



his men, get off with the
for the most ex- tree which grew above php the
pedition for his own country. The brink. The Macdonell, looking back




flames of the church had,, however, in his flight to see looking to to

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lighteda beacon of alarm which blazed pursuer, beheld him hanging to the far and wide: the Mackenzies had tree, and struggling to gain the edge gathered in numerous bodies, and of the bank he turned, and drawing took the chase with such vigour, that his dirk dat one stroke sovered the ylleup they came in sight of the Macdonells, branch which supported the Maodigion long before they got to the border of kenzie: I have left much behind their own country. Angus Macrag me with you to-day,' said he, tako moit nuill, seeing the determination of the that also. The wretched man, tal-boon to pursuit, and the superiority of its num- ing from rock to rock, fell headlong bers, ordered his men to separate, and into the stream below, where, shattershift each for himself; they disperseded and mangled by the fall, he expired accordingly, and made every man his in the water. Angus Macraonulliad way to his own home well as he continued his flight, and the Mackens could. The commander of the Mac-zies, though bereft of their leader, held dig ads kenzies did not scatter his people; but, on the pursuit. Cheeked, however, s intent on securing the leader of his by the stream which none of themollo di foemen, held them together on the dared to leap, Angus was gaining fasenol & to track of Angus Macraonuill, who, with upon them, when a musquet discharging a few men in his company, fled to- ed at him by one of the pursuers, wards Loch Ness. Angus always wounded him severely, and greatly rewore a scarlet plush jacket, and it now tarded his speed. After passing the served to mark him out to the know-river, the Mackenzies again drew ledge of the pursuers. Perceiving after him, and as they came m that the whole, chase was drawn after of Loch Ness, Angus perceiving his himself, he separated his followers one strength to fail with his wound, und la by one, till at length he was left alone; his encinies pressing upon him, deter but yet the pursuers turned not aside mined to attempt swimming the loch;" upon the track of any other. When he rushed into the water, and for some they came to the burn of Alt Shian, time, refreshed by its coolness, swam the leader of the Mackenzies had with much vigour and confidence. M gained so pursuit, that he had nearly overtaken have failed him before he had assets him. The river which was before the half of the distance to the opposite, them runs in this place through a bank; but Fraser of Fyars, a particholiq na rocky chasm, or trough, of immense lar friead of the Glengarrie family,seems ons depth, and considerable breadth. An-ing a single man pursued by a party piline vino di 28W gus knew that death was behind him out of the Mackenzie's eotintry, "and and gathering all his strength, he dash knowing that the Macdonalds as of nois ed at the desperate leap, and being a gone upon an expedition in that and b man of singular vigour and activity, tion, got out a boat, and hastening bids sueceeded in clearing it. The leader the aid of Augus, took him on bon

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h on the object of his limbs would, however, in all rossed to sq

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of the Mackenzies, reckless of danger and conveyed him in safety to the cast in the ardour of the pursuit, followed side of the bach The Mackenzies also at the leap, but, less athletic than seeing their foeman had esemenyus his adversary, he failed of led of an Aging et and slipping on its length continued the purmat, all hang mem the of the crag, turned at his leisure to Glengarrie,

held by the slender branch of a birch


authority of the sovereign. The ya Almost all the writers who have spirit of party likewise handed down touched on the subject, agree in comfrom father to son, and rather fostered -11. mending the amiable disposition, dis- and increased, than chilled from the interested virtues, and personal bravery necessity of concealment the long At of this faithful adherent of the Chev delayed hopes of disappointed indi 10 alier St. George. When the latter viduals the romantic nature of the (arrived at Kinloch Moidart, with only cause, and that contagious enthusiasm, seven attendants, bent upon the ro- which, when it once bursts forth among Mamantic enterprise of regaining the the multitude, inflames the passions throne of his ancestors, Lochiel, fore- of men, and subdues their judgment. seeing the utter hopelessness of the All these combined circumstances imundertaking, endeavoured to persuade pelled numbers to join an attempt, fate him from the attempt, and remained which, in their more dispassionate en for a considerable time in doubt and moments, they must have seen to be -alohesitation. But at last the gentleness impracticable. Lochiel accompanied

of his nature, yielding to the earnest the Prince in all his progress-was entreaties of Charles, and influenced admitted to a share in his councilsby the deep and hereditary attachment always held a particular station in the which he himself bore towards the ex-field-and is said to have possessed iled family, in an evil hour he embarked the affection and confidence of his in an enterprise which proved the ruin master to a greater degree than any of his house, and the source of all his of the others. He was wounded in misfortunes in after years. When the both legs while leading on his clan at standard of the Chevalier was first the battle of Culloden: after that undisplayed, it is well known with what fortunate day he lurked for a consideagerness the greater number of the erable time among his native mountains Highland Clans assembled around it. attended by his two brothers, and a Taught from the nature of their feudal few of his remaining followers, undergovernment to hold hereditary right going great hardships, and often in and succession in a sort of sacred re-imminent danger of being discovered, verence, and little acquainted with the until at last he made his escape in a views and purposes of political expe-vessel to France. There, having obdiency, they were more inclined to tained a commission in the French favour the claims of their supposed army, he lived a perpetual exile from rightful sovereign, and to range them his native country. It is mentioned under the banner of the lineal de-in a late interesting work on the scendant of a race of kings, whom their Highlands, in order to illustrate the dancestors were wont to serve and obey. attachment of the clans to their chief, The chiefs too had become jealous of that, in the year 1776, the son of government which had been wisely Lochiel, after his father's death, having endeavouring to control the undue returned from France, the followers influence which the ancient feudal of his father's family, though under rights, vested in individuals often another master, raised 120 men for a dangerous to the peace of the com- company to him, in the 71st Regi munity, and subversive of the necessary ment.

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usus mature facto,' and here could I interestingly expatiate upon my bard's narrative, but I have occasion To the Editor of the Melange." mature facere myself. Therefore-ErrMR. EDITOR, Two of Fingal's gon sent notice to Fingal that he must warriors, Aille, and another whose either deliver the seducer of his wife name the folk of this long-coated and his companion to him bodily, or country could not pronounce, though the heads of both,else he (Errgon) I should write it, had been would burn and ravage the whole of glected by the chief's vocator,' when Morven, and bring the rest of it all feast to the heroes' was ap- in his ships to Lochlinn.' Fingal repointed. This, it seems, was consid-fused; but would give him battle. ered in those days as a mark of very They fought. Fingal was victorious; great disrespect; and the story says, and Errgon, instead of carrying such that the neglected heroes accordingly a load with him as he threatened, was took it in high dudgeon, and vowed obliged to sail off with a vast reducthat, for the space of a of a year, they would tion of ballast. not draw a spear in the service of Fingal. They betook themselves, therefore, over to the king of Lochlinn, and engaged with hum for the space of time that they vowed to be the king of Morven's enemies.



Aille, as his name, 'primitiva in lin-
gua,' implies, was a personage of
fair proportions, and beseeming
in a lady's eye; and the queen of
Lochlinn, of brown shields,' (nan-
sgiath down) conceived a passion for
him; and it appears from the poetical
account that I am abridging, that the
gallant Aille indulged her, till, as the
poet words it, his treachery was suc-
cessful. Things were now approach-
ing to such a crisis, that the guilty
queen, her paramour, and his compa-
nion, thought it safer all to leave Err-

the king of Lochlinn's dominions;
and, in consequence, they embarked in
a galley for Scotland. They had
scarcely landed, when Errgon, and the
whole of his Scandinavian sea-borne
hosts appeared on the main, in foam-
ing pursuit.
Now was there the

Ullin was Fingal's

Yours, &c,


S. M. R.

Raise, O Ullin,* raise the song,
Sweep the chords to victory!
Bards! the joyous strain prolong!
Resound the warriors' bravery!

Let them hear the feats of old,

How our fathers' gleaming brand

Chastis'd all those heroes bold,
Daring to invade our land!
Sing of Errgon the renown!l'
Sing his deathless bravery,
Who row'd to capture Fingal's crown,
And drag his sons to slavery!
Sing how all his sea-borne host,
On the shores of Morven fell,
And tell of every shrieking ghost,
That hover'd o'er the ocean-swell!
How rush'd the warriors of the hills
Upon their foes, like Cona's streams,
When Donshiont rows in flooded rills,
And heaven's quick, livid, lightning

Softly sweep the chords, anon,
Lull their sorrowing ghosts to rest-
Brave the heroes that are gone-
No more shall Luran grace my crest!

Laureat at this period.

+ The Highland Genius of the Storm. In general use, the word signifies the most boisterous and temptuous weather.

£ Ah! why in the battles strife, 9 la
er Didst thou risk thy blooming life
Softly, softly sooth his ghost
Rising sunbeam, thou art ever lost!-
Maids of Cona!


Pour your soft melody now on my soul.' squid to motor


Now, in the green western Isles,
Sweetly Luran smiles,


And he softly embraces his Mona;
Nor meets of our father's the scowl,
Raise three stones to the brave,
Beside the green wave,
That the hunters may see, when they


Where we've plac'd the early tomb Of Luran, his king that did save! obby sidan

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To the Editor of the Literary Melange.

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I am the person who is here described as having been made a steppingstone,' as our worthy pastor would term it, whereby this profane man might arrive at the gratification of his carnal inclinations; and I am constrained to this inference, because he has not failed to give the exact character that belongs to my countenance. I will not pretend to deny that my visage is somewhat thin, and my fea-' tures lank and long, such as well accord with the gravity and severity of my professional studies, and there is visibly impressed upon my physiognomy an air of sedateness and learning which is well fitted to attract the notice and reverence of all discerning people. Accordingly I could not SIRI observed, with sorrow, in fail of being gratified, and moreover of a late Number of your Publication, thinking well of that individual, who, an epistle, addressed by a person sub-it appears, is called John Ogle, when scribing himself John Ogle, to a young I observed him contemplating with woman whom he designates Miss becoming deference, as I imagined, A-alused, narrating with surprising my features and carriage-insomuch minuteness the various underhand and that I sometimes felt strongly disposed sinful mathods which he, the said upon retiring from church to honour John Ogle adopts, while in church, him with a salutation, not doubting in order to obtain a sight of the afore- but that he would return it, at the said damsol. I shall not at present same time respectfully uncovering his tarry to animadvert upon the crimi-head. But, judge of my disappointnality of exchanging wanton glances ment and mortification, when I dis on such a day and in such a place, covered by the unadvised corresponalthough it might well become my dence which you have imprudently sacred character and prospects so to dog but shall proceed to resent an indignitywhich Mr. Ogle has put upontmes and myo reverend brethren. He is not ashamed to own that, among his other hypocritical pretences, in order to accomplish his ends, he ⚫ sometimes makes a long, lean gentleman his starting post, who never suspects his ultimate designs as being a divinity student of some vanity, he conceives that he is looked at in compliment to bis genius Now, Mr. Editor, whoever reads the above sentence must of necessity conclude that

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published, that this irreverent person was all the while using me as a convenient medium of communication betwixt himself and a damsel who sitteth nigh unto me, and who is pleasant and fair to look upon, insomuch that even I am sometimes pricked to lift mine eyes upon her as opportunity offers. As the virgin appears to be worthy of iny patronage and support, and as I do not doubt that she is highly displeased with the profane scorner's addresses, I will take" this opportunity of informing her, that if she is desirous of having an answer

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written to Mr. Ogle's forward, epistle to the ministry, who rejected it on a with becoming spirit, and saltngss, principle of economy. The truth was I will be very prompt to use my pen that they were afraid it would blow in her behalf-and that I am to be up all existing institutions. Iproposed, found every lawful day in a house in next to teach, the languages to intire Havannah Street, up four pair of districts, through the medium of huge stairs, (whither I have ascended for speaking trumpets, on a quite new the benefit of pure air,) occupied by construction. This instrument, would a worthy widow called Mrs. M Indoe. have admirably served many purposes Having thus, with considerable address besides its proposed object. It might and ingenuity, comprised within this have been to the ear, what the teleshort but pithy communication, the graph is to the eye; as the one conthree capital points of vindicating mine veys intelligence with the rapidity of own dignity, chastising your scoffing lightning, so the other would have contributor, and affording consolation delivered it with the solemnity of and encouragement to the damsel, I thunder-what an admirable vehicle take my leave, hoping that you shall for the announcement of penal proclaappreciate sufficiently the honour Imations, and rewards for the appre have done you in condescending to become a contributor to your idle and unprofitable pages.

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I am, Mr. Editor,

Your soul's well-wisher,

hension of vagabonds! Magistrates
might have read the riot act through
it, without the least danger of being
unheard, and it would have afforded
the most manifest facilities to popular 2
orators and field-preachers. But I
grieve to say that this noble specula-/.
tion was frustrated by the paltry ex

WAREHOUSE OF HITS, cuse, that the government could hote


All human race would fain be wits,
And millions miss for one that hits.'

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muster brass enough for its exécution! Many other capital inventions have ni I struck out for shortening labour, but s To shine in conversation is a very with small effect. The following are natural ambition. None ever affected to the titles of some of my works: Parm despise it but such as were inadequate nassus levelled, or every man his own. to its attainment. I shall take no trouble poet. Wit at will, or Primings for s to prove this, thinking myself better the brain-pan. Short out to Philos employed in informing the reader how sophy, being an abridgment from the h he may attain this accomplishment at French, &c. &c.) But the work on a moderate, expense, without loss of which I most pique myself was of aqu time, or hinderance of business.



different nature it was intitled I was born a philanthropist. (Your multaneous Shaving, and contained acid philanthropists are always born, never description of a machine by which thebo made.) My whole life has been en- pensioners of Chelsea and Greenwich gaged for the benefit of mankind, with hospitals might have their beards reft a collateral view to my own interest. moved all at once, to the manifest am the author of many admirable economy of time and labour. This a inventions for diminishing intellectual plan was rejected, with unscientifico and physical labour. I projected a timidity, from the unfounded appresil mode, once, of teaching all arts and hension that its adoption would put sciences by steam, which I submitted in jeopardy the throats of the afores?




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