
, nam I think

long jetty lashes as he stroaked his beard,
and said, I was just thinking
have just mourned long enough for that
ing me, on doffing these sables,
sweet creature.


explosions. Brigadier Curtis, with his squadron of gun-boats, exerted himself most gallantly in the cause of humanity, and saved upwards of God rest her soul! She three hundred persons from the ships is now far happier than I am; and though which were on fire, who must other- I should mourn from this to dooms-day, wise inevitably have perished. Lord I could not add one jot to her stature: Howe afterwards arrived with a fleet, Bravo! said I to myself, here is a man besides, you know, to-day is Rosely Fair, and reinforced the garrison. The who treads the middle path of right feeling: Spaniards, after the failure of their he loved Amelia while she was in life, and grand attack, kept up a petty warfare seriously lamented her loss at death; but until February, 1782, when the news now, that the intensity of his feelings are of preliminaries of a general peace hav-abated, he wishes to maintain the outward appearance of grief no longer, than he reing been signed at Paris, terminated tains its realities upon his heart. Besides, hostilities.

No. 2.


'Laugh and grow fat at the follies you see.' Teague's Jest Book. There is in sorrow, as well as in all the passions inwoven in the human frame, a seemly mediocrity between an overpowering display of pathetic emotion, and callous insensibility. The features well adjusted, with the appearance of woe, and the outer man sombred over with its external trappings, has oftimes belied the latent feelings of the heart; and could we draw aside the veil that obscures internal feeling from actual observation, we might possibly see joy playing in sportive beams around many a bosom, from the thoughts of the snug little fortune which reverted to them from the demise of those whom they outwardly affected to deplore. But there is actually no occasion for supernatural agency to establish the truth of this hypothesis: the conduct of many in this, as well as every era of the world, unfolds an ample and literal verification of its


They dance about, in all the mockery of woe, To midnight dances and the public show.'-Pope I had just noted this down in my patch book, as an incontrovertible fact, when the Doctor entered my lodgings, at Wan, I never saw him decked so sprucely since the death of Amelia. The thatch of his attic was tastefully frizzled, and his prominent eyes beamed gracefully from beneath their

said I to myself, to-day is Rosely Fair.
The thought had an instantaneous effect
upon me; I started up with wonderful
agility, considering my green old age,
adjusted my auburn wig, and seized my
oaken staff, round the huge head of which,
I had, as a token of respect for my native
place, engraven, 'Let Glasgow Flourish;"
and forthwith, the Doctor and I sallied
into the open air, and boldly set our faces
toward Rosely. Its distance from
Wa-n was 5 miles. It was a most
delightful morning. How shall I paint
it? Spirit of Hoggarth, assist me! Phoe-
bus was scaling the blue vault, and shed
ding his refulgent beams on the sides of the
distant mountains, which seemed to thrust
their towering tops into the azure, and
mark nature's boundaries. The sweets of
expanding flowers were gently exhaling,
whilst boyish zephyrs fanned around the
ambrosial fragrance. The fertile vales
were sprung up in rich luxuriance, to cheer
the heart, and repay the toil of the labo-
rious husbandman. The meadows were
sprucely dressed in emerald robes, taste"
fully set with daisies and cowslip; and
over the lee, the shepherd played his
morning air, while the sportive lambs
gambolled about, in all the gaiety of inno-
cence. The lark, high poised in air, ca-
roled his joyful song, while the black bird
and the mellow-thrush, poured their me
lody on the tuneful ear, from the groves
and thickets which occasionally diversified
the scenery; in one word, all nature was
rejoicing; and under its sweet inspiration,
we soon arrived at Rosely. The ground
on which the fair was held, lay on the side
of the highway, and was situated in a kind
of central position of the county of Cum-
berland. It had been appropriated, time

immemorial, to this purpose; but its pre-rusty cymbals, in order to drown the clamour sent owner had showed some disposition of Grumbleguttar. A merry Andrew was to infringe an ancient privilege, (as I was making wry faces, at the crowd, and runinformed,) and as one step towards this, ning over his well-conned vocabulary of had surrounded it with a parapet. Through antie vagaries, and occasionally pointing it we, however, soon found an entrance, to the painted canvass, which hung in front and (as you know, Mr. Editor, men, like of the caravan: this, I understood, was as monkeys, are often fond of showing them- much as to say, "Look'e, gentlemen, this selves,) made our way to the front of the speaks for itself. To the right of these, crowd. Heavens! what a Babel of strife stood a tun-bellied German, one of the was here! Human nature, in two of its many rightful successors to Herman Boaz, many forbidding forms, presented itself in the mysteries of hocus pocus and legerin the persons of two showmen, who were demain. Whether it was magic rings, pavieing with each other for pre-eminence in tent incantations, or the names of two of their honourable occupation; one of them the fancy, viz. Chicken and Johnson, who was a little squat bandy-legged fellow, were exhibiting within, that attracted the with a voice as hoarse and monotonous as attention of the crowd, I cannot pretend the mastiff, Cerberus; this, he occasion- to determine; but certain it is, that the ally put forth in roundly bawling, Walk German monopolised all the trade, while up, gentlemen, walk up; and concluded the two rivals were repaid with the noise, every effort of this kind with something for the seemingly small trouble of making like an assurance that every thing worth it. We were now heartily tired with conlooking at, was contained within the pre-templating this motley carricature of hucincts of his paltry caravan. He was assisted by a Babylonish dame, a plume of feathers nodded over her face, it was nicely besmeared with paint; but, in spite of this paltry substitute for beauty, it was visible that unsparing time was ploughing his furrows there, and setting his seal upon her withering lips, as they pronounced, Walk up, walk up, gentlemen and ladies. I candidly assure you, that what Monsieur Grumblegutter says is true, and if you an't satisfied with the performance, I shall, upon my honour I shall, return your money.' Honour!' exclaimed the Doctor, a fiddlestick, d'ye hear that old beldame honour? O shame, where is thy blush? Fled, I suppose, with the natural colour of her face, I an't joking now. By the time that their d mummeries, are over on the deck, this honourable lady will dive into the cockpit, and leave the clodpoles, the surest road to honour, in a trip down that there scurvy ladder.

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The other was a long lean fellow. His generalappearance bore some analogy to Dr. Syntax in quest of the Marvellous. The powers of his body and mind seemed gone; for the being seemed to be centered in his elbows, and exerted in clanking a pair of old

man folly; and accordingly retreated to the back ground, while the Doctor muttered, ' A murrain seize them, what a pity nature intended them for men?' and such like cynical expressions. Here, all was bustle and animation; joy seemed to have erected a throne in every bosom, and mirth a seat on every countenance. The wag was playing off his droleries upon the simpleton, while he, little suspecting that he was his butt, swelled with his laugh, the long and loud peal of merriment, at his own expense. Here, the man of gaiety was in his proper element, as objects of attraction, diversified in kind and name, were floating about like motes in sun-beams. The grave and the morose had apparently left their every-day faces behind them, with a solemn injunction not to trouble them till to-morrow: indeed, were one disposed to take as a criterion, the time to which I now allude, I might, with tolerable safety, assert that bad nature would never be more seen in Cumberland. But to proceed, the cynic had forgot his snappishness, and seemed for once resolved to let others live, and move, and breathe as well as himself. The moral man slackened the bridle of restraint, and gave a holiday to some of

*I do not mean to say that this lady, pardon me, belonged to Babylon ; no, no, she might be a native of Cross-my-Luif, for any thing I know: but sure am I, that I have often heard both clergymen and laity talk of the whore of Babylon; now, it is only to assure these gentlemen, that this was not her, that have taken the additional trouble of writing this foot note.

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almost every corner; but, O fate, how de

the grosser appetites that was incorporated with his existence, hoping, in all probabi-vious are thy ways! at the very time that lity, that, like a good catholic, he might, Moffat was cock sure of victory, his sableby an act of supererogation, transfer the eyed antagonist lent him a rum one between surplus of some days' good deeds, to the the day lights, which fairly floored him ; as chasm made in morality, by the sports of he showed no innate inclination of again Rosely Fair. My friend, the Doctor, was coming to the scratch, the victory was, of a moral man; but, the encircling motto of course, awarded to the unknown. I would all his actions on that day was, Let us en- not have adverted to this scene of folly, had joy ourselves, Rosely Fair comes only once it not been for the opportunity it afforded a year,' &c. The amorous had ample me of slightly glancing at the conduct of scope for all their cupidical prowess, as one of the sporters. He was one of the the fair sex were floating about in vast va- two to one heroes on the head of the vanriety, between the stiff Z- virtuoso, and quished; consequently, it was now his turn she whose virtue sits as easily upon her as to pay: he accordingly slipped his hand smiles do upon a coquette.* into his pocket, with perfect sang froid, to satisfy the demand of his opponent; but, suddenly contracting his brows into a frown, he exclaimed, Egad, some of the nimble-figured ones has been making clean work here; the deuce a stiver is left; my pocket is here sure enough, but where is my money? Well, Rosely is a cursed rascally place, to be sure; one would almost require to have eyes in their to keep their own; but there is no cure like patience for misfortune; as the saying is, we must look about us for time to come.”Here he ended his harangue. I felt some-. thing like pity for the fellow, till I was informed by some who knew him, that he was a notorious sharper, who, to rid him,

Rosely town is of itself a contemptible place. A few houses are all that support the name, and these are built without the least regard to regularity. But the landlords of ale houses, in the surrounding towns and villages, had erected tents upon the ground, for the purpose of furnishing refreshments for such as wanted them, and means of inebriety to those who wished to engage in Bacchanalian orgies.

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The votary of Bacchus sips sweets from the vintage Until its meanderings pervades every pore; His body's a barrel; his pocket's a mintage, That oftimes is drain'd to pay a sweet score.' As the tipplers emerged from these canvass suttling houses, and joined the crowd, the pleasure and enjoyment which pre-self from his present dilemma, had trumped vailed on the former part of the day, gave place to the nonsensical hiccups of inebriety. Rings were formed, and pugilistic exhibitions began to predominate over every other. As neither the Doctor nor

up the present story. When I contrasted this account with his own indifference at his pretended loss, I was fully persuaded, that it was the true representation of his character; and, in unison with this conviction, I was initiated, we now consulted our I exchanged pity for disdain, and darting safety in an honourable retreat. As we a look of it indignantly at him, the Doc. were leaving the field, we witnessed a dis-tor and I left the field. "


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play of science between a noisy fellow, of The day was, by this time, pretty far the name of Moffat, a native of WThe sky which had been and another whom the Doctor did not hitherto serene, lowered, and copious know. The eyes of the latter were in showers of rain presented a striking condeep mournings. Moffat was the favourite trast to the finery of the morning. The of the fancy, and two to one upon his head few houses in Rosely were soon crowded was resounded with stentorian lungs from to excess, and candidates for admission be

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Some of my readers may probably suppose that I am over colouring the picture, but the very reverse of this is the case. Were I to do my present subject justice, I would, at least, occupy one number of the Melange; but as I have no stomach for this kind of work, I have only taken a superficial view of some of the leading peculiarities of Rosely Fair, without hinting at the extensive traffic that is carried on by men, from almost every part of the kingdom. Besides these, all the itinerant vaga, Londs, from Johnny Grot's house to lands end, float about like locusts in Egypt, loaded with their portable puppy-shows, rowly powlies, wheels of fortune, money tables, dice boxes, and dancing dogs.


together, each party had their separate topics of discussion. Hence the clamour arising from all rendered it intolerable. Quarrels had taken place, and fights ensued. The face of the clock was broken, for na other fault, I suppose, than that of marking the progress of time. Tinkers, ballad singers, and dray men surrounded the fire, and enjoyed themselves in their own way, as well as the best. We beat our march through the whole, safely reached Wan, and reeled to bed as Chanticleer was proclaiming the next dawning morn. AMICUS.


sieged the doors; into one of these, the Doctor and I found means to force a passage within, all was noise and bustle. We were in the downer flat; the loft above us was trembling with a load of dancers. As dancing was congenial to the temperament of my friend, he must needs be aloft; I followed him. He had one particular advantage over many, namely, that of suiting himself to the humours of the different companies into which choice or necessity might lead him. Were I to do justice to his character, I would, for this night at least, classify him among the amorous; but his success in the prosecution of this character was a little more questionable than his right to the title. He did indeed ogle most wickedly, and tipped the wink with easy debonair; but some cursed A man of notorious celebrity in the rival undeviatingly interposed between him annals of smuggling, and whose name and the object of his desires; till at last, by dint of fair battery, he gained a dulci- was Johnson, had, by some extraor She was richly dressed, and possessed dinary excrtions, escaped from a prison tolerable symmetry of form; but her face in London, in 1803. He fled to the pardon me, my dear Florida, I must be continent, and principally resided in candid to the eye of a superficial observer-Flushing. On the commencement of it met with a disaster somewhat analogous hostilities, this man was arrested by to that of Rollas, when he crept quietly out of his skin; but the Doctor was satis-order of the French Government, and fied, and pr'ythee, what occasion had I to conveyed to a prison at Boulogne: he be otherwise? But after all, the theoreti- was accused of having piloted the cal part of any thing is easier than the British fleet to the Helder, during the practical. I have a good deal of owlish late war. gravity blended in my features, but not so much as could keep them to the grave side, when this non-delicate began to recount the number of her admirers, and their devotedness to her service.


Who span'd her waist, and who, where'er he came,
Scrawl'd upon glass Florida's lovely name:
Who stole her slipper, fill'd it with tokay,

In a few days after Johnson was lodged in confinement, a marine officer (who, for some time past, had been sedulously employed in obtaining British pilots) called upon him, and, after some preliminary observations, entered upon the chief ob

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And drank the little bumper every day. Cowper.ject of his mission. I am told,' said She observed the bent of my muscles, the officer, you are well acquainted and resented it by indignantly pouting with the opposite coast." I know with her lips, and, for aught I know, inwardly contented herself with parodising every sounding and creek,' replied one of Esop's fables, in the following man- Johnson; and what then?' ner: You Scottish dog, I see you look my good friend,' continued the visiupon the fruit as if it were sour; and why tor, if you will engage to pilot a cerso? because you cannot get at it; no, that tain division of the French fleet to the you cannot, though you stood upon longer | legs than those which support your little British coast, and conduct yourself on fabric. However, as I before said, the that occasion with fidelity, I am diDoctor was content, and shuffled away, rected to say, a general pardon will till his legs almost tottered below him. not only be granted to you, but an We now thought of bending our steps

back to Wan, and accordingly de- ample provision settled upon you dur scended. All there, was noise and confu-ing the remainder of your life. The sion. All were indiscriminately blended answer of this virtuous delinquent

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should never be forgotten.
plied Johnson, I have not been
kindly used by my country; but,
withstanding that, I cannot be a trai-
tor. I consider your proposal, Sir,
as an insult, and treat it with the dis-
dain it merits. The officer admiring N
his principles and resolution, endea-
voured to soothe him into a com-

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nor sermon.

Your most humble servant,

6 S. C.'

Now, my dear, this account has given me a great deal of concern and apprehension, that I may have been offending you in a similar manner, in so much, that on reading the letter, and the remarks which precede and follow it, I resolved never to look at

pliance, which Johnson observing, very calmly said to him, Do not endeavour, Sir, to render me a villain in my own estimation; indeed, were I to undertake the treason you propose, But on farther considerayou more. I am confident that, in the hour of tion, it occurred to me that there trial, my heart would guide me to my were many aggravations in the conduty, and I should betray you. This duct of the Starer above complained roused the Frenchman, who exclaimed, of, which I was not guilty of For Then, villain, you shall die. With example, I do not, like him, stand my heart,' said Johnson; and in a tone of voice highly expressive of his determination, said The sooner the better-I am prepared-I have no fayour to ask but one-over my grave let it be written, in legible characters,



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Who scorned to betray his country.'

TO MISS A—. DEAR MADAM, The other day, when perusing a volume of the Spectator, I observed the following letter:

upon any place, nor am I the head taller than any in the congregation; neither do I gaze at you during the prayer, and seldom at the time of the psalmody. My glances, too, are of so secret a nature, that, with the exception of one young lady, whom' I sometimes suspect you have set as a watch upon me, no body but yourself is privy to them. In this important point, long practice has made me remarkably expert. I do not, like some inexperienced in the science of optics, lift my eyes off the minister, and directly cast them upon you; but, when I am disposed to I am, Sir, a member of a small pious have a look at you, I generally first congregation, near one of the north gates lull the suspicion of the audience, by of this city. Much the greater part of us indeed are females, and used to conduct casting about with my eyes along the ourselves in a regular attentive manner, roof and walls of the church, and detill very lately one whole isle has been dis-scending, I take a general view of turbed with one of those set of men whom all the faces in the gallery, and by this I choose to denominate Starers; that, withmeans receive a glimpse of yours, the out any regard to time, place, or modesty, frequently are known to disturb large com- most beautiful and interesting of the panies with their impertinent eyes. He whole, as it were, by the way, which is the head taller than any in the church; is a sufficient reward for all my trouble. but, for the greater advantage of exposing At other times, for it would be danhimself, stands upon a tiptoe, and commands


the whole congregation, to the great an-gerous not to vary my stratagems, I noyance of the devouter part of the audi- make my starting-post a tall, lean,

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