

a bank for the issue of paper money, the Ming Emperors, who succeeded on a similar plan to those which have the Moguls, were not only unable to already been noticed. The notes for abolish the paper in circulation, but 2, 4, 8, and 10 ounces of silver, compelled to issue new notes. It were called large notes, and the smal- 1375 six different sorts were issued, ler were for 100, 300, 700, and 900 of the value of 500, 400, 300, 200, pieces of copper. The period of their and 100 pieces of copper, and of 1000 currency was fixed for 7 years; at the deniers, which were equal to an ounce expiration of this term the old notes of silver. The use of gold, silver, and were exchanged for new ones.— precious stones, as a medium of payThere were banks in every province, ment, was strictly forbidden. The and the government took 15 pieces of value of the notes soon fell in the copper on every 1000, to cover the proportion of nearly 20 per cent. expenses. Towards the latter part the year 1448 the quantity of notes of the 13th century, the Moguls be- was so considerable, that only 3 deniers came masters of China, where they of specie were given for a note of 1000. founded a dynasty which lasted from Every attempt was made, by compud1279 79 to 1367. Before the entire sive measures, to restore the paper conquest of China, Chi-tsou, the first currency to a better condition. The Emperor of this dynasty, had intro-taxes on the markets of both capitals duced paper money (between the years were even allowed to be paid in paper: 1260 and 1263). In 1284 he com- but every attempt was fruitless, and manded the mandarin, Lou-chi-jong, the notes went out of circulation.— to present him a plan for a new paper At least history makes no mention of currency; but the emission of it did them later than the year 1455. The not take place until the year 1287: The Mandchoux who succeeded the from that period the Moguls continued Ming Emperors, and who are now annually to increase the quantity of their masters of China, have never attempted notes, which were called pao-tchhao, to introduce a paper currency; for or precious paper money. From the these barbarians are happily ignorant year 1264 to 1294, a note was in cir- of the European policy, which declares culation which replaced that of 1260 that the more a nation is in debt, the to 1263, and which were made of the more it is rich and flourishing.* bark of the tree tchu (morus papyrifera), and were a Chinese square foot in size. Towards the latter part of the dynasty, paper money had lost much of its credit, and an alteration was made in 1357, with the hope of restoring it but every effort was vain, and the Moguls were obliged to quit China, which they had totally ruined upon more mature consideration do I now by their precious paper money. see any occasion for retracting what I then distress of the country was such, that advanced. A man does not by any means

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No. 3.


that the Doctor was a moral man, nor I have, in No. 21, voluntarily asserted

The notes of the Soung Kiu, and Moguls, were made of the bark of the tchu printed and sealed by authority. Those of the Ming were of paper, made with different plants, and richly ornamented.

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annihilate his claims to moral rectitude, if were designated by the name of pleasures, bis pursuits and participations of the plea- He, therefore, enjoyed these as they came sures resulting from social intercourse, or successively within his reach, in the full the constituted order of society, are, gen- persuasion that not the use, but the abuse,” erally speaking, within the barriers which of them constituted criminality of conduct.7/ innocence has reared, in order to mark her This was the topic on which the controdomains from the back ground of culpable versial talents of my friend appeared to enjoyment, To assert the contrary of this most advantage. I have often admired would, in effect, be to assert that spotless the originality and perspicuity of his lan, purity of character is attainable; but this guage, while attacking a conclave of these is a plant actually heterogeneous to the Brahimins. But their feelings were of ans soil of human nature. We would do well other kind, All their attempts to main to keep this in view at all times, especially | tain their favourite theory, namely, that when we attempt to form an estimate of nothing receiving the name of pleasure any man's moral character. This will was worthy of the notice of a rational prevent us from augmenting the little creature, were foiled, and themselves com foibles or peculiarities which may be iden-peiled to skulk in their hiding places, and tified with that character. No man is from thence whisper the slander they wholly without these; and they never are dared not openly avow. Indeed, were the so palpable as when exhibited in connec-principles of morality exclusively couched tion with deeds which, in spite of these in the golden maxim, Do as you would peculiarities, have been, by the ingenious be done by,' and did a single or even mere and charitable part of mankind, pronounc- violation of this precept, in a minor point { ed worthy of esteem and imitation. There of view, nullify the claims of the moralist are, indeed, some who have with gloomy to morality's reward, the Doctor would, austerity chalked out a line of conduct for ere this time, have been placed upon the themselves; and to this we would have per contra side. But, even in this predino reasonable objections, did they not, cament, he might have reasonably conwith egregious effrontery, attempt to stamp tented himself; at all events, he might the mark of wanderer from the narrow way have received a temporary gratification upon the brow of every one who deviates from the hope, that some of those who from the mill-horse round of these every- stand high on the list of good deeds would, day performances. Leagued hand in glove, ere long, by way of courtesy as it were, these snug divans will meet, and, with un- condescend to sit down, cheek by jowl, relenting acrimony, tear into tatters the with him, and entertain him with a lecture yo characters of those around them; and, with upon the tightness of the times in order ›› more, than sober triumph, note them down to drive dull care away. The coincidence upon the tablets of their hearts as the Ama- of feeling and sentiment which was exhilekites of the present day, and hug them-hited between the Doctor and me, at our selves at the same time as the pure in heart, although, in point of fact, those whom they condemn, and consequently despise, are superior to them in every thing that is graceful in accomplishment, or lovely in moral exhibition.


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first interview, was, by the progressive nd hand of time, mellowed into the most uprost reserved friendship, He placed the most i unbounded confidence in my fidelity, by whispering in my private car those secrets,

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The moral character of the Doctor Which be scarcely teild, to ong boat @sw was such as comparative purity would My conduct towards him was exactly simi,1201 have recognised and owned; but not lar; nor had I ever occasion to repent ofte altogether such as to shield him from that conduct. His soul was cast in Nathe pestiferous breath of such sancti- ture's truest mould. He well knew the monious pretenders as those to whom I extent of that moral obligation which end have just now alluded. He looked upon joined fidelity to the confidential commustah all things as being originally made fornications of friendship; nor did he everman, and placed in a subordinate station violate that obligation by successively pacby an all-wise Providence, in order to being the round of his acquaintanceship, and rendered subservient to his happiness, accosting them, after a significant hemtaina Hence the pleasure resulting from the en-with-I have something extraordinary topsiq joyment of these did not to his gaze con- tell you of; but as I have received it from. tract a sable hue, merely because they such a one, by way of profound secret, I

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noissieur was, perhaps, a little too masculine, nor did the fool attempt to curb the oper ations of Nature by the constraining influence of corsets; nevertheless he was as handsome a fellow as you would have cast

Ju hope you will store it by in some snug corner of your tenement, as I would not for the world he should hear of it again, When the Doctor was requested by any of the communicative ones not to divulge those secrets which Mr. Such-a-one de-your eyes upon in a summer day. I have sired him to keep his thumb upon, he in a former Number, described his large generally replied as follows: How, in eyes and glossy hair; the former of these the name of wonder, can I expect that any shone in, and the other curled around, a one should be faithful to me, if my con- regular set of features, add to these a duct is the exact counterpart of all that well-proportioned person, with all the 4351 deserves the name of fidelity, truth, or advantages of dress to give it its proper - 929 honour? Supposing that I were to com- effect, ply with your demand, one of the preli- And then, O!, what a beau the Doctor was!" minary steps requisite to that compliance | We soon reached Carlisle, and entered would be to enjoin secrecy upon you; but into the Inn of Toby Philpot, sign of the Te have any reason to expect that unde- Lamb's Foot, Caldew-gate. After we eviating & conformity to my requirement had refreshed ourselves with a dose of mutA should emanate from your conduct, when ton chops and discussed the contents of a the very cause for which this secrecy is bottle, the Doctor proceeded to Butcherrequired is to cloak a positive violation of gate, in order to transact some business, that trust reposed in me by the person to which did not admit of my immediate whom the secret originally related? Cerpresence. The temporary lack of his tainly not. The obligation to secrecy recompany was, at my request, supplied by zorovalaxes in exact proportion as the secret it- the presence of the landlord. He was self is extended. Were I to set the ex-withal a jolly good-natured fellow, and ample of infidelity by divulging what you had thoroughly studied the common-place say herequest, you might possibly take advan-politesse of his profession. Good-nature stage of that by revealing it to another per- is a quality any man will admire, although mooson, The to a third, and so on until that exemplified in the conduct of an innkeeper wwwhich was whispered in this ear of sup- of notorious rotundity of form, as was the posed friendship would ultimately become case at present. 1 evinced my respect by the table talk of a neighbourhood.' resigning the elbow-chair to the more ade* Bat to return from this digression. The ay of profession and habits of my friend induced I solemnly aver that this voluntary evoluquate corporation of Toby Philpot. But - op, him to make frequent excursions into the tion did not proceed from any innate conChou towns and villages around him. One of viction, that the old adage, viz. 'the biggest the consequences resulting from our inti-rogue took the mucklest, had any greater macy was my frequent accompaniment of amplitude in the conduct of Tobias than him in these perambulations. It was in it had in my own. I could not for a the warm time of the year, (but I have in moment entertain an idea so gross, more your vain ransacked my scraps and patches in especially when he was so kind as to inorder to recognise the date,) probably in form me that he was 'the kindest, honestest 919- the month of August, that I accompanied fellow alive; moreover, that he could back ach him to Carlisle. I well remember that the scratch, or wag a fist with ever a he the morning was rather unpromising; the in Cumberland. Indeed, I thought he or density of the atmosphere prevented the formed an arrogant estimate of his own smoke from ascending; it crawled along qualifications. He did not appear to pos ethed in a horizontal position nearly level with sess that agility of frame which is absothe chimney tops, till Sol ascending dissi-lutely requisite to a proper discharge of pated the gloom, and with his bright efful- the pugnacions qualities of Yorkshire; but gence scattered smiles around. readers will recollect that my impatience astonishment in any man who is blessed Your why a thought such as this should produce Telto get to Roseley prevented the Doctor with eyes and ears, Heaven only knows, from peeling his sables-but in the inter- If he only look with the former, and lister vening period betwixt this and that town with the latter, he may see it even pour he had made the then proposed alteration, trayed in the conduct of all sexes and conby attiring in the tiptoe style of modern ditions. The man who struts, under a dandyism. His form to the eye of a con- powdered wig is sometimes as lavish of it

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as the clodpole who moves in the sober man could have beheld the fire of his eye, habiliments of hodden grey. The anti-and the animation of his features, without quarian who sighs after antideluvian bau being half convinced that Toby's proposed TC 1 bles, and wishes others to measure the amendments on the battlements, and walls, moderation of his pretensions by his flaxen and gun ports of Carlisle Castle were acwig, and the fourteenth century cut of his tually accomplished with the breath that coat, with its concomitant haunch buttons, pronounced the deficiencies; and then the sometimes evinces as much of it as the significant shrug of the shoulders, and the perfuined beau who occupies the foremost exclamation of Oddzooks, a parcel of felrank among the devotees of frivolity, fa- lows think that a landlord can do nothing shion, and artificial manners. These and but broach casks, pierce wine-pipes, and such like considerations, quickly reconciled order Molly the chamber-inaid to warm a me to the jargon of mine host, while with bed for Squire Catgut and his inamorata,' flippant fluency of tongue, he stated the that trod upon the heels of his idle spe per diem rate of livery stables, and the culation, was indicative of as much selfshoals of grooms, and lacqueys, and cooks, importance as if by these speculations, 4.1 and waiters, that was necessary to such an the time-worn turrets of Carlisle, had nextensive establishment as his own; and reared their heads in as much freestone, then deduced the troubles and inconve- and architectural beauty, as distinguishniences which generous landlords put ed the first year of their existence.) themselves to, in order to accommodate The Doctor did not seem to relish these ́gentlemen who are travelling. I could sallies; but, had he considered for a mo* have added, ⚫ Yes, and paying too;' but ment, he would have seen that, Toby was then he was so mighty civil, that one making the best that he could of the selfish, i could not for their life be angry with him; maxim, Every man for himself. Indehe was not made of such pitiful stuff as pendent of this he was one of its denizens; your skim surface souls who doze as long this was a privilege he put a higher value over a cup of liquor as a cardinal would on, than many a one would to a gem of over his beads on a high holiday. No, no; Golconda; and then the ramparts, and the a rough-spun conundrum in the shape castle, and the siege it had stood, gave an1 of a toast was the signal for fly-jack-and- | additional pathos to the word freeman. begone, as the saying is. The exit of the He had, like every one else, known the fiquor which was in the cup was usually way of exercising this privilege. He per959accompanied with a significant smack of tinaciously maintained, in spite of all oppo. the rosy lips of Tobias, and an assevera-sition, that legislative wisdom was heretion by the copper nose of Bacchus, that ditary, and descended like titles to the At was the bost liquor in Christendom. He children of the third and fourth generajeli szemed to have drawn his maxims with tions; and hence inferred that; nothing 12 Kard to his potations from Will Boniface was more requisite than to ask a can* of Anno Domini notoriety. As these didate for parliamentary honours, if any Tomeandered through his tenement, his of his ancestors for the last two centuries had held a seat there; if he answered in the affirmative, f. Then, says Toby, ' my mode of procedure is plainly this, I vote for this gentleman. Toby had scarcely got the words, my mode of procedure is plainly,' uttered, until the Doctor exclaim-" ed, And so is mine. Waiter, bring the bill. The bill was brought and discharged,! We bade adieu to the host of the Lamb's Foot, and left the house is sit


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tongue ran on with increasing volubility. He had just drawn his pencil from his tampocket when the Doctor entered, in order And on to show me a plan of Carlisle Castle, although I had seen it fifty times; but, though I repeatedly assured him of this, he persisted in his design by drawing a parcel of clumsy strokes, and by them pointing out the inner and outer walls and the chasms made on each part by the ravages of hoary time, &c. I have either aborty dreamed or read somewhere of a castle so weak that a dozen of women armed with distaff's and spindles were a force sufficient all buto have stormed it would to peace that - att besucht a place could at this, moment have 10 bradelt the renovating influence of Toby's 21h u brain and wonder-working hand! No

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1. At 12302 599 Ilix probest THE RAID OFACILLECHRIST. Bordering clans, like neighbouring nations, were never upon terms of hereditary concord, vicinity produced rival-nos a to sya ad o mot «H maybasb

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ry, and rivalry produced war: for this the Mackenzies early on a Sunday reason, the Macdonells and the Mac-morning, and surrounded the Cillekenzies were never long without some christ, while a numerous congregation act of hostility or feud; firing houses, were assembled within its walls. In: driving herds, raising tents, and slaugh- exorable in his purpose, Angus comtering each other's clansmen, were manded his men to set fire to the feats of recreation which each was e-building, and slaughter all who endea qually willing to exercise upon his voured to break forth. Struck with neighbour; and if either was more de- despair when the flames rushed in ficient than the other, it was more upon the aile of the church, and they, from want of opportunity, than lack beheld the circle of bare claymores fe of bare claymores of good-will. Among all the exploits glancing beyond the door, the conwhich were thus occasioned between gregation, scarce knowing what they the two clans, none was more cele- did, endeavoured to force their way, brated, nor more fearful, than the through the weapons and the flames; burning of the Cillechrist (Christ's but, pent within the narrow pass of a Church); it gave occasion and name to single arch, they were not capable to the pibroch of the Glengarrie family, make way over each other, far less to and was provoked and performed in break the ring of broadswords which the following manner. In the course bristled round the porch: men, woof a long succession of fierce and san- men, and children, were driven back guinary conflicts, the Macleans, a race into the blazing pile, or hewn down, who were followers of the Mackenzies, and transfixed at the gorge of the en-¡ took occasion to intercept and assasi-trance; the flames increased on every, pra nate the eldest son of Donald Mac-side, a heavy column of vivid smoke; angus of Glengarrie. Donald died rolled upward in the air, and the roar, shortly after, and his second son, who of infuriated men, the wailing of sufsucceeded to the chieftaincy of the fering infants, and the shrieks of desr. clan, was too as too young to undertake the pairing women, rung from within the conduct of any enterprize to revenge dissolving pile. While the church... the death of his brother: his cousin, was burning, the piper of the Machowever, Angus Macraonuill of Lundi, donells marched round the building, acted as his captain, and, gathering playing, as was customary on extraoton the Macdonells, in two separate raids, dinary occasions, an extempore piece, swept off the rents, from the greater of music; the pibroch which he now part of Lord Seaforth's country. Still, played was called, from the place this revenge seemed to him too poor where it was composed, Cillechrist, an expiation for the blood of his chief: and afterwards became the pibroch of.. the warm life of the best of his foemen the Glengarrie family. At length thes was the only sacrifice which he thought flames poured forth from every quarter of he could offer as an acceptable obla- the building, the roof fell in, theref tion to appease the manes of the mur- was one mingled yell, one crash of dered; and he, therefore, projected a ruin; the flame sunk in smouldering } third expedition, resolving in this to vapour, and all was silent. Augus fill the measure of vengeance to the had looked on with stern unrelenting brim. In the prosecution of his de- determination, but the deed was done, sign he awaited a favourable oppor- and recollection now warned him of sunity, and, gathering a small band of the danger of delay; he inmediately. men, penetrated into the country of gave orders to retreat, and leading of

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