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to secure himself a seat on the scaffold, take my leave.' He embraced all the had provided himself with a letter to lords and other friends with such courtthe sheriff, which was not read at the ly compliments, as if he had met them time, and Sir Walter found his friend at some feast, says a letter-writer. thrust by, lamenting that he could not Having taken off his gown, he called get there. Farewell!' exclaimed to the headsman to show him the axe, Rawleigh, I know not what shift you which not being instantly done, he re will make, but I am sure to have a peated, I prithee let me see it. Dos place, Ingoing from the prison to thou think that I am afraid of it? He the scaffold, among others who were passed the edge slightly over his fiupressing hard to see him, one old man, ger, and smiling, observed to the sheriff, whose head was bald, came very for- This is a sharp medicine, but a sound ward, insomuch that Rawleigh noticed cure for all diseases, and kissing it, him, and asked, Whether he would laid it down. Another writer has, I have ought of him?' The old man This is that, that will cure all sor answered, Nothing but to see him, rows.' After this he went to three and to pray to God for him. Rawleigh replied, I thank thee, good friend, and I am sorry that I have no better thing to return thee for thy good will.' Ja Observing his head bald, he continu-nosed, but take this night-cap (which free was a very rich wrought one that he Jawore) for thou hast more need of it Hom now than I.


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several corners of the scaffold, and kneeling down, desired all the people to pray for him, and recited a long prayer to himself. When he began to fit himself for the block, he first laid himself down to try how the block fitted him; after rising up, the executioner kneeled down to ask his forgiveness, which Rawleigh with an embrace. did, but entreated him not to strike till he gave a token by lifting up his hand, and then, fear not, but strike home!" When he laid his head down to receive the stroke, the executioner desired him to lay his face towards the east. 'It was no great matter which way a man's head stood, so the heart lay right,' said Rawleigh; but these were not his last words. He was once He ascended the scaffold with the more to speak in this world with the same cheerfulness as he had passed to same intrepidity he had lived in it— it; and observing the lords seated at a for, having lain some moments on the distance, some at windows, he request-block in prayer, he gave the signal: ed they would approach him, as he but the executioner, either unmindful, wwished what he had to say they shoulor in fear, failed to strike, and Rawall witness. This request was com-leigh, after once or twice putting forth plied with by several. His speech is his hands, was compelled to ask him, well known, but some copies contain Why dost thou not strike? Strike, matters not in others. When he fin-man! In two blows he was beheadished, he requested Lord Arundel that ed: but from the first, his body never the king would not suffer any libels to shrunk from the spot, by discomdefame him after death And now posure of his posture, which, like his have a long journey to go, and must mind, was immoveable.

His dress, as was usual, with him, aw was elegant, if not rich. Oldys des-cribes it, but mentions, that he had a 2. W wrought night-cap under his hat,' bio which we have otherwise disposed of; his ruff-band, a black wrought velvet -night-gown over a hair-coloured satin doublet, and a black wrought waistFrodo coat; black cut taffety breeches, and ash-coloured silk stockings.

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There is a large work, which is still that he lived among literary characters, celebrated, of which the composition with the most intimate friendship. has excited the astonishment even of There he joined the Earl of Northumthe philosophic Hume, but whose se-berland, the patron of the philosophers cret history remains yet to be disclosed. of this age, and with whom Rawleigh This extraordinary volume is The pursued his chemical studies; and SerHistory of the World, by Rawleigh. jeant Hoskins, a poet and a wit, and I shall transcribe Hume's observation, the poetical father of Ben Jonson, that the reader may observe the liter- who acknowledged, that 'It was Hosaary phenomenon. They were struck kins who had polished him; and that with the extensive genius of the man, Rawleigh often consulted Hoskins on who, being educated amidst naval and his literary works, I learn from a manmilitary enterprises, had surpassed in uscript. But however literary the atthe pursuits of literature, even those of mosphere of the Towers proved to the most recluse and sedentary lives; Rawleigh, no particle of Hebrew, and and they admired his unbroken mag-perhaps little of Grecian lore, floated nanimity, which at his age, and under from a chemist and a poet. The truth his circumstances, could engage him is, that the collection of the materials to undertake and execute, so great a of this history was the labour of sevework as his History of the World. ral persons, who have not all been disNow, when the truth is known, the covered. It has been asserted that wonderful in this literary mystery will Ben Jonson was a considerable condisappear, except in the eloquent, the tributer; and there was an English grand, and the pathetic passages inter- philosopher from whom Descartes, it spersed in that venerable volume. We is said, even by his own countrymen, may, indeed, pardon the astonishment borrowed largely Thomas Hariot, of our calm philosopher, when we con- whom Anthony Wood charges with sider the recondite matter contained in infusing into Rawleigh's volume philthis work, and recollect the little time osophical notions, while Rawleigh was which this adventurous spirit, whose composing his History of the World. life was passed in fabricating his own But if Rawleigh's pursuits surpassed fortune, and in perpetual enterprise, even those of the most recluse and seeould allow to such erudite pursuits. dentary lives, as Hume observed, we Where could Rawleigh obtain that fa- must attribute this to al De Robert miliar acquaintance with the rabbins, Burrel, Rector of Northwald; in the of whose language he was probably en- county of Norfolk, who was a great tirely ignorant? His numerous pub-favourite of Sir Walter Rawleigh, and lications, the effusions of a most active mind, though excellent in their kind, were evidently composed by one who i was not abstracted in curious and remote inquiries, but full of the daily ... business and the wisdom of human life. His confinement in the Tower, which bendasted several years, was indeed suffirerse cient to the composition of this folio

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volume, and of a second which appears
to have occupied him. But in that
imprisonment it singularly happened

had been his chaplain. All, or the greatest part of the drudgery of Sir Walter's history for Criticisins, Chronology, and reading Greek and Hebrew authors, were performed by him for Sir Walter. Thus, a simple fact, when discovered, clears up the whole mystery; and we learn how that knowledge was acquired, which, as Hume sagaciously detected, required a recluse and sedentary life, se as the studies and the habis would be

of a country clergyman in a learned of the meat were distributed to him in




vain; they were instantly exchanged, and nobody knew how, for the tid-bits of the joint, Had he barley-scones, About fifty years ago, a farmer lived they were instantly powdered with suin Glen Speann, whose name was gar. When they gave Macdonald. It is shameful I should turned into milk before it reached his him water, it was forget, not only his Christian name, lips. Did father or mother attempt to but likewise the name of the farm, for chastise him, they suffered for their every particular was delivered to me temerity: the pot would fly off, and with scrupulous accuracy. He had a the meat run away up the lum (Angwife, three daughters, and three sons. lice the chimney); the churn failed in This I perfectly recollect; for there was its office; the sheep fell into fits; the a dispute between the old lady and cows kicked over the milk-pails; and her son, while relating it to me, whe- the roof of the cottage was sure to ther there were not four sons and three want repair on the following day. The daughters, or four daughters and three farmer, wearied and tormented, resolvsons, or three of each, and (I am hap-ed on quitting this haunted habitation, py to say) the last was finally agreed and went to another at a short dison by both parties. I love correct-tance; but his removal was ineffectual, ness. What signifies telling in the rough? It is like giving the ed him. A schoolmaster of Baidnach, a story for the same pranks constantly attendthe index of a book instead of the hearing of these strange matters, came text. The youngest of the family to assure himself whether they were was a boy; he was the only one who true or false. However, he was soon had not been suckled at home, and, glad to run out of the cottage. Every perhaps on that account, was not so thing he presumed to touch aimed a great a favourite as the rest. Such blow at his head. dainties as farmers can, now and then, knocked down before he made three He was twice .. give to their children, were never be- inquiries. stowed on this ، This is very odd, very poor boy. He was odd, indeed was it not, Sir?' said just turned of ten years when the su- my informant. The farmer again re- ' pernatural events took place in the moved to the upper part of the Glen,” cottage; for, as the old lady observed, above Keppoch; the very spot was he was born at Lammas, and they be- pointed out to me. gan at the end of August. I am not no rest. The worst was, that owing Still he could get sure but she said the after-half of to so many persons coming to witness August, and not the end, which makes these incomprehensible doings, he was: a little difference. This boy, then-well nigh eaten out of house and home. for it is chiefly of and concerning him This state of things continued, from -was all at once favoured beyond his first to last, for seven long years. The brothers and sisters, not by his pa- boy, being then seventeen, got up one rents, but by some invisible agent. morning with a dream in his head When his porridge was set before him, about America. This dream was re-z.. a lump of butter vanished from the peated till, morning after morning, family dish, and popped into his basin. there was nothing to be heard but his If oat cake was given him, a piece of confounded talk about America. In cheese jumped out of the cupboard to a short while, he expressed a desire to keep it company. The worst slices go to America; and at last, in spite


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of his father's intreaties to the contrary, whose name was Campbell; and the to America he went. The night he other the ghost of his daughter, a little quitted his home it was in the month girl, who died on the very day the suof November-as the farmer and his pernatural events began in the cottage; wife were seated together by the fire, as for Campbell, he died, as I am they heard a voice, as by some person assured, some three months before her, between them, say, What will you The male apparition asked the farmer give me? They looked, but saw no-why he had not sent his boy away be-} thing but themselves. What is it fore, seeing that all his troubles were. you would have?' exclaimed the far- occasioned by him. It was this, my mer. And then the voice eagerly an- daughter,' pursued he, who con swered, One of your children!'stantly waited on him, served him with Ah! cried the father, whoever the best, chastised you for your cruelty, thou art, I will not give thee one of and, at last, whispered to him those them. There! there! the mother dreams of America, while her spirit screamed out, there is a hen-we embraced him as he slept. For know will give that hen-take it, and go-her soul was originally formed to away. The voice then laughed-be wedded to his; and we learnt that laughed prodigiously-and told them he might chance to marry here, and that he was perfectly indifferent to be wretched, not meeting with his feltheir consent, as, in fact, he could take low soul. To come to my daughter, what he chose. But come thou, he must die young and innocent, and, Macdonald,' it continued, come for that purpose, it was necessary he to the outside of the door, and there should go to a foreign land. Expect, thou shalt see as well as hear me!' ere long, to hear he has quitted the The man was for some time afraid to living! And such, indeed, happen accept the invitation; but his wife be- ed. News came from America that, sought him to go, as obedience might on the first night of the boy's landing put an end to their troubles, and he there, he died in his sleep. managed to pluck up courage. with your dirk!' cried the voice-and he threw it down immediately. Throw the gullie' (alias knife) from your


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pocket!' cried the voice and he did THE BEARS, SILVER MINE, &c.

so. There is a pin in your kilt,' cried the voice: I cannot be seen by To the Editor of the Literary Melange.{1} any one with a pointed weapon!' and SIR,-We paid another visit to the Cirt he obeyed in this particular as well as cus on Friday evening, and have taken the rest. Macdonald went forth. the liberty to trouble you with our remarks There was a high wind, and the sky on the performances, as we are of opinion, was heavily clouded; but light enough that it is of some importance to the public, to know the quality of the feast which pubto distinguish objects, for it was at the lic entertainers provide for their guests. time of a full moon. He first looked We had scarcely seated ourselves in a pro-1 straight forward, and then turning per attitude for observation, when the cursharp round to the right, beheld two tain drew up, and the representation of a figures, not quite resting their feet upon of the plot of this piece, we will say nolaughable piece, called the Bears began. the ground, as if in contempt of the thing, as the author evidently paid no atlaws of gravitation. They were hand tention to that circumstance, when writing in hand. One was the ghost of a man it. His object has been to excite mirth,

power, vows revenge, and prepares to murder him, but is prevented by his wife; and they go to rest. Blore, with Morley and Shark, (Cardoza and Hart) enter the apart ment of Alford, and stab him in his sleep. His cries awaken his entertainers. The ruffians carry off the body in sight of the old people, who are stupified with horror

and he has succeeded admirably. The fable of the piece has been already taken notice of in one of the newspapers, for which reason, we consider recapitulation unnecessary. The audience gave ample testimony of approbation, and the old seat of the muses shook with the plaudits to the very base. The performances of the Ferzis require—and the first act closes. no eulogium from us. The world is nearly wearied in giving them praise. They dance with so much ease and confidence, that we feel none of those fears that are so frequently raised in the mind, when look-revenge, he tells her what has been done ing at the performances of other rope dancers.


The Silver. Mine attracted our attention particularly. We do not approve of the name, as we know there are no silver mines in England. We are of opinion that this name was adopted by the manager, that be might have an opportunity of displaying his scenic talent; so we do not grumble at the petit imposition, as the inside view of the nine nearly beggars description. Strata, chrystals, plasms, are all to be seen in this inframundane abode; and when we see the basket descending, we are almost tempted to believe the reality of the


The second act shows us the inside of the Mine-Ella a prisoner-and the bloody body in the gloomy abode. Blore enters— tries to woo her he is again rejected-in

her parents, he says, are apprehended as the murderers of an officer, and on him depend their fate. Your limits will not allow a full detail of the business of the piece. Ella is left alone with the body of Alford. She uncovers the face and recognises her lover, who is not, as supposed, dead, but in a faint from loss of blood. Dawdle is here made a prisoner, and the contrast between his silly grief, and Ella's distress is very striking. To sum up all, the three effect their escape, and arrive in time to save the parents of Ella from an ignominious death, and discover the villainy of Blore.

Blore is the principal character; we did not think Collingbourn capable of acting so effectively; would he rant a little less when assailed by his passions, he would add much to the general effect of the character. Car. doza walks the stage well, and bustled decently through the character. Hart acted and looked like any thing but a cornish miner. We understand be is a townsman of our own, if so, he will get little honour among his people, We liked Makeen throughout the piece, except in the cottage scene, he displays there too much unnecessary emotion; perhaps in melo-dramatic performances this may occasionally be unavoidable, as a great deal of stage business is required.

The piece commences with a dialogue between Haworth (Darnley) and Blore (Collingbourn). Blore is a suitor for Ella, Haworth's daughter, (Mrs. Makeen), but is rejected, in consequence of the seeming dislike of Ella, who is attached to Lieutenant Alford (Makcen). Blore disappointed goes off, muttering revenge, and lays his plans for its accomplishment, with all the malignity of a fiend. Jacob Dawdle, a cockney, (Kinloch) cousin to Ella, is introduced in the first scene, and with her he goes to pay a visit to a relation. By Blores machinations, Ella falls into his hands; and dame Haworth (Mrs. Darnley) and her husband, are at night mourning over the loss of their daughter Mr. Kinloch's Dawdle was perhaps a whom they supposed has been seduced and little too extravagant, but so highly ludihas eloped. A storm comes on, and Al- crous, that he kept the house in an inces ford is ushered into the old people's cot- sant roar. He is the most indefatigable tage, and is most hospitably entertained, manager we ever knew, and the encourageand conducted to bed. Blore is seen peep-ment he receives from the public proves ing through the casement, watching the that his services are highly appreciated, movements of those within. As the old Mr. Darnley spoke the part of Haworth people are going to repose, the name of with much feeling. Of Mrs. Makeen tacir guest is discovered, by looking at his we need say nothing; her acting at all portmanteau. Haworth finding the de- times will speak for itself: she is still spoiler of hi daughter's honour in his advancing in the public favour, and we

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