
No summer sun had ripened my hopes; the clouds of evening were beginning to and the harvest in which they might have assume a duskier hue, and met many a been reaped, found them blighted and weary peasant returning homeward from withered. The fairy visions of boyhood the toils of the day. I never thought their had been dissipated-the fervour of youth stare so rude, and thought they gazed upon was already frozen by disappointment; and me with more than the interest of common I almost felt the sickening of age sinking curiosity. Their glance distressed me down upon my frame, without daring to their presence broke in upon the train of hope for the pleasures of manhood, since my meditations, and went well nigh to all for which I lived, seemed to have faded dissipate the melancholy I was anxious to from my grasp. Every thing with which court. I turned into a path which went I was surrounded, furnished food for my round the village; and, in order to prolong melancholy musing; and I walked pen-my walk, I took this circuitous route to the sively forward, in the sad and solitary en-house of my friends. Here, still all was joyment of the scene. The withered leaves silent and lonely, and my thoughts became rustled drearily among my feet, and aye as gloomy to a degree of painfulness. My another dropped, it vibrated on my ear previous melancholy became heightened, with a melancholy sound. The wind for I was approaching the sanctuary of whistled over my head with a gentle moan- the dead-I was within a few paces of that, ing, and swept the fragments of summer at all times interesting object, but doubly beauty softly before it. I saw the verdure more so in the present state of my feelings of the forest now made the sport of the a village church-yard. breeze, and thought that the wind sometimes lifted up the rustling leaves, and tossed them about in very wantonness. It is thus that folly sports with misfortune, and 'pride laughs over the desolation of ruin.

It was seated on a spot of peculiar beauty. Nature around it, was dressed in the garb of her utmost simplicity, and yet there was about it something venerable. The small grey church, unadorned, and of the rudest handywork-the hamlets of the lonely peasant, and a few tall, thinly scattered trees composed the group. There was a large, wide-spreading plane tree, under whose shade I had often sat in boyhood; and I now approached it to look upon the grave of a friend, for which its branches formed a canopy. As I came near, I saw a person sitting upon the neatly carved stone; and the increasing darkness of the evening prevented me from making the discovery till it was too late to retreat. My heart smote me: I felt that I had intruded on the sanctuary of affliction; and as he lifted up his head, I saw pictured upon his countenance the traces of sorrow. His face was pale and haggard; despondency seem.

The range of my prospect comprehended an open champaign country, beautifully diversified by a variety of interesting objects. There was a meandering river, that flowed in many a 'winding over the space below me. Across it was thrown an airy bridge, that added neatness to its beauty. I followed the course of the stream till a gentle eminence hid it from my view, and then I turned my eyes to a ruined tower -once the seat of arms-now no sound but the croaking of the rooks; and the turf was fast spreading over the halls of revelry. I walked onward, and sighed as I looked upon the stripped and blackened branches of a plantation, and with sorrow upon the elegant, but methought comfortless dwelling that was placed in the midsted to be weighing down his frame. He of it. The sight of the works of man somehow jarred with my feelings, and I looked upon the superb and costly pile, as a blot upon the scene. It was the residence of wealth and pride, and I turned my eyes away. I had not advanced far before the streams of curling smoke, which I saw ascending, reminded me that the village to which I wished to go, was almost at hand. I rather wished to shun the haunts of man. So isolated had my thought been from the world, that I cared not to hasten to the kind embrace of the relatives that were waiting to receive me. I approached, as

scarcely seemed of middle age, but sorrow appeared to have made greater ravages upon his countenance than time. Notwithstanding his woe-begone looks, enhanced perhaps by the darkness that was fast spreading around us, he exhibited features of great expression-a complexion uncommonly dark-quick, large hazel eyes, that seemed capable of glancing fire, but now bedimmed with sorrow-eye brows uncommonly dark, and finely arched. All this I had an opportunity of seeing. I was struck with his appearance, and stood still. I heard him sigh. He spoke, and his voice

Still her

rushed upon my ear with the accents of a well, and trembled. He was indeed above friend. Austin!' I exclaimed, and in-disguise; and she knew him not so much stantly I felt the grasp of one whom I had from what she saw of his conduct, as from not seen for six long years, and whom I what he himself told her, when deploring had fancied dead. The joy of our meeting the influence of his unhappy temper. was damped, soon as we had leisure to re- His candour gave her hope; and while flect, on the spot on which it had taken she lamented the exceeding warmth of place. Why,' says Austin, should I his temperament, she did much to corhave returned to my native land? In rect it. She really had much power my sojourn with strangers, there was but over him; and I anticipated from their one image that haunted my soul-the connexion much remaining happiness to thought of my Jessie, and the displeasure my friend. But the violence of his in which we parted—that displeasure temper frequently burst the bonds of which drove me from my home, and which prudence and restraint, and nullified all continued to depress my spirits. her efforts. Still she bore with him image cheered me amid all the ills of life; applied many gentle corrections, and and fondly I cherished the idea that I tried to make him happy. I knew that a might yet return, and that again we might rupture had taken place between them, immeet in peace; but it is all over, and mediately before the departure of Austin; nought, now remains for me but to weep but well as I knew him, I never imagined over her grave.' that the one was the cause of the other.I saw Jessie frequently after the departure of Austin; and the circumstances which she told me had led to the breach between them, I might have imagined capable of rousing the irascible nature of my friend; but could scarcely imagine that they would have led to more serious results, His departure, I was inclined to attribute to some other cause-his silence was inexplicable. I saw that the lovely and accomplished Jessie mourned over his waywardness, and sighed in sorrow for his fate. Notwithstanding her knowledge of Austin's nature, she had fondly thought she might be happy with him, and would willingly have undertaken the task of making his better nature triumph over his passion. By his sudden disappearance, all her hopes were blasted. she at last sunk under it; and two years afterwards she fell the victim of premature decay.

On the spot where we now stood, was buried a young lady whom Austin had loved; and with whom I knew he had quarrelled immediately before his departure. The circumstances under which he went away, were a mystery to his friends-he only made arrangements for the remittance of the income of his patrimony to North America-no one knew the cause of his disappearance, and no word had ever been heard of him. However, I rejoiced at his return, and endeavoured to soothe his grief; but all my efforts at consolation only made his wounds bleed afresh.No!' says he, it is all in vain. The reasons of my departure were known to no one; and none can know the agony which a reflection on the rash step has occasioned me. I acted from the impulse of blind impetuous passion-and bitterly have I lived to repent it.'

I had known Austin well. He had been my school-fellow, and he afterwards, became my friend. He was possessed of many amiable qualities, but passionate and irritable to the highest degree. When his feelings were roused, he became ungovernable; alike heedless of the dictates of his own reason, or the counsels of his friends. I had often cause to lament this foible of a noble mind, and more than once warned him of the danger. But it was all in vain. He was carried along, the sport of passions; and a circumstance often agitated his soul with the fury of the tempest, that would not have ruffled the surface of a firmer bosom. He loved, and his love was returned; but the object of his affection knew him

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When I looked upon Austin, and saw his grief, every feeling of resentment for the folly of his conduct vanished, I but mourned the result of his rashness, and endeavoured to soothe his woe. I led him away from the spot coupled with so many melancholy associations. He did nothing but sigh-he turned a melancholy look upon it as we passed away, and uttered a broken exclamation. I once thought she loved,' he at last said, and when the severity with which she treated me, made me believe she did not, there was nothing in life worth living for. I fled from the home of my fathers, and became an exile. I have cros sed the ocean-I have traversed deserts→→ I have plunged into forests, wild and un

known-I have climbed the mountain, and, horror-my hopes and joys all fled. No made myself dizzy on the brink of the pre- longer loved by my Jessie, I seized my cipice, as well as endeavoured to drown pen, and poured out the full tide of my my care amid the din of riot and dissipa- indignation. I told her that she might tion; but my brain was burned up my have excluded me from her love, but that spirits were harassed and consumed; but our long intimacy might at least have enstill I loved her her image still haunted titled me to the respect of friendship, and me, and peace no where was mine. I re- protected me from insult; but that since turned-my pride was bent; and I was it had not done so, I abjured her for ever. determined to humble myself before her. Sure she did not know the sacrifice that it Would to God I had done it before I went cost me: I did not know it myself—it was away! But I thought she had insulted the frustration of my fondly cherished and spurned me, I thought she could not hopes, and was the death blow of my peace. have loved me, and treated me thus se- Well do I remember the answer she reverely; but O! why did I not become a turned-it was full of that dignity and insuppliant at her feet-I must have melted dependance which were the finest features in her to compassion.' As he spoke his looks her character. She requested me to burn became wild; but we walked slowly for- it, but I preserved it in my bosom, and ward, and he became more calm. He have often blotted it with my tears. It, then told me, that his resentment had been and a small ringlet of her hair, which I roused by the severity with which Jessie stole when she was all unconscious of what had treated one of his slight indiscretions. I did, have been my only solace in adverI told him that she had done it for his sity, and they are all that now remains of good; that it was only one of her attempts her. She told me that she had reviewed to tame his spirit. She returned your love, her conduct, and could not discover where Austin-she was constant and sincere she had acted wrong; that she must ever you sported with her feelings, while she consider the manner in which I had acted was fondly endeavouring to mollify yours. as extremely rude-that she could not soShe loved you to the last, and she breathed licit the return of a friendship I had seen her spirit away in a prayer for your wel-it fit to withdraw on so slight an occasion; fare. He gave a convulsive sob.

Obut, she added, that the person who would call himself her friend, and at the same time trample on all the forms of friendship, was unworthy of that place. On the receipt of this, I became delirious. In six days the shores of my native land were fast fading from my view-and it was but yesterday that witnessed my return.'

God,' he exclaimed; and shook with the violence of his agitation. 'W-m,' he said, 'hear me I knew that I had incurred her displeasure-I knew it, and was willing to bear it. There was one evening, just as I had my hat in my hand to go and visit her, and with my mind made up to bear her reproof, I received from her a card which I thought contained a stern and severe reprobation of my conduct.Well do I remember the night. It was that night I had refused to accompany you to a scene of festivity, for I had intended to spend it with my Jessie. I instantly rushed into your presence-you saw my agitation; but I refused to explain the cause. What a night we spent: well indeed did I merit the appellation you gave me of madman-but I was wretched till my senses were lost in the delirium of intoxication. I awoke to the reality of my

Austin seemed to be relieved of a load as soon as he had ceased speaking. He spoke with difficulty-I felt him becoming more and more feeble, I thought from fatigue. I got him conveyed to the house of my friend, and then saw that disease was preying upon his frame. He never again rose from the bed in which he was placed a violent fever boiled in his veins. In fourteen days he was buried on the spot where we met, after having bequeathed the remnant of his little patrimony to the mother of his Jessie.

Denny, October, 1822.

A. W.



The entrance of James into his capital, was celebrated by a splendid pageant; the style of which, probably contributed not a little to give a fixed

Scottish Kings, from Fergus I. ap peared to welcome him as the living representative of their manifold virtue.


*i:wv I


ascendancy to that inherent vanity of AN AUTHENTIC ANECDOTE, RELATED BY M. character, of the effects of which Buchanan was so justly apprehensive.

The return of the victorious Rus-

As he entered the West Port, a party sian army, which had conquered Finof masks, representing a deputation of land, under the command of General the wise men of the east, hailed him Buxhovden, was attended with a ciras a second Solomon, come to bless cumstance which, it is true, has at all the Nations. The story of the two times been usual in the train of large women striving for the child was then armies, but which naturally took place represented, to signify to the people to a much greater extent in these high the surprising wisdom which they northern latitudes, where the hand of might expect to find in the decrees of man has so imperfectly subdued the their young sovereign. As he ad- original savageness of the soil Whole vanced, Love presented him with the droves of famished bears and wolves keys of the city; Peace harangued him followed the troops on their return to in the language of Arcadia; Plenty offer- the south, to feed on the chance prey ed him congratulations in that of Cam- afforded by the carcases of the artilpania; and Justice, as a more home-lery and baggage horses that dropped bred deity, told him, in plain Scotch, on the road. In consequence of this, 'how unco glad she was to see him.' the province of Esthonia, to which His Majesty then repaired to St. Giles's several regiments directed their march, church, where Religion made a solemn address to him in Hebrew; after which, a worthy divine expounded, in a short sermon of two hours and a half, the causes, circumstances, and consequences of the distressed state of the kingdom of Israel, that is to say, the modern kingdom of Israel, inhabited by that chosen people of God, the Scotch. After serman, his majesty repaired to the market cross, where he found Bacchus bestriding a hogshead, and distributing bumpers of wine among the people, while the trumpets sounded, and the multitude helped to rend the air with shouts. The King then descended the High-street, towards the ancient palace of Holyrood; as he entered which, the shades of all the

was so overrun with these animals, as
greatly to endanger the safety of tra-
vellers. Hence, in a single circle of
the government, no less than forty per-
sons of different ages were enumerated,
who had been devoured during the
winter by these ravenous beasts. It
became hazardous to venture alone
and unarmed into the uninhabited parts
of the country; nevertheless, an Es-
thonian countrywoman boldly under-
took a journey to a distant relation,
not only without any male companion,
but with three children, the youngest
of which was still at the breast.
light sledge, drawn by one horse, re-
ceived the little party; the way was
narrow, but well beaten, the snow on
each side deep and impassable, and to


turn back, without danger of sticking fast, not to be thought of.

infant to her heaving bosom, she casts a look on her boy, four years The first half of the journey was old, who crowds closer and eloser to passed without accident. The road her knee: But, dear mother, I am now ran along the skirts of a pine good, am not I? You will not throw forest, when the traveller suddenly me into the snow, like the bawler ?* perceived a suspicious noise behind And yet! and yet!' cried the her. Casting back a look of alarm, wretched woman, in the wild tumult she saw a troop of wolves trotting of despair- Thou art good, but God along the road, the number of which is merciful!-Away!' The dreadful her fears hindered her from estimating. deed was done. To escape the furies To escape by flight is her first thought; that raged within her, the woman and, with unsparing whip, she urges exerted herself, with powerless lash, into a gallop the horse, which itself to accelerate the gallop of the exhaustsnuffs the danger. Soon a couple of ed horse. With the thick and gloomy the strongest and most hungry of the forest before and behind her, and the beasts appear at her side, and seem nearer and nearer tramping of her disposed to stop the way. Though ravenous pursuers, she almost sinks their intention seems to be only to under her anguish ; only the recollecattack the horse, yet the safety both of tion of the infant that she holds in her the mother and of the children depends arms-only the desire to save it, ocon the preservation of the animal. cupies her heart, and with difficulty The danger raises its value; it seems enables it to bear up. She did not entitled to claim for its preservation venture to look behind her. All at an extraordinary sacrifice. As the once, two rough paws are laid on her mariner throws overboard his richest shoulders, and the wide-open bloody treasures to appease the raging waves, jaws of an enormous wolf hung over so here has necessity reached a height her head. It is the most ravenous at which the emotions of the heart are beast of the troop, which having partly dumb before the dark commands of missed its leap at the sledge, is dragged instinct; the latter alone suffers the along with it, in vain seeking with its unhappy woman to act in this dis- hinder legs for a resting place, to entress. She seizes her second child, able it to get wholly on to the frail whose bodily infirmities have often vehicle. The weight of the body of made it an object of anxious care, the monster draws the woman backwhose cry even now offends her ear, wards-her arms rise with the child: and threatens to whet the appetite of half torn from her, half abandoned, it the blood-thirsty monsters-she seizes becomes the prey of the ravening beast, it with an involuntary motion, and which hastily carries it off into the before the mother is conscious of forest. Exhausted, stunned, sensewhat she is doing, it is cast out and less, she drops the reins, and continues enough of the horrid tale! The last her journey, ignorant whether she is cry of the victim still sounded in her delivered from her pursuers. ear, when she discovered that the troop, which had remained some minutes behind, again closely pressed on the sledge. The anguish of her soul increases, for again the murder-breathing forms are at her side. Pressing the

Meantime the forest grows thinner, and an insulated farm-house, to which a side road leads, appears at a moderate distance. The horse, left to itself, follows this new path: it enters through an open gate; panting and foaming, it

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