
our souls shall dissolve in one. Keep it till with a transient rapture. For a moment my father's anger is wiped away, when our she was happy-but when she cont bridal may be solemnized not in the gloom of plated her emaciated form the ravages a parent's anger, but in the light of his con- which disease had made there-and the sent. Keep it till then, for that happy day short step which lay between her and etershall assuredly arrive, if we are blessed with nity, her happiness passed away, and she years. Then, William, present the token felt that she was indeed miserable. But to me, and claim my promse. As sure as what were William's feelings on beholdthe eye of Eternity is now upon us, it ing this sad spectacle? In the pride of shall be fulfilled. Beneath the rocks that youthful beauty-an angel of loveliness gird this mysterious solitude-beneath that he had left her, but he found her a shamoon which lightens up so sadly the glen dow, disrobed of all her charms, save that of Aven. In the presence of whatever immortal beauty, inspired by love and unseen forms now behold us and hear us, hope, over which disease has no command, I pledge my vow, and it shall be fulfilled.' His heart was blasted at the sight-his After the departure of William L- eyes swam-he fell insensibly at her feet Elizabeth's spirits sustained a fatal shock.he dreamed that what he beheld was a The bright sparkling of her eyes disap-vision, but he awoke to find it a sad reality. peared--they became dim, heavy and an- Elizabeth stretched forth her hand to him.' xious. The beauty of her complexion Do not weep for me, William, I shall faded into a pallid hue-her cheeks turned leave you only for a season. I am going wan and sunken. The symmetry of her to a country, where the bride shall not form, and that exquisite proportion which mourn the absence of the bridegroom, nor, delighted all eyes, began to be lost. In- the bridegroom, the departure of the bride. stead of the light, airy, brisk step, which Farewell, dearest-best beloved. Think attended all her movements, she trembled often on Elizabeth M, when she is. when she walked, and degenerated apace away. Think how she lived and died for into a mere shadow of what she had been. you, but mourn her not, for she is happy.

sob in

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Cough the heavy eye-the hectic flush-The unfortunate youth could on ender

the blanched lips-succeeded in their turns. a burst of agony. He pressed her Every body said that pretty Elizabeth M-hand to his lips-he bedewed it "with" was in a consumption. But where were her tears. At length, the irrepressible tide of? spirits which sported about her so gaily? affection found way in words. Eliza, where the light, open heartedness, the viva- said he, you remember the banks of the city, the wit, the smiles which she showered Aven, where you vowed to be mine-where

forth in delightful profusion? These were you told me, that this ring when bited

all gone, yet none knew why; although, was to be the token, which
bad the tears which bedewed her sleepless
pillow been witnessed, they would have
shewn, that at the heart lay the complaints.
Poor Eliza! before others she never wept,
nor spoke her sorrow, nor said she was ill,
but her utter change of spirits-her fre-
quent sighs, and her spectral form, told a
tale which could not be concealed.



us one. Let your vow be now fulfilled, and, in this place, before we are parted from earth, let it receive its indissoluble seal from the hands of the man of God. As Elizabeth looked on the ring, her eyes sparkled with unusual vivacity; but when she remembered the time, the place, and " the occasion of this pledge, she wept bitHer father alone knew the secret of her terly. William placed it on her finger, soul, and felt remorse for his harshness; but kissed her, and said, You are mine-mine it was too late; destruction had done its for ever.' But as she turned down her' worst. Helonged, with insufferable anxiety, hand, the ring dropped off." The emaciated for the return of L -to arrest its progress. finger could not fill up even its small cirI, at length, did arrive, after an ab-cle. Elizabeth observed this, and shook sence of two years; but his approach could her head, William remarked it also, and not snatch that form from the grave, which was opening to receive it.

When Elizabeth was warned of this event she fainted away. Then a flush

rose u

countenance, like beam po the valley cou tenth 2 smile crossed her lips, and her heart palpitated

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called to mind how lovely and full of health she was two years Before-how this now, and warn out, when the ring, which fitted then, dropped from her finger.

The friends of both tried to dissuade them from the melancholy, yet romantic union which they desired; but their minds


were fixed, and they were married by the parish minister. It was a sad sight to witness the pale, consumptive form of Elizabeth robed in the bridal garmentsbut whoever looked on the pensive melancholy of that still lovely face, could see an expression more than earthly, and a spirit of hope and virtue, which aspired beyond

the tomb. An evanescent flush came

subject, and who seems so desirous of freezing me by her disdain, is one who is already considerably advanced in years, and whose features and carriage are quite sufficient of themselves, without the aid of her pen, to repel all my approaches. To spoak plainly, across her countenance, as she joined Sir, I have always been of opinien, hands with her lover. It was the last that she was not a native of this cliwhich, in this world, she ever wore. She inate. And I remember, when she died eight days after the marriage. Nor did William L. survive her long, for, under a cloud of insupportable sorrow, he went once more to Jamaica, and fell a victim to the yellow fever three weeks after

his arrival.

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first made her appearance amongst us, a wag of my acquaintance conjectured, that she had been sent here by some of our Missionaries abroad, as a living testimony of the great progress which Christianity was making in foreign parts. The incorrect and broken manner in which she writes the EngTo the Editor of the Mclange. lish language, confirms, in some de SIR,I was somewhat surprised gree, my friend's surmise; as likewise, to observe, in your last number, a the disingenuity of which she is guilty letter, purporting to be an answer from in referring to, and quoting from, a Miss A to her admirer, and your private letter, which she pretends to humble servant, John Ogle. As this have received from me, along with the correspondent has, in pretty round number containing my epistle, is cur terms, denied my claim to my own tainly not of this country's growth.. name and family, I think it but It may be, however, that some misfair to retaliate upon her, by assuring chievous dog, had thought upon this her that she is not the Miss A- method of imposing upon the vanity to whom I was addressing myself; of my unsuspecting correspondent, and and that I am sorry, for, her sake, that had enclosed to her the number in so much good nature, and good writ-question, together with a card, wherein ing, as she has exhibited in her un- he made mention of his palpitatory lucky attempt at appropriation, should bosom; but if this was so, it did not have been thrown away. say much for the prudence of the wit, I regret, exceedingly, that I did if he knew that he was dealing with a not address the letter in question, lady of so ticklish and irratible a in a more specific and particular temper. It is fortunate, however, that manner, so as to have prevented any matters have turned out in the way blunder like the one into which this that they have done; for, if she had Jady has fallen; but, at the same time, taken it into her head to have been Is conceived that the whole tenor of a little more yielding, I might have the letter was such, as might have laid my account with being teazed in hindered any, save the young and no very enviable a manner.


beautiful of our congregation, from suspecting themselves to be so specially interested. You will be surprised, then, to hear, that the lady who is so coy and maidenly upon the

I am, Sir,

Your most obt. st.

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came faintly towards me, breathing a tone' of such peculiar and melting expression, as I thought I had never beOf Arques, in Normandy. fore heard. Having for some time Rising above the trees which en- listened in great delight, a sudden velope Arques, a village about a pause ensued; the strain then changedTeague in distance from Dieppe, in from sad to gay, not abruptly, but Normandy, the ruins of a old castle ushered by a running cadence, that catch the eye, and the vividness with gently lifted the soul from its languor, which the scene of upwards two and thrilled through every fibre of feedcenturies gone is brought before us, ing. It recalled to me at the instant the is checked by the view of the crum- fables of Pan, and every other rustic bling fragments of the once powerful serenader; and I thought of the pasfortress, that strong hold from whose sage in Smith's Nympholept,' where embrasures, the Hugonot cannon did Amarynthus, in his enthusiasm, fan such execution on the forces of the cies he hears the pipe of that sylvan League in September, 1589. The deity.

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illusion lasts no longer. The hand I descended the hill towards the of Time is felt to be more powerful village, in a pace lively and free as the than the touch of Fancy, and we sink measure of the music which impelled into the contemplation of the sober me. When I reached the level reality around us. ground, and came into the straggling I wound my way up an eminence street, the warblings ceased. It on which the old towers totter to de- seemed as though enchantment had cay and, passing under the broken lured me to its favourite haunt. The archway, which received the trium-Gothic church, on my right, assorted phant Henry after his victory, and then well with the architecture of the scat. tracing the rugged path which marks tered houses around. On every hand the grand approach, I got on the a portico, a frieze, ornaments carved summit of the mound that forms the in stone, coats of arms and fretwork, basement of the vast expanse of build-stamped the place with an air of 'aning. The immense extent of these tiquity and nobleness,' while groups ruins gives a fine feeling of human of tall trees formed a decoration of grandeur and mortal littleness; and verdant, yet solemn beauty. the course of reflection is hurried on as the eye wanders over tire scenery around. This may be described in one sentence, as the resting-place on which a guilty mind might prepare for its flight to virtue.

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A few peasant women were sitting at the doors of their respective habitations, as misplaced, I thought, as beggars in the porch of a palace; while half a dozen children gamboled on the grass-plat in the middle of the While I stood musing in the open place. I sought in vain among open air, where the scent comes and these objects to discover the musician, goes, like the warbling of music,'* and not willing to disturb my pleased and neither wished nor wanted other sensations, by common-place quesmelody, the soft sounds of a flute tionings, I wandered about, looking

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in asort of semi-romantic mood at saw a smile on the countenance of his every antiquated casement. Fronting pretty wife, and another on that of his the church, and almost close to its old father, and my good footing with western side, an arched entrance the family was secured. We entered caught my particular attention, from the hall a large bleak anti-room, its old, yet perfect workmanship, and with three or four old portraits moulder I stopped to examine it, throwing ac-ing on the walls, joined to each other casional glances through the trellis- by a cobweb tapestry and unaccom work, in the middle of the gate, which panied by other ornament. We then gave a view of a court-yard and house passed to the right, into a spacious within. Part of the space in front chamber which was once, no doubt, was arranged in squares of garden; the gorgeously decorated withdrawing and a venerable old man was busily room of some proudly titled occupier employed in watering some flowers. The nobility of its present tenant is A nice young woman stood beside of a different kind, and vits furniture him, with a child in her arms; two confined to two or three tables, twice others were playing near her; and as many chairs, a corner cupboard, close at hand was a man, about thirty and a secretaire. A Spanish guitar years of age, who seemed to contem- was suspended to a hook over the plate the group with a complacent Gothic marble mantel-piece: a fiddle smile. His figure was in part con- lay on one table; and fixed to the cealed from me; but he observed me, edge of the other was a sort of wooden and immediately left the others, and vice, into which was screwed a flute, walked downs the gravel path to ac- of concert size, with three finger-hodes cost me I read his intention in his and eleven brass keys; but of a conlooks, and stood still. As he ad-struction sufficient to puzzle Monzani, vanced from his concealed position, I and the very opposite of those early saw that his left leg was a wooden instruments desribed by Horace, a one his right was the perfect model of Apollonic grace. His right arm was courteously waved towards me— his left was wanting. He was bare- It is useless to make a mystery of headed, and his curled brown hair what the reader has already divinede showed a forehead that Spurzheim my one-legged, one-armed host was would have almost worshipped. His the owner of this complicated machine, features were all of manly beauty, his and the performer on it, whose wonmustachois, military jacket, and tight derful tone and execution had caused pantaloon, with red edging, told that me so much pleasure. But what will he was not curtailed of man's fair be said when I tell the astonished, proportion, by any vulgar accident of but perhaps incredulous public, that life and the cross of honour sus- his good right hand' was the sole pended to his button-hole, finished and simple one that bored and polish the brief abstract of his history. ed the wood, turned the keys and the

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- tenuis, simplexque foramine pauco, Aspirare et adesse choris erat utilis, atque Nondum spissa nimis complere sedilia flatua'

A short interlocution, consisting of ivory which united the joints, and ac apology on my part, and invitation on complish the entire arrangement of an his, ended in my accompanying him instrument, unrivalled, I must believe, towards the house; and, as I shifted in ingenuity and perfections g from his left side to his right, to offer Being but an indifferent musician, one of my arms to his only one, I and worse mechanic, I shall not ap

tempt minutely to describe the pecus thus deprived of the best enjoyment i liarities of the music, or the manage of his life, he was almost distracted's ment of the flute, as the maker and In the feverish sleep, snatched at int performer ran over, with his four tervals from suffering, he used con miraculous fingers, some of the most stantly to dream, that he was listening difficult solos in Verne's and Berbi to delicious concerts in which he was, i guer's compositions, which lay on the as he had been wont, a principal per-I table before him. Nothing could be former. Strains of more than barthly more true, more tasteful, or more sur harmony seemed sometimes floating prising, than was his execution-no-round him, and his own flute was every thing more picturesque or interesting the leading instrument. Frequentlyy than his figure, as he bent down to at moments of the greatest delighty the instrument as if in devotion to his some of the inexplicable machinery of art. I listened for more than an hour, dreams went wrong. One of those as his mellow band silvery tones were sylphs, perhaps the lovely imaginings echoed from the lofty walls of his of Baxter's fanciful theory, had snapd chamber, and returned by vibrations the cord that strung the visioned joyso from the guitar, which seemed as He awoke in ecstasy: the stoness vio much delighted as myself, for it dis- brated for a while upon his braino; but, coursed most eloquent music.' recalled to sensation by a amionof This extraordinary man is a half-bodily pain and mental agony, his ine pay colonel in the French service, efficient stump gave the lie direct to though a German by birth. His all his dreamy paradise, and the gals limbs received their summary amputation, by two quick-sent cannon shots at the battle of Dresden, I believe. Since he was disabled, he has lived in his present retirement,

- passing rich on fifty pounds a year;'

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lant and mutilated soldier wept likelar infant for whole hours together! He might make a fortune, I think, if he would visit England and appear as public performer; but his pride for bids this, and he remains at Arquesc to show to any visitor unusual proofs of talent, ingenuity, and philosophy. 20rew 2

and happy is it for him that Nature endowed him with a tasteful and mechanical mind, frare combinations,) fist aid while Art furnished him with that of coord het en bas „bobsod knowledge of music without, which Asmaz trdi beadorot & bowoda his life would have been a burden. PYES AND PORTEROW I do not consider myself at liberty to 71 A Sublime Poema” 29111189ł enter into the minutia of his eventful Mori zutilium iodosteum story, which he told with a naivette ARGUMENT The poet apostro and candour enough to have charmed phizeth Nine o'clock speaketh sof a second Desdemona. But with re-long looked for come at last. gard to his flute-playing, he actually fesseth to love a bell, not La Belle, brought the moisture into my eyes by mind ye,wishes joy to a founders the touching manner in which he re-talketh, like many other people of counted his despair on discovering News. Hookotni troile A that he had lost his arm-the leg was The Glasgow youths have a call in comparison a worthless and unre-their characters spoken of the gretted member. It needs not to be call' reiterated the poet speaketh jold, that he was an enthusiast in of his wonder-working wit, and of music; and when he believed himself set of reasons you mentioned as well


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