
tress by capitulation. The easiness of the conquest, instead of lowering its value in our estimation, was only considered as a proof of the great kindness of her disposition. Alas! we were soon convinced that she was as very a woman as any we had ever known. When married, she assumed a will of her own, and in three months we became her slave, in spite of the proper study,' &c. &c.

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To the Editor of the Melange. SIR,It is quite vexatious to think, of the ungallantry of the Editor of the Chronicle, which displayed itself a short time after his marriage, in publishing the surplus of my sex above that of the male, it has created a haughtiness amongst many of the junior bachelors of this city, which I once imagined they never would have had Thus, Mr. Editor, have we fallen a the presumption to assume. Even victim to fastidiousness; for had we some of the most fusty ones, that I married a lovely woman, we would have once thought not worth looking at, had some consolation in being hen- have got themselves brushed up so pecked, as we could have boasted of our trimly, that I shall scarcely be able to wife's superior beauty over those whose withstand their pressing condescen-, wives honour and obey them; but we are sions, unless the young ones resume now made the sport of every one, and their wonted courtesy. Several young our former caution is made the source gentlemen who used to visit our family, of eternal ridicule and merriment. come now very seldom near us, and Pope's maxim should, as we think, be when they do so, they behave very thrown entirely aside. The proper differently from what they once did. study, &c. &c. being only calculated If they send me a card respecting any to engender uneasiness and suspicion. thing, it is couched in the most careWe are now of opinion, that the better we can think of man or woman, the more happiness will be forthcoming; and we are certain that to know little of most people, the higher will they

less manner, written on soiled paper, clumsily folded, and sometimes sealed with a filthy wafer, whereas they were formerly sealed with wax, having some pretty device upon it, such as U. X. L.; but it would fill your Melange to mention all the mottos I have received since my 18th year. And indeed, KO SOLOMON SEEKSHADOW. Sir, I am quite impatient to get to the main object that has urged me to lift the pen. O how I should; rejoice

stand in our estimation. sidłam, 798x sut Yours in sorrow,

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We sincerely sympathise with the to see some scheme fallen, upon to fair writer of the following letter; bring obstinate and confirmed bachebut can do nothing more than show lors into disgrace, and some scheme it to the public. By reading the letter devised, for deterring young ones from Mr. Seekshadow, she will find from passing the prime of their lives > that there are people in the world as in celibacy. Might not, parents, make miserable as herself. If any thing we it a point to do no business with could say would induce the gallants men who allowed themselves to pass renew their ir attentions, we would the 30th year of their life in circumit cheerfully; but Editors are now stances, for entering into matrimony, too common, that all advise from them while so many lovely mates stand is considered impertinent and pre- around more than half willing to be sumptioe. pressed. All decent men who hav


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Your most obedient,

Maiden Hall,


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good established businesses, whenever | hundreds of their posterity to the they reach their 30th year untrammel- thousandth generation. More I can, ed, should have the patronage of fa- not add for want of time, but hope you milies taken from them, and given to will take up the cause yourself. In married men, and young bachelors, haste, I am, who seem inclined to get married. But really, Sir, I am in such a perturbation, that I cannot compose my mind to suggest what might be of Nov. 21st, 1822, use in our present sad dilemma. Perhaps, however, you may be able to serve our cause somewhat, and if so, considering our number, your PERFORMANCES at the CIRCUS. paper may meet with an extensive TOM, JERRY, LOGIC, &c. &c." -''li sale. It would not be unworthy the attention of the legislature to endeaTo the Editor of the Melange. vour to ameliorate our forlorn condi- 'One man in his time plays many parts." tion. It was deemed a crime, Sir, SIR, We went to the Circus on in Greece not to marry, and the men, Saturday evening, conceiving it a prowhen in proper circumstances, were per place to relax from the labours of not permitted to decline it beyond a the week: we were surprised on taking certain age. And more, Sir, it was our seat in the boxes, at the well or even permitted (and most wisely too), dered alterations of the interior of this: that incorrigible bachelors, should be little and favourite seat of the Muses. treated with contempt. By the laws Our reminiscences were both ofs an of Lycurgus, they were reckoned so pleasant and painful nature, as our? base as to be excluded from certain thoughts reverted to the days of our processions, and even compelled to youth, when the Theatre Royal, Dur march, in the depth of winter, round lop Street, was the legitimate seat of the market-place in a state of nudity, the votaries of Thespis; but, since singing a song to their own disgrace. that time, converted into, heaven; I blush to mention this, and conjure knows how many ignoble uses! you not to imagine I should like to Here, we said to ourselves, have the see them treated so unmercifully. representatives of kings, and princes A milder punishment might conduce strutted and fretted their little hour, as much to our advantage, such a one, until the increasing opulence of the for instance, as was adopted by the Glasgow public deemed it unworthy Dey of Algiers, when he found his of containing their corporealities. The capital thinned by the plague, war, meanness of the exterior made them &c. A number of young men, about build a house, which they have since 20 years of age, were brought to the proved, they were unable to occupy, public place, and there presented with either from want of ways and means, the choice of a good wife, or the bas- or from some error in calculation, or tinado. Now surely, Sir, this being from a sudden declination of Dramano puzzlesome case to determine, tic taste, or from what cause you will. bachelors who refused the former, At any rate, the house would have well deserved the latter. By their been better unbuilt, that is, the money mode of living, they left unproduced would have been better in the pockets (which is little better than murder) of the proprietors, as it is much to be



doubted, if they will even make their was to follow. Mr. Power danced own of it; and it is a reproach to tolerably, as did Miss Newcombe; our fellow citizens, standing as a mo- but the principal performer was our nument of public neglect, and indivi- old friend Edwards, who, with all his dual extravagance. That it is much fun, could elicit nothing more than a too large for our town-folk's thea- horse laugh from the gods. The trical needs none can deny; and we curtain dropped amid laughter and know of nothing more cheerless than hisses, though the former predomi a nearly empty theatre. It ever puts nated. We mention this as a stimuus in mind of a garden, when the lus to the inanager to introduce some, flower season is past, when only a few thing more rational. Ballets, in geof the hardier or later productions of neral, are insipid and so unnatural, Flora spreads a remembrance over the that people of taste generally despise mind of what it had once been. An them. empty, theatre sheds a chilling influence over both mind and body, as we contemplate the cheerless state of the actors, and the little chance we have of seeing the play well done, as the withered flower, partere, puts us in mind of winter, and warns us of the piercing blasts of the north, the nipping power of frost, and the thousand natural shocks the flesh is subject to par consequence.

The next part of the performance was the exhibition of Juan Bellinck and family, on the Slack Rope, Stilts, &c. We never saw any thing of the kind equal to the performance of these extraordinary individuals. The hearty plaudits they received from all parts of the house, were proofs how highly the entertainment was relished. We can convey no adequate idea of the astonishing powers of the father, so shall not attempt it; but will merely say, that they are sights worth seeing.

Though winter is already begun, we had no reason to complain of cold on Saturday evening, as with much We were principally interested in difficulty we procured seats in the the forth coming Burletta of Life third row from the front, and ere the in London; and much as our hopes curtain was drawn up, we were well were excited, they were fully realised protected from the insults of the sea- The first scene introduces us to son by those who took their seats at Hawthorn Hall, where a number of our back-not that any danger is to the characters are seated round a table be apprehended from cold, though enjoying sportman's cheer, and singthere were but two persons in the ing a song to an auld Scotch tune, house, for it is well heated by fires; viz. Willie brewed a peck o' maut," and we smiled complaisantly as we We must confess that the tune dis contemplated the red glow which one posed us to think favourably of the of them emitted in the lobby, as we person who adapted the words to made our way to our seat. music. This might have proceeded from our partiality to our national airs, but amor patriæ is nae sin.

The performances commenced with Scotch Ballet, of which little can be said; and, as friends of the manager, we think it should be the last he will attempt to bring forward during the season. They are not suited to the taste of our denizens; and we plainly perceived, that its representation was only tolerated in expectation of what

Mr. Darnley, as Corinthian Tom, did his part in tip top style, though his figure is not quite so fine as to convey to a looker the idea of Corinthian elegance, having more of the the Hercules than the Apollo in it. He is much too stout, and has

little too much of the frost work of Edwards queered it well both as a time about him for a blood of the pre-charlie and a vagabond. He really sent day; but he bears no sign of seemed a prime flash, and provoked as dilapidation. He spoke the part well, much laughter as most people could kept up the spirit of it to the last; but bear.

we must say, we would have liked him The minuet between Mr. Coling better had he been a little more ex-bourn and Miss Newcombe should be quisite. He is a good actor, and dispensed with, and a waltz, or some seldom fails to please; and the au- thing shorter introduced; it is much dience seem always glad to see him. too tiresome.

The quadrilles were excellent, with the exception of one or two dancers, who were, in reality, what Jerry was only in appearance.

Mr. Power, though no great actor, did great credit to himself in the character of Jerry. He had all the necessary mauvaise honte of a country novice. Every step he advanced in The rapidity of the action, during the mysteries of a town life seemed to the whole piece is astonishing. We deprive him of a part of his sheepish- never got time to pause between the ness. His dancing at the assembly scenes. The scenery is beautiful, exat Almack's was admirable. He exceeding any thing of the kind we looked and behaved so like one who have ever seen in Glasgow. It musť had never made a similar display, have been very expensive, and we that we were almost tempted to think really hope Mr. K. will be no loser the thing real; and pitied him as his by the risk he has run. We would partners in the dance shoved him advise Mr. K. to pay a little more at about from side to side, as he made tention to his underlings, and make a faux pas, &c. them dress with more propricty.-Mr. Kinloch, as Bob Logic, in our The clothes are good enough, but în opinion, never looked or acted better, many cases they were huddled on he was quite the thing-master of the with no regard to character or efflash current,-perfect in his part-fect. We do not mention names, and finished Jerry in first rate style. but hope the hint will be taken, parHis encounter with the charlie, and ticularly by those whom we saw in behaviour while before the constable, the scenes at Tattersal's, and in Allwere really out and out-his dress ad-max in the east. By-the-bye, we mirable his manner as indifferent to thought the auction the worst part of circumstances as we could conceive a the whole representation: there is no blood's to be; he exceeded our ex-spirit in the conducting of it, nor any pectations completely, and we wish thing like nature. him all the luck he deserves.

Mr. Cardoza is une pauvre marchand des chevaux; but he makes amends in African Sal, so we let him

It would require more space than the Melange will allow, to do justice to this admirable treat. We cannot pass. mention all the beauties or defects which came under our observation.

Mrs. Makeen's Kate is a well played part. She is already a favourite with the public.

On the whole, we never enjoyed a night's entertainment more; and we conclude our epistle, with hoping the manager will be rewarded for the very great expense and trouble which he We liked Mr. Makeen worst in must have incurred. Your giving inhis parts of the landlord and beggar. sertion to these loose remarks, will His Scotch pronunciation, frequently oblige a friend and well-wisher, who betraying him not to be an English subscribes himself, landlord in the one case, nor a cock

ney beggar in the other.




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How low thou art, and yet how bless'd!

Reposing on thy bed of rest.

No more on thee shall nature pour

Her vials in the torturing hour;
No more around thy youthful head
The agony of death be spread:
For thou art gone to fairer lands,
And thou art bless'd by other hands;

And lovelier sounds shall charm thine ear
Than ever breath'd upon it here.
And from thy breast shall angel sighs
Dispel a parent's agonies;
And in thy sainted bosom flow
The stream that quenches every woe.
No longer shall thy holy lip
The bitter draught of sorrow sip;
Nor from thine eyelids flow the tears
That stain our first and latest years.
Fair spirit! in thy bless'd abode,
Beloved of angels and of God,
With beamy crown of glory shining,
With beauty round thy teinples twining,
Canst thou, from thire abode of bliss,
Gaze upon world so vile as this?
Canst thou, from Zion's holy place,
Look down on man's degraded race?
Yes, spirit bright-though glorious be
The radiance that encircleth thee,
Though richer than the golden dye
That hangs upon the evening sky,
Though purer than the virgin show
That crowns our mountain peaks below,
Though fresher than the crystal tide
That Hows from Carmel's wreathed side,
Although more beautiful than earth
When she rejoiced in Eden's birth;
Yet, with a soft impassioned eye,
Dost thou look from thine native sky,
And pour upon our sorrowing head
Such tears as angel forms may shed.
Beloved one!-even thou must know
The height and depth of mortal woe,
The tears affection shed for thee,
In the deep burst of agony,
The pangs that seiz'd on every heart,
When from the earth thou did'st depart,
The agonizing throbs that tore

The heartstrings from their inmost core-
This thou canst feel; and while thy knee
Is bent before ETERNITY-
Wilt thou implore? Ah! yes, thy prayer
Will gain a balm for our despair;

A hope to cause our sorrows cease,
And the warm heart repose in peace;
And bid a sweet remembrance wave
Its gentle influence o'er thy grave.

A. B. C. D.

O Caledonia! while thy arts arise,

While fame proclaims thy deeds to distant lands,
While thy proud spires invade the bending skies,
While Scotia's banners wave in freemen's hands,

While o'er thy heath-hills hums the moorland bee,
While thy blue mountains bound the horizon,
While round thy rough shores chafes the raging sea,
While freedom is thy children's orison,

Forget not Wallace! who, with dauntless breast,
Oft braved for thee the brunt of lawless power;
And burn'd with rage to see thy sons oppress'd,
To see the tyrant's banner on each tower.

Shall Caledonia,' thus the Hero cried,
'Be ravished of her glory and her fame?
Shall her pure streams with Scottish blood be dy'd?
And her surviving sons be slaves and tame?
Shall the keen eagle cleave the azure sky?
Shall the dun deer bound lawless o'er the heath?
Shall the green thistle rear its head on high;
And Scotsmen's lot be slavery and death?

No!-while the life-blood warms this beating heart,
While a free spirit animates this frame,
It shall be mine to act a glorious part,
And wrench from tyranny my country's fame.'
The Patriot's God confirm'd the Hero's vow ;
A brighter sun-shine fell upon the land;
A song of freedom burst from every bough;
And Peace and Plenty smil'd on every hand.

Then, Caledonia! while thy arts arise,
While fame proclaims thy deeds to distant lands,
While thy proud spires invade the bending skies,
And Scotia's banners wave in freemen's hands,

Forget not Wallace! who, with dauntless breast,
Oft braved for thee the brunt of lawless power,
And rais'd triumphantly thy fallen crest,
And tore the tyrant's banner from each tower.


W. H.

The Sd part of man, sir, an M I would make;
A 6th part of spider 's an E, as I take;
An L of a lip is I think part the 3d;
And A the 4th part of a hand, take my word;

A 5th part of noses I take to be N;

G is the 5th part of grand, and what then?
A 6th part of single I take to be E-

All which duly arranged, make the Melange to me


We are astonished at the pertinacity of our correspondent, who signs himself a friend, in persisting in his poetical reveries. If he would believe us, we can assure him, that a man may be an ornament to society and literature, though he be not the author of a single rhyme. Cicero was a man of letters! every body knows that; but unfortunately he imagined himself a puet: disregarding the opinions of his friends he would write verses, and was laughed at. We beg he will take warning by Cicero: he was born an Orator, but not a Poet-If A. B C. D. would continue the subject of his last communica tion, we, as well as our friends who have read his remarks, would esteem it a favour. We will always be glad to hear from him. Thank him for the hint, which entirely accords with what we were cou templating-Nincompoop is not admissible. When he can write prose so well, we wonder he would mispend his time stringing rhymes-We thank our correspondent of Maiden Hall, for the Present. We have used some of it, and think it well flavoured. Some of it will not agree with Glasgow stomachs We will dispose of that in a proper manner. We have paid attention to the communication-C's anee dotes are too eommon-We have received W-e's descriptive poom; it possesses merit, but not suffi cient to warrant us in inserting it-The Tryst cannot be admitted.-My Anna's Tomb is under con sideration-We have received three letters on the subject of Mr. Ogle's communication; all of which came too late for this week's publication. As we cannot insert them all, we made our selection in the following manner:-We blinded the eyes of one of our devils with a handkerchief, placed the three letters on a table, and contented ourselves with the one he put his paws on. Their merit is equal. We were impartial. All the writers are unknown to us. The letter, beginning As you have thought pro per,' will appear in our next; so our devil has decided-Remarks on the state of Greece, and the plea sures of recollection, are under consideration.-S. M. B. in our next.

Printed, published and sold, every Wednesday, by GEORGE PURVIS & Co, Successors to W. Tail, Lyceum Court, Nelson Street, where communications, post paid, may be addressed to the Editor. Sold also by Mr. Griffin, Public Library, Hutcheson Street; at the Shops of the Principal Booksellers Glasgow. Also of the following Booksellers: John Hislop, Greenock; John Dick, Ayr Thomas Dick. Paisley; Robert Mathie, Kilmarnock; Malcolm Carrie, Port-Glasgow; D. Conde, Rothesay James Thomson, Hamilton; and M. Dick. Irvine: for roady mone

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