
gentleman, who never suspects my real plead as an argument to let me go on. design, as being a divinity student of And again, that generous desire of some vanity, he flatters himself I look expressing, by some means or other, at him in compliment to his genius; the satisfaction and delight which we and from him I describe a circuitous are all made to feel by the force of irroute to the seat of attraction. When resistible eloquence, is another arguthere is any noise or bustling, occa- ment which I offer to your considerasioned by people taking or leaving tion, for a decision in my favour. I their seats, in your neighbourhood, I will say nothing of the pleasure which take care never to lose such opportu- one feels in looking at beauty: for nities of indulging my favourite pro- that would equally offend your modesty pensity with impunity. I was much and piety; and will conclude this epistle, gratified sometime since by a woman by expressing a hope, that, if you do fainting near you; and the consterna- deprive me of the pleasure of looking tion which the people were thrown at you, you will, as an equivalent, eninto by the apparent demise of the courage my often-foiled resolution of precentor in his box, gave me inex- speaking to you, by some little, name

pressible pleasure. The old woman less indication, that you would not frown upon the attempt.

too, who contended with Somnus for leading the music, was not lost upon


I am, Dear Madam,
Your humble admirer,


'I renounce the sinfulness of long thrums and short ellwands, now and for ever more, Amen ;' muttered the

You will have observed, I think, Madam, that it is generally when the sermon is not very interesting, or, on the contrary, at the close of any splendid passage in a great discourse, that I indulge most in the passion. I take a pleasure in observing the glow of feeling, which the thrilling eloquence of our pastor suffuses over your countenance; and from which exhibitions, overthrown head of the venerable callI have formed a very favourable opinion ing of the, weavers, Long thrums of your mind and understanding.- and short ellwands,' said he of the Indeed, your face has become to me a smithy to him of the loom; I'll revery expressive one-insomuch, that member his confession, howeverwithout any vain affectation on your there's knavery in all crafts, save mine.' part, I can satisfy myself with a single Avaunt, avaunt, whither wilt thou glance, whether you agree with me in carry me!' exclaimed the deacon; the excellence or puerility of any say- that man hath perfect blessedness, ing, in the beauty or infirmity of any who walketh not astray in counsel of illustration. ungodly men.' O! that I could Now, my dear, it is with you to mind a prayer now, when a prayer determine whether I am to continue, might be of service, and no be borne or if I am to forego this pleasant re-away owre the fiend's left shoulder, creation. The question is, does it dis-like holy Willie gaun hame with a turb or incommode you in the smallest? customer's web.' The man's de The many dull sermons which, since mented,' muttered the Elder; posthe amiable Mr. I. left us, the arrange-sess'd by a demon-fairly possess dments of St. J. subject us to, I would here, Bailie, bear thou his heels, I'l




bear up his head, and let us carry him redeemed!-won from the clutches of home, and deliver him up to the ad- the auld enemy, and set on my feet monition of dame Marion.' And at the fire-side of my sworn friend, lifting aloft the weaver as they spoke, William Warpentree. But, O! man, away they marched but not without I have gotten such a fright this blessed speech or resistance. A fiend at evening, as will gang wi' me to my my head, and a fiend at my feet! Lost beyond redemption! Lost be- Fright!' said Marion, what could yond redemption! O! if I mann have frightened ye in the douce Kirkbe doomed, let me lie in my grave gate of Dumfries; the kirk at your like other sinners, and no be borne lug, the kirkyard at your elbow, and away to be picked by the fiend behind the fear o' God afore ye, and a gallant the stake and ryse dike that divides bowl of brandy punch in your hand. the foul place from purgatory, like a I feel the smell of the spilt mercies gled picking a cock-bird.' Their en-yet, ye donard bodie; what fiend made trance into the chamber beside dame ye coup the creels, and scream yon Marion, seemed at first to augment way?' Woman, woman' said the his terror he shut his eyes, and elder to his spouse, 'bridle thy unruly clenched his hands, in the resolute tongue, and curb thy irreverent speech agony of despair. Ah! the black-this man hath, peradventure, seen pit, and the burning fire, wi' fiends something: which he will do well to to torment me in the shape of holy disburthen his conscience in describing, Willie Warpentree, and that wicked I shall make bauld to tell ye,' said body Bailie Burnewin,' A she- the deacon of the weavers, how it fiend too! Na, then there's nae re- happened, and whereabout; but, O! demption for me I'm in the hollow-man, never let sinful flesh pride itself est hell, I'll warrant me!' and half again in the joys of this world, Who unclosing his eyes, they wandered with would have thought that a man like something of a half insane and half me, a bowl of reeking punch in one suspicious scrutiny around the elder's hand, and buttered short cake in the.. apartment. other; the town clock chapping eleven, At this irreverent allusion to her- a glass in my head, the pavement aself and her sex, the yoke-fellow of the neath, and my friend's door open before elder exclaimed: Ungracious and me, should in ae moment be spoiled, graceless body, I'll she-fiend thee!' and bereaved of all in which he had sinand, lifting up a spoonful of the fat fully prided. O! William Warpenliquid in which the haggis had been tree-flesh and blood--flesh and blood. immersed, she threw it fairly in his Here he wiped away the moisture of face. This application was much Marion's haggis from his face, mutmore effectual than the grave inquiries tercd, Grace be near me, I'm barely

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of her husband; the liquid, too cool come to my senses yet-Lord, I'll to scald, and yet hot enough to make never forget it-how can I-I'm a flesh feel, caused him to utter a scream. doomed creature, that's certain,''Well done, she-fiend!' said the The elder enjoined him to tell why he blacksmith, if a woman's wit brings was disquieted-the elder's wife denae a man to his senses, I wot nae sired to know what elf or brownie had whatwill.' The afflicted weaver opened scared him out of any little sense he his eyes, exclaimed, Praise be blest!' ever laid claim to; while the Baillie leaped to his fect, shouted, redeemed!' declared, it would be a droll tale that

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would recompense him for the privation of the spilt punch.

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horse ran masterless about the fields, and mony a ride she and Peg Lawson, and Nell Thomson had: their daughters are fine madams now, and would nae like to hear that their mothers rode round thet own meadows on a strayed horse, but its true that I tell ye.'

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'O! hard, hard!' exclaimed the deacon of the weavers, I maum be frightened out of my senses ae minute with the Packman's ghost, and fairly die in describing it the next. The Packman's ghost!' exclaimed the three And now,' said the deacon, 'I auditors, at once gathering round the am come to the present concernment. affrighted deacon. Yes! the Pack- I stood looking at old Ne'er-do-good's man's ghost,' said he, give me leave house, and thinking how soon he to breathe, and I shall tell ye. As I might be summoned, and what a black came out to the street, there was a account he would render; when lo, slight fall of snow; the way was and behold! what should I see coming as white afore me as a linen web-a towards me from auld Lowrie's, but a light glimmered here and there-the creature, the queerest creature that brightest was in the home of Lowrie een ever saw: I thought I should have Linchpin, the Haunted House ye ken; sunk where I stood, with dread, and the carle lies in a departing state. yet the worst had not happened. I As I looked o'er to his window, I could nae for my soul take my een thought to myself, the minister, or from it, and straight towards me it some of the elders will be there, doubt- came. I think I see it yet—the breeks less, and a bonnie death-bed story of hodan gray, the Packman plaid, and he'll make on't if he tells the truth. the Kilmarnock bonnet: the hair of And then I stood and thought, may my own head, gray and thin though be, on the wild stories the neighbours it be, raised the bonnet from my own tell of sights seen at midnight around brow. O! William Warpentree, his house how he cannot rest in his could I have remembered but three bed, but converses with his dumb words of thy prayer which seven times horse to drown darker thoughts: while to my knowledge ye have poured out atween his own house and the stable, before the men who swear by the wolf's the shadowy fingers of an auld Pack-head and shuttle in its mouth, I might man are seen plucking at him. A have come off crouse perchance, and gold pose Auld Linchpin got by triumphant. But the world winna nicking the pedlar's thrapple, else credit it-I tried to pray I tried there are many liars. There was my to bless myself, I could neither do the douce gudemother, ye mind her weel one nor the other, and curses and Bailic, many a mutchkin of brandy discreditable oaths came to my lips ; you and and Brandyburn, and John I shall never dare to sing a psalm, or Borland, and Edgar Wright, and ane speak of a thing that's holy again.' I winna name emptied ahint her hallan. The deacon's story had proceeded Aweel thae days are gane, and my thus far; Marion had with a light gudemother too; but mony a time she foot, and a diligent hand, and an car told me, when she was a stripling of a that drank in every word of the narJassie, that the anld Packman (nae rative, replenished the table with a other name had he) was seen coming noble haggis reeking and rich, and laden, horse and man, along the lane distilling streams of amber from every to the house of Lowrie Linchpin.-pore; while, from the collops scored, a He was never more seen; but his smoke thick and savoury ascended;

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and a table of inferior size exhibited as well gang to hell with the words of an ancient punch bowl curiously hooped salvation sounding in his ear." and clasped, flanked by a brace of Sore groaned the devout man at gardevines, filled to the corks with this ungracious and untimely summons; choice gin and brandy. Upon the he looked on the smoking supper-tawhole looked the elder and Bailie with ble; he thought on the wretched and a strong wish that the deacon's adven- the worthless being, for whose soul's ture with the pedlar's apparition would welfare he was called to minister by come to a close. A hurried foot in prayer and supplication and despairthe street, and a mighty rap, rap, rap ing of success in his intercession, he at the door, equal to the demolishing threw himself into a chair, pulled it of any ordinary hinges, accomplished to the head of the table, laid aside his the good man's wish., Ere Marion cap, and spread forth his hands like could say Come in,-in started an one ready to bless the savoury morsel ancient Kirkgate dame, her hood awry, before him. The Christian spirit of and a drinking-cup, which her hurry the messenger, reinforced by strong had not hindered her to drain, though drink, came down like a whirlwind. she found no leisure to set it down, A bonnie elder of God's kirk, indeed, was still in her right hand. She stood to sit down to his smoking supper, with her lips apart, and pointed to- with his full-fed cronies aside him wards the haunted house of old Linch- and leave a poor soul to sink among pin, half chocked with agitation and the fathomless waters of eternity. haste. The saints be near us, wo- Had it been a douce and a devout man; have ye seen a spirit also?' said person that was at death's door, the Bailie Burnewin. Spirit,' said the haste might have been less; but a dame, an interrogatory suggesting being covered with crimes as with a words which she could not otherwise garment, whose left hand clutched find- ten times worse than a thou- men's gold, and whose right hand sand spirits I would rather face all wrought murder, it's a burning shame the shadows of sinners which haunt and a crying scandal, not to fly and the earth, than sit five minutes longer seek to save, and send him the road by the bedside of auld Lowrie; the of repentance. A bonnie elder, infiends have hold of him, there's little deed! O my conscience, Sir, if I'm doubt of that—for he's talking to them, but spared to Sunday if I stand nae and bargaining for a cozie seat in the up and proclaim ye for a sensual and lowing heugh its fearful to hear him selfish man, who shuns the dying man's and what can have brought the evil couch, for the sake of a savoury supspirits around him already-naebody per, may the holy minister give me a will dispute possession; and then he hot face, clad in a penitential garment thinks the Packman is at his elbow, on the cutty stool. During this outand begins to speak about the old pouring of remonstrance and wrath, throat-cutting story, but his wife, a the good man found leisure for reflecwicked carlin and a stout, lays ever tion; he rose ere she concluded, asher hand on his mouth, and cries out, sumed his hat and mantle, and sayHe's raving, sirs, he's raving! But ing, I will go to the couch of this I think I'm raving myself.-Come wicked man; but wicked should I be away, Elder Warpentree, and try and to hold out the hope that an hour of speak solace to his saul, though it be repentance will atone for an age, of a rotten and a doomed ane; he may crime-It's but casting precious words

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away, ane might as well try to make dame Linchpin, placing her hand as damask napery out of sackcloth she spoke on the mouth of the elder; thrums, as make a member for bliss it's enough that my poor old deout of such a sinner as Lowrie Linch-mented husband should upbraid me pin.' with planning and plotting on't, without thy uncivil tongue, O sirs! but I am a poor broken-hearted mad old woman, and my words should not be minded to my character's harm;' and she covered her face with her hands, and wept aloud.

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When the elder entered the dying man's abode, he found him seated in his arm chair, pale and exhausted, his clothes torn to shreds, and his hair (as lint, white and long, as if it had waved over the temples of a saint) scattered about in handfuls; while his Ay, ay!' exclaimed her huswife, a stern and stout old dame, band, I'm coming-I'm comingpinioned him down in his seat, and will ye not indulge me with another fixed upon him two fierce and threaten-little-little-year I have much to seting eyes, of which he seemed to be tle much to do, and much to say, in awe. And what, in the fiend's and I'm not so old what is seventy name brought auld Wylie Warpentree and eight ?there's twenty in the at this uncivil hour, when we have rish older, and my limbs are strong, more distress than heart can well en- and my sight's good-I can see to read 'dure,' said she of the haunted house; the small print Bible without glass, are ye come to steal our purse under and that's a gallant brag at my time of the pretence of prayer, like bonnie life. Weel, weel, all flesh is grass, Elder Haudthegrup? de'il may care the word says that; and I shall fulfil if ye were all dancing on the morning it but wherefore am I not to die in air in a St. Johnstone cravat, the land my bed like my douce father? ye will would be well rid of ve.' 'Woman, never punish an old man like me—its woman,' said the elder, in a tone of bad for the land when the gallows sorrow and Christian submission, sees gray hairs. Prove it! who will wherefore should ye asperse the ser- prove it, I pray thee ?—who shall tell vant of Him above; I come not here that I slew him for his gold?-how to take, neither come I hither to steal, my wife plotted his death, and helped but I come to one sick and subdued me bravely to spill his blood, and rifle in spirit, sick even unto death, for the his well-filled pack?-Ah, mony a hand of the enemy will soon be upon bonnie summer day has she gone gaily him. O man!" said he, addressing to kirk and market with the price of the dying person, if ye had seven our salvation on her back-She gave years to live, as ye may have but a gallant mantle from the pack to the seven minutes; if your soul was as proud wife of Provost Mucklejohn; pure as the unfallen snow, now de- the wife's good luck was ended: she scending at your window, instead of gave a plaid to Bailie Proudfoot, and being stained as with ink, and spotted proud was he no longer; he was found as with crimson, I say unto you repent drowned in the Nith on the third day; —repent-cast thyself in the ashes it was nae sonsie to wear the silks and groan and spread thy hands night, and satins, and fine raiment, of which a morn, and noontide thy spirit will dead man was the owner. Weel, find it all too little to atone for thy weel, woman, if ye will tell of me, faults, and for Devil! wilt thou even tell-all that ye can say is easily talk about the Pedlar also?' exclaimed summed. Hearken, and I will dis

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