazines, emanate from this Emporium of Commerce, which go a good way to prove, that there are some individuals in Glasgow, who can find amrement in writing as well as reading whether such individuals will ever deign to honour our pages with any of their lucubrations, we cannot affirm, but that we are justified in hoping they will, we unconditionally assert. The want of respectability, some may urge as a reason, why men of ability will not contribute to a work of this kind; but we are far from thinking that the merit or respectability of a publication should be calculated by the price of its numbers. That Editors are responsible for the ability they profess, we readily admit; but we think few ever undertook a work of this nature without expecting assistance from uninterested individuals; this being understood, we are surely warranted in saying, that part of the respectability of a periodical work must depend on the interest which others take in it; the most prolific brain must sometimes turn barren; the most exalted imagination will sometimes grovel, just as the most vigorous, by too much exercise, grow weary; or, as the most enthusiastic

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